domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2024


The lack of limits, political double standards and disproportionality that NATO endorses, to ensure security has forced Moscow to move to another level What could be the next step?


By Dany Smith 

While the United Nations reflects its absolute uselessness to stop the arbitrariness that we see today in the world and especially in the wars in Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa, the major players involved behind this are readjusting their positions with no sign that diplomatic efforts will come to fruition.

We are facing a dialogue of the deaf where, at least in the collective West, no one wants to see where the world is being pushed. The use of terrorism and sustained support for Ukrainian neo-Nazism are two faces of NATO that Washington pretends to ignore.  We must not lose sight of the fact that behind it all there is only one interest and that is to obtain geopolitical supremacy in order to control all businesses.

It is also being felt within the hemisphere's own societies, especially by the self-proclaimed “champions of democracy”, imposing censorship, blocking content, persecuting journalists and researchers and opening legal proceedings against them with the clear intention of shutting their mouths. Remember how a few weeks ago the founder of “Telegram” was arrested in Paris on trumped-up charges.

Or what happened to Scott Ritter, a former inspector of weapons of mass destruction who proved the great farce that had been set up around Iraq and that served to carry out that odious and bloody invasion in 2003. This has earned him the attention of the federal government and in recent times much more for his more than juicy investigations that have made the Establishment nervous to the point that the FBI raided his home under suspicion of being a Russian agent.

For those who still believed in Western values, this comes as a great unrealistic shock that makes them realize what the political sects entrenched in Washington and their allied governments, especially their European slaves, have really turned the hemisphere into. Thus the neoconservatives and their revisionist Zionist colleagues have subverted the political nature of the very foundations of Western democracy. Just look at the blatant attempt by CNN anchors trying to smear Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for something she never said or the firings of academics at universities; For what? For denouncing Palestinian genocide which The White House and Biden in particular has been supporting and has replicated with support for attacks on Lebanon.

The two attempts to eliminate a presidential candidate -if we discount the plane malfunction that forced an emergency landing- like Trump, reveals that there is something very rotten in the system and it is not exactly coming from outside. It is not Iran, North Korea, the Nazis in Ukraine or the “ISIS” hoax that tried to kill the eccentric former president. The Americans themselves know that their government sucks and everything that surrounds it. Today no one is unaware of what the “deep state” means, its composition (such as the federal intelligence agencies) and what interests it holds.  With this, what happened with the Kennedys, with the blowing up of the FBI building in Oklahoma in 1995 and other episodes that at the time were presented as facts of domestic terrorism or of the much sold Islamic terrorism but that if you look a little deeper, it already complicated the system.

Regarding similar episodes, let us not forget the most emblematic and influential of all, 9/11, behind which and in the list of inconsistencies and curiosities of that morning is the celebration of the young Israelis in an apartment in New Jersey while they were videotaping the fall of the towers and the arrest by the police of a moving van after investigating they discovered that it was a fake and that those who were operating it were Israeli agents with intelligence equipment. As soon as they were rescued by the FBI they were quickly repatriated to Israel.

If we look at the censorship imposed on the Eastern media, especially Russian media, which have even been prosecuted with abstract and absurd accusations, it reveals a witch hunt, the reissue of the odious “McCarthyism” and the hysteria reflected by the bureaucrats in Washington and which the hemispheric media know how to blur in chorus with these agendas.

This restrictive and increasingly aggressive and suffocating policy is not only against the Russian media, but also against any other or thinking citizen who questions Washington's political narrative or publishes the facts that the federal government does not want to air. This also implies trying to cover up the atrocities committed by the Israeli regime of Benjamin Netanyahu who in his last demonstration assassinated the leader of Hezbollah and for that purpose his planes bombed a block of Beirut's suburbs, blowing up the buildings and all the civilian inhabitants in them.

In the face of such disproportionality, the White House has said nothing, and why? Because they have been part of it.

This kind of foul play is what Washington has been playing against the lives and property of Russian citizens, but with the big difference that Moscow has what it takes and will not let it happen. The West's veiled willingness for Kiev to use long-range weapons has led President Vladimir Putin to change the nuclear doctrine and although the media is now trying to demonize him, one might ask: If Putin were really bad and wanted to finish off Zelensky and his Nazis, why doesn't he pulverize Kiev as Netanyahu has done in Syria, Gaza and now Beirut?



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