sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024


The current global geopolitical instability for which the Anglo-Saxon West, led by the US, is primarily responsible, will not necessitate a renewal within the political family in Washington? Throw Biden a towel!


By Sidney Hey

The best description that can be given of the administration and the person of Joseph Biden is a knock out. Biden doesn't even know where he stands anymore, he forgets details and facts about the issues he has to deal with every day, and he goes so far as to confuse the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico, man, the state of the Union is really in serious trouble and the Americans urgently need a new social contract with their government.

There are many in Washington and within the neoconservative camp itself who see Biden as a real danger to national security, and they have every reason to do so. Some even suggest removing him so that Kamala Harris can replace him for his remaining term in the White House, an idea that does not sit well with the “hawks”.

Biden is a problem rather than a solution and the issue of uncontrolled migration has filled the cup, opening the door for Donald Trump and the whole gang of Republicans who follow him.

He is the same guy who got the USA into new wars, who reinforced the aberrant policy of information censorship -led by the military and intelligence- against the Russian media and against all those who try to get information from those sources (throwing away freedom of speech), and as if he were in a tavern after drinking a few beers his tongue does not tremble to insult other presidents. How much longer can a president in this state of mind continue to run the affairs of the country?

The US, and especially its citizens, are in deep shit and those responsible for this are none other than the same politicians who are part of the corrupt elite serving the Establishment and who for decades have enjoyed the publicity given to them by all the media, including the entertainment media. This situation is now a globalised issue and that is why politicians (Republicans, Democrats and so-called independents) are so interested in continuing to do business in other latitudes.

The case of Ukraine is paradigmatic and serves as an example of how US political corruption is so pervasive that it runs through even President Biden's own family. Why do you think Washington supported the 2014 Maidan coup: to fight corruption? Absolutely not. To put in place a puppet to sell the country to them, not because they cared about Ukraine's institutionality. On top of that, have they forgotten about the business dealings in Ukraine of Hunter Biden and his business partner Christopher Heinz, John Kerry's stepson, which involved parties with expensive prostitutes and drugs to the financing of laboratories where dangerous biological agents were produced? Imagine how many parties with prostitutes and drugs of the highest purity can be paid for with the proceeds of those dirty deals.

That's why politicians want to continue funding a war in a country that is already lost. But if it is lost, why continue financing it? The only explanation seems to be: hard cash.

The corruption of the Ukrainian political class is politically functional for Washington and a beneficial asset for the same US politicians who have no qualms about agencies like the CIA and government assets being found cooperating with the Ukrainian mafias who have shown that they have no qualms about selling the arms and materiel that the West gives them. Have people forgotten about the war material that got into the hands of “Hamas” with which they attacked the Israelis last October 7? How will US citizens shake off this filth that eats away at their country and spills over to the rest of the globe?

This is undoubtedly the key to the change of tenant in the White House, but of course, this alone is not enough.

What is needed is a 180 degree change in the hegemonistic policy that the US has been forcing with disdain for the last three decades on its citizens and the peoples of the nations it has ruined and which has only sunk the state into a quagmire from which it is getting harder and harder to extricate itself every year. It is a part of this political elite that has pushed this madness under the most colourful rationale but which in reality only seeks to create and secure fabulous business for the lobbies they serve and from them, receive their due.

These are the neoconservatives, who, let us remember, are on both sides of the two-party system. They have been the forerunners and responsible for the criminal actions against other sovereignties and the humanity of all those peoples ravaged, and all for what? Oil, gas and control of both legal and illegal trade routes. They have not hesitated to use every possible strategy and dirty tactic (including False Flags and terrorism) to realise their plans.

The abuse of power in which they have engaged in the past, and with which they are currently driving behind Joe Biden's administration to realise those plans, have been the enablers of creating geopolitical realities that the old fox Zbigniew Brzezinski in his work "The Grand Chessboard" had warned that Washington should avoid. To make matters worse, the Biden administration has not only failed to avoid them but has enabled them to such an extent that Brzezinski's fears have materialised in war in Ukraine and preparations to provoke China. Worse still, the government in Canberra is being led by the nose in these plans. The heavy blows to the US and British navies in the Red Sea are lessons that the Australian government should be evaluating before investing (in a business that involves the British) in its plans to expand the fleet (with “Hunter” class frigates).

But it is the Americans themselves who should be asking the question: Who got the US into this big mess?

Biden is only the visible face of a corrupt system that has infected everything. It is clear that in addition to being corrupt and criminally ruthless, the political elite in Washington is brutally irresponsible and lacking in realistic vision, and to make matters worse, they know nothing about geopolitics. Biden once he walks through the door of the White House will be absolved of all his bungling as incapable, but what about the rest of the political elite?


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