jueves, 6 de junio de 2024



It is credible to deal with traitors for reconciliation after having conspired and committed crimes against your own brothers.


Por Ali Al Najafi

Undoubtedly, the Palestinian cause continues and will continue to be the unifying motive of the Arab-Islamic peoples in spite of their corrupt and fateful governments. The blatant and brutal genocide already committed by the State of Israel against the population of the Gaza Strip reinforces with greater fervor the clamor for justice for a cause that already has 75 years of impunity.

But political reality is much more ruthless and coldness than the emotions of men. It is not he who shouts the loudest who does the most. There are Arab governments -with the honorable exception of the Yemenis- that despite these horrible crimes cooperate in silence with Tel Aviv and even, within the very structure of the much discussed PNA government of Mahmoud Abbas, put their arms at the disposal of the police-military apparatus of the Zionist entity, how detestable but real these situations are.

After all, traitors one and all, but within this universe, there are more bad and less bad ones. They all seem to have forgotten the roots of their belonging and the worst, the teachings of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) which are inscribed in the holy Koran, the same book that the Nazis of today in Europe, test dummies of the Zionists, happily burn to demonstrate and glorify their Islamophobia without these same governments raising an energetic protest against such sacrilege.

But if they are not moved by the massacres of women and children in refugee camps, the use of hunger as a weapon of war or the torture, summary executions and the theft of Palestinian organs to feed the Israeli medical business circuit and its European partners, why should they be moved?

Today, it seems that the least treacherous of these governments (and no less detestable for that) are trying to take a common position on what is happening in Gaza and especially in Rafah. The Baghdad government of Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al Sudani (an acolyte of the detestable criminal Nouri Al Maliki) is trying to seek reconciliation between Syria and Turkey after more than a decade of NATO plotting against one of the members of the Islamic resistance such as the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad.

For a decade the Turkish government of Recept Tiyip Erdogan made life miserable for the Syrians by collaborating with Washington's sinister plans to enclave itself in the region, putting on the ground the hoax of the “Islamic State” and a dozen other Wahhabi groups funded by the Gulf oil monarchies to create discord and terror among the communities of Mesopotamia. At the time, Erdogan was determined to violate the territorial integrity of Syria and Iraq.

It was through this dirty game that Erdogan and his family became rich at the expense of oil, coal and gas resources that were stolen and trafficked from northern Syria to Turkish territory with the cooperation of Kurdish mafias paid by the Americans (SDF) and of course, by killing Syrian citizens.

Thanks to this, the Americans created in northern Syria a liberated zone administered by these traitor Kurds of the SDF which allows them to maintain their base in Hasakah.

The same happened in northern Iraq, while the “Islamic State” cadres infiltrated from Turkish territory, protected by the Turkish MIT and the CIA who in turn subcontracted Barzani's traitor Kurds, thousands of barrels of oil were stolen from the Kirkuk oil fields and crossed in long lines of tanker trucks while being protected from the air by the Anglo-American Air Force.

In both cases, Erdogan and Al Maliki and their corrupt puppets were complying with the Obama administration's directives to mount that farcical show of the “war on terror” as part of the plans to try to destroy Syria and to do so he betrayed Baghdad by infiltrating terror with thugs brought in from training camps in Turkey and Jordan Have they forgotten?

Al Sudani is as innocuous as his master Maliki was. His government is still as weak and without national cohesion as his western employers left it and proof of this is the political and factual situation in Iraqi Kurdistan which has been transformed in a shameless way into a haven for Israeli Mossad bases and Kurdish PKK thugs.

In the case of Iraq, it must be said, there are two countries. The great Iraq was torn apart by the invasion of the Americans and their partners in 2003, leaving in power the gangsters who serve their own interests. There is an irreconcilable divorce between the people and this elite of criminals who only favor their tribes and families. They are not interested in the Palestinian cause; on the contrary, have they forgotten how US-trained and armed “Badr” and “Wolf” death squads murdered Palestinian refugees in Baghdad?

The only ones in Iraq who are on the path of Islamic resistance are the groups that fought in those days when the Americans and British stormed Baghdad and established a corrupt and criminal order. The same ones that today, against the collaborationist policy of Al Sudani and together with the Yemeni brothers, are launching attacks against the Zionist sites in Eilat.

They are in the latter the hope for the Palestinians and of course for the Syrian and Iraqi Arabs.


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