sábado, 23 de julio de 2016



The dangerous circumstances to which Argentina underwent its ships in 1990-1991 to bad intentions London

By Dany Smith
It is well known that the British are as or more jealous than Americans when saving its state secrets and nevertheless have not been able to hide all their dirty laundry very effectively. Just remember that what the Foreign Office referred to as the "Subject Falklands" (GCHQ) in which the real objectives are expressed in the war with Argentina, which consists of a voluminous file that is locked from the end of the 1982 war with cryptic within ninety. The dossier will be out of sight of the profane enough time for anyone to exercise critical judgment and even less historical against the British Crown. Just there, when there is a single witness especially the Argentines of that war and the history books have told only the general aspects and very well arranged what was an unexpected appearances conventional war, the vast majority of the unwary, only then Britain unveil what was really behind that conflict.

Well, believe it or not, the British have other reports of the same tenor and with a similar term reservation refers to the participation of Argentina in the call Campaign "Desert Storm" in 1991 in the area of ​​the Gulf War Persian. You reading this will say Argentina Was not an ally of the US-bonded and therefore Britain to fight Iraq Coalition? Well the answer or simply cannot resume if and least in a simple no. For the British mentality and political logic linear responses do not exist; it looks black is really white and then with the passage of time can vary to the most varied gray; the same with what they consider white is black may vary to taste and convenience of the situations that arise. But do not confuse them with ramblings or inconstancy that is the British political reasoning.
Brown ship

The official story usually tell that after the "invasion of Iraq" the Emirate of Kuwait in August 1990, the Argentine government led by President Carlos Saul Menem, decided "UN mandate" the involvement of his country in a military campaign unprecedented since the culmination of the second world war. Well, on the latter it has already become clear that this mandate never existed and still less that urge to Argentina to take up arms against another country. If it was clear that Argentine vessels voluntarily abide by Resolution No. 665, joined in the maritime embargo against Iraq which itself is understood in international law as "an act of war," the Argentine government then ignored thereto. Although several government officials still continue to insist that thesis that relied on "non-binding" UN resolutions, the historical reality is imposed by the mere knowledge of the prevailing reality.

Beyond that Argentines were deceived to participate in this occasion, the fact is that also were used as bait to meet a very dangerous stage which ended in a covert war of high intensity that had been carefully scheduled in Washington. And to remember that at the Theater of Operations (KTO), the Americans and their NATO allies moved into the holds of command aircraft carriers, tactical nuclear warheads that despite the ban on the use by the Atomic Agency International were planned to be used -under the most absolute secret in specific blows on targets in Baghdad and other Iraqi strengths.

Did Buenos Aires knew all this, or at least could imagine that such weapons were in dance at the sight of their boats patrolling and even escorting ships that transported? Obviously not, and let's face Who the hell was Argentina to know what Washington was developing in that region? The political and military context surrounding the USA was as complex as exasperating for their interests and very few dared to inquire (v. Http://www.voltairenet.org/article162816.html ) What the government believed Menen it wrongly as a credit note for insertion into the "first world" was just an illusion that would fleetingly to Washington's plans and no one else.

Recall that when the participation of two Argentine ships in the naval task force in the diplomatic field met the flattering compliments from both Washington and London they published, the latter imitating a complacency that really could not feel. Although the British had won the war eight years ago, not away from his position made precautionary Argentines and threats involved in their subsistent navy. Believe it or not, for London and especially for the Ministry of Defense of His Majesty, the Argentine remained a latent threat and participation in the "big leagues" could unduly enrich the knowledge of Argentine sailors who could cause an imbalance in the maritime power in the south, according to secret documents from the Royal Navy, is a much more important strategic base area set in the rock of Gibraltar Atlantic.

Counterparty, for thinking of Argentinean or rather political, strategic planners decades which actually exist-they stopped the British had already forgotten what 1982 and his involvement with the US in a such a risky operation, is reap their confidence and help the reestablishment of relations on an equal footing, showing the prelude of political stupidity. Examples of these mental structures so narrow we can see them in politicians like former foreign minister Dante Caputo, a true pro-British obsequiousness in his discourse leads him to the limits of nonsense.

As soon as they noticed that the Argentine was really, London went on to develop new plans to capitalize on Argentina's intervention and if necessary, use them as guinea pigs for the benefit of operations and if possible, of itself. No doubt that neither the government of then Carlos Menem let alone their top military leaders were to rise to the occasion and even less understood the implications surrounding participation in this military campaign, which was the source of all conflicts and the current reality sweeping the Middle east and inching across the globe.

At that time, Washington was going through a severe internal crisis which materialized by the plummeting popularity of President George H. Bush codger that the much criticized intervention in Panama in 1989 -to silence the CIA agent Manuel Noriega, the inevitable cuts in military spending that looked justified before the fall of the Soviet enemy, that since the beginning of the cold war guaranteed annual development billionaires weapons programs for "defense" which were subsidized by the government added that with the new reality, all that business was coming down. In this context and as we had planned the "Think Tank" of the defense and intelligence, was launched military engineering that was deployed in advance in the Arabian Peninsula especially in Saudi Arabia and had as tip group launches fast interdiction Airborne infantry US.

Obviously the Argentine government nor could imagine that there was this factual circumstantiality and is even quite possible, that in his tremendous ignorance of the prevailing international situation, revealing the "amateur" nature of that government, rush to claim to be part of it that the mass media was presented as "the invasion of Iraq to the small emirate of Kuwait" but in reality, it was a plan that was previously designed and saved in the archives of Washington.

But with regard to the Argentines, to London the news of his participation in the multinational force-beyond negative- comments represent an opportunity to measure the capabilities of their enemies and even the possibility of being used as decoys for the Argentina fell into an ambush mission that besides the losses would to sink any expectation for closer institutional relations with the US navy that could lead to the dreaded restructuring provided by US ships. The British are experts in dirty games or as they call them "dirty tricks" and were determined to take advantage of the opportunity presented to them.

By some accounts from prying eyes in the archives of the Ministry of Defense of His Majesty, have hinted that there would be a dossier prepared by the Intelligence of the Royal Navy of character "top secret" (Published: www.Warfile.com ) which refer to the participation of Argentina Navy in desert Shield and desert Storm operations in which they would find sketched a plan that could not be realized for reasons of own decisions or were arrested by order of the JIC run by the CIA or the Command in charge of intelligence in the theater or even both. The truth is that the British had something planned against the Argentines failed to materialize; perhaps it followed them discreetly to your home?

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016



Erdogan is going further than Washington approves: Why?

By Horace Husseini
Erdogan Sultan
The failure of an alleged coup attempt against the government of Tiyip Erdogan seems to have opened a new chapter in the political history of Turkey, one that goes back to the nation at times of impalements and dungeons. Although the impalements is rather a metaphor to talk about the penalties, the fact is that in the last 72 hours, the country has become a real Gulag and seems to go right to become a giant detention camp "traitors ".

The irony of fate. Those who met the dirtiest orders against Arab peoples of Syria and Iraq now fall under the pitiless sword of the tyrant who like the rabid dog bite without distinguishing anyone. Even the conspirators are abandoned by Washington, as is usual- who closed the door in his face and the unknown.

The numbers speak for themselves and they show something more than an act of justice by the government. 

Until now some say about 9,000 arrests, including hundreds of admirals and generals, judges, prosecutors, police chiefs, civil related to several of these officials and figures would increase in the coming days are counted. For other sources, the current figures are 50,000 detainees including teachers, professors and religious leaders adherents to the current Gulen are included.

Already leaked some snapshots of what is happening with simple privates to obey orders, were mobilized in the alleged attempted without knowing what their objectives. One shows hundreds of soldiers without their clothes, lying on the floor of a room, stacked with his hands cuffed behind his back to mercy officers loyal to Erdogan. For those with a little memory and knowing the close relationship, reminiscent of the images of Abu-Ghraib prison in Iraq and similar abuses at Guantanamo, Cuba where the US military under the supervision of elements of the CIA, made each of these people , hell through tortures and humiliations most abhorrent that anyone could imagine.

Given this evidence and the clear lack of control that is occurring in the country, Washington looking as the saying says "that blood does not reach the river," called on the government of Erdogan to moderate its methods as it is a condition for membership NATO, respect for democracy; a definition that neither the Americans themselves have never respected. But apparently there are more important reasons for Erdogan, leading him to ignore appearances at the White House and Secretary of State John Kerry. According to some intelligence sources, Moscow had warned Erdogan almost a month in advance, the possibility of an uprising supported from Washington and that plans was his physical elimination. The latter seems to be confirmed with the failed assassination attempt on Erdogan when he was in the coastal town of Marmaris where a command of men attacked his vehicle convoy escort and killing two of his bodyguards.

If something does not distinguish the government of  Recep Erdogan Tiyip is its corrupt brutality that with this new framework, it appears that the increase to levels unimagined. The so-called democracy in Turkey has undoubtedly become an express autocracy, which has achieved the opportunity to concentrate absolute power and undertake unlimited, persecution the most faithful style of Stalin. It is certainly a dream come true, with which Erdogan may take off until the last of their opponents. But this is not new, continuously, Washington and the EU have tolerated violations of human rights carried out by Ankara and is, as a remembered US official of one of their puppets in the Middle East said and that fits very well Turkish president is, "Erdogan is a  Son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch".

It seems clear that the motivations for this attempt were not in the Erdogan government incongruities crystallized with its relations with the "ISIL" and "Al Qaeda". The real reasons for this were based on Erdogan's sudden decision to take a turn towards Moscow and Washington turn my back on something that would not pass without consequences. Apparently among the new plans include the Russian-Turkish reconciliation, the retooling of military equipment would be found for the Turkish armed forces with weapons of Russian origin would include, next-generation aircraft.

Do not forget that the crisis in the Ankara government had begun by the end of November 2015 when two F-16 fighters led by an aircraft electronic intelligence AWACS American Command based in Saudi Arabia tore down cunningly to a SU-24 Russian who It is operating against the mercenaries of “Al-Nusra Front” in northern Syria. Vladimir Putin and his government the situation was intolerable and there was no way that what happened be forgotten.
Erdogan forces and followers acting

Apparently and beyond that Erdogan he says as the brain of the attempt to Fetulá Gulen who lives in Pennsylvania, USA, there are strong arguments in Ankara to believe that Gulen was used or rather collaborate with the White House and the Pentagon to get rid of he. According to some reports, the success of the putsch was guaranteed because once the rule of a military junta as happened in Egypt Washington would recognize the proclamation of the military who would call elections which installed Erdogan removed, would rise a new pro-American stooge .

But the failure besides retaliation limitless being watched across the country, seems to feed a disruptive current in the Turkish Armed Forces, according to several Russian reports, they are deserting to escape reprisals and purges the regime has begun to implement on every house and every department of the state. 

One of the clearest cases being seen in the Turkish navy, which after the attempted coup whereabouts Commander in Chief Veysel Kosele is unknown and it has been reported that a fleet of fourteen warships have fled their ports to water international ostensibly intended to seek refuge in Greece.

Not only that, they have also been reported by some intelligence sources that Turkish agents at MIT who were advising the mercenary groups in Aleppo, left the Syrian city a few hours after the coup have begun, without being constrained to where they went.

The situation has been exploited by Erdogan to try to reinstate the death penalty had been abolished in 1984 and with the excuse to nip future attempts, try to make what many well suppose, a political-ideological cleansing retroactive effect, which rolled back to Turkey at the time of the impalement, slow death and suffering that was given to traitors.

With this background, the situation of Erdogan and his government can come dangerously close to that of a despot uncontrolled who, with apparent new support in Moscow, will seek to implement these plans under a discretion that has ceased to be discreet and product thus, the same Vladimir Putin has made clear that it must respect human rights and not go beyond what the law allows.

No doubt that Erdogan feels hurt in his pride for having proved that Washington has wanted to throw it away, as has often been done with other puppets in the region and appears to retaliate with their own citizens for the consequences of those games dirty whom he played so well until recently; not forget that the Turkish president under the auspices of the White House, and continues do what- violated international law and all of the mandatory UN Charter with its aggressive interference in Syria and Iraq even daring to shoot down a plane Russian Federation which marked the beginning of the end.

There are many signs and many indications that the Turkish military were seduced by Washington since, in addition to participation both have within NATO, there is historically a very close relationship between the Pentagon and the Turkish armed forces and also very oily relations collaboration in the field of intelligence.

martes, 19 de julio de 2016



Cuando los vicios propios en los que incurre Washington impiden algún grado de legitimidad en sus señalamientos a otros países

Por Dany Smith y Pepe Beru
Cualquier transeúnte despistado de la ciudad de Washington puede advertir que todo lo que rodea al enfrentamiento entre los demócratas y los republicanos, más puntualmente entre Hillary Clinton y Donald Trump es una simple comedia ligera. No es recomendable atiborrarse de información proveniente de los medios gráficos que inundan los anaqueles de los revisteros callejeros ya que de hacerlo, solo obtendrá una migraña por el enredo sin sentido que cada uno de los diarios vuelca en sus editoriales.  Hoy vemos con claro estupor como la fiscal general  Loretta Linch ha liberado sin más, de todos los cargos a la candidata demócrata sin que argumente con algún grado de razón, cuáles son los méritos que halló para semejante decisión.

Señoras y señores, no hay que hacer de esto un misterio; simplemente se trata de una clara maniobra de impunidad  en los más altos círculos político estadounidenses en el decadente centro de poder mundial, que en medio de tanta corrupción e incertidumbre comienza a sentir dentro de sus propias fronteras la inseguridad descarnada que se dirige hacia sus fuerzas policiales históricamente famosas por sus brutalidades y abusos de poder con aroma a racismo fascista.

Pero claro, en la Casa Blanca hay un presidente negro alegan los defensores de las políticas estadounidenses, como si trataran de argumentar que los recientes hechos de sangre en los que se han visto asesinatos de policías por revanchas por crímenes cometidos por los uniformados blancos contra ciudadanos afroamericanos, son hechos aislados y descontectualizados de la maravillosa realidad estadounidense. Entiéndase esta última alegoría como un claro sarcasmo  que trata de reflejar la total incredulidad a las propagandas mediáticas que los medios anglosajones, han venido radiando por décadas para tratar de tapar la verdadera naturaleza del gobierno profundo y el sistema estadounidense.

Es sin dudas una muestra grosera y desvergonzada del “bananerismo” del sistema de justicia norteamericano, que en otras épocas se jactaban en señalar con respecto a los países latinos caracterizados por sus pobreza sistémica y corruptela clientelar. En realidad esto no es una novedad ya que hemos visto como aquel impresentable borrachín del estado de Texas, llegó a ser presidente en 2000 por un arreglo descarado dentro del electorado,

Ahora con esta parodia de Hillary Clinton que más bien se trata de una alevosa lavada de cara a una política llena de claroscuros, los ojos del mundo pueden estar seguros de que no hay ninguna altura moral en las instituciones estadounidenses con las que se atrevan a señalar errores ajenos.  Cómo puede hablar Washington de elecciones transparentes, de democracia o respeto a los derechos humanos, cuando en s haber tiene aberraciones como fue el fraude del triunfo de George Bush en 2001, su sistemática política legislativa de represión e intrusión en la vida privada de las personas, las detenciones sin orden contra personas sospechadas por su confesión religiosa (musulmanes), la agresión belicista y el asesinato de millones de seres humanos a causa de políticas liadas con la ley internacional.

Vamos a ver. Qué diablos puedes esperarte de una resolución tan descarada como la que hoy la mayoría de los estadounidenses pensantes han podido ver con esta maniobra del Departamento de Justicia y por supuesto con el apoyo de la Casa Blanca?  Aunque traten de mostrar al estadounidense promedio como un estúpido conformista a quien solo le interesa su cerveza y un confortable sillón en su sala de estar, lo cierto es que hay bastante sentido crítico en sus observaciones y sabe bien quiénes son sus políticos y en el caso particular, saben muy bien quién es “camaleón” Hillary Clinton.

Tan solo un mes atrás, las diferencias entre el demócrata de la izquierda progresista Bernie Sanders y la senadora conservadora por New York Hillary Clinton, sacaban chispas como si de un duelo de espadas se tratara. Sin dudas daban un muy buen espectáculo para alimentar a los medios gráficos y televisivos en la Unión pero nada más. Más allá de las diferencias cosméticas entre estos dos demócratas,  Sanders y Clinton son  en el fondo lo mismo.   Del mismo modo que se pinta a Trump como un multimillonario demagogo sin sesos, Sanders es tan “socialista” como Clinton es “transparente”.  Y podríamos agregar que Hillary tiene en su haber un involucramiento nada claro, cuando cumpliendo con sus funciones de secretario de estado, se hallaba muy activa en los asuntos sucios de Libia que entre otras cuestiones, se cobraron con  la muerte del embajador estadounidense en Bengazi allá por el 2012.

Está claro que a los poderes del estado profundo estadounidense, siempre preferirán a una persona sin escrúpulos y descarnada para manejar los asuntos de la Unión, que a un aislado idealista como Sanders a quien se le permitió desplegar sus convicciones políticas en la pequeña Vermont, pero no más allá. Y es esperable que el mismo Sanders sepa de todo esto y simplemente mire para otro lado, después de todo él vive de la política y sabe muy bien que tratar de enfrentar esa negra realidad en la que se entremezclan intereses de las altas finanzas, la mega corporación de la industria armamentista y las cajas negras de las agencias de inteligencia como la CIA –que realiza un  negocio incalculable en el marco de la llamada política de Contraterrorismo-, simplemente sería una estupidez.

Tal como se esperaba, Clinton y Sanders se han unido para tratar de contrapesar a Donald Trump quien  a pesar de su sus vulgaridades y sus estridencias verbales, ha sabido captar a una amplio público estadounidense hastiado de los mismos políticos reciclados de siempre que han sumido al país en una interminable guerra que no tiene aún visos de hasta dónde puede llegar.

Pero claro, para los medios conservadores como el Washington Post, Donald Trump es un simple orate, un multimillonario sin sesos que no tiene la menor  idea de cómo manejar la política doméstica y menos aún la exterior de la unión. Desde hace unas semanas estos medios cuyos columnistas son claros admiradores de las políticas liberales de los neocon y preclaros defensores de las políticas de Israel, se han encarnizado contra el candidato republicano no por su supuesta estupidez que lo volvería no idóneo para el cargo, sino por todo lo contario, ser demasiado claro en temas que a los intereses detrás del salón oval en la Casa Blanca, no les interesa compartir con el público.

Precisamente por estas inconvenientes verdades que Trump dispara sin parar y que han levantado a un amplio sector del espectro electoral estadounidense, las editoriales conservadoras y filosionistas estadounidenses pasaron de las burlas a su particular imagen a las descalificaciones de los tonos más agresivos que no dejan lugar a dudas, la muestra del nerviosismo en el stablishment mediático-político y financiero que ven en Trump, un personaje desaforado que puede terminar por deshacer la ya maltrecha agenda política, especialmente la externa que sin dudas se halla en retroceso.

Pero volviendo a la bochornosa decisión de la fiscal de estado de, limpiar el archivo de antecedentes de la señora senadora –que claramente vulnera los pilares constitucionales-, viene a ratificar lo que anteriormente habíamos predicho en la carrera presidencial de la ex secretario de estado y sus muy buenos contactos con el poder real en la Unión  (v. “Promesas de más caos”. http://pensamientoestraegico.blogspot.com.ar/2016/06/enla-mira-promesas-de-mas-caos-como-el.html ). 

Es en este marco, al ver hoy como Bernie Sanders se abraza fervorosamente con quien hasta apenas una semana antes de este anuncio, estaba al borde del procesamiento por cargos muy graves, solo demuestra el embuste de unas elecciones que en noviembre ya tiene previsto el resultado.

sábado, 16 de julio de 2016



Cuales habrían sido las verdaderas causas de este intento de golpe en Turquía 

Por Charles H. Slim
Para muchos se trato de una noticia sorpresiva que toma desprevenidos a todos los habitantes de Turquía y del mundo, pero para otros muchos, especialmente los que seguimos los acontecimientos que vienen sucediendo en la región con la inserción del “ISIL” como el actor disonante que de los argumentos geoestratégicos a Washington, Londres y Tel Aviv, esta reacción interna en la nación musulmana lindera con la Europa cristiana y filosionista no representa una novedad. 

Si hay algo que no distingue al gobierno de Tiyip Recep Erdogan es su popularidad. La llamada democracia en Turquía es una, claramente al estilo e interpretación del gobierno. Continuadamente, Washington y la UE han tolerado las violaciones a los derechos humanos que lleva a cabo Ankara y es que, como dijo un recordado funcionario estadounidense de uno de sus títeres en el Medio Oriente y que le cabe muy bien al mandatario turco es, “Erdogan es un HDP, pero es nuestro HDP”.

Pero las motivaciones para esta tentativa no estaba en las incongruencias del gobierno de Erdogan que se habían venido conociendo, vinculadas a la asistencia que se le estuvo prestando al “ISIL” y otras bandas seudo-jihadistas que asolan Siria e Iraq o, a los recortes a la libertad informativa mediante los cepos a la internet, los arrestos a diputados y periodistas  que habían descubierto los contubernios y los trabajos sucios entre el MIT y la CIA para expandir el terror en Siria. Las verdaderas razones de esto se basaron en la repentina decisión de Erdogan de dar un giro hacia Moscú y darle la espalda a Washington algo que no iba pasar sin consecuencias.

No hay que olvidar que la crisis del gobierno de Ankara había comenzado por finales de noviembre del 2015 cuando dos cazas F-16 guiados por un avión de inteligencia electrónica  AWACS  del Comando estadounidense con base en Arabia Saudita  derribaron arteramente a un S-24 ruso que operaba contra los mercenarios del Frente Al Nusra en el norte de Siria. Para Vladimir Putin y su gobierno la situación era intolerable y no había forma de que lo ocurrido quedara en el olvido.

Desde la ocurrencia de ese hecho muchos con muy buenos argumentos sospecharon que había sido una operación que estaba destinada a amedrentar a Moscú sobre las consecuencias de involucrarse en Siria. 

Pero la decisión de llevarla a cabo no había podido ser ejecutada autónomamente por los turcos, eso queda claro. Incluso viendo como se desarrollo ese ataque se comprobó que la acción involucro a los comandos aéreos de la OTAN, aviones aliados de la alianza y marcación del blanco por un avión comandado por tripulación estadounidense.

Tras ello, lejos de dejarlo en la anécdota, Vladimir Putin se comprometió en que dicho crimen no quedase impune comenzando a imponer sobre el gobierno turco una serie de sanciones comerciales que irían desgastando a la economía turca, especialmente basada en el turismo y la exportación de productos a Rusia.  Sin dudas que Putin y sus generales no ignoraban que detrás de todo esto se hallaba la OTAN que respaldaba a Erdogan para que pudiera hacer “la pata ancha” a Rusia, que estaba complicando las operaciones contra el gobierno de Bashar Al Assad y demorando sin solución de continuidad su derrocamiento.

Con este panorama, la situación de Erdogan y su gobierno se complicó aún más con la pelea con su ex aliado político el predicador  Fetulá Gulen, quien tras ser señalado por el círculo del gobierno como el “cerebro” de la intentona, rechazó de plano tener parte en la conspiración.

El hecho real que no todos saben en occidente, es la real situación interna dentro del gobierno y de las FFAA turcas, que se hayan divididas entre “Kemalistas” y “Islamistas” éstos últimos además de estar conformados  por los altos oficiales que son  favorables a las políticas intervencionistas de Turquía en los asuntos de Iraq y Siria, apoyan a Erdogan y a su familia. Pero también existe otra división que no es conveniente que se conozca en occidente y es la que divide al ejército entre oficiales pro-OTAN y los pro-rusos, éstos últimos arduamente perseguidos por el gobierno llevando en varios casos al encarcelamiento e incluso a  la muerte de oficiales de alto rango en circunstancias nada claras.

Sin dudas se trata del síntoma de una seria crisis en el estado profundo turco. Hay una lucha intestina que puede haberse iniciado mucho con éstas cruentas consecuencias, que tuvo como primeas manifestaciones los atentados que habían golpeado a Estambul un mes antes.  Lo visto en las calles de Turquía solo fue la visualización de una parte de esa lucha intestina que, ya venía desarrollándose y seguramente seguirá haciéndolo en el campo clandestino del espionaje que sin dudas, se halla tan dividido como sucede con los militares.

Esto me hizo recordar a un interesante artículo del sitio Foreing Affairs en el cual se señalaba el peligro de que Erdogan confiara  un mayor acercamiento hacia las fuerzas armadas con las cuales, desde un punto de vista político, se hallan bastante distanciados especialmente por las diferencias que surgen de las irreconciliables miradas por el estricto laicismo que defienden los militares turcos,  del islamismo soft que Erdogan y su gente tratan de insertar en la Turquía republicana fundada por Kemal Ataturk (v. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2016-05-30/turkeys-next-military-coup ) .

Igualmente y pese a estas circunstancias particularmente turcas no hay que sacar de la vista a las posibles implicancias de factores externos, involucrados e interesados a sacar a un Erdogan caduco y sin el peso político necesario para encarar los desafíos que se le habían encargado y de los cuales tras las últimas señales dadas a conocer a Moscú, parece haberse rendido por la presión.  Recordemos que éste repentino e inesperado cambio en el discurso del mandatario turco, fue calificado por varios analistas políticos internacionales como un éxito rutilante para Vladimir Putin en particular y para la política de Moscú en general. Sobre esto mismo es necesario no olvidar el revuelo y desagrado que causó entre los altos jerarcas de la OTAN en Bruselas y los personeros políticos de Washington, la decisión de Ankara de ofrecerle a Rusia su cooperación para luchar decididamente contra el “ISIL” proponiéndole incluso, el uso de la base de “Incirilik”, histórico punto estratégico de la alianza y de EEUU en sus campañas contra Iraq en 1991 y 2003.

Este giro repentino de Erdogan puso muy nerviosos a los generales del Pentágono y a los diversos jefes de la inteligencia, en especial a John Brennan director de la CIA quien se halla profundamente implicado en las operaciones de las bandas mercenarias que son entrenadas por los asesores de la “agencia”  en Jordania y los campamentos montados al sur de Turquía, donde junto a sus colegas del MIT turco y otras agencias occidentales, entrenan, arman y facilitan la entrada de armas, equipos y mercenarios frescos para que operen en Siria. Así de simple y grave es la implicancia que se advierte entre una Ankara cooperadora bajo la dirección de Tiyip Erdogan y su repentino giro que daría la espalda a todo lo comprometido.

El pedido de disculpas a Vladimir Putin por el derribo del SU-24 entre otras fechorías cometidas con la implicancia de los mercenarios que son asistidos por la CIA y la inteligencia militar del Pentágono –quienes surten de misiles antitanque y sistemas antiaéreos- , solo sería uno de los factores detonantes de un posible golpe.  Una de las versiones que no se ventilaron por los medios oficiales de prensa, refieren a que la lucha interna entre los partidarios de la OTAN y los pro-rusos había llegado al grado de que el atentado del 16 de julio en el aeropuerto de Estambul habría estado dirigido a matar a un general de la OTAN que buscaba llegar  a  Moscú, para advertir  de peligrosos planes que no compartía con sus colegas de la organización atlántica  y que pondría en peligro a la paz mundial.

Según esta versión, se le encargó a las “cloacas del estado” llevar adelante una operación que en apariencias tuviese la forma y la simbología de un ataque extremista del “ISIL”  para desviar las sospechas sobre cualquier implicancia interna.  Lo cierto es que, una acción semejante a cargo de esta franquicia no solo es políticamente una inconsecuencia sino también, una provocación estúpida a las autoridades de un gobierno que les ha venido apoyando desde el inicio de las agresiones contra Siria.

No caben dudas de que éste conato ha sido en cierta medida, sospechosamente beneficioso para Erdogan y pareciera ser, que saldrá más fortalecido que no significa que tenga mayor legitimidad y menos aún mayor adhesión popular, pero si le servirá para apretar los tornillos de la seguridad interior con la cual, comenzara a estrechar aún más la cacería contra los disidentes políticos y cualquiera que se atreva a cuestionar sus políticas internas y externas.  Es por ello que más que un golpe de estado ha sido un golpe de efecto que dará vía libre para una profunda limpieza de opositores. La purga ha comenzado y se habla de 5 generales, 20 coroneles y 1600 soldados de tropa, arrestados lo que seguramente se extenderá a jueces, funcionarios de inteligencia y contrainteligencia que podría llevar a que se revelen los posibles nexos externos en esta fallida acción.

viernes, 15 de julio de 2016



How the former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to be quoted in London for war crimes could evade Scotland Yard

By Dany Smith
Tzipi Livni
Just ten years ago, it would have been unthinkable that a government and western least one yet, dared to require explanations to justice political figures of the state of Israel for war crimes committed against the Arab-Palestinian population. Even the Palestinians themselves who know of abuse and impunity, come with clear hope that the arm of justice cannot be fettered by the influence of Tel Aviv. It was the case of former government minister Ehud Olmert Tzipi Livni who was called by a British court to testify about his involvement in "Operation Cast Lead" Israel launched against the Gaza Strip in 2009, causing a slaughter that gave Around the World.

It was very good news that show some progress in the fight to break the fences of impunity that Tel Aviv through their powerful lobbies around the world, have tended to keep to one dared to question the "politics of Israel."

Coming from Britain the news has taken no given greater impact but one thing is certain and that is that the British many years to this part have been promoting political, media and legal for officials and Israeli military medium and high ranges not go unnoticed by the European Union (or what remains of it) and least in Britain where despite being one of the most powerful "bunker" of European Zionism, also are the most opponents firms to crimes and bestiality that They are justified in the name of Israel.
explotion at Gaza center city 2009

Recall that consisted of and what the consequences of "Operation Cast Lead" launched by the Israeli forces against the Gaza Strip in 2009. Israel launched in continuously and indiscriminately from the sea, air and land, all kinds of bombardments were pumps chemicals-including elements without considering that it was bombing urban centers which ended demolishing buildings, schools and hospitals, which despite attempts to hide in the Western press, was exposed by the wide variety of alternative networks that to announce tests paragons of brutality.

They were 22 days of terror not for militias "Hamas", but for the entire Palestinian population, without discrimination between men, women, children or newborns. The ferocity and viciousness demonstrated by pilots, gunners and frank Israeli marksmen is worthy of the most despicable butchers who could conceive history. This is linked to a strategy of psychological warfare in addition to the destruction that its first consequence for civilians, is a double message which seeks to terrorize throwing the blame on militants of the resistance. Do not fall into the deception that many are still trying to articulate, when they want to refer to the greatest criminals of contemporary history, his eyes rolled back to Nazi Germany and the like chitchat. So clearly irrelevant are these attempts to divert attention, even repulsed Jews of good will who feel the shame that Zionists have hierarch who in turn  a representation that those do not recognize arrogate.

Tzipi Livni was foreign minister of Israel and in this role, he tried to disguise the actions carried out his government as "acts of defense", which in view of anyone even many Israelis and Jews around the world it is a hair taken. The Israeli official was immediately informed that Scotland Yard wanted to make a "voluntary interrogation" in reference to war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip in 2009.
Chemical and deadly rain on Gaza center 2009

Although the British authorities acted -voluntary- and required the presence of the former official, immediately Zionist influence mechanisms that Britain harbors within its political-parliamentary cadres and diplomats moved, with the intervention of the embassy Israel in London in tune with the Foreign Office (Foreign Affairs) managed to stop any embarrassing scene of a former Israeli minister with handcuffs on her hands. They seized his ingenious maneuvers between London and Tel Aviv agreed that Livni would give special immunity not to be disturbed.

Some of his most memorable and profound thoughts are one who prays Kill a terrorist is not only legitimate but desirable after 2014 Israeli while trying unsuccessfully to kill the commander of the "Hamas" Mohamad Al Deif, Palestinian Resistance commandos murdered his wife and daughter. This thinking is what characterizes the average Zionist without Manichean distinctions between leftists or rightists, both are harmful to disclose their methods and bloodlust.

Perhaps it was a mere illusion, but human rights groups and pro-Palestinian activists have tried and will continue despite this coming-clearly noticeable influence of money and political influence with Israel and its supporters handle world. What war crimes and crimes against humanity not only applicable for some; even though Israel and the US do not accept the request of the International Criminal Court undoubtedly at some point it will be attracted to its jurisdiction because otherwise, the court will lose its legitimacy and raison d'etre.

Israel, Israel, Israel must be nice is a song !, he says. There is no beauty in the massacres of innocent bloodshed and children. Excuses often argue that the Zionists almost always, Golems pimps- is that "Hamas" is a terrorist organization that threatens the poor Israeli population rockets "Qassam" then Israel is forced to strike back with guided missiles and costly phosphorus bombs so that the pain is unbearable.

A lot of manipulation and absolute disinformation is what for decades had surrounded the issue of "political defense" of Israel who, besides being merely an absurd understatement, is clearly a walking contradiction since, an occupant is not defended by a irrational aggression; It is a brutal military power that seeks to crush the Arab-Palestinian population.

Although this "operation" was remarkably brutal, we must make clear that has not been the only one in the history of the existence of the state of Israel and certainly not the last. One of the characteristic features of the Israeli occupation forces, is deliberate and systematic inhumanity proceed to eradicate the Palestinian Arabs-even co-opting people -Beduinos- desert tribes to do the dirty work as they are being used as soldiers , drivers Buldoser toppling the houses of the Palestinians, private thugs, police etcetc.

Tzipi Livni could escape the interrogation of a clearly defined justice by the power of the British Zionist lobbi but without doubt many other Israeli criminals who have seen this like Netanyahu, Lieberman and thousands more-and fattened for years to murder without any legal consequences, it has caused them discomfort in their stomachs that predicts them maybe later rather than sooner, follow them and may not have such impunity to escape thousands of lawsuits by the most heinous crimes that have been seeing in Palestine since 1948.