sábado, 24 de junio de 2023



Why is Volodymyr Zelensky suggesting that Russia might blow up the Zaporiya nuclear power plant? When the subconscious gives away our intentions


By Sidney Hey

Interest is the measure of action is a saying among lawyers, but it also fits very well in the area of intelligence. Prevailing over the enemy is the goal and deception tactics are the cornerstone for this. Thus, the schemers of covert operations in charge of bringing deceptive actions to fruition will have political ends to support their governments' arguments.

Depending on the political interest involved, the action will be of a certain degree. For the sponsors of the Kiev regime things are more than clear: there is no chance going head-on against Russia. In fact, they have always known this, which is why they act clandestinely and in parallel to conventional actions on the ground. Terrorist attacks, sabotage, assassinations and incursions into Russian territory are proof of this. On the contrary, the exposure of the real instigators and perpetrators has been politically counterproductive. Remember the blowing up of the “Kakhovka” dam? At that time US-made HIMARS were fired at the dam gates and the local people themselves were witnessing it, so why did the Atlanticist media keep their mouths shut about that event? Undoubtedly, a failed false flag.

Another case was the blowing up of “Nord Stream”, a covert operation carried out in phases by a concurrence of Atlanticist complicities that on the surface was intended to damage the Russian economy when in reality, it was a deliberate sabotage against Germany's energy economy Who benefited and what were their targets? US LNG companies aiming to grab the gas business to sell to the EU. Here again another false flag with a strictly economic objective. So where is the supposed help to the European Union? On the contrary, this has not only increased prices but also ruined the economies of the Eurozone in such a calamitous way that there is no doubt about its malicious intention. How does this help Ukraine?

Here we note issues completely unrelated to Ukrainian political interests, let alone those of ordinary Ukrainian citizens. To make a brief definition of this situation we would call all this a mere dirty “business consortium” involving corporations such as BLACK ROCK, the arms companies -including Biowar-, the Pentagon and the CIA. And the EU? Fuck the Europeans!

With this we see the cynicism and the unscrupulousness behind the speeches of support for democracy and freedom coming out of Washington and London in support of an extremist regime that has been severely curtailing frontline news coverage simply because it must not see the setbacks they are suffering.

Given this, why would it not be strange for the desperate pro-Nazi regime to execute a greater folly?

This is where the well-known “false flag” manoeuvre comes in, a ploy of deception to execute a bloody act that seeks to cause a collective psychological shock in order to place the blame on a well-defined subject or collective. In short, a manipulation to establish and fix a lie. The size of such an operation will depend on the complexity of the objective pursued. The episodes of 11 September 2001 are perhaps the most complex and suspected acts of this kind, and through which the US victimised itself and justified its so-called “fight against terrorism”.

So far in the war in Ukraine, the Kiev regime has tried to involve NATO by fabricating several episodes with which to victimise itself in the eyes of public opinion and force Brussels to implement the famous article 5 of the Treaty which states: “The parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them, taking place in Europe or North America, shall be considered as an attack directed against all of them.” Recall Zelensky's allegations in November 2022 that Russian missiles were responsible for the death of a farmer in Poland. Only when Biden admonished him for his stupidity did this clown lower his head and shut his big mouth.

Fortunately, this chicanery did not stick, and worse, it was exposed in Washington and in the public eye. That is why, in some sense, Zelensky's role as a travelling tax collector has not borne the fruit that his backers had hoped for. Biden, Sullivan and Blinken are likely to be very disappointed. It seems that the “son of a bitch” Zelensky represents for the State Department is no longer as fruitful and useful as they had hoped and they may even be very concerned that he will commit further stupidities. Is it time to get rid of it?

On the latter, Zelensky has been heard in the Atlanticist propaganda media raising the possibility of Russia carrying out a “false flag attack on the nuclear power plant” in Zaporiya. While the sectarian and demented neo-conservatives like Nikki Haley, Victoria Nuland and their cronies may be rubbing their hands together at such talk, the establishment with Biden at the helm would not be so keen, at least not at the moment.

jueves, 22 de junio de 2023



La tan promocionada por los medios angloestadounidenses contraofensiva ucraniana ha costado un altísimo precio sin los resultados esperados ¿Cuál será la estrategia de la Casa Blanca y de la OTAN para no perder el control de más territorio?


Por Charles H. Slim

Los intentos ucranianos por realizar una contra ofensiva han fracasado y eso es un hecho incontrastable. Las pérdidas materiales y humanas de Ucrania son desmoralizantes y esto -más allá del régimen de Kiev y del mismo Zelensky- es una preocupación para la OTAN que no esperaba que el fracaso fuese tan rápido.

El relato épico de la propaganda de los medios del “occidente colectivo” sobre una contra ofensiva inminente y aplastante hoy se ha desinflado y para desviar la atención se enfocan en misteriosas desapariciones de submarinos con millonarios abordo.

Las fuerzas ucranianas prácticamente han quedado desarmadas. A las pérdidas y abandonos de vehículos occidentales en las primeras acciones, hay que sumar la destrucción de tres grandes depósitos con importantes lotes de armas y municiones de la OTAN que merma el aprovisionamiento a las tropas. Como se puede ver, nunca pudo ser más oscuro el horizonte para los planes de Washington y Bruselas.

Otro hecho que se ha visto y documentado por los rusos son las deserciones entre las tropas ucranianas que tras ser entrevistadas por sus captores han testimoniado la falta de idoneidad y capacidad en sus mandos.

Los únicos logros tácticos han sido la captura y en muchos casos temporal, de pequeñas villas y pueblos que se sitúan en una zona gris antes de llegar a la primera línea de fortificaciones rusas. Son en esas ocasiones que se han montado escenificaciones de combatientes ucranianos presentadas como victorias en los medios angloestadounidenses, cuando en realidad no hay resultados reales o avances sustanciales sobre las líneas rusas. Uno de los puntos más sangrientos se está dando en el poblado de “Piatijatky” donde los choques son espeluznantes. Este poblado ha cambiado de manos en varias oportunidades quedando en las últimas horas en manos rusas.

“Zaporiya” es otro de los puntos de alta intensidad y donde los intentos de avance ucranianos han terminado con grandes pérdidas materiales y humanas. En este sector es donde se halla la planta nuclear más grande de Europa y que los saboteadores ucranianos han estado tratando de volarla por los aires ¿Qué objeto puede perseguir semejante acto demencial?  Se trata a todas luces de acciones desesperadas y que las autoridades de la Organización de Energía Atómica (OIEA) hacen la vista gorda de manera descarada, evidenciando (como si ello fuera una novedad) a quienes responden. Si a Zelensky y a sus lugartenientes le preguntasen que necesitan para tratar de sacar adelante esta situación su respuesta sería sin dudas “cualquier cosa” y es ahí donde el terrorismo y las “falsas banderas” son opciones válidas para echar mano.

Pero ¿Por qué se ha producido esto? Hay una combinación de factores que explicarían este desastre.  Antes aclaremos que esto involucra directamente a Washington y la OTAN como principales instigadores para que la guerra y las penurias de los ucranianos continúe. Esto quedo probado tras la visita a Moscú de los representantes africanos promotores de un plan de paz quienes en la entrevista con el presidente Vladimir Putin fueron puestos en autos sobre la negativa del régimen de Kiev -instigada desde Washington- a una paz consensuada (Cancelando el acuerdo “confidencial” firmado entre Kiev y Moscú en 2022).

Continuando con los factores que convergieron para este fracaso, el primero es la falta de personal entrenado y reclutas sin la formación suficiente para manejar los tanques occidentales que nada tienen que ver con los tanques T-64 y 72 de la era soviética. Durante las primeras incursiones del 4 al 9 de junio las pérdidas de vehículos acorazados “Bradley”, “Challenger” y los exaltados “Leopards” dejaron evidente que algo salió muy mal con el entrenamiento.

Pero ese no era el único factor. Fuentes dentro de las mismas fuerzas ucranianas refieren a fallas mecánicas y en el instrumental de los tanques y vehículos acorazados de origen estadounidense que en algunos casos, revelan problemas con las armas montadas. En síntesis, se habla de chatarra.

Sumado a esto, un número de bajas considerable que quedaron desperdigados en los campos junto con sus armas, equipos, municiones provistos por la OTAN. Como ya se advierte en la opinión pública occidental, los medios mantienen un sospechoso mutismo sobre o que ocurre en Ucrania y los motivos están muy claros: Nada va bien allí.

Las pérdidas en las primeras horas del 4 de junio alcanzaron a unos 1000 hombres y eso no tiene otra conclusión que “desastre”. Estos se suman a las 200.000 bajas que se estiman en su mayoría, como los mejores hombres y con experiencia. Los que han sido enviados a esta promocionada contraofensiva son reclutas con poca voluntad y muchos otros sin experiencia en combate. No olvidemos que la leva impuesta por Kiev va desde los 16 hasta los 60 años. A pesar de que los medios occidentales y en especial los controlados por el pensamiento neoconservador, invierten esta realidad hablando de que son los rusos los que han perdido esa cifra, y muchos nos preguntamos ¿Enserio? Si tomamos enserio estos números dibujados es lógico entonces que, de acuerdo a esa arbitraria proporcionalidad deberíamos suponer que las perdidas ucranianas son el doble.

Como se puede ver, las cosas están muy mal para Kiev y por extensión, para La Casa Blanca. La desesperación es mucho más advertible en los atlantistas que entre los resignados reclutas ucranianos quienes son conscientes que van directo a un matadero (picadora de carne) con muy pocas chances de regresar.

Al parecer los neoconservadores están presionando a Biden para que empuje a los gobiernos de Polonia, Bulgaria y Rumania a poner hombres en Ucrania como una medida desesperada para remontar las operaciones. Pero más allá de la aversión contra Rusia que sienten algunos de estos mandatarios, son ante todo realistas y tienen los pies en la tierra entendiendo muy bien que quemarse por los intereses angloestadounidenses no les redundara más beneficios que los de mantener una relación tensa, acotada y pragmática con Moscú.

martes, 20 de junio de 2023




¿Por qué Estados Unidos de Norteamérica no podrá enderezar su descenso en la influencia global?


Por Javier B. Dal

Los imperios y sus imperialismos nacen para un día morir, esa es una regla inquebrantable en este mundo. La caída de uno es el ascenso de otro. Nada es eterno y aunque se cuenten las más imaginativas y emotivas narraciones ellas no cambiarán la realidad sobre el terreno.

Eso es lo que estamos viendo con EEUU y su auto percibida superioridad geopolítica unipolar la cual desde dos décadas hasta hoy, viene en caída libre afectando a su talón de Aquiles como es, su moneda de cambio comercial, el dólar.

En Washington saben su cuarto de hora ha expirado y no hay modo de levantar la nariz de este avión del unilateralismo que han representado desde 1945 y que hoy, en medio de una recesión y el fracaso por extender su influencia usando a Ucrania, va en picada. Durante todo ese tiempo han sabido disfrazar mediante la construcción de relatos, manipulaciones y sesgadas interpretaciones semánticas, situaciones que eran imposibles de explicar sin que el público estadounidense y la opinión global terminaran de creerles. Al contrario, aquello tras caerse los velos de esos engaños hizo que se enardecieran de indignación.

Sobre la base de préstamos usurarios para reconstruir a la Europa de posguerra y el negocio de la industria armamentística, EEUU se colocó en el sitial de potencia hemisférica con ambiciones de volverse global. Para ello, todo era viable y la demonización de la URSS era central para la empresa.

Cuando durante la guerra de Vietnam (en la década de los sesentas del siglo XX) salieron a la luz algunas de las aberraciones humanitarias más espantosas a manos de sus tropas, comenzó una toma de conciencia colectiva de la población pero a su vez, la adopción de maniobras evasivas y tácticas de engaño argumentativo a cargo de los medios corporativos de información, serviles y dispuestos a escribir la historia que encargara el poder.

Hoy esa labor de “control de daños” y maquillaje la han tomado las empresas tecnológicas y tropas de mercenarios hacker pagados por el gobierno federal y al servicio de agencias como la CIA.

El intervencionismo y políticas de agresión de estos últimos treinta años mediante guerras preventivas por la “libertad y la democracia” o la “lucha contra el terrorismo”, elaboradas a base de artimañas como lo son las “falsas banderas” ya es una estratagema inviable.

La preocupación de Washington por la “seguridad internacional” ya no tiene credibilidad y ha perdido la discutida pátina de legitimidad que organismos internacionales como Naciones Unidas le había propiciado. Asumiendo un papel policial que nadie le había otorgado, Washington se auto nombro el impositor de “reglas” que iban en paralelo y últimamente notablemente contra el derecho internacional. Pero a contrario de estas presumidas preocupaciones, ese uso desaforado y descarnado de la fuerza bélica, especialmente en los últimos treinta años hasta el presente ha causado un caos y calamidades humanitarias que no se condicen con aquel término y le han condenado al desprestigio.

Tan solo para tener en cuenta y no olvidar, la interminable ola de refugiados norafricanos, libios, sirios e iraquíes a los que hay que sumar ucranianos que invaden Europa son el producto de estas políticas.

Las abominaciones como son los vuelos secretos de la CIA y sus cárceles secretas desperdigadas alrededor del mundo para torturas y desapariciones, a las que sumaban las aberraciones en campos de detención Guantánamo, Abu-Graib, Bucca, Bagram entre muchas otros, las reveladas vinculaciones de sus agencias (incluyendo las internas como el FBI) con el terrorismo islamista como tácticas de la política exterior (Al Qaeda e ISIS) pusieron en entredicho el relato político reproducido por el conglomerado de medios y el entretenimiento hoy en franca decadencia.

Y si a todo eso le sumamos las últimas revelaciones de los laboratorios de guerra bacteriológica (dirigidos por el Pentágono y con participación de farmacéuticas) descubiertos por Rusia en Ucrania (en donde se desarrollaba nada menos que el SarS-CoV2), el público ha caído en cuentas de la gran farsa discursiva que representa EEUU.

Como su economía depende en gran medida de estas políticas y los negocios sucios que las secundan, EEUU ha generado pese a los recursos apropiados una deuda pública impagable demostrando que su sistema financiero es una gran ruleta en la que los bancos y los chupa sangre en Wall Street son rescatados con el dinero de los contribuyentes.

A pesar de que EEUU sigue manteniendo su poder de despliegue bélico a cualquier parte del globo y la industria armamentística recibe grandes incentivos (y para ello se necesitan guerras), eso ya no basta. Sin credibilidad política, sin credibilidad de la opinión pública en propios medios y una cada vez más crítica situación económica (que se amplía por el apoyo financiero a Kiev) la otrora potencia con sueños de hegemonía se hunde al paso parsimonioso, pero sin pausa de China quien, a pesar de la guerra en Europa del este (a contrario de lo esperado por Washington), saldrá ampliamente beneficiado.

Lo más preocupante de todo esto es, que los burócratas en Washington podría hacer cualquier cosa para no perder lo poco que le queda de su hegemonía.


domingo, 18 de junio de 2023



Why does Argentina have much to develop in its strategic defence?


By Sir Charlattam

An innocent cruise ship, the “Costa Victoria” arrived from Montevideo to the port of Buenos Aires in the spring of 2007, and on it, two thousand three hundred and ninety-two tourists, mostly Europeans and Americans, who before continuing on to Patagonia would disembark for a few days to get to know the “Reina del Plata” (Queen of the River Plate). At first sight, one of the many foreigners who arrive to visit and spend their dollars in the gastronomy and hotels of the country.

In short, one of the many visits that cruise companies organise to the region, one of the ways in which MI-6 enters your backyard without invitation.

But on this visit came a peculiar young female couple, one of many who disembarked from that cruise ship. With an apparent American accent, wearing colourful clothes and infectious laughter, they strolled through the mythical neighbourhood of “La Boca” and “San Telmo” like any tourist arriving in Buenos Aires. In reality, they were two MI-6 assets on a field mission. They did not enter through any windows, nor did they dress in black or climb over walls to penetrate any government building or carelessly enter the military sites of the Navy or the Ministry of Defence. Sitting in a cafe in “Retiro” and each with a laptop like any other internet user, they were actually maintaining encrypted communication with the GCHQ station at Mount Pleasant (in the Falklands) to corroborate the range and clarity of the signal with which they would intercept and listen in on communications from the main government buildings in the city. This was a combined HUMINT-SIGINT online operation that the Argentines never imagined could happen, demonstrating intolerable security vulnerabilities.

According to an old friend who still walks the corridors of the so-called “dirty tricks” department in the building you know on the banks of the Thames, one of those ladies was an Irishwoman in the service of MI-5 who, by those miraculous things in life, moved into the foreign service.

For years before and after the 1982 war, intelligence had been intercepting communications from camouflaged fishing and commercial vessels flying EU flags that calmly sailed the Atlantic a few miles off the coast. Obviously the Argentines had no chance of detecting these operations, although if they had noticed them they could have done nothing. But all the credit for this did not go to the ISI (MI-6). They had (and still have) the assistance of the NSA's electronic intelligence satellite and antenna system “Echelon”, which collected and collated information for NATO.

The British bureaucrats have their own electronic intelligence called Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) through which the Foreign Office has been operating since the end of the war and with a base in the South Atlantic against the sovereign integrity of Argentina's communications, much more so since the installation in 2012 of the P.R. China base in the province of Neuquén. In reality, the intrusion and intelligence gathering activities go beyond Argentina and reach the whole region. Once again, I would ask what measures and counter-measures Argentina developed to protect its sovereignty in the face of these intrusions that affected and continue to invade its political sovereignty?

The answer is trite and it is none. Both the post-1982 and Kirchnerist governments, especially during the period when agents under orders from the Foreign Office were operating at full fury, left the Armed Forces and their intelligence agencies without resources, objectives or clear policies to deal with this problem.

The conditioning agreed in the Madrid treaties of 1989 and 1990, in which the Argentine representatives handed over operational control of the Armed Forces and intelligence to London, was compounded by the “stupidity” and false “humanism” that masked itself behind the human rights organisations with ideology (i.e.., right for some only) and which formed part of the “human rights” agenda, The absence of an updated defence policy and the lack of a new and updated intelligence policy, which was the core of the government at the time, favoured the free operation of the intelligence agencies under the noses of the officials of the Casa Rosada, so much so that at times some in the intelligence commissions of the Parliament have asked themselves: “Don't they really work for us?”

The absence of an updated defence and strategic security policy was a fact, to which was added the lack of technological advances of our own to develop cyber intelligence and counterintelligence activities, a spectrum that the Anglo-American departments and agencies had already been exercising since the Cold War era through the multinational intelligence agency “Five-Eyes”.

Among the most important operations that are carried out through cyberspace (intruding the internet) and that go beyond simple espionage, they pursue various strategic objectives such as “creating mistrust”, “discrediting”, “deceiving”, “setting false flags”, “shocking”, “degrading”, “dissuading”, briefly, any form of subverting the political and social situation of the target country, in this case Argentina and focused on the entire period of the Kirchnerist populist government.

When, in 2017, the sinking of the “San Juan” submarine occurred, which revealed classified and unmentionable manoeuvres and therefore had to be kept quiet, these dirty resources were used with the internal support of the Argentine government itself, which for reasons of sympathy and political adherence had a direct line to Cameron.

Today many of these resources are being used intensively in Eastern Europe and in particular in Ukraine, especially by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the SBU intelligence. Unlike in Argentina, JTRIG's dirty tricks and attempts to hack into Russian computer systems have been fruitless and only in some cases have they penetrated, with poor results.

As of today, Argentine defence resources are still behind the recommended level and beyond having some systems and software of Israeli origin, this is not enough to cover the cyber defence gap they have exposed and they should also know that the backdoors of these systems are shared with London.



viernes, 16 de junio de 2023



Are they trying to take Donald Trump out of circulation or is this another cunning manoeuvre by the outsider agent?

By Sidney Hey


The subpoenas to Donald Trump to appear in court in New Jersey, New York and Miami, to paraphrase Ron Paul's article published on the site “The Libertarian institute”[1] is reminiscent of those horror movies of the 1980s in which every attempt to kill the monster makes it stronger and stronger.

This analogy could not be more apt with what they are trying to do to former president Trump. Who are behind this plot? As Paul rightly points out, the instigators are all over the Establishment “swamp” who have tried to destroy Trump with all sorts of informational chicanery and now seem to have gone further and are determined to remove from circulation (as they see it) an electoral nuisance.

This is another demonstration of the real face of Anglo-American “democracy” which with these tactics behaves like an oligarchy controlled by a politico-financial elite (and its terminals in the Pentagon and the CIA) masked behind an expensive and rigged electoral system.

Although the indictment deals with the active withholding and concealment of national archives, it is not clear whether he took them when he was president or afterwards. Be that as it may, the indictment now portrays him as a quasi-spy or a trafficker in sensitive information that the media will surely not hesitate to claim was destined for Moscow.

As in thrillers, classified documents are conveniently scattered around the former president's residence. Many suspect that Trump had nothing to do with this and those documents were planted ex profeso just as a team of professionals in black with latex gloves would do, intruding into his residence and preparing a perfect scene in which there would be no doubt.

The so-called “Russia-Gate” in which Trump was accused of being practically a pro-Russian agent (Smart Trump) to prevent his arrival at the White House in favour of Hillary Clinton, despite having the support of sectors of the federal administration of justice and the FBI, failed to prove this true fictional construction that ended up falling into the ravine.

The last blow was the events of January 2021 when, after the assault on the Capitol, the media staged a new action thriller against Trump in which he was portrayed as a Machiavellian villain who, using groups of his supporters, struck a blow against the institutions of the Union... Oh, the evil scalp!

From another perspective, and closer to reality, this new attempt to pin 37 federal charges on Trump that would get him no less than 100 years in prison resembles those old French film noir movies, dark, murky but nauseatingly descriptive of reality, of a corrupt oclocracy that controls the Union.

Meanwhile Trump did not run away and testified that he is "not guilty" of the charges against him. 

Ron Paul certainly makes it clear that all this is nothing more than a dirty attempt to get a Trump out of the way who, if he were to stand for election today, would crush Joe Biden, who has a popularity that is rock bottom. That is why Paul is certain to say that this can only be seen in banana countries, asking the question: Has the USA become a banana democracy?

The bet of these obscurantist and mafia sectors united by the same neoconservative label is all or nothing, as they know (and fear) that Trump can ruin their internationalist expectations and mainly, the business of the arms industry that this war sect serves.

In that sense, the black monks like Nancy Pelosi, Victoria Nuland and Biden himself know that Trump in the White House would stop the flow of spending and sending money to sustain NATO's war against Russia and that is certainly something they will not allow.

For the time being, the media conglomerate that responds to the neocon editorial is adjusting its fire by ceaselessly firing all kinds of gimmicky headlines that try to degrade the image of the former president. The goal is clear, that Trump cannot raise his head, let alone speak, but that is unlikely to happen as there are several factors that facilitate Trump's return to the political headlines and one of them is the disastrous situation in the US that is worsening day by day with the warmongering policies of Biden and Co.