domingo, 3 de julio de 2022



Bad news from Ukraine adds to Boris Johnson's abysmal management Has the time come to prepare for Boris's exit?

By Sir Charlattam

You don't have to travel to Ukraine to see that the help Boris Johnson has sent to the NATO comedian in Kiev has been to no avail. The problem with this mess is that the country is in no position to squander resources on black holes. Millions of pounds worth of arms have evaporated and now ordinary Britons are finding out that it was all for nothing, for God's sake!

The economy has entered a critical cycle and all this for blindly following the White House mandates like a lapdog with blind obsequiousness and lack of foresight. Where did the Brexit ambition to recapture the old glories of empire go? Indeed, many point to Brexit as part of the calamity that cannot be ignored by its supporters. We have never stopped playing second fiddle and with Boris monkey cheeks we have reaffirmed that sad role.

Inflation, unemployment and social precariousness are growing, but the Crown's resources are being wasted on the warmongering adventures of an organisation that has no future. What was unleashed in Ukraine was the consequence of the unfulfilled word in 1990 and the constant blunders of the White House that ended with the Maidan coup of 2014 and from there, a policy of cleansing against the Russian-speaking population of Donbass that accumulated thousands of dead civilians.

Because nothing happened and believing that by hanging on to Biden's trousers, embarking for eight years on intrigues and operations to influence Kiev against Russia, Cameron, May and Johnson believed that we would be protected under Washington's wing. Even sympathising with the Brussels bureaucrats with Ursula von der Leyen at their head the British are mired in a slippery bog. Now reality has smacked us in the face. The economy has entered a deep crisis so severe that it has not been seen since 1970 when Conservative Prime Minister Eduard Heath endured one of the harshest mining strikes the island can remember.

People's confidence has plummeted and this is reflected in the recession the UK is entering. And to some extent it is not all Johnson's fault. We had been in economic distress since 2008, which put us alongside the worst in the European Union like Italy. The pandemic was a hammer blow to business and the crazy push for sanctions ordered from Washington against Russia was not a good idea and has come back like a boomerang and knocked down our economy and production with no prospect of lifting the situation. This has led me to think and analyse whether the Johnson administration is not up to more serious stupidity.

We know that the US became the economic power it was until the 1990s thanks to wars -taking out the arms business- and the destruction they created. First it invented an excuse, inflated it in the media, hit you, wiped out a country and then helped it through "humanitarian loans", a round business they have been using since the end of the second great war with the Marshall Plan. That is why many governments today are already aware of this diabolical engineering and simply say to Washington “thanks, but you'd better not help me”.

But Volodymyr Zelensky and his gang don't care about this precedent and we see that with the voracity with which they consume the billions of US dollars that Joe Biden's administration spends to win a war that has already been lost, so what's the deal?

Americans have been prolific in using smokescreens to cover up domestic problems. George H. Bush in 1989, worried about the ambitions of his old partner from his CIA days, Manuel Noriega, invaded Panama and took him out of circulation. Bill Clinton, overwhelmed by the Lewinsky internship scandal that endangered his political career, ordered the bombing of a milk factory in a poor African country, painting it as a coup against terrorism. And we could go on and on with Biden himself.

It's just speculation but, I have thought that maybe and just maybe, monkey cheeks Johnson is trying to play the same cards as "Uncle Sam" and seek to boost his sagging political image and the country's industrial output with a direct war with Russia. It sounds crazy, but we have a lunatic prime minister. My fears are based on the Churcilian delusions of Johnson and Co., the troop mobilisations to the Baltic states, and on the statements of the new General Sir Patrick Sanders in charge of the British Armed Forces which, if I understand correctly, presume a return to the past by haranguing the troops as in 1937 in the time of Stalin; frankly insane.

This also reveals that the propaganda and the battery of dirty tricks that the intelligence agencies, including the “Five Eyes” set in motion in recent months have failed and have realised that the calculations and prognoses about the sustainability and professionalism of the Russian army on the battlefield were either a mistake or left as a task for the BBC's chatterboxes.

I think the UK has too many problems for its prime minister to be playing Churchill walking the streets of Central Europe with representatives of far-right regimes in the guise of democratic liberators who promise nothing but more war.








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