Why Sir Starmer and Macron's idea of playing
superpower is stupidity with serious consequences?
By Sir Charlattam
If anything
was needed to demonstrate the resounding failure of the Atlanticist adventure
in Ukraine, it was a clear and forceful political episode to expose it, and
that was the scandalous discussion between Volodomyr Zelensky and Donald Trump
in the White House Oval Room, no less.
But beyond this diplomatic scandal, there is a reality
on the battlefield that cannot be ignored despite the bluster and insults of
Kiev's neo-Nazi hierarch. It seems an irony of life, or rather of contemporary
history, that an Ashkenazi Jew (like Benjamin Netanyahu and many of his
ministers) leads a junta of neo-Nazis who after that meeting has shown that
arrogance and verbal incontinence that Hitler suffered from and demonstrated in
his speeches.
Even these personal traits of the Ukrainian leader
translate and more than translate into his desperate measures to prevent his
downfall, such as forcibly recruiting and if necessary kidnapping as many young
people as possible to roam the streets of Ukrainian ‘democracy’. Obviously the
big Atlanticist pimps in the West and especially those who swarm in the
Argentine media (and most particularly in the Autonomous City), this is neither
seen nor talked about.
Despite their desire to cover their noses to avoid
smelling the stench of such political decomposition, beyond the silence of
these media mercenaries, Zelensky and his regime have been exposed to millions
of people around the world who no longer doubt the political nature of what he
While villages, towns and cities are falling day by
day and his forces are retreating to avoid being pulverised, the ‘Führer’
Zelensky does not accept the facts and like his German counterpart in the
supposedly defeated Third Reich, he orders to continue fighting, obviously, ‘to
the last drop of blood’ of his unwary citizens, ratifying the twisted
commitment of the senile Joe Biden. If he has not been overthrown by his own
officers or his own people, it is because his entire personal security
apparatus and intelligence dependents are under the direct control of the
Americans and the British (CIA, MI5 and MI6) and this has certainly not changed
despite alleged cuts in US cooperation.
Apparently, after the alleged fight in the White
House, the Americans have apparently cut off the supply of arms and strategic
support, but that remains to be seen. There are too many interests in this war
to believe that Trump can throw away billions of dollars on such a deal. Those who, taking advantage of these circumstances, have rushed to try
to regain their old imperialist and colonialist glories are the British and the
French who, despite their mutual skulduggery and animosities, have mobilised
the shipment of war material as a sign of unconditional support for the ‘Führer’
in Kiev.
Starmer and Macron must have believed that this was
their moment and that is why they dispatched a ship with equipment and weapons
which, after being tracked by Russian intelligence, was attacked and sunk by
Iskander-M missiles just as it arrived in the port of Odessa, causing
consternation and a headache that both will conceal very well. Of course, this was not even a rumour commented on by the BBC or France
Press, where any fact that reveals casualties or serious losses involving their
governments is treated as ‘Russian propaganda’.
The operation was part of the start of a very
ambitious (if also very risky) attempt to give substance to a joint plan (in
which Ursula Von Der Leyen and Kallas are fascinated) to replace US military
support with an obviously British and French-led ‘European legion’. It would
not even be surprising if these embarked weapons bore a logo representative of
such a society.
His move was intended to give material support to Kiev
and, no doubt, explicit political support at a time when Donald Trump
humiliatingly snubbed Kiev's ‘Führer’. This show of solidarity cost him a few
million pounds, which British taxpayers will pay for with further tax hikes and
energy restrictions.
With this shift and since Donald Trump made it clear
that he would end the country's defence spending in Europe, Keir Starmer has
been in tune with the announced 2.5% increase in Britain's military budget by
2027 as a way of countering this. But while this represents a heavy strain on
its already stretched economy, it does not solve the problems of operational
inefficiency, let alone catch up with Russian forces.
Therefore, Starmer's bluster about offering the army
and probably the Royal Navy to cover the forces that the Americans have already
stopped sending is at the very least wishful thinking and nonsense for
Britain's own subjects who are not in the mood to go and fight a war that is
not only alien, but could end in nuclear escalation.