martes, 25 de julio de 2023



Myths and realities of Western democracy's relations with the far-right, mafia-like regime in Kiev


By Sidney Hey

A seemingly harmless shipment of farm implements and motorbikes being unloaded at the port of Durres, Albania concealed a consignment of arms and equipment that was not supposed to get there, but no one cares. In a place so corrupt and run by gangsters with links to the “agency” and NATO, silence is assured.

Further afield, somewhere in the Red Sea, other container ships will land on some Arab beach another ton of military equipment and weaponry that was supposed to reach Ukraine. I would not be surprised if we see a re-run of the “Islamic State 2.0” hoax using Turkish “Bayraktar” Drones, “Javelin” missiles and British “Starstreak” MANPADS, if that happens I would like to hear what the media buffoons in the West will say. Still no one in the ASIS offices in Canberra has dusted off the matter of the vans that were shipped to be handed over to “Daesh and there is a simple explanation for this: As a strategic ally in the South, Washington has a firm grip on Australian politicians and that is why they gladly participate in all operations ordered as part of the “Five Eyes”.

But other shipments that did reach the country seem to have been subject to other diversions and are lost in the mists of a state of absolute lawlessness. The reality in western Ukraine, and in Kiev in particular, is far from a state of legality. In addition to being at the mercy of a pro-Nazi regime, the inhabitants must contend with local criminal mafias that are the law in a lawless state. Someone has been making a killing on shipments to Eastern Europe and the question is: is this a stunning oversight by the Ministry of Defence (MoM), the consequence of an extraordinary and sophisticated Russian intelligence operation, or are there other Washington plans for these armaments?

Democracy is supposed to be the governance of law, so is breaking international law democratic?

I can assure you that if the government wanted to, it would not miss a nut on a tank. But it is true that in recent years the dealings between the government and private corporations, the intra-governmental corruption is so great that administrative controls that only serve to justify huge defence budgets no longer matter. The scandalous case of Hunter Biden, which the American media corporation has tried to sweep under the carpet, explains many inexplicable things in American politics.

No doubt this has partly filtered into the disaster of Kiev's failed counteroffensive that forced into the public eye the failures and shortcomings reported by many Ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries (American and British) who managed to survive in the midst of what they themselves called “hell”.

The alleged shortcomings in end-use monitoring between the Pentagon and their colleagues in Kiev do not explain these gross irregularities, which are actually minuscule compared to others noted by the Russians in the liberated territories.

Why should this not be credible? Ukrainian troops have been known to steal and sell such large items as French 155mm “Caesar” guns and their ammunition to the Russians, who took no time at all to remove them from the field and reverse engineer them. Let alone the tide of rifles and machine guns that no one knows where they ended up. For those of you who can remember, remember the weapons and money that were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan?

On those occasions various military officers and intelligence contacts made their own fortunes by taking out of Iraq and selling the weapons of Saddam's dismantled army to insurgency groups and mafias around the globe. What did the Baghdad government do? Nothing if they were part of the deal. The same in Afghanistan, where many ISAF military and corrupt Afghan military and politicians loyal to Karsai got rich selling and reselling weapons to warlords and opium traffickers.

Why should things be any different in the current war in Ukraine? And yet we are only talking about this trafficking and not about the more sinister and lucrative trafficking of people and organs.

This is undoubtedly a nuisance for government bureaucrats who tend to see ghosts where there are none. They are typically useless, sitting on their chubby asses in a well-appointed office far removed from reality. So it's not surprising that these questions fall foul of them as “Russian propaganda”.

It is possible that there is another theory for creating this black hole of arms and money in Ukraine. Perhaps this seemingly uncontrolled arms surge has been planned to flood the mafias, irregular and extremist groups of all kinds into Ukraine and all of Eastern Europe to consolidate a scenario of controlled chaos that will destroy their governments and in the midst of that morass, Washington and NATO will come to the rescue.

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