domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024



In the face of the cynicism and double standards of the US policy that NATO is deploying in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been clear and very precise about what the consequences will be and on whom they will fall if cruise missiles fall on his territory

Por Sidney Hey

Following the agreement reached by the US and British governments to authorise Kiev to use Storm-Shadow and ATACMS long-range missiles against Russian territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin himself gave his point of view on the matter and clearly stated his country's reaction to an aggression with these weapons.

As the Russian president made very clear, he and his government are not worried about Ukraine attacking their country with drones as it has been doing until recently, the issue is that more sophisticated and long-range weaponry will be used for this purpose, which will not necessarily be operated by the Ukrainians. He made it clear that these long-range missiles, because of their technology and guidance systems, require satellite intelligence that the Ukrainians do not have, but NATO does, so the use of these weapons against Russian territory will be blamed on its Western partners.

Although Vladimir Putin's message was diplomatically direct and very clear in the recipients to whom it was addressed, as is customary in Washington they tried not to take it seriously until Moscow ratified the Putin government's decision to be serious. The message has been extremely clear and does not admit of double readings,’ said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, adding that he was sure it had reached its intended recipients.

There is no doubt that Joe Biden and Keir Starmer understood very well what the consequences of launching long-range missile strikes on the territories of historic Russia would be and that this would involve a nuclear strike as one of the options. Putin has made it clear that no excuses or theatrics in which the Ukrainians are held responsible will be accepted. Only NATO operators, and especially the Americans and the British, are capable of using them.

In the Pentagon's top brass and in Brussels, concern is taking over the agenda. They are aware that the Russians do not lie and that even the distance of their countries from the theatre of operations would not guarantee them freedom from nuclear retaliation. Putin's warning has undoubtedly slowed the deployment of cruise missile systems aimed at Russia for the time being, but it should not be taken for granted, as the record amply demonstrates that Anglo-American politicians cannot be trusted.

In the light of public opinion, such measures are questionable and raise questions about their governments since, contrary to their claims, they only raise the spectre of nuclear war.

Precisely at this very moment, Washington is resenting the position adopted by President Vladimir Putin himself, which has gone viral around the world, making it clear who are those who are promoting the war against Russia. It is no coincidence that the head of the State Department himself, Anthony Blinken, launched a wild accusation against the Russian media, especially “RT”, considering it to be ‘part of Russian intelligence’ as a way of justifying the sanctions he has been launching against those who work for the network.

At a press conference, Blinken himself said that the network possessed cybernetic capabilities and was involved in covert operations for Russia, obviously without presenting evidence or explaining what these operations had consisted of. These statements are undoubtedly comical, to say the least, considering that the US media, and the Anglo-American media in general, have been seen to serve their Establishment.

Likewise, those responsible for the channel, and in particular its director Margarita Simonián, did not miss the opportunity to launch an irony as a way of showing to public opinion how unserious and ridiculous these accusations are. It has been the emergence of global alternative media such as “RT” that has prevented many arbitrary actions and especially crimes by certain states from being overlooked or artificially reinterpreted to justify them. That is why Vladimir Putin's warnings, which have reached the four corners of the globe, about who will be held responsible if Ukraine launches long-range missiles over the Russian Federation are so disturbing. That is undoubtedly the most unbearable pain and discomfort for the US Establishment and its partners in the West. Losing control of the ‘historical narrative’ and manipulating public opinion is a defeat that is very hard to swallow.

In addition to being an attack on freedom of expression, Blinken's accusations only reinforce the extensive US casuistry that demonstrates the low quality of its democratic system -so overrated - already called into question by its long record of human rights violations from 2001 to the present.


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