The return of the club of the rich What are the plans for the post-pandemic agenda?


By Sir Charlattam

Since the beginning of time and since man became aware of the exercise of power over his fellow men, he was adopting the most bloody imaginative measures to impose his will on others. In this way, trade between distant towns expanded with the discovery of unexplored land routes and navigation, which also created enmities and wars. Trade is an expression of humanity that contributes to the development of peoples and as such was and continues to be the target of these tax practices. As commerce has expanded and made more complex due to great technological and scientific advances, so have its administrative organizations.

The two great world wars were set against the background of disputes between colonialist states for control of vital geographic spaces through which natural resources were exploited and through which strategic trade routes would pass or pass. The ideological and political foundations that adorned them (fascism, Nazism, liberalism and communism) were only a mask to justify these struggles.

With the establishment of the United Nations in 1945 and the creation of the World Trade Organization, an attempt was made to regulate the incumbencies of the countries regarding international trade, trying to avoid the vices and abuses of the past that ended in the aforementioned wars. But at the same time that this was born, a new international reality also did so with the so-called “Cold War” that divided the world into two blocks (east and west). And under this new framework, they began to manipulate and twist the mandates pursued by the United Nations Charter and, therefore, the guidelines of freedom, predictability and the fluidity of trade that the WTO provides

In this general framework, the Group of six was created in 1975 and a year later it increased to seven (with the entry of Canada), which today we know as the G-7, which was made up of the most commercially, financially and militarily powerful countries in the world. Western Hemisphere. From this forum, which meets every two years, issues of global economic importance were discussed that especially catered to their own interests. Being perceived as an elitist club and not representative of the entire global market, they soon adopted the strategy of accepting other peripheral members as happened with China, Brazil and South Africa in 1999.

This organization played an important role in the crisis in the Persian Gulf of 1990 that ended in the 1991 war against Iraq and, of course, in its invasion in 2003. Their concern did not go through the human consequences that these war campaigns were about to cause, but rather the impact that they would have on the price of a barrel of oil and therefore on their economies. Nor should we forget that among its members are the countries that have promoted the bloodiest hegemonist strategies of the second decade of this century, the most notable being the one deployed (through deception and bloody operations) throughout the Middle East and central Asia. where there are important reserves of oil, gas and coal. That is why when we hear that its organizational function passes through consensus and "democratic" deliberation, we certainly see again how that word so used in Western discourses more than an adjective, sounds more like a grammatical adornment in the speech.

When a member is accepted into this select group, they must accept the inherent policy that brings together all other members. If, on the contrary, any of them makes any movement or carries out state policies that displease these members, they are expelled. That was what happened with Russia in 2014, which by not allowing the deployment of NATO on Ukraine, which as its ultimate goal sought to establish itself in the Crimean peninsula was simply expelled from the group.

In the current post-pandemic framework, new problems are presented that put more limitations on that free trade that only select clubs such as the G-7 enter and that, rather than fight for that end, only seek to hinder the development of other countries and competitive markets to which they would like to control. Today mainland China is their biggest concern for Washington and its group partners. During all the years of existence. Washington has conditioned the countries that do not want to accept the G7 rules. This comes to mind after the words that Joe Biden expressed in the framework of this summit when he referred to "this marked the return of the United States to multilateralism" trying to argue that his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, had been the unilateralist exception in American political history which is false. The history of the United States in this organization has been to intrigue by forming cliques at the convenience of its own interests.

This year the summit of this G-7 takes place in Great Britain and this is not by chance. The case of the North Island is particular and for its interests, directing the group's commercial agenda within a global crisis created by the spread of SARS-COVID is central to projecting global British interests outside the EU. Although this causes controversy and rejection by countries like Germany and France, the British position will prevail for the sole reason of being the second largest in the United States.

Ever since London decided to leave the EU system, it has tried to maneuver so that its company “BREXIT” does not collapse in its first moments of birth. It was for this reason that despite Boris Johnson's declamations that Britain was shedding an organization that did not represent British interests, it tried to remain under the umbrella of the tariff benefits that the EU provides to its members. But as Johnson knows well that his mischief would not be tolerated for long, he made the decision to restructure the area that made the island great and that is, his fleet (naval power) with which he conquered the seas of the world establishing his imperial Thalassacracy. with which it controlled trade routes.

As we know, London since the end of the Second Great War (1945) has always been subordinate to the policies that Washington has deployed in international settings. That position never pleased the Foreign Office and when he tried to regain his leading colonial role together with partners of the same ilk (France and Israel in the 1956 Suez adventure), he definitively realized that he would accept to remain a mere co-star of the North American geopolitics. As part of this, it has followed the policy of sanctions and embargoes that have been imposed unilaterally against countries that did not align with the White House directives or went against the plans that the “Think Tanks” of the Department of Justice had already designed. American state. These commercial strangulation policies that seek to coerce governments and to revolt entire peoples to remove them, should not be allowed in the shadow of political-financial and military organizations such as the G-7. It was for this reason that other countries were adopting their own organizational forms (such as the BRICS, ALBA and MERCOSUR) to respond to the powerful influences exerted by these types of groups that have shown to have political objectives with which to condition the trade and development of the countries. 



Cómo Israel quiere cambiar la realidad de los hechos más allá de lo creíble

Por Yossi Tevi

Como se ha visto lastimosamente en los medios argentinos, la secuencia de los hechos que llevaron a desatar los actuales enfrentamientos entre Israel y la resistencia palestina fue contada a gusto y conveniencia de la embajada de Israel en Buenos Aires, algo que en realidad no asombra a nadie.

Pero si queremos que la ley tenga el mismo alcance para todos y se terminen con los mantos de impunidad con los cuales el estado sionista y sus operadores han venido sorteando todos y cada uno de los crímenes (los cuales no son pocos) que han cometido a lo largo de 73 años de violencia institucionalizada, es necesario poner bien en contexto lo que ocurrió en los últimos enfrentamientos y para ello, nos centraremos en un episodio puntual.

El ataque del 11 de mayo último contra el edificio “Al Shuruk” no fue motivado por los ataques de “Hamas” contra Tel Aviv (como muy livianamente informan los desinformadores argentinos) ni siquiera contra los asentamientos de Ashdot y Ashquelon. Ello no ocurriría sino recién después de lo que Israel iba a cometer. El brutal ataque realizado ese martes 11 con bombas anti bunkers (que causan un daño superior a las bombas convencionales) que demolieron a esta edificación que se ubicaba en el centro urbano de Gaza fue en represalia por el discurso televisado del Secretario general de Hamas Ismail Haniyeh condenando la sentencia judicial del 6 de mayo emitida por un tribunal israelí que legitimó (en base  a títulos falsificados) las apropiaciones arbitrarias de viviendas palestinas en el barrio de Sheikh Jarrah. Fue por esta pieza legal que los extremistas judíos que ya venían hostigando a los palestinos de Jerusalen, el 10 de mayo llegaron al barrio árabe para tratar de expulsar y apoderarse de las viviendas desatando un pandemónium.

Un dia después, el 7 de mayo las fuerzas israelíes llevaban adelante una cruenta represión contra los musulmanes que oraban en la Explanada de las Mezquitas y que se extendería hasta el 13 de mayo  lo que generó más choques y enfrentamientos que prosiguieron con la profanación de la Mezquita “Al Aqsa” por la violenta intrusión de los policías judíos, algo que viene siendo una costumbre desde que el líder del partido “Likud” Ariel Sharon y sus partidarios en Septiembre del 2000 se hizo presente escoltados por fuerzas policiales con el solo motivo de provocar a los palestinos que allí oraban. En aquel momento esta conducta fue condenada por varios funcionarios en Tel Aviv como fue el caso del Ministro de Justicia Yossi Beilin quien dijo que “Sharon lo había transformado en una provocación gratuita”, pero más tarde quedo claro que las provocaciones de Sharon sirvieron (políticamente a Netanyahu) para deshacer los acuerdos vigentes, destruir la infraestructura de Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP) e incluso justificar el asesinato de Arafat.

El martes 11 Ismail Haniyeh emite un mensaje que pudo ser trasmitido desde las instalaciones de la cadena palestina “Al Aksa TV” que precisamente se ubicaba junto a las oficinas de otras corresponsalías de prensa extranjera en el edificio, se dio en este contexto y ello estaba dejando muy mal parado al estado israelí y fue allí que Netanyahu y sus asesores no dudaron en dar la orden. Como se pudo ver, no hubo contemplaciones en Tel Aviv para censurar de la manera más terrorífica y despiadada lo que molestaba de forma caustica a Benjamín Netanyahu y a todos los sionistas que sustentan la política de “Apartheid” ¿Cuál fue la reacción de la prensa occidental? En la mayoría de casos, la prensa gráfica solo dedicó dos líneas en sus editoriales informando el hecho sin hacer un mínimo comentario sobre su ilegalidad y brutalidad. Por el contrario, la organización no gubernamental de “Reporteros Sin Fronteras” (RSF) no solo denunció públicamente este hecho como un “crimen de guerra” que se enmarca en el artículo 8 del Estatuto de Roma sino que hizo las correspondientes presentaciones judiciales ante la Corte Penal Internacional lo que deja en claro, a que grado se encuentran comprometidas financiera e ideológicamente las empresas de medios occidentales.

Eso no es algo nuevo en la política israelí. Durante la agresión al Líbano de 2006 las imágenes que trasmitían la TV libanesa y en especial las de la cadena “Al Manar” financiada por el Movimiento de resistencia “Hesbollah” eran tan gráficas sobre la brutalidad y los daños que los aviones israelíes estaban causando sobre la población civil (en particular contra niños y las ambulancias) que, tratando de acallar su difusión (por ordenes de Olmert y Peretz) bombardearon sus antenas televisivas, pero aún asi, no lograron cortar su trasmisión. Hesbollah había previsto esto y fue por ello que mantenía en secreto líneas alternativas de trasmisión que Israel no pudo detectar. Aquello supuso un factor de peso que afecto políticamente a la imagen pública del estado que terminó en una derrota militar y consecutivamente tras el “Informe Winograd” con el gobierno de Ehud Olmert y de todo su estado mayor.

El bombardeo deliberado contra una cadena de televisión o un medio de prensa es un crimen de guerra, así lo dispone la Corte Penal Internacional. Pese a ello, Israel durante años ha herido y matado a muchos periodistas (especialmente en 2018 en el marco de las Marchas del Retorno) por lo que, el ataque al edificio “Al Shuruk” solo es un capitulo más en esta larga lista de crímenes. Agregado a eso, la muerte de civiles en esta acción sería por demás suficiente para generar una masiva condena desde los gobiernos y organizaciones en Occidente. Entonces ¿Por qué hay tanto prurito por condenar mediáticamente y llevar a los responsables políticos israelíes a la instancia internacional? Obviamente, es debido a las influencias políticas pero mucho màs a las financieras que otra cosa. Incluso ello se vió de forma escandalosa en la OEA, un organismo regional que obviando todos estos hechos y los tiempos en que se desarrollaron, se avocó a declarar a “Hamas como una organización terrorista”.

Cuando el edificio colapsó y mato a varios de sus ocupantes entre ellos mujeres y niños, toda el ala de la resistencia palestina que incluye a “Hamas”, “Jihad Islámica”, “Ezzledin Al Qassam” (brazo armado de Hamas) acordó de forma inmediata una respuesta total contra Israel y así fue que se lanzaron de forma intermitente y desde varias direcciones, andanadas de cohetes caseros y muchos otros de fabricación militar ingresados de contrabando. Por el contrario, la ANP dejando en evidencia su mero papel decorativo, apoyo a las fuerzas israelíes para reprimir las manifestaciones callejeras en Cizjordania.

La sorpresa fue que esos cohetes podían llegar a Tel Aviv y a varios puntos estratégicos militares (incluido el Complejo nuclear de Bersheba). Allí Tel Aviv y sus personeros entendieron que las cosas podían salirse de control y comenzaron a bombardear sin piedad -como castigo colectivo- a la Franja de Gaza como una forma de intimidar a los palestinos. Por el contrario, ello tuvo un efecto adverso.

Pero no solo los cohetes de la resistencia palestina hicieron temblar el suelo a los sionistas. El llamado que acompaño a la campaña de retaliación de la resistencia hizo que se levantaran los pobladores “árabes-israelies” de las localidades del interior quienes son los descendientes de las familias palestinas que fueron desplazadas tras la implantación del estado judío en 1948 y por ese motivo son tratados como ciudadanos de segunda. Aquí se vio como los servicios de inteligencia israelíes fallaron en prever que podría suceder lo que se estaba viendo en las ciudades donde hay una mayoría de árabes y que desde hace décadas se hallan controladas por las fuerzas de ocupación. Los jóvenes palestinos tomaron las calles y enfrentaron a las fuerzas represivas y a los grupos de colonos armados llevando a que varias de estas localidades quedaran fuera del control de Tel Aviv.

A pesar de que Israel lanzo 700 toneladas de explosivos sobre Gaza, los palestinos no se doblegan al terror y mucho menos abandonan sus derechos a recobrar los territorios arrebatados por un estado colonialista.




What has created the current instability in Ireland? Is it possible to return to times of violence?


By Sir Charlattam

Just a few days ago an old comrade from the IRA who was observing the riots mounted by guys from Sinn Fein and other pro-British extremist groups in Belfast, only managed to tell me "we are going backwards again." His voice sounded dismayed, something that shocked me since an old comrade that we will call "O'maley" is a tough guy who passed them and very raw when the English captured him when he was trying to enter weapons for the resistance.

And it is that what happened on Thursday April 9 and extended without pause these days does not seem something that is very elaborate, although I could be wrong. The problem seems to be due to the crazy policies being implemented by the ineffable British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who, due to the zigzagging maneuvers that he performs in his politics, resembles that of a drunkard like “Boris Yeltsin”. Apparently, the fights of the Protestant unionists go through the announcements that are registered in the BREXIT that could leave them out of the ambitious plans of a “Great Britain” with ambitions to recover the old imperial glories.

But it is also true that this could have its origin in the endless months of confinement and the double standard in the evaluations of who if and who cannot circulate on public roads and the paradoxical measures of distancing that are making people mentally ill. Also in a deep sense of uncertainty among young people who, frightened by the rumors of a possible abandonment of London, believe all is lost if they cut the bridge that was built after the agreement between Catholics and Protestants.

If London decides to leave Ireland behind to fend for itself, there will be a sector that will fervently applaud that decision and another led by the Protestant “unionists” that could start a revolt that would take the country to the old days that nobody wants to return. but that would be irremediable.

Irish Protestants' sense of belonging to the UK seems feverish and they would do anything to stick with the big island. But for Catholics self-determination without having to depend on English interference as the Ulster Unionists wanted it is the final victory in a long struggle for independence from such a bitter history of blood and tears.

The old problems of abuses by British landowners, having to swear allegiance to the hated British crown and religious tensions over the tithe were later overcome by the cold war and the new problems of globalization. Do not forget how the IRA suffered a division back in 1969 when its objectives were influenced more than by Marxism by the Catholic status of its militants. Despite having obtained arms support from the Soviet Union in 1972, they came to a ceasefire with London unleashing a fight between various Irish factions.

The importance of the IRA as an armed wing of the political demands of Sinn Fein was a concern that transcended borders and even led the US administration of Ronald Reagan to get first-hand knowledge of what was happening. The US State Department and of course the CIA expressed their concern about the progress that Irish nationalism could gain with Soviet aid and create a gap in Western defense. It was thus that the then Vice President George H. Bush, who had been head of the CIA, traveled to Ireland not only to learn about this but also mobilized by the danger of Soviet penetration on the Island since the independence movement had received shipments of Soviet weapons. that would make life miserable for the British. The cooperation between MI-5, MI-6 and the CIA to establish a strategy and the implementation of dirty war tactics (such as death squads, false attacks and assassinations) against the IRA was undoubtedly active and the consequences of it they were suffered by the Irish.

In reality, the war against British rule never ceased, it only had a few temporary ceasefires, but in reality the Irish Republicans never abandoned their objectives. From an external perspective, the IRA was a rotten splinter in the heart of the British Empire or rather what was left of it after the end of the Great World War. Even its value as a tactical and strategic element did not seem to be taken into account by other enemies of the United Kingdom.

One of the most emblematic perhaps is the Argentine nationalists who had time and the opportunity to have been able to establish contacts and relationships with Sinn Fein or even with the IRA itself, especially at a time when the archipelago of islands in the Atlantic was recovered. south back in 1982. There are many points of agreement between Argentine and Irish nationalists that the current rulers hide under the rug of history. Both have roots of fighting against the British with a goal of regaining appropriate sovereignty by the Crown. There is also a root of mixture of Irish blood with Argentine that shed its blood to defend Argentina. Who can forget William Brown better known as Admiral Guillermo Brown, founder of the Argentine Navy?

From a diplomatic point of view, it may have been prudent, but from a political and practical point of view, a waste of opportunity that these sectors and especially the military could take advantage of.

For the Irish this cooperation could have borne fruit in a positive way and broadened their expectations of political scope in their demands. The Argentines would also have obtained a good advantage to operate in the North Atlantic. But undoubtedly the doubts or rather the objections of such contact came from the same liberal elite of the La Plata River that is known, is permeated by an Anglophism that comes from colonial times and is even reflected in their activities. such as the publications of newspapers in English (closely linked to the MI-6 sources) and a strong penetration in the social relations of the embassy with social issues in the capital's neighborhoods and even in many provinces of the country. Perhaps the only one with a strategic and audacious vision has been Admiral of the Argentine Navy Jorge Isaack Anaya who in 1982 planned together with a fraction of the “Montoneros” an ambitious move called “Operation Algeciras” to be carried out on the Rock of Gibraltar. which had been executed could have confused and delayed the British.

In that sense, the military leadership, ideologically aligned with the liberalism of this local elite and praetorian loyal to the Pentagon, would never cross their mind to have to play that way since, in addition to the commitments they had with the US State Department, the Pentagon and the CIA to combat subversion in the region, within their deepest conviction these generals (with very little intelligence and practical flexibility) sympathized with the order and Anglo-Saxon ways that ended up being a booby-hunting trap that, in addition to making them losing a war would take power away from them and facilitate the subsequent disarmament of their Armed Forces. It was this stupid belief that showed them how Washington could elbow out what they had signed with their hand at TIAR pact.

If the Catholic nationalist sectors or the Argentine Marxists (which I doubt exist) had had a broader and less romantic vision of what it meant to fight against an imperialist enemy, they would have seriously considered establishing relations with the Catholics of Sinn Fein and from the IRA, something interesting would have happened. The truth is that those times were not the current ones and informational knowledge was highly conditioned by the monopoly of the Anglo-Saxon media, especially by the tabloid shows that helped to dirty causes such as that of the Irish.




Why is the crisis in Argentina a cause for celebration and an opportunity for London and at the same time a concern for Buenos Aires?


By Sir Charlattam

One more morning in hectic London, a typical English gentleman in black glasses and his expensive brown leather briefcase hurries across Westminster Bridge, hurries to Lamberth North Station where a friend he has not seen for a long time is waiting. That gentleman was me who was looking forward to the joy of an encounter with someone you haven't seen for a long time and who also always brings surprises up his sleeves. An old comrade from the Gulf and Cold War times, who played an important role in MI-6 spy operations in South America, especially Argentina.

As always, a joy and an emotions. Like two old foxes in the wild fields, walking is one of the best incentives that makes us feel young and on the run so, before taking the subway, we walked to the Military Museum a few blocks from here. Although the air routes to and from those places are reduced, he tells me that they are not cut off for certain people and purposes. There are still flights and especially the private ones and the military can go without problems to Brasilia, Ezeiza Buenos Aires or directly to Ascension Island and Mounth Pleasant in the Falklands Islands. If you are on the payroll, there are no barriers for you, remind me.

Things are moving a lot in those places, he tells me. I believe that there has never been such a valuable opportunity for the Foreign Office as the current situation. The pandemic has a devastating effect, even for Britain, but we will survive. On the other hand, there everything is uncertain and without a doubt it is the best moment to remove the anti-British scum that seems to perch in the region. Argentina seems to be exploding into pieces and I believe that this can be a reality in a short time. That made me ask him “Do you believe it?” To which he responded with his typical hooligan smile, “Oh yeah! You just have to push them a little so that the house of cards that is their government collapses”.

The rumors that have spread a few days ago about a possible coup against Fernández are a half truth. The armed forces do not have the minimum mobilization capacity that is a fact. His Armada, which once concerned “WhiteHall” (MOD) no longer exists. What does exist and the media and the local political class do not want to finish digesting it is the existence of para-state and private actors who have long been embarked on a company as old as it is lucrative as the mercenary world is.

It is clear that government representatives are deceiving the population and in reality they have many reasons for it. They are entering a financial and economic abyss that can swallow up the few sources of employment that still persist and take away the weak institutional stability they still have. Certainly there is discomfort in the cadres of the skilled Armed Forces and how not to have it; old weapons that explode due to lack of maintenance, planes that fly them means a one-way ticket to hell and the lack of strategic objectives has sapped morale. Oh certainly there is discomfort but they have no chance to prevail as they would have previously.

In addition, since 1983 the threads of the Argentine defense (and this implies everything military) are pulled from here, and it was only a couple of years ago that some in Argentina have been aware of it. But as soon as the issue began to gather interest in the media and the terms of the Madrid Agreements of 1989 and 1990 were exposed, "someone" picked up the phone from here or perhaps from Washington to silence everything. And you have seen it. No one has said a single word overnight.

Since then the Foreign Office has been strengthening its projections about the country and has also managed to establish very good ties in all the key sectors that are part of the state. Not only with those idiots who invoke Churchill's sayings as if they were passages from the Bible or those who are part of the Anglophile society of the capital. Important hitches are where even they don't suspect. That is why they know that there will be no bustle without a telephone ringing in the chief director's office, much less blood reaching the river without Washington and Beijing interfering.

While the government of Alberto Fernández strives to try to fulfill the order agreed with his vice, who wears a “Wanted” poster around his neck, the observers and contacts who operate there have been reporting that the authority and its power of control decrease with speed. Some have even sent me their intrigues talking about the showy clumsiness or perhaps cunning of Cristina Fernández and her supporters who try to mutate in a time of accelerated political changes, going from showing themselves as those picturesque leftist revolutionaries in the “Castroist” style to phlegmatic centrists and warning that times are getting pragmatically tough trying to fabricate a right wing.

As a real problem “Fernández & Fernández” are not of importance. They are not even a problem. Washington and the State Department are sure of it. It is even rumored that Mrs. Cristina's days are numbered since the Treasury Department and obviously the State Department wants her to return the millions that I embezzle from the accounts for laundering that her boys from the “Agency” have in the paradise of Seychelles. Some even suggest that some of their loyalists will deliver it on a platter when the time is right.

There is nothing more delicious for an Argentine politician than the taste of bribery and much more those that are offered in foreign currencies much more so. In the current circumstances, I can assure you that fortunes are not needed to pay for pimps and information sources within the government. There is a country given away and I can assure you that with a few thousand pounds, you would buy your own country. What's more, if you stop there to listen to offers, maybe you can buy it with its inhabitants. The cumulative effect of that corruption is already an obvious reality and you can see it in what is happening throughout Patagonia. While the regional governments do not have the slightest idea of ​​how to combat the increase in insurrectionary violence of the indigenous “Mapuches” groups, the central government shows once again that it does not have the tools, much less a doctrine or intelligence, to confront those groups that are financed from abroad.

It is not news to us that there are private security entrepreneurs from here, Israel and the United States are trying to create a market in Patagonia offering their security services against the threats of indigenous groups that burn their houses and attack to the authorities. What the unwary who contract with them don't know is that these groups are trained by intelligence and military advisers who have set up camps there that are discreet enough to go unnoticed by satellites.

I can even assure you that most of the population to the north, much less those of the capital, are aware of what is happening there.

Is the Foreign Office behind it? I asked him and he said with another question: “Only they are involved?” There I understood his hint making it clear to me that something is cooking in those places and the danger to its inhabitants is true.

The decision of the International Criminal Court ICC to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity in the United States has sparked scandalous reactions at the White House

By Sir Charlattam
Entering the brink in the spring, the days in Washington stretch and the sun begins to warm the faces in the morning. Everyone seems to have forgotten about the Coronavirus and people go about their lives with the usual normality, but there is still that air of disenchantment and boredom in the people who settled after the murder of George Floyd “Where will we go? And for the worse, we have thugs in the State Department who no longer hesitate to publicly threaten those who are willing to prosecute international crimes, "said my old friend “John” who for years worked as a liaison for the MI-6 in Washington (D.C).

The United States has lost its way and this is not new. It's been a long time ago. When politicians allowed themselves to be sponsored by companies and mega-business corporations as lucrative as they are dirty, they have sold their souls and the very democracy of the Union. At some point these sectors of private business took over the public affairs of the federal state and for the worse, despite the terrible consequences that we have seen for our image around the world, they continue to be the singing voice.

For almost 30 years, the US has used and abused empty rhetorics believing that it could deceive everyone. Lecture the world on respect for the law and rights when we have high-level mafias such as the Clintons eliminating witnesses to their corruptions or the Bushes and their gang of criminals (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle etcetc) linked to the oil business and war is a moral inconsistency. Massacre of civilians in exotic and distant countries seemed a guarantee of anonymity for their executors. Also, who would ask about those bastards? These governments of psychopaths, in addition to death and tragedy in civilian populations, have created thousands of psychopaths and mentally unbalanced people who enjoy this. Where will the US go with this heavy burden?

In addition, the press would cover everything with intoxicated stories to manipulate opinion and justify the unjustifiable. Who would dare criticize The White House when they were on a patriotic crusade against the bad guys? That was yesterday. Today the truth of that lie elaborated by the war party is known.

Perhaps at first nobody would realize what we were doing or at least, we trusted that our secrets would be buried in the files of government agencies with the Topsecreto stamp up to 50 years after they were made. But it changed a lot. I don't know if it was because the secret of those secrets failed or there were leaks, or if the Americans in their arrogance became too careless to understand what they were doing.

Think for a moment. What the hell do you think a group of US Marines was going through the head after entering a village in the mountains of northwestern Afghanistan, they gunned down those who crossed their path and tortured unsuspecting survivors of what no one saw them? Or, of those damn motherfuckers in Iraq from the Army Intelligence Battalions and their civilian CIA colleagues who tortured and played with prisoners (men and women) in pain chambers like the ones the KGB had in Stalin's days or the SS in times of the Third Reich.

Politicians and bureaucrats living in its shadow believe that people have forgotten that, but what happened here just a week ago makes it clear that people do not forget and that they can come back for you at any time. Look but what is happening in London, where anti-racist street protests have become increasingly fierce and have tried to be exploited by MI-5 by recruiting thugs in the suburbs and organizing neo-Nazi shock groups to beat up protesters. Nothing has changed in the mind of the established power.

Who can be moved by the damage to the Churchill statues when we know what he did in Asia and India? People know it and the worst thing about it is that although our education systems tried to make up the faces of guys like this, in the end the truth has come out. That is why London not only does not share Trump's threats against the International Criminal Court but has also expressed its support for the international body. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab was clear about this and defended the right of the Court to be able to carry out its work without interference.

The Foreign Office was already regretting the support it gave the United States in its past interventionist adventures that have compromised the credibility of the United Kingdom with testimonies that have been documented as the “Chilcot report” that demonstrated complicity in foul play and lies from the Anthony Blair administration to argue the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq.

What has happened in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya can no longer be hidden, and proof of this is the pressure to begin criminal investigations into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the NATO "ISAF" and those committed by the Americans also compromising the British themselves.

Since the beginning of the year, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been insisting on the requests for prosecution against high-ranking US military and intelligence for war crimes and against humanity in Afghanistan. And so he did authorizing the investigations last March month. It was a triumph for justice, as the Prosecutor of the Court Fatou Bensouda exclaimed, who declared: “Today is an important day for international criminal justice”, making it clear that “it will undertake a wide and diligent investigation.” Obviously, both, the State Department, the Defense Department and the White House itself ignored those requests and soon counterattacked.

So with overlapping maneuvers and trying to intimidate the prosecutor, they immediately tried to intimidate her with possible consequences if she continued. Mike Pompeo himself announced two weeks ago launching all kinds of insults the revocation of the visa for the officials of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and suggesting other additional sanctions such as those ordered in the last hours by Trump's executive order. 

What kind of democracy do these blackmail and gangster attitudes? But the character of the African lawyer seems firm and attached to neutrality and committed to moving forward not only in this case but also with the atrocities committed by Israel, a very close partner in dirty intelligence affairs. She makes a big difference from the previous prosecutor who was clearly scandalously functional in Washington and Brussels.
To add to the arbitrariness, you have to listen to the press talk about "alleged" crimes, demonstrating that caution with the Establishment that they never had to accuse other countries of the worst things.

But guys like Pompeo and Esper are not worried about this incident being aired in an international instance like the ICC, one more in a mountain of crimes. What frightens these bureaucrats with committed ideological interests is that from deep inquiries, more scandals like those of Abu-Graib in Iraq or the deplorable and embarrassing Guantánamo on the island of Cuba would emerge. Imagine if the investigations were deepened? Many dirty things would come to light and would be left in the myth. Hopefully, the officials of the International Criminal Court will not give in to the blackmail and pressure from Washington. 


What really happened on the London Bridge? Many points of the episode leave doubts about the real motivation of the attacker. Is it perhaps a false flag to annoy the projects of the candidate Jeremy Corbyn?

By Dany Smith
The scenario could not be better. As a repeated movie, the shooting of you come on the "London Bridge" helped to relive the fear of Islamist terrorism that the Anglo-Saxon media installed since 2001 and that so many geopolitical benefits have given Britain, the United States and of course, Israel . But once again, something is not clear in this episode. According to the chronicle of passersby, a man armed with a knife and dressed in a vest with fake explosives, stab him at several passersby who passed by.

Eyewitnesses alleged that after the attack, several men were able to reduce it and subdue it on the ground, being stunned by the blows they gave it. An amateur video taken from a high section of the bridge can graph part of what happened and where the attacker can be seen surrounded by several men struggling with him lying on the ground. A few seconds later, a guy is observed with a knife in his hand that moves away from the group looking where the attacker was while two policemen with semi-automatic rifles shoot him in cold blood. What the hell was what happened?

Although it seems a fact of the so-called "lonely wolves", it was rather a macabre situation that sought a clear goal: Sow fear in British society and reinstate distrust of immigrants of Arab and Muslim origin. This has aroused numerous suspicions and questions that clearly do not want to be answered and much less answered by the British authorities, much less by those conducted by a Zionist jester like Boris Johnson.

Several things are not clear and this leads us to suspect with great certainty that we are facing another dirty operation mounted by the services of the “MI-5” of the so-called “False Flag” that tries to involve as responsible those who have really not been responsible done nothing. Clearly there is an attacker named Usman Khan, 28, who had been detained and who despite being in electronic wrist watch, was able to mount this fact without problems. All too convenient Do not you think? In this sense, it should not be surprising that in the coming weeks the Foreign Office will present an intelligence report that reveals an Islamic suspect or with a similar connection.

The first question to ask ourselves is why would a terrorist wear a fake explosive vest? A true attacker "Yahid" would not have done this nonsense. 
Some might be suspecting that it was the work of a madman or that it was a mission destined to test the social reaction to a symbolic threat that although it was armed with a knife, it showed the unsuspecting passerby, explosives that in sight seemed real but in reality they were props. As it turned out, the experiment was a success as it caused the reaction of panic and street dismay. Now we have to wait if it generates the second effect that would be, the benefit to a certain political sector of the country.

The second question would be: If the occasional passers-by despite being armed with a knife managed to reduce it on the ground, why did the police who arrived a few minutes later shot them in cold blood? Perhaps the police chief and his political bosses allege the potential explosive threat he was carrying in that vest. Today it is known that the explosives carried by the subject were false but, in the eyes of alleged anti-terrorist experts, it is not understood how they could be left to panic and (after warning) massacre it on the ground when there was no risk of an alleged explosion.
When it would have been very useful for the investigations to take the attacker alive and subject him to interrogation, his death closes the case and leaves open the range of speculations that will be exploited by the neo-Zionist Johnson government that with this act, will try to use it against the opponent Jeremy Corbyn who has been slandered over the last month by the most recognized Zionists in London.

It is important to highlight this since Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has been more than clear and blunt in his position regarding the lack of self-criticism of the Zionists because of the bloody and illegal policies that the state of Israel carries out over the Palestinian population (especially against children and women) coming to compare the government of Benjamin Netanyahu as the ISIS. This obviously causes anger in the Tel Aviv government and British Zionist circles.

The third question that arises is: Who is the guy who after having been in the tumult that reduced this attacker, took the knife with which he had attacked passersby? You also have to ask yourself: How did the police allow that guy to walk away and take the crime weapon with him? The latter is as serious and inexplicable as all of the above, but this, curiously and conveniently, will prevent fingerprints and the precise identification of the weapon with which the attack was carried out.

The last issue is linked to the situation in which the attacker's body is left. Lying in the middle of the pedestrian bridge and without the area having been isolated by the police so that the forensic body could gather clues, a stranger appears and with total calmness and unmoved he leans over it and with a professional camera he takes several photographs. Are you a forensic police photographer? I do not think so. He is not identified as such, much less dressed in the protocol suit required to investigate a crime scene. May be an element of MI-15 or MI-16?

Certainly, these issues suggest something very murky and that it has nothing to do with what both the Boris Johnson government and the media wanted to appear.

The circumstances in which this occurs remind us of other similar and traumatic episodes that were exploited by conservatives and their Zionist allies of parliament (and using the Mass Media) in order to condition voters in the vicinity of elections that could cause many problems if he won the opposition. No one here escapes that with these terrorist attacks like the one in Manchester in 2017 at the “Arena” stadium, conservatives have benefited very conveniently. And as on that occasion, here we are also close to general elections that can enshrine the victory of a very nasty guy like Jeremy Corbin, who among other issues has put the Palestinian situation and the illegal settlements of settlers on land as a topic on his agenda Arabs what is not little for the powerful interests that move behind all this.


When propaganda does not match the facts of reality

By Sir Charlattam
What could be done to hide something so bad? This is an indiscreet question that has been ringing through the halls of the House of Commons and in the streets of the Westminster. The reference of the question points to the decisions of the brand-new Prime Minister Boris Johnson who apparently would be willing to make the exit of the European Union without further waiting. But the fabulous promises that BREXIT would bring seem to be just that and the economic and commercial reality of the European bloc seems to inform that this could never be realized.

In the last hours it was learned that Prime Minister Johnson has requested to suspend the sessions of parliament, "nothing less", so that they cannot address the issue of BREXIT. As a source present at a meeting between Jeremy Corbin and his deputies said, their faces were transfigured upon hearing Johnson's plan. This maneuver of the British premier amazes in light of the repeated propaganda of the democratic system of the constitutional monarchy of the islands.

Well, welcome to reality. The British system is as corrupt and weak as any underdeveloped African and Latin American country that for years its politicians criticized by giving sermons of civility and political freedom. Foolishness! Pure media trash, nothing more. Boris Johnson has put his signature on this and the worst of it is that it has just begun.

Of course, many of the citizens of the world fail to understand what the superiority of this squalid monarchy can be without equal to a republic in other parts of the world. It has been proven that the ancient is not always the best that is, based on the qualification of the "oldest democracy in the world." The problem of the British or rather of their politicians, descendants a lineage of pirates and overseas criminals who made their fortunes with the robbery to become the respectable Lords of the empire, have not been able to understand that the world has long since changed.

As is the case with underdeveloped countries and in the particular case of Argentina, the English as individuals are part of a nation with their own history and with political parties that supposedly have different ideologies that form a long and distinguished institutionality and that at the same time respond to a royal Crown, in the end they don't want to take responsibility for the choice they make. A character like Boris Johnson did not arrive alone and knocked on the door of Downing Street 10 to enter and say "Hey, did anyone ask for a Prime Minister?"

There were signs in the air and on his face that announced what this guy could get to realize what now seems a surprise. Already by mid-August he had stated that "he will do everything possible to slam the EU before October 31", clearly without caring about the consequences. So now many Britons are wondering who placed this lunatic in the government?

They are the same English who chose him, now they seem to be surprised at the first resolutions of their ruler. The last of its decisions that has caused great concerns refers to the proposal made to “Her Majesty” the queen to suspend the sessions of the parliament to be able to define the issue of Britain's departure from the European Union at her own discretion. Johnson's decision is far from what any autocrat or dictator of the unstable failed African or Middle Eastern states would take.

Criticism was not long in coming and it was so that Irish Prime Minister Michael D'Arcy came out to compare the British Prime Minister with the legendary and very hated by the way Oliver Cromwell who among other things invaded and looted Ireland in 1649. The comparison aims to describe a past tyrant brutal and undemocratic that today would be reflected in the comic figure of Johnson who intends to introduce the United Kingdom in a BREXIT process without due deliberation of all its members.

Nor did the Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon remain silent, who bluntly and semantic euphemisms called his British counterpart as a "dictator." John Mc Dowell went a little further and also described him as a "clown" forgetting maybe there are terror clowns.
The US media have been a little more benevolent and have described the situation created by Johnson as similar to what Donald Trump is facing at home.

But Johnson's maneuver is far from being that of an idiot. He knows what happened to Teresa May when he tried to impose the BREXIT before the House of Commons and that is why, if he wants a quick success, he must directly cut the snake's head. It is an old and well-known ruse among British parliamentarians.

Johnson's proposal would begin to take effect on September 11 (what a date!) avoiding parliamentary voting and thereby sabotaging the deliberation required by a democratic system. It is a way by which Johnson if he manages to suspend the parliament will be able to do his will and that of the interests that he represents in the subject of his interest and if he does not succeed, he will obtain a vote or motion of censure by the parliamentarians who will expel him from the position. Either option will let the elusive political conservative fall.

Who can predict what is in the head and what the next British prime minister will do

By Sir Charlattam
I must confess that I was not surprised at all by the triumph of this exponent of the British conservatism veined by the ubiquitous Zionism that currently finances everything in Western and British politics, without a doubt. Boris Johnson has done his job very well and as the jester of the City's financial banking sectors has not disappointed in his contributions to contribute to the new strategy of controlled global chaos.

For my friends in South America in particular from Argentina, Boris is represented as a right-wing “populist” similar to the White House cowboy who comes to close the borders of his country and let immigrants from countries that his own country has destroyed with their collaborations with the US, they drown in the Mediterranean or in the English Channel. For others who like to kiss the feet of British representatives on duty at the Buenos Aires embassy, ​​Johnson is an admirable politician who, with his gesture in May 2018 at the Monument to the Fallen in the Falklands War in 1982, seems to have bewitched by the false belief that he would release the bond that London maintains over that domination.

A simple cartoon that although nice is not the reality of what it represents.

Know your opponent well and then think about it, I would say my old and remembered chief of operations at the Ministry of Intelligence six before throwing his tongues in the air. Johnson is not just any lunatic, much less the clown that many have described with cartoons across the EU. At some point he was a journalist with a deranged diet as much as his personal life. 
That helped him to rise to fame and make known to the public what in turn served to become mayor of London and later a supporter of leaving the Brexit created by Nigel Farage through an agreement with the European Union.

But Johnson faithful to the principles of a British politician knows how to undo what he said a few moments before and present it as something he had never really said. This is how he once held Teresa May and when he saw that the waves of an untimely exit from the Union could cause a political, commercial and financial cataclysm became a moderate. That word sounds very funny in a damn racist who applauds the massacres in Palestine and goes to Tel Aviv and then goes to kiss the Wailing Wall.

The same racist Islamophobe who has justified the foreign intervention in Syria with the repeated arguments of his predecessors of the Cameron administration and of course a sickly Russophobe who tried boldly to accuse Russia of the most unlikely stupidities.

In this sense the contradictions of this chubby cheater have caused some reactions that affect the constitution of his next administration. The position that he now embraces to continue with the Brexit process as it gives rise and even at the cost of destroying Britain's international commercial network, has frightened the capitalists and their politicians in Parliament. It is that conservative constellation characters as dissimilar as Philip Hammond and Rory Stewart have been horrified by Johnson's insane statements and have already announced that they are not interested in taking up any position in Johnson's administration. David Lidigton's abrupt departure was a warning.

Already some British and non-British have begun to fear that the next tenant of Dawning Street 10 is a delusional and megalomaniac with eccentric ideas like the one occupied by the White House, which has already begun to cause comments and speculation in the General Headquarters of the NATO in Brussels.

I recommend that nobody hurry with their conclusions and for certain the signs and sayings of this supposed fair clown. Do not make mistakes and make evaluations based on superficial appearances.


How the G20 summit in Osaka was the stage for Teresa May's last move trying to get Russia involved in the Skripal issue

By Sir Charlattam
May Stone face 
The world has irremediably changed and all the questions that were previously buried in mounds of lies and governmental censures today have been irremissibly present to the public opinion making everything that a government or governments present, be analyzed with tweezers. Nobody or any government at present escapes this rule. This is what also applies to the British who for centuries have been the masters of the lie, but, as we have said, times change for everyone.

When the former Russian agent Skripal and his daughter Yulia appeared unconscious on a bench in a public square in Salisbury with signs of poisoning, the government of Teresa May without hesitation (and without the evidence of the case) accused Moscow of having perpetrated a chemical attack on British soil, being the perfect excuse to seek to deepen the battery of sanctions that were being implemented from Washington. At this Vladimir Putin sketched a grin on his face and meditated his response.

The only presumably intervening Russian element was the chemical element used, although it was later determined that it was not such though "Downing Street 10" and the media insisted on it. Similarly, London has prosecuted two Russian citizens (two scapegoats) scapegoat to be the executors of the attack.

Of course the British version of the story was going to comment for whom Skripal had worked in the past and for whom he was working lately. A former Russian agent in Britain is not on free vacations and without paying for the condition he had. As a double agent, to say that he was retired is a fallacy. As a friend who used to work for His Majesty's secret service used to tell me, "never get out of this." A double agent not only works for two or several agencies at the same time but also tends to annoy some or some of them for the benefit of another; and that was the case with Skripal. In that sense, why is MI-6 going to be left out of suspicion if one of its double agents no longer gave benefits or had repented and returns to work with the enemy?

If someone thinks that the British and in particular their intelligence services like the outside MI-6 do not play dirty and are not as ruthless as their Russian colleagues, you live in a fairy world. The only difference is the bad press of one media cover for the other.

Despite the accusation, no other convincing elements were found to support the arguments of May's cabinet and the Foreign Office's schemers, who are interested in involving Russia. Something failed in the armed narrative. The announcement by the prime minister about this supposed attack was not enough and the immediate political and diplomatic retort of the Vladimir Putin government disarmed the expectations of the rancid conservative sectors led by Boris Johnson, very interested in creating an international incident that, interestingly enough, was ringing finger to the American neoconservatives and Zionists.

Likewise, the government of Teresa May ordered the expulsion of more than twenty Russian officials from Great Britain, something that received due Russian reciprocity with the expulsion of the British consular members in Moscow.

Do not forget the framework in which this incident occurred, characterized by Trump's accusations against Bashar Al Assad of punishing him for the alleged use of chemical weapons (never proven) and by the fury of the neo-conservatives in the face of the success of Russian troops in defeat the terrorist groups (including the Daesh) that ravaged Syria. Putin not only ruined the strategy that together with the United States had deployed in the Middle East but left those in ridicule before the world.
In the current framework of the G-20 Summit held in Osaka Japan, Teresa May as "interim" prime minister and with the days left to leave the office after shaking a cold handshake with her Russian counterpart, had an approach to Vladimir Putin proposing the resumption of bilateral relations interrupted by the "Skripal" affair but, under conditions set by London. These conditions refer to alleged influences and actions that Russia rejects outright.

It was a misleading and malicious proposal in which, before leaving, he tries to extract truth lies with a maneuver based on a fallacious premise. If Moscow agrees to such a proposal it would recognize that something had to do with that matter and if it denies it, it would show its lack of intention to amend its supposed lack; clearly, a high-level diplomatic lie.

There is a clear racial hostility in the British positions that continually mix disqualifying adjectives and political positions to refer to "Russia" or "the Russians". This was revealed recently in Osaka as stated by the spokesman for May's cabinet when he said "the broadest pattern of malignant behavior in Russia is well known". When you have heard these positions that clearly do not distinguish liberals and conservatives, this refers to a disease that has rebounded after the end of the cold war and that is in Britain, the US and some European countries called "Rusophobia."



The announcement of the presidential formula "Fernandez and Fernandez" has begun a controversy within the same Peronism; Unit or a new fracture?

By Sir Charlattam
In a country like Argentina, nothing is predictable and nobody can calculate in the medium term what is really going to happen if one or another governing formula wins. It is an intrinsic question of its idiosyncrasy that is verified throughout its history. When everything suits, everyone gets caught in the train of conveniences and when everything is over, nobody knows what happened. Undoubtedly it is a country with too many contradictory and contradictory contrasts that do not pass precisely because of cultural, religious or ethnic differences as they happen in other parts of the globe.

Moreover, it is necessary to separate carefully those who, from the political apparatuses, arrogate to themselves the representation of citizenship, of the inhabitants who allow themselves to be represented by a caste that has already come and gone as far as corruption is concerned. Equally, it is not possible to relinquish responsibility to this same population, which is an integral part of the theory of the states. Without a population there would be no need for a representation and in that way there would only be an empty territory. In the Argentine case, there is a clear syncretism between the partisan political referents and their representatives who for quite some time became an obscene and toxic conspiracy that between favors and dark concessions ultimately serves to cover each other's backs.

The news of the last hours of Saturday referring to the launch of a presidential formula representing Peronism between Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández, has aroused all kinds of comments and speculations that do not escape the interest of the international community. The political and financial Establishment that gave financial aid to the Macri government through the IMF would see its debts in danger with the arrival of CFK. And it is that, although the government of CAMBIEMOS is still in force and continues in power, its political-economic situation is a disaster that is being capitalized by the ex-president and her lackeys, who profile it as the only one that can bring a solution for a serious crisis that the country is going through but can it bring a solution that has not been able to bring a government aligned with international banking like Macri's? Definitely not. 
In this sense it would not be necessary to try to convince a part of the Argentine population about this.

The very constitution of the formula reveals the quality of the presidential couple. Alberto Fernandez who after leaving her in 2008 with serious accusations and until not long ago criticized her for her position and her errors of government, today she is back together with the one who blames the country's ills. For its part, CFK who condemned the exile to this "traitor", today receives it with smiles and hugs which reveals the deceptive quality of the candidates.

When she had the sum of power in her hands, the president was only content with a power made up with boring speeches remembrances past, merely visual and directed to his own troop. At that time, the country was as weak as it is today, only with an extra addition, the ideological stupidity of trying to destroy its own institutions for old revenge.

Both CFK and Macri are part of the same system of things that guarantees stability, playing within the framework that precisely external interests direct through investments and commercial and financial interactions. There are no differences between one and the other, at least there are no differences in what macro state policy does; both are puppets of the same Anglo-Saxon puppeteers and are subject to the surrender treaties of a country delivered with signatures and stamped in 1990 by the "Peronist" administration of Menem.

For the Foreign Office its return is possible and this would bring many benefits for the interests of Great Britain. The nature of his megalomaniac personality helped much in the past for the conservative sectors in the parliament, to vote for the increase of the defense budget and electronic intelligence gathering operations of the GCHQ and of the real naval intelligence aimed at strengthening the military garrison of the Falklands Islands. Even during his administration, the MI-6 was able to operate, enter and leave in complete comfort due to the absence of operational internal security.

From these considerations and what has been seen until then, it is clear that beyond improving the pockets of the inhabitants or giving them an extra penny that comes out of the public coffers, the country, as an international actor, does not it will come out of its political and economic lethargy. Forget to see some foreign policy to recover the sovereignty of the islands occupied by Great Britain and much less, to seriously restructure the Armed Forces. In the same way, with the intelligence area completely bought by Tel Aviv and through its spyware software such as Pegasus, they will continue to control Argentine citizens at their discretion. The pantomime of improvement of the area of ​​defense with pots and lags useless for the current challenges will continue its course. Both guarantee - in their own way - the absence of patriotism and the commitment to establish a true republic based on healthy and non-partisan institutions.

That is why the IMF has reached the conclusion that regardless of whether Macri or CFK wins, Argentina as a state, must return with all its interests, the disbursements that in character of loan requested Buenos Aires in recent years. And much worse; If CFK regains the administration of the Casa Rosada, its inhabitants can rest assured that the economy will become much worse than it is today, as many economic analysts are perceiving it and their government will have to resort to coercive measures tributaries that will make see Macri and his staff, as jester apprentices.

As regards his foreign policy, perhaps and only perhaps a new management of CFK would be encouraged to strengthen serious ties with Moscow and Beijing although, seeing the background of his previous management and the preparation of his political cadres that is very difficult to see materialized. Do not forget that CFK is a verbal revolutionary but not of action and its ambitions are reduced to maintaining the security of a local environment without disturbing the true enemies of the country.

For now all this is just speculation and nothing more. The numbers of the consultants are not reliable since they have proven to be as contrived as the interests of their owners. You are only looking at a balloon inflated by the media, the moment for the careerists to hang on to a historic opportunity to seize the power of a government without staining their hands that apparently would fall by the weight of their own ineptitude, but nothing more.


A friend call or call to see how things are at home? There are concerns in Washington about the weakness that the government of Cambiemos in Buenos Aires is suffering

By Charles H. Slim

So we could describe what the US State Department has concluded after analyzing the latest events and based on studies of what happens in Argentina. Macri and his government would seem to be on the verge of falling into disgrace, some point out. The country can fall back into the hands of populism led by Kirchnerism and Washington does not like the idea at all. These are not just purely economic and financial issues; There are other issues that are much more important and decisive for the geopolitics of the White House that move their concerns.

Donald Trump little cares that it is Cristina Fernandez or Mauricio Macri who manages Argentina, since he does not decide on the geopolitical and strategic long-range issues that have already been laid out for decades in the planning developed by the Think Tanks of the Department of State and the Pentagon. Beyond the economic and commercial importance it represents for the investors of the City of London and Wall Street, the Southern Cone and especially Argentina, the most influential neoconservative sectors and the Jewish-American lobbies that decisively influence within the Political Establishment do not they want the return of a political sector that is associated with Venezuela and Iran. It is not necessary to have to add that they will not sit idly by if CFK intends to return to power; Even if you have enough support for a return, they will be responsible for not assuming it.

On May 9 after 4 pm, hours before Cristina Fernandez presented her book Sincerely in the book fair, at times that Macri was in the presidential residence of Olivos was warned that there was a long distance call from Washington. The face of the Argentine president was puzzled by not apparently understanding what was the purpose of that called. It was nothing less than his counterpart and former business partner Donald Trump who called him to greet him and internalize the current situation of Argentina and learn firsthand and from the mouth of Macri himself, as seen for the upcoming elections. Although it cannot be said that it was something strange, it was not a scheduled call or those that qualify as official, so at least they clarified from the residence of Olivos.

With respect to the real reasons of Donald Trump for this call, the environment did not give details but it is speculated that there was nothing accidental.

No need to clarify that from the other side of the speaker and sitting around Trump were listening carefully and perhaps taking note of the conversation their national security advisers and possibly the same Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. There is too much invested in the region and in Argentina to allow undesirable sectors to throw everything away from the rail. Macri has been a very good collaborator and an excellent intermediary with the governments of the region. The situation in Venezuela supporting the political and diplomatic siege of the government of Nicolás Maduro is praiseworthy and according to some of the most "top guys" that surround Trump, he has not stayed there. Thanks to the renewed foreign policy of Buenos Aires, there are intelligence advisors and US troops operating in Patagonia very close to where the Chinese are and that would never have been achieved with the corrupt of CFK.

It was said only that the talk referred to the current situation of the country and an expression of Trump's support for the economic reform program that his Argentine counterpart has been carrying forward with harsh social consequences. This call is not accidental, much more if the economic issue was addressed because at that time a technical mission of the International Monetary Fund was working with senior finance officials of the Argentine government trying to determine the next outlay of about US $ 5,400 million of dollars.

In the Argentine presidential residence the call was lived as a beneficial signal that can help give a very good signal to investment funds that have been seriously concerned about the fall of image and the economic setbacks that have been occurring in the country. Perhaps it is an exaggeration or a too enthusiastic look for the crisis that lives the country but as they say "worse is nothing". Currently and as never before, Argentina is dependent on the decisions of external bodies and without doubt, foreign governments such as the United States and Britain. On this, some like Benjamin Gedan, an analyst at the strategic analysis center "Wilson Center" concluded that beyond the setbacks represented by the personality of the US president, in Argentina after his last visit there were no massive demonstrations of rejection of his presence or against The USA. With this he has tried to argue that beyond CFK has a speech that appears "anti-imperialist", will play the game as he did when he was president and will turn a blind eye to operations that the Pentagon, the CIA or any other agency carry forward in the Argentine territory.

Gedan was one of the advisors of the State Department of the Obama administration and, therefore, an enthusiast of the interventionist foreign policy brutally carried out in North Africa and against Syria by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Added to this, the dirty complicities of Clinton and the CIA in the unclear issue of Bengazi in 2012 and the emails brought to light by the leaks of former NSA agent Snowden, do not offer much light for such meetings. It seems a contradiction that Gedan is presented as a democrat although it is not so much since the administration for which I work, authorized more secret operations of "preventive killings" of the CIA by using Drones on villages in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen, arriving to be more fucking bloody than his Republican predecessor.

With this in view, say according to Gedan that "Obama was a prominent defender of human rights" and that proof of this received the Nobel peace prize, is a mockery to the thousands of innocent people imprisoned, tortured and murdered under his administration.
Macri serves as the nice mask for the dirty tasks that the North American task forces and their Israeli allies are preparing in the Argentine north and the entire Amazon area. There is a huge information gap about this and nobody in Buenos Aires wants to talk about it. To cover the backs in these matters is Jair Bolsonaro who is the favorite puppet of the Republicans and especially the ultraconservative interests that are hidden in the Financial Establishment that speculates that the Brazilian government privatized the last public companies that are left to the country .

For analysts such as Gedan and his conservative counterparts in the current administration of Trump, Brazil and Argentina represent a magnificent geographical trade space to which we must capitalize and control so that it does not fall under the control of the continuous Chinese interference to which the US president it has declared commercial war by imposing tariffs on its products, which began to cause consequences within its own country and even with economic and commercial damage to the European Union. Only with friendly governments such as Macri and Bolsonaro can they do it.


The internal convulsion that shakes Great Britain by the Brexit could accelerate the hidden desires of the Kelper to demand a political autonomy of the islands of the South Atlantic and to obtain the category of an independent state Who can believe it possible?

By Sir Charlattam

Not long ago, maybe two years ago one of my friends, who usually travels through South America in search of material for his written research that he then publishes in distinguished British and European publishers, brought me a disturbing information or rather rumors that they were running in some environments linked to British diplomacy in the Santiago axis of Chile and Buenos Aires in over certain political movements in one of the last overseas dominations of the British crown, nothing more and nothing less than the islands of the South Atlantic archipelago .

Before the 1982 war, the "Falklands" islands were totally unknown to the majority of the British, they even did not know that they had as part of the community citizens of second or better, second-class subjects in those parts that Foreign officials Office in London slyly christened "Kelpers". Perhaps the bureaucrats and the officials covered by their impeccable and expensive clothes to see the postcards of the islands that closely resemble the idyllic landscapes of Wales and Scotland, already placed in their minds "they must be second-degree citizens like the Welsh and the Scottish." Equally and beyond these discriminations, the inhabitants of the islands prefer the United Kingdom before Argentina as an assistant state or on which to back; nothing personal until before 1982. And it is that beyond the circumstances that brought the development of that war, the Kelpers rely more on the Anglo-Saxon administrative idiosyncrasies than on the corrupt and inefficient Argentine bureaucracy, part of the problem that historically afflicts them. It would be something like a matter of understanding and nothing more. That to a certain extent that in recent years has been limited by certain circumstances of British politics as the international reality that encourages islanders to claim some political autonomy or even others speaks of sovereign independence. Can this be possible?

In Buenos Aires nobody wanted to think about it, that is very clear and among other denials to reality -which characterizes their mentality- they are still convinced that they will achieve some result with the endless claims before the UN Decolonization Committee or swallowing dirty operations of intoxication information such as that released to public knowledge about a declassification of the supposedly secret secret negotiations carried out - extremely confidential - between Argentine and British representatives somewhere in Switzerland in September 1980. This supposed document would be the preface to the good auspices of another dubious intermediation of the CIA for Buenos Aires and London to reach a balanced agreement on the "Malvinas" issue.

But in all these alleged negotiations and transcended the islanders were always left out, those despicable Patagonian sheep herders who do not know how to negotiate in the high diplomatic spheres and little understanding of geopolitical issues. Certainly the "Kelpers" noticed this and were weaving the idea of ​​a path of self-determination over time.

In London, some of the Think Tanks that serve and contribute ideas to the Foreign Office already visualized it. And it is that since the archipelago took strategic importance for the deployments of NATO in the hemisphere -potentiated by the fall of the Soviet Union- and of course for Great Britain for the resources of fishing, mining and especially the oil that surrounds The islands, the crown budget has sustained the forced presence (under the concept "Fortress Falklands") even trying to promote the benefits of a remote colony in the insular seas more than 7695 miles from London.

With a little more than 3000 inhabitants, the islanders, a heterogeneous population composed of a percentage of British born on the islands for several generations, British in arms service in Mount Pleasant and many other citizens of various parts of the poses that have temporary contracts that They can enter the islands after meticulous analysis of intelligence information since the "Kelpers" historically distrust the continental inhabitants -including the Chileans- even though they have many friends there.

As expected, they have very broadband Internet and telephony communications, very well protected by the military branch of Cyberwar that operates from the islands. Although the islanders feel and are well protected from imaginary Argentine incursions, they feel the need to take their destiny in their hands and promote self-determination for the entire archipelago. Do you think that is silly? I do not really believe it and they are sure that in "Whitehall" and the evil brain that works tirelessly in the "Foreign Office" they have already asked themselves the question.

And it is that with the arrival of the government of CAMBIEMOS in Argentina in 2015 it became feasible to expand the operations of prospecting and study of the maritime areas surrounding the islands and even close to the coasts of the continent obtaining great results. Most of these businesses are private and would only benefit private companies and ventures of Argentine government officials that include the same president Mauricio Macri. But they know that in this deal they are not contemplated and even they would not receive anything substantial from the benefits for the extraction and possible transportation of crude oil to the world market. Although for what they themselves speculate, the profits that they also receive would be more than enough to finance the assembly of a state with its own armed militia and even, boost an autonomous economy based on oil, fishing and tourism.

Today, more than ever, the possibilities are on the horizon with the "Brexit" process and the serious problems that the mere mention of severing certain ties with the European Union is bringing. London has too many internal problems to pay attention to what happens to more than seven thousand miles, as long as the concern merits attention. Keeping overseas possessions like those in the South Atlantic represents an expense that has already been a long endless discussion in the House of Commons that has been complemented by corruption scandals and dark negotiations involving the Ministry of Defense and sectors private companies in the development of new vessels for Royal Navy that have reported serious failures in their facilities.

The enthusiasm and the material possibilities exist, the political circumstances warrant it, the Argentines are not a serious obstacle nor even as a possibility to be taken into account but would London allow it? Even if Theresa May or the nationalist ministers who come do not like the idea of ​​losing control of a possession like the Falklands, they will not really do it and it would only be a mere change of status, a democratization of relations between a grateful people that grew up Under the protection of their ancestors and of the mother country Great Britain, who must let her children grow up and fend for themselves, do not believe it?


Despite the temporary transitional period to rearrange the government and the foreign affairs of Great Britain until October 31st, the exit of the European Union seems already a consecrated reality. The last goodbye of Theresa May as Minister of a United Kingdom?

By Sir Charlattam
Can anyone imagine where Britain will go with Brexit? Nobody can answer this question at the moment and this is because there are few Britons who care about that answer. There is a very complex social reality in the suburbs that threatens to imitate the "yellow vests" of Paris, but in the estates from which state affairs are conducted, there are expectations. The question seems romantic and patriotic to the loyal subjects of his majesty who hope to reconnect with the old glories of the empire. Well bad news for them, there are no prospects for positive things with this capricious separation and say very similar third-world countries.

The drive of the Brexit has also revived many ghosts of the past and worse, with new visions in a world much more complicated than the twentieth century. From this point of view, the supporters of the separation of the EU seem to ignore or perhaps challenge the problems that the disconnection of the governmental levels of cooperation that have a great strategic value for the subjects of state of the United Kingdom will bring. Issues such as defense, internal and cyber security and cooperation in the intelligence area seem to be more sensitive to the changes that will undoubtedly occur due to the departure of London from the European administrative scheme.

For us it is only a smoke screen. The Foreign Office will continue to discreetly count on the support of its German, French and also Belgian colleagues, but it will undoubtedly delay many official coordination mechanisms that were previously part of the EU, were available at the push of a button. With the Brexit will come a bureaucratic business that will delay to Great Britain at the time of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties, so much so. Apparently it is the price that the English right-wingers are willing to bear to recover old glories. For many other Britons it is like a leap in time that makes the TV series of the sixties look like.

For the Crown's forced partners, this new paradigm can generate opportunities for each one of them. Ireland and Scotland are already gestating in their internal political realities, new political movements seeking to shake off control of London and its centuries-old influence that has only benefited the families and economically influential clans of the islands. The concerns are in the air and are of all kinds; the process of separation Brexit has unleashed comments from the most cautious citizens to the most extreme conservative imperialism that seem to resurrect as the "Ave Fenix". The case of the IRA in Ireland seems exemplary. When in 1994 the leadership of the Irish Revolutionary Army announced the ceasefire in exchange for the British demilitarization, it was like the end of an era that was circumscribed in the disappearance of the bipolar world that created the difficulty for the clandestine organizations of national liberation to sustain themselves under the pressure of NATO.

Despite the promises, the British showed no signs of wanting to release the bone and Ireland to continue splitting in two and the quarrels followed under the skin of every Irishman who despite wanting peace and prosperity, had to tolerate the usual tricks Dirty London And is that the fall of the USSR, "Whitehall" and its intelligence agencies enhanced their resources and activities that made see Downing Street 10 and the Foreign Office that there was no need to respect equitable agreements.

For that reason, a new IRA has resurfaced that, despite recognizing a limitation in its capabilities, has promised not to abandon the objectives of its founders. This has been increased after continued British military provocations that after the riots in Derry in the province of Ulster ended with the accidental death by a lost shot of the journalist Lyra Mckee, which as expected will be used by the British Parliament for recommendations of greater pressure and military presence in the province.

With a Brexit framework, the operation of the MI-6 could be limited or limited to operate in the European territory without the advantages of having the network resources of the European intelligence community. Is that credible? Well, we'll see that with the passage of time. Taking this into account, we should see what will happen with its global objectives, that is, with its operations in other continents. Human intelligence may be affected in gathering information, depending on the target country or region where there is interest. Where London has adept governments and mere puppets driven by economic incentives that run below the table of corrupt rulers, there are no problems. In others where they have had intervention to build repressive and intelligence devices together with their partners in Washington, there is some security, although there is no guarantee of freedom from leaks.

In the case of Argentina, due to the question of the Falklands Islands and the adjacent waters, the variety of voluntary sources of information to safeguard British interests does not present problems for WhiteHall. The current situation in the country may present some surprise, but nothing that takes London by mistake. In some Argentine forums it is speculated that the Brexit could complicate the British trade with the archipelago since the same in this sector, is carried forward with advantageous tariffs. The departure of London from the block would mean for these naive, an advantage for Buenos Aires that seem not to learn from the double standards and the dirty tricks that the Foreing Office mounts behind appearances. Likewise, the issue of the South Atlantic islands is a problem that is breaking the brakes in the Ministry of Defense that has begun to accuse more budgetary problems at the door and recommendations to reduce military units. The maintenance and military operation of Mount Pleasant and the administration of Port Stanley will be costly but for the Foreign Office it is an unrenounceable priority.

This is a comment on what speculates some political sectors and intellectuals in Argentina who believe that London was weakening in such a way that it could abandon its presence in the Falklands. If they really believe that, they are undoubtedly more candid than the Department of Psychological Studies has ruled on the average behavior of the inhabitants of the Pampas. For years, London has been preparing an agenda with the Kelper population that is assisted successfully by the air and maritime bridge with Chile, a firm ally of Great Britain.

This does not mean that London is going to dispense with its defense and even less the subsidy of its military and intelligence forces as Argentina's governments in the past 37 years have so clumsily declined. The situation in Argentina is neutral, tending to favor the Foreign Office and operating with human teams under their noses is not a problem. In addition, the electronic and cybernetic intelligence of the GCHQ is fully operational on communications of all kinds in the region and particularly in Argentina with its submarine cable punctured again a few years ago by divers teams S.B.S.

All this also represents costs and expenses that cannot be ignored and the new framework of a Great Britain without the company of the European bloc to pay for part of the movements to this part of the world will be felt more than.

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