sábado, 17 de julio de 2021



Can Joe Biden's current rhetoric be credible in light of his country's dark and widespread Real Politik? The uncertainties of an old fox in American politics.


By Charles H. Slim

The world is no longer a place where distances limited the possibilities of getting to know situations, idiosyncrasies and experiences of the different peoples that inhabit it. In short, the variety of existing realities can be seen almost at the same time. Among them and the most important is the policy in which and thanks to the wonderful era of digital communications -vehiculated by the internet- there is no longer the possibility of hiding anything that cannot be exposed by the camera of a mobile phone that will be replicated by millions with the "click" of the same phone or mouse thousands of miles away.

With this in mind, it is clear that geopolitics as such has radically changed and its approach as well. Today we are privileged witnesses of radical changes in terms of global geopolitics and especially those involving the powers that are deciding control of the world. What until the end of the 20th century and the first of this century governments sharply and hermetically censored or manipulated rudely, today is within the reach of all those who are interested in matters that involve relationships and respect for the law. international between nations.

One of the situations that are taking great interest these days is the referent -and apparent- recompaging of Washington's foreign policy framed in the decisions made by President Joe Biden to end the doctrine of perpetual war that began back in 2001-and under the excuse of 9/11, which at the hands of Donald Rumsfeld and Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski spread war and instability in the Middle East and Asia with remarkable impunity. From then on, the tactic of preventive and dirty war using mercenaries (such as those who tortured and assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moise and his wife), death squads (created by the CIA) and "proxies" groups (such as the Kurdish FDS militias, or those of the ELS installed in Syria) was taking shape, having as main testing grounds in Afghanistan and Iraq and its gloomy improvement against Syria.

It was in these places that the Americans (with the collaboration of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey) managed, trained and ameliorated international terrorism hoaxes of presumed Islamist leanings such as "Al Qaeda" (a remnant of the CIA intellectually created by Zbigniew Brzezinski) and the subsequent scarecrow called "ISIS" that appeared in 2014 that was nothing more than the improvement of a secret program of the US military intelligence put to work in 2006 (after eliminating the head of the "Al Qaeda-Iraq" hoax, the Jordanian Abu Muzab Al Zarqawi) and led by General David H. Petraeus to try to counter the unstoppable actions of the Iraqi resistance.

Another chapter to be forgotten is undoubtedly the systematic practice of torture, murder and disappearance of people as witnessed by the CIA flights, the graphic documents of the infamous concentration camp in Guantánamo, Cuba, the Abu-Graib prison. and the countless concentration camps spread across Iraq in which military intelligence officers, CIA civilians (including doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists) and Israeli Mossad colleagues committed the unimaginable and most aberrant against humanity of thousands of prisoners. Iraqis.

Too much garbage exposed to the light of day that complicates Washington for today to refer to itself as a moral advisor.

Despite the fact that the great media powers did everything they could to carry out a damage control, making use of all the existing arguacies and for having and even trying to blame all these aberrations on the outsider of Donald Trump, this was useless. In this way and trying to create an appearance of "return to legality", Biden (who also approved the lies that drove these wars and participated in hundreds of civilian deaths from drone attacks) must today play the role of a driver of those errors and for this to propose a new mystique to refloat the credibility in which democracies and autocracies enter into conflict. This has been religiously raised by the obsequious of the region, in particular some media and the Argentinean Anglophile intelligentsia, who have already begun to spread this simplistic and reductionist rhetoric as the "good news" for politics.

But considering these sinister episodes in the contemporary history of your country and their consequences for millions of human beings (in which Joe Biden also has a lot to do), one might ask who are the autocrats and who are the democrats? It seems that the White House continues with the same discursive tricks and petulance as always when referring to itself as "the leader of the democracies" of the world. But in view of its contemporary antecedents, can it be? Or we could also question; What do Americans understand by democracy? The internal situation regarding respect for the human rights of US citizens themselves is another highly debatable chapter of their political-social reality and is not at all different from the situations that Washington criticizes. Today in the face of the Cuban crisis, both Washington and its repeaters in Argentina do not stop making remarks about the violations of human rights on the island and the "concern" of organizations such as HRW that we have already seen, have their one-eyed before much more serious violations in which the US and its allies have a stake.

Likewise, it is known that this is only a screen. Within the United States, terrible things happened and are happening that were not born with Trump and of which these organizations and the obsequious South Americans are inhibited from speaking. Social inequality, anti-Semitism, arabophobia, Islamophobia and racism (Black Matter and the policy of the wall for immigrants) are a stale reality that, in addition to being current, escapes this attempt to cover the sun with our hands.

When President Joe Biden speaks of respect for international law when he has proceeded unilaterally geopolitically and does not make a sincere and timely criticism of the contribution that his country has made to the chaos in various regions of the globe, his current position is not credible.

It is certainly very difficult to make this rhetoric coincide with this factual background. Military interventionism, subversion and coups promoted by the CIA using its “aid” NGOs as a cover (USAID), commercial and financial blackmailing that uses unilateral sanctions (such as freezing of bank accounts and confiscations) without legal support and The humanitarian consequences that these geopolitical rinses have caused in millions of inhabitants of various latitudes are not to be despised. Double standards and double standards are evident. Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken may fool themselves or the unwary who do not see beyond their noses talking about the "danger of the Russian and Chinese autocracies" or the benefits of democracy and its contribution to it, but neither Russia or China invaded any country causing the waves of refugees such as those that the US and its allies have unleashed since the beginning of the "fight against terrorism" (such as those caused with Iraq, Libya and Syria), nor do they support states that appropriate of territories and fiercely oppress its inhabitants. The media that promote these guidelines do not seem to warn that the coat and tie worn by Western politicians does not give them the category of Democrats that they hold so much. In light of this, notorious eloxymoron arises when speaking of "democracy" when deceit, subversion and war are used to impose it.

Despite this, the South American media and especially the Argentines who are part of the conglomerate of the pro-American establishment do hard work to disguise and in others to deform this sinister reality. In most cases it is pure obsequiousness with a notable contempt for the non-Anglo-Saxon, especially the Muslims and the Arabs, but they also show great myopia when it comes to the system they defend so much. In this sense, they seem to ignore what are the springs and the existing power tensions between the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the executive power represented in the White House, which are far from being considered as part of the “articulation of the democratic life”. There is little democratic in this relationship and this is projected in the facts of its foreign policy that costs thousands of people their lives and their property.

Biden's speech is just that, a speech. There is nothing that in fact succeeds in proving that your country's policies are better than others. The tale of promoting freedoms and much-talked about democracy has only been a figurehead to infiltrate countries and regions that the State Department seeks to subvert and when that happens, there is no respect for any freedom. The problem for US politicians (Democrats or Republicans) is that they confuse freedom with economic consumption, financial investment and believe that those countries that do not have their junk food chains, service providers that satisfy them or nightly whiskey bars with prostitutes and free circulation of drugs (provided by the money laundering business), there is no possibility of free market development or progress. Perhaps the description sounds too vulgar or simple, but this is transferable to the upper echelons of finance and the economy that is digital from New York and the City of London. Destroying a country, plunging it into misery and despair has been the tactic most used in the last twenty years by Washington and its allies to intervene with various purposes with the chant of "democracy."

But the EU has not been left behind. It should not be forgotten that -in addition to Great Britain- partner countries such as France (very present supporting the CIA in Syria), Germany and other subordinates such as Italy and Spain contributed their two cents to create chaos in North Africa in 2010 ( what the media called the Arab Spring) being one of the main reasons for the current instability and the endless wave of immigrants that has shaken the EU since then. But if that seems far off, know that recently the European Parliament passed between roosters and midnight legislation that authorizes governments to intervene and spy on all private digital communications of all citizens around the globe. Purpose? Absolute control of what you think. So where is freedom and democracy? This should not surprise us.

Several years a go it was discovered that the United States during the administration of Barak Obama, its intelligence agencies such as the NSA and the CIA had -with the complicity of local agencies- tapped the communication lines of the leaders of Germany, France and even Great Britain. Britain despite the fact that before public opinion they are partners and part of NATO. In reality, for years and under the cover of secrecy, double discourses and taking advantage of the media psychosis created since September 11, 2001, these western states -not China or Russia- have been spying on their citizens under the argument of the "fight against terrorism" which, as we have already seen, in addition to having a root in Israel's invasive practices, is only a ploy to achieve geopolitical purposes. The delusional and paranoid consequences of these persecutions number in the millions.

So how will Biden make his speech compatible with the reality of his policies with their global consequences?




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