sábado, 8 de abril de 2023



Is the Romanian government of Klaus Iohannis NATO's new ace up its sleeve? The EU supports military exercises in the Black Sea, and that bodes ill for everyone

By Sir Charlattam

As an old colleague from the cold war days used to say, “if you see the same situation twice, that's confirmation”. Well, he may have been a very rigid man in his reasoning and even paranoid, but he was almost never wrong. I put this way of seeing things into practice with regard to what is happening in Ukraine, where I have seen how the British press has not published a single credible article on the situation in Bakhmut.

I became concerned after receiving graphic and very clear news about the situation on the ground and what is currently being planned in Brussels for damage control in the face of what appears to be the inevitable fall of the city and the crumbling of the eastern front.

It seems that NATO is already preparing its stand-in fighter to jump into the ring and assist the battered remnants of the Ukrainian forces who are retreating without a chance. Not for now, it is not Poland but Romania, whose strategic exit to the Black Sea could be the access route by sea for a possible offensive against Russian-controlled coastal positions such as Mariupol or the Crimean peninsula itself. It is also important to consider the readiness of the Romanians for military action following their involvement in Afghanistan. This puts them in certain danger of escalating hostilities into a nuclear retaliation that would unleash hell.

It is not only the Kiev regime that is desperate. While the media are lying and announcing a “Ukrainian offensive”, Washington and Brussels are currently analysing all options to contain a very possible disbanding of Ukrainian forces, including a ceasefire to negotiate peace. French President Macron and European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen's trip to China was part of these plans, although I suspect that the objective was not at all altruistic, such as seeking a solution to the conflict, and only aimed to buy time for Zelensky's regime to reorganise itself.

Xi Jinping does not suck his thumb. When he heard that these representatives with clear interests in what is happening in Ukraine had asked to see him, he did no more than respect the cordiality and respect that are a fundamental part of his Confucian culture and received them without this being a guarantee of accepting their pretended concerns for peace.

While Macron and Von Der Leyen travelled to Beijing, NATO troops continued the movement of supplies, armoured vehicles and equipment destined for Ukraine. In the face of these activities, which are clearly aimed at fuelling the conflict and perpetuating it over time, we continue to see the absence of the United Nations or, to put it elegantly, its total impotence to “impose peace”. On the latter point, I cannot fail to mention the absolute silence and resistance to open investigations into the Pentagon's biological warfare laboratories and its “scientific research” on the Ukrainian people themselves.

Any media stunt to distract public opinion from all these inconsistencies is not enough. Neither the colourful White House press spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, nor the stunning spokeswoman inside Downing Street, Nerissa Chesterfield, can distract the eye from the large phosphorescent elephant standing in the room. 

Although it may seem like news or a leak of secret information, in reality it is not. The movements of US troops and their British counterparts under the name “Sea Shield 2023” have already been discussed throughout the region. 30 warships, some 14 fighter planes and more than 4000 infantrymen are very difficult to hide, don't you think? If this information does not reach the western hemisphere or barely appears in a small section of the news and newspapers, it is because of the complicit opacity of the flagship media such as the BBC, CNN, The Guardian etcetc.

What is not in the public eye, and what has put the Russian counterpart on guard, are the computer warfare and electronic intelligence exercises through which NATO searches for vulnerabilities by scanning networks and communications.

The Romanian government appears to have taken a decision that it will not be able to back down from and that will have profound consequences. But also looming behind this decision are some ethnographic ambitions and claims that could lead to Romanianising Moldova and reclaiming Ukrainian territories in Romanian-speaking areas that came under Ukrainian control in the two world wars, such as Transcarpathia, Chernovetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk and Odessa. I would like to know if the puppet Zelensky is aware of this.

This puts into perspective an unexpected and counterproductive outcome for the ambitions of Zelensky and his ultra-nationalists, namely the gradual loss of Ukrainian territories to ethnic and cultural minorities who have begun to be seduced by the siren songs of neighbouring governments who in turn are influenced by Washington.

The defence of Ukraine's sovereignty and unity that Zelensky has been arguing for and that the collective Western media has been brandishing as a pasquin to keep the war against Russia going, with this revealed double standard, is actually being threatened by the very people who have been claiming to be helping him. Romania's involvement could be charted as the drawing of a new trench line in the service of NATO, and if so, does that mean that Ukraine's territory is already lost?

For Volodymyr Zelensky this would be unreasonable or even impossible because his political godfathers in the European Union with Josep Borrell at the head, who are NATO's interlocutors, have convinced him that he is a kind of “savior”, a politician of the breed like our “Churchill” in bronze who escaped justice for the mere fact of having been on the winning side in the Second World War.

Unless all these moves are a ploy to distract Moscow, Volodymyr Zelensky should be preparing to flee, not from the Russians but from his own countrymen.



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