sábado, 7 de agosto de 2021



New clues point to a hypothesis that emerged from US researchers denying the federal government's version of the origin of the COVID pandemic in 2019.Will there be the corresponding investigations by Congress?

Por Dany Smith

New clues point to a hypothesis that emerged from US researchers denying the federal government's version of the origin of the COVID pandemic in 2019.Will there be the corresponding investigations by Congress?

Since the alleged first outbreak of the SARS-COV, better known as COVID 19, was made public in the city of Wuhan, China, the western media did not stop talking about the "Chinese virus", the pangolin, the bats and the responsibilities of the People's Republic for the unleashing of this plague. As often happens, nothing new under the sun. It is known that the media in the West, and particularly those in South America, are subordinate to the editorial of the guidelines in Washington, therefore, if they shout something there, those below will replicate it as an echo.

With regard to Argentines, the rule does not change, and as their colleagues in the region do, they repeat at the bottom of the letter the story of the north.

But despite this, regional public opinion has evolved to such an extent that these "media" that impose seriousness and a flowery commitment to the truth, today have a pitiful degree of credibility, something that shows a severe crisis for the business of the information that has not even been able to be alleviated with the robotic editors of the big American media. A matter as delicate and sinister as this, which has cost the lives of thousands of inhabitants of this dangerous world, should have been treated with the greatest impartiality possible, but financial commitments always come first.

Two years after that event, new elements come to light today that add to those that we had previously exposed referring to the artificiality of the "virus" and that very lightly the governments with the machinery of disinformation of the media pointed their fingers against raw food and bats for consumption sold in a public market in Wuhan. Let's not even forget that as soon as the treatment of this began, in the United States some contradictions came to light in the Sinophobic version that emanated from some White House officials. That was enough to accuse the Chinese, for their eating habits and customs, of being responsible for this pandemic. This opened the door to all kinds of "science fiction" speculations that had their five minutes of fame and they, with unreliable participation from the WHO, were aired from the rooftops by western media conglomerates with the sole intention of emphasizing 24 hours a day and seven days a week that the "virus had emerged in China."

Among other consequences that we saw in the West for this stigmatizing story and that was expressed very strongly in the US was the "Sinophobia" which is hatred against the Chinese and that cost many citizens of this origin to be insulted, beaten or even killed by Western citizens convinced of the official account.

Here in Buenos Aires, nobody knew a damn about what was happening between the US and China, but as always, it was enough to nod to the biased speculations of CNN and its spectrum colleagues. Perhaps the economists who have their bank accounts outside of Argentina were aware of the commercial tensions that were on the rise between the two actors, but even they were not informed of the darker circumstances surrounding the conflict. From there, any simple opinionologist or journalists made this a simple tabloid show of terror.

The conflict between the US and China is beyond trade. During the administration of Donald Trump, they tried by all means to harm Asian policies by printing trade sanctions and tariffs on products seeking markets throughout the American continent. Another of the democratic features that characterize the US. Likewise, that did not have the expected success and from then on other plans were drawn up to try to ruin Chinese expansionism. Another big problem for the US is undoubtedly the constant Chinese technological advance (despite some limitations in the access of certain implements) that became public with the development of intrusion-proof Software for mobile telephony from "Huawei" (due to the CIA and NSA), of the 5G that has been giving so many questions in Great Britain, especially and the most worrying thing, the successful development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) called “AlphaGo” that could put the military area in trouble for the Pentagon. The Chinese model that combines an omnipresent one-party state that allows private investment for public developments has proven against other examples that it is a mix that can work very well if there are rules that are enforced.

Under the direction of the state, megaprojects based on medium-term technological developments to modernize the country had moderate successes, but ultimately successful. The very idea that China continues to work to reach 2025 with greater improvements in the area of ​​science and technology greatly worries the US and its partners.

In the feverish heads of the bureaucrats in Washington with Donald Trump at the head (permeable to the most ineffable and delusional ideas) and his dark personal advisers -the same ones who suggested to him to assassinate the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and the nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh- began to ruminate on questions such as How do we stop the Chinese without them realizing that it was us? The answer had to include some means or weapon that was invisible and, if possible, invisible to the eyes.

One of the closest and most influential advisers to President Trump was undoubtedly his son-in-law, the young Zionist Jared Kushner, who lived conspiring in the office next to his father-in-law's living room. His contacts as dark as Kushner himself could have provided whatever he wanted, as long as there was a long-awaited reward. That was not a problem for Trump, who was used to speaking in that language in which the exchange of favors and perks mean money. Here the homeland (Homeland) or the values ​​of democracy do not count and this had already been the case since before the Bush neocons took power in 2000.

"We have the elements and surprise on our side", his advisers would have suggested, "we just need the right time and place." And that was a massive event with massive public assistance that would take place precisely in Wuhan. The military world games that would take place between October 18-27, 2019 would be the opportunity to execute the coup. Coincidentally that same October 18 in New York while the contingent of the United States Army settled in China, at the Melinda-Bill Gates Foundation and under the auspices of The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum. "Event 201" was carried out, a very peculiar computer simulation that was only visible to a select invited audience. In this event, the socio-economic and political effect that a "pandemic" would produce on a global scale was recreated, something that would be replicated almost trampoline a year later. Coincidence?

Representatives of the CIA but not official officials of the federal government were present at this private event created by supposedly purely scientific interests. Why?

This would not be of importance if other strange events that occurred within the United States and not China had occurred previously and contemporaneously. A few months before these events, in the Washington district about 30 kilometers north of the capital in the laboratories of "Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare" (Chemical Warfare) there would have been a contaminant leak that ended up affecting all the personnel of the base. That fact passed discreetly through the media and did not go beyond the superficial knowledge of the local population of Maryland.

According to US sources, in June 2019 several cases of a kind of influenza were detected that affected the military and civilian personnel of "Fort Detrick" located in Maryland, where those laboratories for chemical and bacteriological warfare were coincidentally located. We say that they were located since after this incident the facilities would have been dismantled by the government and secretly moved other laboratories in universities in the country. The outbreak that was considered an influenza was so strong that by August of that year they had to seal the base and isolate the infected. Now, was it an accidental leak or was it a faulty handling of a biological agent made there that produced it? And if the latter was the case, for what or under what circumstances were these agents manipulated?

It is known that the US since the beginning of 2000 has patented a series of viruses elaborated in its biowar laboratories (which it euphemistically calls Biodefense) and which coincidentally are of the name SARS that demolishes the imposed surprise of North American officials before the appearance of SARS-COV2. One of the most prominent of these officials is Dr. Anthony Fauci, who despite his face of surprise and concern was during the Reagan and Bush administrations part of the costly biological weapons programs, which are still available in hot days their arsenals.

It was within this particular framework that the government of Donald Trump authorized the participation of the army in the military games that would take place in China.

Among the 369 army personnel who were sent to the Wuhan military games in October 2019, some of those infected in Fort Detrick would have gone who, without visible symptoms, continued to carry the biological agent within their bodies. Sources claim that the US delegation stayed very close to the seafood market where the first Chinese cases would later be reported. There is even another version that indicates that within the delegation there was only one of those troops with symptoms of COVID and which had the particularity of being a "super contagious", a phenomenon of certain organizations that we would later see in other countries. By October 28, the entire US delegation returned to the US and two weeks after that date, the first cases of COVID were registered in Wuhan, spreading uncontrollably in December. The rapid and organized mobilization of the Chinese security forces in Santiago prevented this from becoming uncontrollable, something that those who observed the events did not expect. For Chinese government officials like Foreign Minister Zhao Lijian, “the US brought the epidemic to Wuhan.”

If this was so, it was a diabolical maneuver that compromised even his own men-at-arms who were not infected and who were unaware of what was happening. It is clear that they all ended up infected, but their personal health situations and that of their families were under the strict control of their superiors and the US government. There would lie the impossibility of the government and the Chinese health establishments to find the so-called “zero case” Chinese in Wuhan simply, because its origin was not there.

Despite American democratic boastfulness, these questions greatly upset the Establishment in Washington both with Trump and currently with Biden. Both respond and are subordinate to these dark powers that govern the real policy of the Union without accounting for any of the constitutional springs of the federal state. Even Joe Biden's announcement to entrust the CIA and the intelligence community with the “investigation” of the origin of the SARS-COV known as “COVID-19” is clearly a contrived announcement since (and for those who do not know) This area of ​​governmental power is not dedicated precisely to being the auxiliary of justice and the law, but quite the opposite.

For any impartial observer, all these indications and the possibility of gathering evidence on the events that have been discussed here, it would be more than enough for the International Atomic Energy Agency or a special United Nations delegation to intervene to verify whether the US military installations They comply with the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons and even a high international court such as the International Court of Justice under the orbit of the UN or even the International Criminal Court, supervised by the EU, could act ex officio against these particularities. Likewise, and despite such pompous names, political realism prevails. And that these organizations have their loyalties firmly held by the monies that support them and it will be very difficult for some of them “to rattle the cat”.



domingo, 1 de agosto de 2021



Cuál es el rol del estado nación en la actualidad y en particular en la Argentina. El eterno problema de un estado caro e ineficiente.

Por Javier B. Dal

Hablar hoy día de términos como el “estado liberal”, “estado bienestar” o incluso del “estado nación” es un anacronismo ya que la actual situación de convulsión internacional ninguno de estos conceptos se adapta a esta realidad. La crisis creada por las políticas aislamiento fundadas en la pandemia y el papel central de las trasnacionales farmacéuticas occidentales para contenerla ha profundizado esta incertidumbre. Es por ello que cabe cuestionarse ¿Qué es el estado en las actuales circunstancias? O más precisamente y en lo que aquí nos importa ¿Qué es el estado en la Argentina?

A simple vista lo primero que se nos viene a la cabeza al hablar del estado es la “cosa pública”, una de las formas de organización política más difundidas del estado conocida como república y que desde hace tiempo en el marco de ambiciones de sectores internacionalistas por la búsqueda de establecer un estado global, el concepto clásico del estado nación ha entrado en crisis por -entre otras cuestiones- haberse difuminado las fronteras entre lo publico y lo privado. Lo vemos con el estado norteamericano el cual sujeta con mano de hierro áreas públicas estratégicas como la política exterior y el Departamento del Tesoro dejando paso a la actividad privada en muchas otras como la defensa y la inteligencia no por una cuestión de costos económicos o de financiamiento sino más bien, para salvaguardar a ese estado público de costos políticos.

En el caso argentino, hablar de estado en las actuales circunstancias es hablar de uno que es único en el mundo y el que llamamos “estado planero”. Aclaramos que el término “planero” es un argentinismo que describe o hace alusión a los planes de ayuda que el estado a lo largo de décadas de políticas demagógicas y de un falso igualitarismo a miles de individuos que se hallan fuera del sistema. Estas políticas han convertido la ayuda social con sello gubernamental en un cronicismo perpetuo que ha terminado por generar masas generacionales de sujetos parasitarios que manejados por organizaciones “ad hoc”, solo viven del subsidio del estado sin estar obligados a dar una contra prestación por aquel. Este fenómeno autogenerado por las diversas gestiones políticas en Buenos Aires, tienen especial raigambre en todo el cono urbano bonaerense motivado por la importancia demográfica que implica la influencia y captación de los bolsones poblacionales (asentamientos y villas) a la hora de votar en las elecciones.

Con esto a la vista se hace claro que la sustentabilidad de este estado de cosas es imposible.

Aquí hace setenta años atrás el Teniente Coronel Juan Domingo Peron sembró las semillas del primer estado bienestar que tuvo su hora propicia a la luz de la pos guerra cuando el mundo necesitaba del trigo y las materias primas que el suelo argentino podía ofrecer a una Europa destruida y hambrienta que necesitaba renacer de las cenizas.  De ese estado ya no queda nada. Si bien Peron y su primer gobierno volcaron parte de los recursos que se hallaban en las arcas del estado para mejorar el área social y desarrollar una industria nacional (como SOMISA y los Altos Hornos Zapla), los intentos posteriores por recrear esa épica han sido totalmente infructuosos. Cada uno de los gobiernos peronistas que lo precedieron desviaron la doctrina del partido a su mejor conveniencia y el manejo de los fondos para beneficiar a sus propios sectores que ya se fracturaban en izquierda y derecha con el consiguiente resultado nefasto para el país. El abuso de estas políticas llevó a un cáncer que fue carcomiendo a ese estado benefactor generando en fenómenos tales como la hiperinflación y creciente marginalidad. Incluso para cuando el gobierno radical llega al gobierno en 1983 ese estado ya no existía.

La pésima administración, la corrupción estructural y la ideologización del estado fue llevando a la pérdida del horizonte en lo referente al fin del estado como tal. Poco a poco ese estado elefanteaseo y deforme del cual se servían miles de funcionarios y empleados de servicios públicos ineficientes manejados por aquel (ENTEL, GAS DEL ESTADO, AGUAS SANITARIAS DE LA NACION y otras) paso a expandirse aún más con el ingreso progresivo de una renovada casta que bajo la legitimación del proceso democrático y arengando de constante las culpas de todos los males a los procesos militares anteriores, convirtieron al estado como el surtidor de beneficios, prebendas y puestos de trabajo para pagar compromisos políticos y favores personales.

El transito de un “peronismo neoliberal” en la década de los noventas pretendió achicar el estado disminuyendo sus incumbencias fomentando para ello la privatización de varias empresas que al final de cuentas, no solo no funcionó sino que amplió aún más los empleados a sueldo de ese estado. Sumado a ello, la penetración de capitales del crimen organizado internacional con las connivencias de éste pretendido “estado neoliberal” sembró la semilla para la financiación con dineros negros.

La democracia fue y sigue siendo el caballito de batalla de la casta política para escalar al poder y desde allí expoliar las arcas del estado y para evitar responder ante sus propias ineficacias. De izquierda pasando por el centro hasta la derecha se ha usado y abusado de los recursos del estado para beneficios meramente partidocráticos llevando que al presente no se sepa con certeza cuántos son los empleados que tiene el actual estado argentino y ello se multiplica en las realidades del interior de sus 24 provincias. Incluso, no se sabe cuántos son en realidad los empleados administrativos y políticos del Congreso de la nación que insume en costos de sueldos miles de millones de pesos.

Desde finales del siglo pasado y comienzos del presente el estado ha sumado a esta sangría de recursos que salen de los incontables impuestos que se cobran a sus ciudadanos una nueva masa de beneficiarios que surgidos de la crisis del 2001. Las conocidas como las organizaciones sociales que, bajo la máscara de prestar ayuda a los olvidados de la sociedad reclutando y conduciendo ejércitos de desclasados, insumen del presupuesto nacional la pavorosa cifra del 75% de los recursos tan solo para asistencia social.

El manejo de estos dineros queda a cargo de punteros políticos quienes hacen la vez de un híbrido entre un funcionario político y un representante popular que trabaja de forma paralela al estado (nacional, provincial y municipal) con la intensión de mantener cautivo un bolsón de votos para el partido que se halla gobernando. Tan poderosos se han vuelto estos engendros politizados que pueden llegar a movilizarse para presionar a un gobierno para que le paguen más subsidios.

Entre estos encontramos un sector que nacido de las eternas crisis socio-económicas que por la demagogia política del llamado “Kirchnerismo” también ha sido prácticamente institucionalizado como son las organizaciones de “piqueteros” que dedicados a bloquear calles y rutas se sabe, carecen de ideología y se alquilan al mejor postor. Miles de millones de pesos se destinan anualmente a sostener estas infraestructuras paralelas al estado que para peor, no presta ningún servicio al interés general de la nación.

¿Cuánto queda de ese presupuesto para la infraestructura, el desarrollo real del estado y para la administración razonable de un país federal tan grande como Argentina? La respuesta quedó bien clara tras desatarse la pandemia de SARS-COV en marzo de 2019 dejando en evidencia que ningún estamento del estado nacional y en especial el Ministerio de salud de la nación, estaba al tanto del origen, las verdaderas implicancias que este virus tenía y mucho menos, los entretelones geopolíticos que lo rodeaban. Y allí no terminó todo. Cuando aquello se vino encima, no funcionaron los controles ni las alertas estatales que debieron haber sellado las fronteras ¿Las razones? Falta de información por un abandono de la investigación científica y de planificación estratégica; por la falta recursos económicos y materiales que (en parte) se habían desviado por más de una década a sustentar a las organizaciones sociales que manejan esa masa ingente y nada productiva de asistidos crónicos que (sin educación ni perspectivas de progreso económico) ya han echado raíces en el estado partidocratico.

Totalmente inerme y con recursos pésimamente distribuidos, el estado nacional dejo en evidencia sus crasas falencias materiales al no poder organizar ni ejecutar un plan de control sanitario en todo el AMBA (Gran Buenos Aires) que es un área más allá del cono urbano que se agolpa en las periferias de la capital. Allí se desplegó al ejército que por las visibles carencias de equipos, transportes y vehículos para darle movilidad a las operaciones, dejó en evidencia el estado paupérrimo (producto de la pésima administración que implica una corrupción estructural) de una fuerza vital para la defensa de los intereses de una nación. Con esto, se ve que el estado argentino además de un peso propio para establecer negociaciones en el ámbito internacional, carece como estado del monopolio de la fuerza y es claro que esta a merced de cualquier clase de amenaza trasnacional.

Puertas adentro, vemos algo similar. Y pese a que durante la era K se armaron en cada municipio de la provincia de Buenos Aires (la más importante del país) cuerpos policiales paralelos a la policía bonaerense, la inseguridad no mermó y por el contrario y a la par del rampante incremento de la corrupción político-institucional, la inseguridad ha ido escalando de forma alarmante.

No solo el descontrol y desmanejo de los recursos monetarios es parte originador de este caos sino y lo peor, la descomposición del sistema educativo y una atomización de los valores socio-familiares que crea mayores rajaduras en una sociedad que de por sí se presenta anómica y sin valores en común que para peor no confía en la administración de justicia. Los argentinos debieran preguntarse ¿A quiénes conviene esto?

Quedando como un mero espectador bobo, un estado nacional como el argentino, administrado por un gobierno disgregado y un presidente sin autoridad (o más bien sin vocación o temor de impartirla), solo es un cuenco vacio en el que solo retumban los discursos huecos como el aquel que dice “el estado presente”. Del discurso a los hechos aquello quedo en evidencia. La impotencia de no saber como actuar ante una situación tan extraordinaria pero que era probable de que se desatara (si hubiera mantenido una estructura de inteligencia estratégica), demostró el enanismo del gobierno compuesto por funcionarios    que nunca funcionaron, que sumado a un estado desvencijado, dio como resultado una política de improvisación que ha llegado a que en las postrimerías de las próximas elecciones legislativas, las vacunas para conjurar esta pestilencia de laboratorio sea usada como un logro de las políticas de un estado que ni siquiera podía garantizar el transporte aéreo para ir a buscar las vacunas a los países que se la ofrecían.

El replanteo de como recrear un estado acorde al tamaño de un país como Argentina y de las actuales circunstancias sigue estando guardado en el cajón de los recuerdos.