lunes, 12 de agosto de 2024


Some background and reasons why impunity moves so comfortably for some in the international arena


By Sir Charlattam

We have seen how schools and universities have not taught that the great calamities of humanity, such as wars and revolutions, are personified in certain individuals, turning them, for better or worse, almost into demigods because of the extent of the consequences they have brought about by their decisions.

Today, from a distance, I can see that this way of telling the story had a doubly deliberate purpose, focusing on deifying the good guys on the one hand and demonising the bad guys on the other, just like in children's stories. If, as the saying goes, "history is written by the victors", no one, in the current geopolitical circumstances, makes this collective manipulation more evident than ever.

Just as Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and Hugo Chavez have been demonised through this deceptive educational system that is consistent with a political line, others have been extolled as heroes or prominent pro-men such as Churchill, Eisenhower, Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, “Maggie” Thatcher and others that the media install in their editorials as examples of something.

But the demons were not so much demons, nor were the saints even better than them. The best proof of this deception of contemporary philology can be seen in today's opprobrious realities that break with this Manichean logic that the governments of the collective West are trying to install against Putin, Xi Jinping and the leaders of the day in Iran. Perhaps the one that best reflects this is what is happening today in occupied Palestine, which for a sector of the historical narrative, it is not acceptable to speak in this way.

Since 7 October last year, when the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas launched an incursion into the territories surrounding the Gaza Strip that were stolen by Israel between 1948 and 1967, Tel Aviv launched a campaign of systematic destruction of the entire urban infrastructure of the Palestinian population without regard for the lives of its inhabitants. The justification for a final solution was provided by the extremists of the Jewish supremacist theocracy that underpins Benjamin Netanyahu's government and considers the Palestinians as "non-human".

For the pro-Israeli rapporteurs in the West, the Palestinians caused a massacre by killing some 1,200 Israelis and taking another 150 hostage, thus justifying everything. In this view, the Palestinians acted without justification despite the fact that thousands of Palestinians have perished as a result of air strikes, water poisoning and the siege to which the Strip has been subjected since 2007. Against this backdrop, who can best justify themselves?

If in the past, Washington DC has taken up individual cases of human rights violations in countries that did not respond to its policies and which it sees as ridiculous in comparison to what the state of Israel commits, why has it not done the same with this massive and outrageous violation of human rights? Actually, there is no need to answer this question, the actions of the political elite in the US more than answer it.

At present, the number of Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli bombardment has reached 41,000, a figure that is obviously growing with new massacres such as the one committed just a few days ago at the “Al Tabin” school in northern Gaza. What has the Vatican or Pope Francis said about these massacres, are these crimes justifiable because they are committed by, as they say, “their big brothers”?

Likewise, the figures may vary even more if the rubble still lying throughout Gaza and other towns in the south of the Strip were to be removed.

The number of 41,000 Palestinian civilians killed by Israel exceeds the 40,000 that the US caused by the detonation of the nuclear bomb in Nagasaki, putting into perspective the size of the crime that today, in the eyes of the world, a state carries out under whatever excuses it sees fit.

Like those who persuaded Eisenhower to drop these bombs on two Japanese cities, the Israeli officials who support Netanyahu and of course Netanyahu himself demonstrate their total disregard for human life, clearly underpinned by that conviction from which they have been brought up to believe that they are “superior” (chosen) to anyone, a belief that is proportionally inverse to the contempt they documentably feel for the Arab-Palestinians.

But not going that far back in time we saw how a Republican administration led by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, coincidentally friendly with Zionist lobbies like AIPAC and Netanyahu himself, created a big lie by which they justified the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, leaving as a result of those crimes a whopping 1,500,000 Iraqis killed and the destruction of the social fabric of that country.

Today, as a result, we know that out of all that misfortune a gigantic business was created that ran parallel to the arms industry to sustain conventional warfare and was called the "fight against terrorism" in which the budgets not only financed arms, but also paid the fees of doctors, psychiatrists and all kinds of specialists who lent their expertise to torture and humiliation.

Today, in the light of all these precedents, Joe Biden's administration, which has shown like no other administration in the past to collaborate unconditionally -contradicting its own positions- with a regime of extremists led by a criminal and corrupt Netanyahu to genocide that no one can deny, has imposed his own agenda on that of the Americans themselves, not because of clumsiness or his senile condition, but because he and his officials (led by Anthony Blinken) are part of that lineage of bastards who have plunged the world into chaos and corruption.


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