sábado, 3 de agosto de 2024



The consecutive assassinations of two senior officials of the Arab-Islamic resistance axis by Israel in violation of Lebanon's and Iran's sovereignty - are they a well-calculated provocation, what will be the consequences?


By Sir Charlattam

On 27 July last, a missile that landed on a football pitch in Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights killed twelve children from the Druze community, a despicable act but one that has become all too common in the region. Tel Aviv was quick to blame Hesbollah, but in reality, beyond the official denial by the Shiite organisation, the Israelis themselves knew full well that they had nothing to do with it.

An Israeli air defence missile had been responsible for this after it had gone off course. It was also an excellent opportunity for Israel to deploy an accusation that would give it an excuse to continue the mobilisation of forces on the Lebanese border and explain two bloody affairs it was about to execute.

Despite the gruesomeness of such a ploy, it is not the first time that the Israelis have exploited or created such a horrible event to their advantage. One might even be suspicious about the accidental nature of the missile.  As the hours went by, it became clear that capitalising on the event was the ultimate goal for Netanyahu and his cabinet, as we would see later on 30 and 31 July.

For the time being, the attempt to manipulate the Druze community to turn it against the Lebanese Shiites (as they have done in the past) failed, as was seen in the repudiation and expulsion of an Israeli representative who wanted to participate in the funerals of the dead children.

How can Israeli social and political communication experts, who are used to twisting reality to Israel's advantage, explain this?

The terrorist attacks in Beirut and Tehran, according to Tel Aviv, would have been part of a response to what happened on the Golan Heights. Certainly, a very convenient response, but there are many holes in this argument.

If we take a cold look at this situation, we will see that there is a well-organised and premeditated pattern that does not respond to an instinctive action of revenge as Tel Aviv tries to sell it. From the Israeli perspective, and obviously maintained by the Western media, the bombing of a building in Beirut to kill commander Fuad Shukr along with three other innocent civilians and wounding hundreds of others, and a day later blowing up the room where Ismail Haniyeh was staying, was in revenge for the dead Druze children.

And supposing it were true, was this instant revenge planned and executed in three days? Whichever way you look at it, it seems implausible.

Leaving out certain details such as whether they were operations designed by military intelligence “Aman”, “Mossad” or both together, one thing is out of the question and that is that they could not have assassinated the political leader of Hamas without the consent of the CIA and in turn the CIA without the authorisation of the White House. Considering this framework of implications and beyond the Western diplomatic posturing to keep Tehran from responding, there is no doubt that the US establishment wants an escalation.

In support of this argument, the Israelis claim that both attacks involved the use of "missiles" or some kind of drone, which in the case of Haniyeh reached the room where he was staying. But that would not have been the method. Some anonymous sources in the West and more precisely in Washington boasted that Haniyeh's assassination was planned in advance and in anticipation that he would go to Masoud Pezeshkian's inauguration, explosives were planted in the room structure where he would be. Answering how and by whom those explosives were installed (and who supplied them) is another matter, although it does make clear the extent of the network of local assets on Tel Aviv's payroll.

The problem with these assassinations is not only the violation of all international laws, although if we consider them as terrorist acts, laws matter little. What they represent is the breaking of the minimum codes that exist in what is called the Intelligence Community. Israel, in addition to repeatedly violating the sovereignty of Lebanon and Iran, is carrying out its criminal actions indiscriminately, as it does in Gaza, where, in order to kill one Palestinian resistance fighter, it murders hundreds of civilians, regardless of whether they take refuge in a school, a mosque or a hospital.

I am not surprised that Netanyahu would order such daring actions because if we remember the CIA activating its cells attacking on Russian soil and even assassinating with impunity inside Moscow, why should it have limits when its great sponsor has none?

How many British soldiers and protectorate officials were killed by Zionist gunmen before they succeeded in imposing the state?

I doubt that in any of those cases, but especially of Ismail Haniyeh, Tel Aviv would seek to wash its hands of any case of overreach by one of its black agents as happened here in Britain with the double agent “Stakenife”, an MI5 recruited asset, a real son of a bitch who enjoyed cutting throats working for British intelligence and who was infiltrated into an IRA squad, caused more deaths than the lives he was supposed to save.

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Netanyahu and his seconds are up to something with these attacks and it is not exactly to save Israel, the already forgotten hostages or any other hoax that the media in the West and especially the paid ones like the BBC in Britain or DW in Germany are already spinning. No doubt Netanyahu is up to something and it is not good.


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