miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

Everything seems to come together to unseat President Trump. Are the street protests that cross the entire United States spontaneous?

By Charles H. Slim
Police brutality in the United States is as old and evident as its self-proclaimed democracy. The brutal and slow execution of the citizen George Floyd has ignited a lake of fire that is fed back by hatreds, the frustrations of millionaire unemployment and the annoyance to a segregationist system that for decades, no one disputed.

But while it is true that Trump is a very difficult type to approach and not at all friendly for a part of the American people, those who are targeting him are not precisely these popular sectors but that sediment of established power, hidden in the deepest and obscure of the system that through the democratic and republican factions manages the affairs of the nation.

It is no coincidence that the media, your Conglomerate in particular, are cooperating in dirtying the image of President Trump before the world. 
When the mobs crowded onto Pennsylvania Avenue to take over “Lafayette Square” and, as in the Horror films, the police forces were outmatched, Donald Trump, advised by his horrified advisers who accompanied him, immediately pushed him to hide in the shelter nuclear complex. National Security was in danger and proof of this was reflected in those destructive images of hundreds of people clambering the bars of the White House itself. Was it possible that this angry mob could storm the White House as in those Zombie movies?

In the US and abroad they know very well how the police forces of all the states of the Union act, most of them in an excessive way and especially cruel to the citizens of color and nobody can believe that the metropolitan police of the District of Columbia (as severe as his sisters in Michigan or Texas) he has not been able to stop and disperse the protesters who came to the front yard of the same Government House. But what the hell has happened here?

Trying to counteract that image of ridiculous weakness, the next day Trump and his advisers left the White House surrounded by a police cordon, walking through the courtyard to the Church of the Presidents, a historical monument that was severely damaged by the mobs. It was there that he tried to reinforce his speech with a Bible in his hand and with a defiant posture before the cameras that focused on him, he cried “We have a great country” and then continued saying that “the United States is the largest country in the world and we guarantee its security”; calling protesters as terrorists and vandals.

Trump passing by the Church of the Presidents,
Undoubtedly, that pose with a Bible in his hands was the idea of ​​his circle of “spiritual advisers” made up of an evangelical “task force” that makes very good meetings with his Zionist son-in-law, Jared Kushner. As you can see, the extremes touch and in the personality of the president the most extreme sympathizers of white “KKK” supremacism can coincide as the neo-Zionist religious extreme right of the electronic evangelists (many of them financed by CIA). Both sectors equally hate men of color and those who do not belong to their beliefs; Let's look only at what happens in Israel with Ethiopian black Jews who are not recognized the same rights as European Jews. And of course, not to mention the customary and well-documented brutalities against the Palestinian population. Has anyone complained about these abuses?

To make matters worse, Donald can think of no better idea than to insult the governor of the state of New York by not accepting the dispatch of militarized forces. But Andew Cuomo's decision not to allow such a measure has been more than correct, since if the National Guard were established in the “Big Apple”, it would more widely encourage the deployment of dirty games by those sectors of the federal government that work behind the scenes and against the Trump administration. Experience has shown that military occupation does not guarantee peace, but that it threatens it.

There will be elections in a couple of months (November) and all this is very useful to mark Trump's ineptitude and stupidity. Despite the fact that the Democratic opposition is completely dispersed, Joe Biden's reputation for sexual abuse is badly damaged and the old Berny Sanders is a very striking museum piece for public opinion, but nothing more, the Establishment knows that despite of the inconsistencies of the occupant of the White House, there is no other substitute in sight. However, this does not mean that they have a preference for the New York millionaire since the crises serve to see if any rival arise that disputes power.

Undoubtedly, a very convenient time to try to get rid of such an annoying character from the fun reality TV show. But at the same time, it is very necessary for it to pay the political cost of what has caused the pandemic.

But there are suspicions that the street mobilizations are having a hidden support and not by drug traffickers or "terrorists" as the US neo-conservatives often accuse, not anything like that. They would have involved sectors of the intelligence that, aligned with the sectors of the Establishment, are pursuing their own agenda, just as they have been doing abroad with their actions in the Middle East and North Africa.

Forget about seeing CIA agents in suits and ties running back and forth as the Hollywood lampoons awkwardly show, not anything like that. Man power to spare and much more in times of crisis. The agency plays dirty with dirty elements and never puts its face to carry out its deception operations. Do they forget that there are conspirators in the White House trying to sabotage the administration? Beyond the political declarations and the sensational chronicles of CNN and FOX, the reasons to kick the board are stronger. Money is the best of motivators to mobilize wills.

These dark sectors of the intelligence community know very well how to play dirty and they know how to handle convenient times perfectly. Almost eighty years conspiring and creating coups in countless places around the globe, it is his best business card. Creating the problem at a certain moment directed to a particular political interest is something that we have already seen to the point of exhaustion in the last thirty years up to this point.

The CIA and colleagues from other federal agencies that not even the President knows exist with the cooperation of external partners (and not precisely Russians), are experts in creating chaos and instability in other countries, and why couldn't they do it in House?

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