lunes, 25 de marzo de 2024



What could be one of the solutions that Washington is scheming to avoid losing Ukraine without the need for NATO to directly confront Russia?


By Sidney Hey

When Soviet troops arrived in Berlin in April 1945, late in the Second Great War, they did so before the Western Allies, and it was a calamity for German civilians, especially girls and women. But the areas that later passed into American and British control did not glow with respect for the humanity of those same civilians. It was the beginning of a new nightmare that was hidden for decades and has been the mute shame of the “democracies”. The Germans had ceased to have rights and from that moment on would be under an occupying administration that would later split into two blocs.

This is what could very possibly happen to what is left of Ukraine. But why would that happen?

It seems that following Emanuel Macron's declarations to send troops to Ukraine, all NATO members and in particular the Western Europeans would prefer to send their men rather than continue to subsidise a war that has no prospect of success with money and equipment.

But we know that preferences do not count here and it is very likely that this is part of a strategy that had already been put on the table by the Pentagon and that (since before the Russian intervention) had been studied by the European military without much desire to be directly involved because of the consequences that this would bring to the EU.

This concurrence of Atlanticist troops would not be to fight alongside the Ukrainian Armed Forces but to occupy western Ukraine, serving as a guarantee and security in the rearguard while all the men who are available march to the front to die in a war that, as Biden said, will be fought "to the last Ukrainian".

This imaginary scenario is already taking shape with the arrival of European troops in southern Kiev.

What do you think will happen when there are no more Ukrainian men to fill these positions in the civil service, security and armed forces? Quite simply. They will be permanently occupied by these “friends” of the collective West who, over time, will make them their own. It is quite clear that their troops (American and British) will not be the ones who will remain -not as combat troops- on the ground as they have obedient vassals in the region for that. The Poles and Romanians are already rubbing their hands together at the thought of it.

Of course, many uninformed and naïve people in the West continue to believe that such a thing could not happen because the limits to one of these possibilities would be delimited by international law, to which they should ask themselves which international law? The world is witnessing how Washington turns a deaf ear to extremely serious situations in which human rights -enshrined in international humanitarian law- are being trampled upon in a brutal and brutal manner, while at the same time advocating a Manichean formulation of international law that is “rules-based”, which is nothing more than its own rules.

Ukrainians in the West may continue to look with sympathy to Western Europe and its values, but what will be the ultimate price of this aspiration? If that appreciation were reciprocated, Ukraine's problems could have been alleviated long before Russia intervened. The EU could have welcomed Kiev as part of the bloc as a political measure to curb Russian aggression but did not do so. Simply because war was and remains the number one objective of the US via NATO. To paraphrase Victoria Nuland, what they think or say in the EU “it doesn't give a shit”.

Ukrainian citizens are caught between the oppression of a philo-Nazi regime that distrusts everyone, Russian bombs and missiles, and now the possibility of coming under NATO “friendly occupation”. So the police stations may have Ukrainian police, but they are probably controlled by senior SBU pimping officers who are themselves henchmen of the CIA and MI6. With all the men of fighting age away at the front, these bases will most likely be occupied by Polish, Romanian and probably even Bulgarian troops with the inevitable presence of American, British and German officers.

Just as happened with the occupation of Germany and other disastrous situations in our contemporary history, the stay of these democrats will bring with it the flourishing of the detestable businesses that have arisen precisely from the presence of foreign troops, which are none other than prostitution, human trafficking and drugs.




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