viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023



After a tortuous and tortuous investigation into the causes of the sinking of the submarine ARA San Juan and the spying on the families of its crew members, the question is: Who is the enemy?


By Sir Charlattam

The surprising news that the Argentine federal justice system has decided to acquit former president Mauricio Macri and all his military and intelligence staff in the matter of spying on the relatives of the submarine “ARA San Juan” only confirmed the rumours that we already had in our possession barely a month and a half earlier, which had foreshadowed this possible outcome.

It comes as no surprise to those in this country who know how the rails of politics and federal justice move in parallel, making it clear once again that “power is still a sign of impunity”.

It can be said that silence is assured and no one will try to bring this matter up again, although that will have to be seen with the passage of time.

Those who are also breathing a sigh of relief are those in the Foreign Office and, of course, HM Royal Naval Staff who are involved in one way or another in the control of these waters. While MI6 was carefully and quietly following the course of this court case, relying on its internal sources within the state and whistleblowers in the media, there was little concern about any last-minute hiccups or hiccups. One of the concerns that was being taken into account was the witnesses proposed by one of the accused, Captain Claudio Villamide, who shortly after Javier Milei's election victory was announced, more precisely on 22 November last, withdrew this evidence and the proceedings were closed. Very curious, don't you think?

While it is true that these witnesses were going to talk about a hypothesis of “casualty” due to alleged technical issues of the submarine itself, a euphemism that was used to cover up what really happened, which was nothing more than an external attack involving a naval unit of the Royal Navy that was on that date in joint operations with the Chilean Navy and assistance from the US Navy at a time when a series of practices of new classified weapons systems were being carried out.

The Argentine Navy search party arrived at the exact spot where the submarine collapsed and clearly saw the remains of the vessel, such as the characteristic oil slick from the diesel engines and some floating debris adrift. Even the electronic intelligence station in Port Stanley monitored every operation of the Argentines and the communications that went out from that task force to their bases on the mainland. Of course, the Argentine admiralty, which translates into the government of the day, lied about not finding anything and did not lift a finger to ask London for reports on these activities.

This was a major headache for the Ministry of Defence of the then president Mauricio Macri, a friend of Britain who year after year endorses his presence at embassy cocktail parties and is trusted by the British establishment.

It was embarrassing that this inconvenience should arise at a time when there was a friendly government in Buenos Aires and auspicious moves to bring the issue of Falklands sovereignty under the table, but the material circumstances of the Argentine military's lack of with it the lack of electronic intelligence on their side that would have caught the moment of the coup and the lack of a political opposition equal to the circumstances that was not bought off, helped, on the advice of Naval Intelligence (DNS&ICP naval branch intelligence) or rather SIGINT and MI6, to disguise the affair as a maritime accident.

The families of those crew members did not buy this story and their lawyers began to scrutinise all the factual circumstances of that day. They did not just rely on what the navy was going to tell them. Moreover, they were not the dupes the government thought they were and realised themselves without the need for sophisticated electronic equipment that they were being spied on. Added to that, the already known collusions of the federal judiciary in this country with government agencies (especially intelligence) foreshadowed delays and several attempts to shut down the investigations. Hiding the truth from them would not be a problem unless other elements and unforeseen factors appeared that their reports could not explain with reasonable argumentation.

The communications and contacts that some of them had with the Russian naval attaché's office changed the perspective of the investigations and this made the Argentine military, who knew what had happened in reality, very nervous. But it made President Macri and his defence minister especially nervous, as they would see their image in the eyes of public opinion and, worst of all for him, with his friends in London, plummet.

For the Foering Office and the head of MI6, the most worrying aspect was Russia's involvement, which, contrary to what many bureaucrats in the Ministry of Defence (MoD) would have expected, could expose the truth of what had happened. Contrary to that prejudice, the Kremlin would attach importance to the relatives' requests to such an extent that they would send a special naval mission to help with the exploratory vessel “Yantar” ship.

For the British Admiralty and the Foreign Office, this threatened British interests.

Although the British intelligence community considers Argentina to be a low danger zone and without considerable risk to London's intelligence activities in the South Atlantic and on the continent, Moscow's meddling would for some translate into the FSB (Russian foreign intelligence) entering the garden of Anglo-American interests without the unwary Argentines realising it.

Macri was warned of this displeasure by London and on the advice of his security circle (close to MI6 and Mossad) he took the initiative to spy on the family members with human resources, interception of communications and especially of their private phones (with "Pegasus" software), despite the existing prohibition and the illegality of the method used for this purpose. To do so, he relied on the technology provided by Israel, even though he has continually denied it.

His advisors, especially those in charge of state intelligence, Silvia Majdalani and Gustavo Arribas, were the links that made this possible and for this they were prosecuted. Today, because of these things in this country, everything has come to nothing.

What happened with the submarine “ARA San Juan” was not an accident. It certainly had structural flaws as a result of the poor budget that the CFK government allocated for the maintenance of the fleet and in particular this vessel. In the “Whitehall” archives, there could be enlightening and very compromising documents of this event. It is likely that at the time of being pursued, failures in the underwater navigation systems prevented the immersion.

Even those failures would have forced it to surface and it was precisely at that time that it was attacked with an experimental plasma weapon system (microwave laser) which is nothing more than a variant of the existing land-based, aircraft-mounted ones. Perhaps this weapon only scorched the submarine's electronics or even its 44 crew members; or perhaps after disabling all seaworthiness they were finished off by surface torpedoes launched from a Chilean plane or from a British helicopter on board.

But however it happened, why was not a single body of the crew found?



martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023



¿Cómo evolucionará la geopolítica argentina ante su nueva realidad política doméstica?


Por Charles H. Slim

Tal como lo habíamos adelantado antes, el cambio de gobierno en Argentina representaría un repentino y descarado corrimiento geopolítico hacia una extrema derecha muy peculiar. Esta situación era tan previsible que solo bastaba con mirar unos años atrás y ver como se reacomodaban quienes hasta unas horas antes de saber que perderían las elecciones, habían sido fervientes antimperialistas.

Ese fue el caso tras la salida en 2015 del gobierno kirchnerista que (en lo geopolítico) supuestamente estaba en la vereda de enfrente de la agenda globalista encabezada por EEUU. Tan pronto perdieron la elección tanto Cristina Fernández como sus lugartenientes desaparecieron de escena no por una decisión planificada sino, porque no existía (como aún hoy) seriedad en sus posiciones.   

Es la historia de una nación que apenas puede reconocer una historia y una identidad común.

La situación socio-económica actual del país es peor de lo que se muestra en los medios y más allá de que Milei y su gente ya han pactado arreglos financieros con el estado de Israel y con los lobbies sionistas estadounidenses, eso no garantiza que esa ayuda sea suficiente y este destinada para beneficio de la población argentina.

Pero en lo que a la geopolítica refiere, el giro que tomará el país a partir de la asunción del presidente Milei el 10 de diciembre próximo, ya prevé un posicionamiento cuando menos, muy crítico y discutible.

Tal como lo prometió en su campaña, el presidente Milei y su gobierno se alineará con EEUU e Israel, lo que no es poco, máxime si tenemos en consideración las circunstancias geopolíticas actuales en las que ambos actores se hallan involucrados y las consecuencias humanitarias de las que son principales creadores y responsables. Para Washington esto es una excelente noticia que redundará en una ampliación del mapa geo-estratégico dentro del marco de guerra que mediante la OTAN está llevando adelante contra Rusia y pretende ampliar a China.

Para Londres también es música para sus oídos ya que, más allá de que Milei fue puesto en evidencia en sus simpatías por Margaret Thatcher, sin dudas abrirá aún más la puerta de distención y olvido sobre el asunto de la soberanía por las islas del atlántico sur.

Para Tel Aviv, también representa una muy buena noticia ya que, además de los intereses que tiene sobre los vastos territorios desolados de la Patagonia, con un gobierno abiertamente pro-israelí podrá desarrollar y tender con mayor facilidad sus redes sionistas para proyectarlas sobre todo sud y centro América. El ya confirmado puesto de Patricia Bullrich en el Ministerio de seguridad de la nación y para CABA a Waldo Wolf y Diego Kravetz está informando la línea directa que habrá entre Tel Aviv y los organismos de seguridad e inteligencia argentinos. Es por ello que no es casual el constante apoyo y argumentación que desde medios capitalinos, los simpatizantes sionistas le dan a la brutal campaña israelí sobre la Franja de Gaza.

Como todo en Argentina, el sincretismo suele tomar formas grotescas. Eso es lo que se ve con esa mezcla de simpatías políticas sionistas expresadas por el mandatario entrante que se mezclan con su religiosidad adoptada, quien recordemos está en pleno proceso de conversión al judaísmo conllevando con ello, una confusión identitaria que no agrada a muchos judíos ya que sionismo como ideología política (partidarios del estado de Israel) no significa ser judío étnico.

Pero las preferencias internas de una persona no deberían influir en decisiones gubernamentales.

Esta particularidad nos recuerda mucho a otro mandatario. Carlos Menem era de familia siria y credo musulmán, pero para llegar a la presidencia en momentos que constitucionalmente se requería la pertenencia al catolicismo, no tuvo el menor escrúpulo en convertirse y poner al país bajo la égida de Washington. Tal como lo plantea hoy Milei, Menem se subordinó de forma incondicional a las políticas de La Casa Blanca y el país termino pagando por ello.

Javier Milei pareciera redoblar esa posición obsecuente y tal como Menem, no solo se alineará automáticamente a Washington, sino que incluso -bajo su máscara de converso al judaísmo- estaría determinado a respaldar sin condiciones las cruentas políticas y acciones de Israel contra la población palestina. En este último punto, la intensión de trasladar la embajada argentina a Jerusalem es una señal política provocativa y contraria al status internacional que tiene dicha ciudad que demuestra un reduccionismo simplista y una ominosa parcialidad sobre la naturaleza del conflicto.

Al mismo tiempo y en concordancia con sus aliados de “Juntos por el Cambio”, el mandatario tiene intenciones de poner a la Argentina dentro de los planes estratégicos de la OTAN en momentos que las tensiones con Rusia y China van en ascenso. Precisamente, la comunicación que tuvo Volodymyr Zelensky con Milei para felicitarlo por su triunfo, plantea una señal altamente preocupante y a la vez, una innecesaria provocación para la Federación de Rusia ya que, esta postura revela un alineamiento con las agresivas políticas atlantistas que dicho sea de paso, sabe que el régimen de Zelensky tiene los días contados.

Una de las promesas del libertario y sus aliados de JXC es sacar a la Argentina del BRICS que recordemos, llevo adelante una cumbre extraordinaria por el genocidio que se lleva a cabo en la Franja de Gaza en la cual se oficializó la denuncia de Sudáfrica contra las FDI israelíes ante la Corte Penal Internacional.

Así una vez más, podemos ver esa pendularidad en la política argentina que no se produce por el cambio de sectores ideológicamente antagónicos y/o verdaderamente convencidos de las posturas que asumen. Somos testigos de la misma y cancina maniobra oportunista y simplona que todos los gobiernos -civiles y militares- que han venido pasando desde la mitad del siglo XX hasta el presente creyendo que recostándose sobre EEUU se hallaran las soluciones para sus problemas domésticos. La última experiencia en ese sentido la vimos con Menem en los noventas cuando tratando de agradar a La Casa Blanca para resolver los crónicos problemas económicos del país, ofreció su ayuda en la crisis entre Iraq y Kuwait que terminó en la guerra de 1991 sin obtener al final ninguna ganancia geopolítica o económica sustancial.

Milei y quienes lo secundan no innovan en ello y al parecer, estarían dispuestos a saltar al barro geopolítico con las mismas esperanzas. Como sucedió con todos sus antecesores, ponen por delante sus preferencias y convicciones personales por encima de cualquier planificación de largo aliento que tenga en cuenta la situación geopolítica real del estado argentino y de las circunstancias globales, considerando el contexto regional donde se ubica y de allí considerar las posibilidades de conectarse con el mundo. Tirar por la borda las relaciones con China, provocar a la Federación de Rusia con posicionamientos basados en sus simpatías personales y que no hacen a la histórica geopolítica del país y alinearse a un estado como el de Israel que (desde hace 75 años) viene violando además de las resoluciones de Naciones Unidas, los derechos humanos de la población árabe-palestina no puede considerarse como muy auspiciosa, salvo claro, para la elite local que tiene intereses estrechos con ellos.

Aún no ha asumido el cargo y el tiempo dirá cómo evolucionará su gobierno rabiosamente atlantista.


sábado, 25 de noviembre de 2023



¿Por qué Netanyahu y su gabinete de extremistas ya han perdido y su continuidad en el poder amenazaría a los israelíes con perderlo todo? La hora de reconocer un estado palestino ha llegado


Por Ali Al Najafi

Tal como me informan colegas en occidente, poco o nada es lo que se difunde sobre lo que realmente esta ocurriendo en la Franja de Gaza y en toda la Palestina ocupada. Son muchas cuestiones las que se están pasando por alto no solo por lo pernicioso que ello es para el estado de Israel y en particular para su gobierno de extremistas, sino también por la nueva dinámica que se ha desatado tras la invasión y agresión israelí a Gaza.

Hay muchos indicios que las peores pesadillas para el sionismo y para Netanyahu en particular se hagan realidad. A pesar del apoyo estadounidense, la resistencia árabe-islámica parece decidida a emprender una épica lucha que se simboliza con emprender el camino para liberar Jerusalen (“Al Quds” en árabe) de las garras sionistas.

Por estas horas se ha producido el alto al fuego para intercambio de prisioneros, una alterativa que Netanyahu y su gabinete de extremistas de la ultraderecha no tenían planeado. En su jactanciosa arrogancia que afiebra sus mentes, creían que en unas semanas podían eliminar a los palestinos como hormigas. Pero la situación de sus tropas en el terreno, las dificultades inocultables en tratar de cumplir con su objetivo por destruir a la resistencia palestina más las presiones internas de los familiares de los rehenes obligaron a ceder a esta opción, impuesta por Hamas vía Qatar.

Pero también hay otros factores que influyeron para esta pausa. Cincuenta días de guerra (que excedieron el derecho de defensa) ha conllevado altísimos costos para la población palestina pero también para las FDI (y los nervios de sus familias) y eso lo evidencian los cruentos enfrentamientos y la advertida continuidad en las operaciones por parte de la resistencia palestina.

Según fuentes israelíes, los abastos de municiones y bombas propias utilizadas para demoler la infraestructura urbana de Gaza se habían agotado en la segunda semana del inicio de sus brutales e indiscriminados bombardeos y solo pudieron reponer sus existencias y continuar con los bombardeos gracias a la inmediata y continuada asistencia de los cargamentos de armas y municiones estadounidenses gestionados por las fuertes presiones del lobbie pro-israelí AIPAC.

Las bombas y los misiles más aterradores jamás usados contra una ciudad (salvo por los estadounidenses en Iraq), fueron lanzados sin piedad sobre la población gazatí. Hospitales, escuelas, mezquitas e iglesias cristianas repletas de refugiados fueron blanco de sus bombas y como se vio, ello no ha sido motivo de censura por parte de Naciones Unidas, que en teoría, tiene un comité[1] abocado a esos temas. Sobre este punto no hay que dejar pasar que los israelíes han estado usando desde el inicio de sus acciones, armas prohibidas por las convenciones internacionales tales como son las bombas termobáricas y las químicas como el “fósforo blanco” y el “Uranio empobrecido” presente en sus ojivas de tanques y artillería.

Con ese poder destructivo (incomparable con el disponible por la resistencia palestina), además de castigar colectivamente a todos los palestinos, doblegaría la voluntad de combate de la resistencia.

Según los comandantes de las FDI munidos de la información de inteligencia, con ello destruirían los túneles de “Hamas” y las demás agrupaciones de la resistencia con los cuales se mueven bajo los pies de los ocupantes.

La brutalidad de estos bombardeos no solo ha matado y lisiado a miles de civiles palestinos (hasta el momento unos 14.600 asesinados) en particular a mujeres y niños, sino que ello ha impactado de forma cruenta y traumática sobre la psiquis de los sobrevivientes de la Franja de Gaza, un aspecto que desde gobiernos y medios de occidente nadie se ha planteado por su más que evidente prejuicio y desprecio que les da su posicionamiento pro-israelí.

Se han escuchado toda clase de argumentaciones para justificar estas masacres. Muchos judíos que disfrazan su sionismo detrás de actividades culturales y humanitarias en occidente han alegado que (tal como lo piensan y lo expresan los sionistas más recalcitrantes) los palestinos de Gaza al votar a Hamas se la buscaron o, que muchos de ellos tras haber participado en agrupaciones pacifistas mixtas de palestinos e israelíes, estuvieron en las incursiones del 7 de octubre y eso justificaría la venganza colectiva que hemos visto. De los 70 años previos ni una palabra.  Desde este cínico punto de vista, se lo merecen por ser “no humanos” o (como han estado señalando los sionistas cristianos desde sus atriles de hipocresía) descendientes de los “filisteos”.

Al final de cuentas, la persistencia de la resistencia palestina logro visualizar una realidad que los medios de occidente no muestran y ella es, la del intercambio de rehenes israelíes por mujeres y niños palestinos encarcelados desde hace años sin sentencia.

Pero una vez más, debemos dejar de lado estas intoxicaciones religiosas que sirven y mucho al discurso sionista ya es por medio de él, que tratan de victimizarse y justificar la usurpación de territorios, las demoliciones de casas, los desplazamientos, los arrestos administrativos sin motivos fundados y por supuesto, los asesinatos justificados por una creencia colectiva entre los sionistas de que “matar a un árabe no trae consecuencias”.

Estos argumentos surgidos de un mesianismo falseado (de las escrituras), tratan de justificar lo injustificable y a su vez, abrirle la puerta a Netanyahu para que anexe la franja a nuevos proyectos para la construcción de nuevos asentamientos de colonos importados con un incentivo extra como son las reservas de gas natural en el lecho marino frente a las costas de Gaza que si “todo sale con lo planeado”, tal como surge de un memorándum del ministerio de inteligencia israelí (fechado el 13 de octubre 2023)[2], será un gran negocio en el cual por supuesto los palestinos no están incluidos.

Pero, pese a que Tel Aviv cuenta con un apoyo en recursos financieros y bélicos para concretar esos planes, se ha presentado una situación inesperada.

Esto y a diferencia de anteriores agresiones, la actual operación ha generado una nueva e inesperada reacción por parte de la resistencia árabe-islámica que a diferencia del “pragmatismo” de los gobiernos árabes y la Liga Árabe, no se ha quedado en las palabras y han decidido pasar a la acción directa. Obviamente y pese a la modesta infraestructura militar con la que cuentan, tienen el espíritu que inspira esta decisión política y militar de apoyar a los palestinos a pesar de las circunstancias y las distancias.

De este modo, las organizaciones de la resistencia yemení, la iraquí y la libanesa han entrado en la arena del enfrentamiento teniendo como parte en las hostilidades a los estadounidenses, aliados y sustentadores políticos y materiales de lo que Israel ha llevado y sigue llevando adelante en toda la Palestina ocupada.



[1] y la Organización para la Prohibición de las Armas Químicas:

[2] Tal como dan a conocer Felicity Arbuthnot y el profesor Michel Chossudovsky en el sitio Globalresearch: 

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2023



What is the rationale for the Russian Federation to reactivate its strategic missile tests?


By Charles H. Slim

Things are getting very complicated for Zelensky and his regime of far-right supremacists and this was something that his own “friends” in the West knew would happen at some point.

According to reliable sources, the regime is reeling from the cut-off of Western financial aid and internal bickering between Zelensky and his military commanders is increasingly virulent. Surrenders are increasing as the weeks go by and already an estimated 10,000 Ukrainian men have surrendered their weapons. Remarkably paranoid and with a very altered mood, Volodymyr Zelensky is reflecting in his own flesh the failure of a war that he himself accepted to provoke believing in the promises of his western sponsors, especially the USA and Great Britain.

The latter have already thrown in the towel and it is no longer a secret that NATO commanders already recognize the impossibility of defeating the Russian Federation. In addition to this, Washington is going through a critical situation that does not allow any more waste and is even trying to negotiate a settlement with China. Ukraine has reached a crossroads.

Its army is very weakened and has only elderly men and teenagers who cannot contain the progressive advance that Russia has been making from three directions. In addition to this, the discontent among the Ukrainian population is already undeniable. The outbreak of the war in Gaza put Joe Biden and the establishment in a complex financial situation that would translate into a simple question: Who do we help first?

The equation is not simple: Washington cannot deal with two costly wars at the same time and Biden is in a real dilemma, pressed between the Zionist lobby of AIPAC and others to give unlimited support to the state of Israel and the pro-Ukrainian lobby which, by the way, has shrunk with every bad news coming from the front.

To make matters worse, his administration and the entire government will face a wave of political and judicial questioning for cooperating with the human rights violations and war crimes and crimes against humanity that the IDF has committed (not that allegedly) against the Palestinian population and especially for the murder of journalists, the vicious brutalities against doctors, health personnel and the patients themselves in all the hospitals attacked.

At the same time Washington does not seem to learn from its own history and it is possible that the Netanyahu regime will use a False Flag operation to -in view of the costs it is incurring- directly engage the US inside Gaza.

In short, the Kiev buffoon has been sacrificed for a bigger bully in the form of Benjamin Netanyahu because, despite all the aid and military support that has been pouring into Israel since October 19, not only has it failed to defeat the Palestinian resistance, but it is this military aid that is exterminating its civilian population.

The surprise visit of CIA chief William Burns on November 15 is part of this situation, which Washington is apparently no longer willing to sustain.

This does not mean that the US and its NATO partners are giving up their plans to attack the Russian Federation, much less to unseat China. The fact that the snake is coiled in the opposite direction to the prey does not mean that it is abandoning the attack, but rather that it is preparing to strike.

It is clear that Moscow is interpreting these signals very well and especially President Vladimir Putin himself, who, already accustomed to the psychological games and the double bottoms of the speeches of his Anglo-American colleagues, will not lower his guard but, on the contrary, has begun to take broader and more solid measures to guarantee the territorial security of the entire Federation.

The Atlanticist movements that in recent months have been taking place in the Nordic countries and especially in Norway and Finland, have put Moscow on alert, which had already been working on strengthening the entire Arctic region, of high strategic importance for the economy, trade routes and security of Russia and which the US and NATO have been trying to infiltrate with naval missions, especially with nuclear submarines.

In addition to this, NATO's persistence in continuing its provocations of strategic scope and involving the detonation of US nuclear tests (in the Pacific Ocean), its provocative maneuvers in the South Sea and the movement of nuclear warheads in Europe with the worrying intention of redeployment to other launching points in a hypothetical “preventive” action against Russia and Belarus, led Moscow to decide to abandon the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), as a measure of reciprocity towards these Anglo-American moves.

As soon as this was put into effect, the Russian Navy began its tests with the “R-30 Bulava” intercontinental missiles mounted on its submarines, which are equipped with a fourth generation technology and which, due to their operational characteristics, are keeping defense advisors and Pentagon military officials awake at night. 

These tests go hand in hand with a reinforcement of the Russian presence in the Arctic circle in view of the constant troop movements that have been taking place in adjacent countries such as Norway where some 35,000 NATO soldiers have been deployed in anticipation of containing the Russian deployment.

But what will happen to Zelensky and his regime? That already seems to be a secondary issue for Washington and even many within Congress are already talking about an inexorable end.

What really worries the Americans and their British partners is Russia's deployment and testing of nuclear-capable strategic weaponry and, knowing that the Russians do not do things without reason, speculation with some intelligence information is keeping the White House administration on edge.

The reasons for this concern are well founded. Generals and defense advisors know that there is no way to stop Russian hypersonic missiles since (as demonstrated in Ukraine), the “MIM-104 Patriot” systems are obsolete for that purpose and even the “Iron Dome” systems of their Israeli allies are no match for such missiles.

In conclusion, the White House should lower the decibels and seek to decompress the situation, starting by sitting down with its counterparts in Moscow and reaching an agreement to put an end to the calamitous situation in Ukraine.

For the time being, Moscow is well aware that Washington and its British partners are up to something and not being prepared for any provocation would be too high a risk not to consider. If the US were to plan a strike or incursion through the Arctic, Russia already has its missiles calibrated and once fired there will be nothing to stop them on their way to the target.

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023


Why are Bibi Netanyahu and his coterie of supremacists biting off more than they can chew? Growing clamour for Bibi to go before it's too late


By Sidney Hey

Despite the fact that Israel continues to violate all the limitations of the international humanitarian law and that it has been shown lately with the massacre in the “Jabalia” refugee camp and the brutal seizure of the “Al Shifa” hospital and the expulsion of its patients in order to install its Military Operations Headquarters in Gaza, the fights with the Palestinian resistance continue on the ground fighting metre by metre with other Arab-Islamic forces joining in solidarity with their struggle. 

When the Israeli bombardment of Gaza began, the Yemeni resistance of the “Huties” did not hesitate to publicly condemn and offer unconditional support to the Palestinian resistance. Beyond their announcements, within hours of their publication, the Yemenis launched a barrage of missiles and drones against Israeli installations in Eilat, which, although several were intercepted, put the Tel Aviv regime on notice that the Arabs (not their governments) would no longer tolerate the wanton crime of their brethren.

Israel depends on the Red Sea as one of the most important waterways for foreign trade and that is why the Yemenis, knowing that this is what Tel Aviv is most concerned about, have focused on carrying out their threat to raid and capture every Israeli vessel bound for their ports that passes through the Bab Al Mandab strait.

Although the Israelis did not take these threats as a joke (carrying armed teams on their ships), the Yemenis have been attacking and capturing Israeli merchant ships, some of which are owned by big oligarchs as was the case with the capture of the ship “Galaxy Leader”, owned by Israeli businessman Abraham Unger who, despite the fact that he has insured the ship and its cargo, does not endear him to Bibi Netanyahu and his circle of racists.

The assault by Yemeni airborne commandos in a “Mil-Mi 8” helicopter was swift and the entire crew was quickly taken out. A detail that the Western and Israeli media overlooked was that the helicopter had Yemeni and Palestinian flags as insignia on the fuselage, a direct political message to the people in Tel Aviv and Washington.

Despite Israel's attempts to portray the case as illegal actions committed against its assets, the political causes behind these operations are above and beyond maritime law and beyond any attempt to criminalise them.

The Americans were also already interfering in the region, and as part of their strategic support for Riyadh's invasion of Yemen, they deployed special forces and their Islamist hoaxes of “Al Qaeda” and “ISIS”. Despite this, the Yemenis have managed to counteract these operations and have even been able to disrupt their growth.

The Israelis are also involved, albeit (as they usually are) in a limited and covert way.

The current circumstances in which these actions are taking place cannot be taken lightly and the Israeli intelligence brains know this very well. The “Ansar Allah” (Sword of God) militias are not groups of improvised shepherds and their combat capabilities are amply demonstrated.

As has already been made clear, the Yemeni resistance did not stop at threats or mere declamations as other Arab countries have done. The best way to demonstrate their solidarity and closeness to the Palestinian struggle was to get down to work. It has also shown that they do not need to have a sophisticated navy to conduct naval operations (at least tactically) to strike an enemy. The Saudi and Emirati navies can testify to this and are surely already being secretly consulted by Israeli attachés.

The capture of the Israeli vessel was just one way of repaying for the genocide in Gaza but, in the event that Tel Aviv intends to orchestrate a sting operation to retaliate against the Houties, they have other far more convincing and damaging means of preventing Israeli vessels from crossing the adjacent waters with impunity.

Israeli commanders already have enough of a headache with the material losses and casualties they are taking in Gaza to have to add more setbacks like the one they suffered at their base in Eritrea. What is happening to their vessels in the Red Sea is an issue they cannot ignore, as the flow of business is at stake.

It is also certain that Tel Aviv is trying to influence the pro-Saudi sectors inside Yemen in order to create discord with the Huties, the main members of the Yemeni Arab resistance who are staunchly loyal to the Palestinian cause.

Of course, the leaderships of the “Ansar Allah” organisation and other Arab groups supporting the same cause are well aware of the long-standing underground connections -especially between the Mukhabarat and the Mossad- between the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv and the Saudi royal house. That is why the Huties would not be surprised if (as they did with Iraq in 1980 and after 2003), the Israelis launch an incursion from the east, which can only be done with the complicity of Saudi air surveillance which is itself controlled by US electronic surveillance.

The example of the Houtie resistance is a powerful political signal that can be said to send a message to Arab governments (especially the monarchies) that maintain this odious pragmatic stance towards the Palestinian situation and at the same time a message of strength and hope to the Arab-Islamic peoples who watch helpless and even in a certain sense powerless as the IDF massacres the civilian population of the Gaza Strip and attacks the Palestinians of the West Bank and Jerusalem. For the latter, the actions of the Yemeni resistance are an encouragement and an inspiration to step up aid to the Palestinians.