lunes, 3 de junio de 2024



The new alternative to change the US reality?


By Sidney Hey

How can credibility in the human, moral and political values of a state be re-established when supposedly religious believers like President Joe Biden and his state officials have ignited war in Eurasia, persistently and irresponsibly provoked China for hegemonic ambitions and embarrassed the US with their complicity in the Palestinian genocide?

Biden might still be that nice old man to the gullible and simpletons at campaign meetings waving little American flags, but to those who know him well, he is still the old child molester, a cover-up for his son Hunter Biden's dirty dealings and an ardent supporter of Israel who turns a blind eye to its crimes. With these situations no one should be surprised that the reputation of the US has collapsed.

At the same time, the Republicans' choice suffers a major setback for their ambitions in the upcoming elections. With the latest news about the criminal conviction against Donald Trump it is likely that MAGA will collapse like a house of cards and we will not see the blond-haired man as a White House tenant again. We don't yet know if this could benefit Trump and hasten his return to power. Still, Trump has options (that any ordinary citizen does not) and one of them is to appeal.

Both subjects are part of a dimension of power alien to the reality of the simple citizens who must work every day to pay their taxes and survive.

In short, neither Biden nor Trump are a real hope for improving the quality of life of Americans, much less for ensuring global peace, since both, at different levels, flirt with the most rancid and obscurantist of political businesses such as the war industry (doing very good business with NATO in Ukraine) that intermingle with the ever-present Zionist interests that control (for pleasure or displeasure) the foreign policy of the Union. In this sense the establishment's ardent defences of Netanyahu and his extermination campaign in the Gaza Strip (Rafah today), threatening in turn the very International Criminal Court for having requested his arrest for trial, are not surprising, but how dare they on behalf of the US operate as mere mafia thugs?

The world is watching closely all these inconsistencies that the administrations in Washington have been displaying for decades.

It has not yet taken long to forget the humanitarian aberrations in Guantanamo, Abu Graib and all those secret prisons maintained by the CIA around the world that revealed the extent of the sewers of a system that in the public eye claims to be a democracy. It is these same sewers that mingle with the Zionist interests represented by pressure groups like AIPAC which, among other activities, continues to collect money from unsuspecting taxpayers to finance massacres of Palestinians recorded by Israeli psychopaths on Tic Tock and Jewish death squads like ‘Netzah Yehuda’ engaged in perpetrating all sorts of violations and heinous crimes against the Palestinian population. 

When the activities of these ‘battalions’ of war criminals came to light, the State Department tried to put a lid on the situation by talking about sanctions against these groups, something that in reality was never done, and much worse, by supporting them underhandedly.

With situations such as these exposed to the public light and which the International Criminal Court has decided to address, characters such as Anthony Blinken (an open and confessed Zionist) or the same White House spokesman John Kirby dare to speak of ‘punishing’ the International Criminal Court for daring to formulate such criminal charges and order the capture of their much-loved ally.

It is against this backdrop of political rot allowed by a hyper-corrupt system at the disposal of an elite of kleptocrats of all stripes and politicians who abuse their privileges for their own benefit that a promise of a change in US politics appears. It is the libertarian party candidate Chase Oliver, who brings proposals that sound dissonant and even strange in the face of a thick and fetid atmosphere of corruption that has kept Americans in a state of stupor.

Chase focuses on the downsizing of a monstrous state through which taxpayers' money is siphoned off without accounting for its fate. One issue he focuses on is the administration of justice, which has become a real exception for American citizens and reserved only for the wealthy and former presidents.

Chase enters into the dynamics of the new leaders who, under the label of ‘libertarians’, seek to change the Status Quo in states that, like the United States, have abandoned their primary objectives, becoming eminently arbitrary, wasteful (with the digitalisation of the reserves) and oversized entities that end up being an unjustified and unacceptable cost on the backs of their citizens.

From these positions, American libertarians have very well marked their differences with the establishment parties (Democrats and Republicans) and that is why they will go into next November's elections with their own candidate as a tangible and credible alternative to change the administration of the state of the Union.





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