miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2023



22 years have passed since the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in 9/11 and although the Establishment media have tried by all means to create a guilty party in the collective imagination, a good part of the public opinion does not believe this story. Will justice give a definitive answer to this?


By Danny Smith

We have been the privileged witnesses of the last three turbulent decades in which manipulations, lies and deceits have played a leading role from high governmental levels, not because it was the first time that governments made use of these opaque resources, but because they were actively questioned and exposed by a growing critical and civil rights-conscious citizenry.

It is no coincidence that this coincides with the period of the so-called New World Order that U.S. President George H. Bush declared on September 11, 1990 before a Congress exultant with triumphalism for what it represented. It would be the pinnacle of the supremacy that Washington had dreamed of since the end of the Second World War and which would come with the collapse of the USSR, endorsed in blood at the beginning of 1991 after the end of the Persian Gulf War.

It was precisely that war (which could have been avoided) that proclaimed the unilateral power of the US over the entire globe.

The arguments and facts that were aired by the media -and that were not censored-, especially by CNN were only part of a shell of what really mobilized the Republican Bush administration. Just a few months before the invasion of the emirate of Kuwait, the situation of cross accusations between Baghdad and Kuwait over the theft of oil from the fields in “Al Rumaillah”, the then head of the US Central Command General Norman Schwarzkopf who together with his Iraqi colleagues was overseeing joint military exercises a few kilometers from Baghdad. At the same time and under cover the CIA manipulated the parties and through false expectations conveyed by then Ambassador April Glaspie to Saddam Hussein, Washington sowed more suspicion and mistrust by causing the Jeddah summit to fail at the last minute.

In short, the war against Iraq was premeditated and fueled by geopolitical interests to an extent that was revealed over time.

From then on, the fabrication of the post-Cold War “enemy” began to be chiseled around Islam and in particular around the Arab-Islamic world, instigated by reports, journalistic articles and memos that justified that elaboration, created by Zionist militants close to Netanyahu with close connections in the governmental spheres in Washington and the influential pro-Israeli lobbies such as AIPAC. Paul Wolfowitz, who in the early 1990's worked in the Defense area, in 1992 was the author of the “Paper” where he argued an agenda of conquest that was made official in 1997 through the PNAC think tank integrated by other neoconservative colleagues and in which, coincidentally, he needed a "Pearl Harbor" or a traumatic event for “America” to set it in motion.

Coincidentally and conveniently, that event occurred on the morning of September 11, 2001 and from then on everything we already know. The planes crashing into the Twin Towers in New York and the unclarified explosion (since no trace of a plane was found) on one of the Pentagon's fronts, was only the beginning of a masterpiece of deception to justify the invasions of Arab-Islamic nations with the Islamic Republic of Iran as the strawberry.

Many were the clues that raised early suspicions about this and several of them were detected by simple American citizens fortuitously present at the scene of the events. One of those clues was the instant adjudication of a culprit with name and face pointed out with “evidence” that practically fell that very morning directly into the hands of George W. Bush himself. Not a couple of hours had passed before the government's media spokesmen pointed out a guy who, according to some intelligence sources, had already died of kidney problems in a clinic in a Gulf emirate and his body was buried in a tomb in the Caucasus.

Another inconsistency that was detected live that morning was the collapse of a building next to the towers that had not suffered any blow but that (and as pointed out by witnesses present) after hearing booms under their feet they saw how tower 7 collapsed. ¿What´s happened?

Another inconsistency was the explosion at the Pentagon. According to the official version a passenger plane (American Airlines Flight 77) was hijacked by “Al Qaeda jihadists” shortly after leaving Dulles Airport and crashed into the building. The problem in this story was the evidence on surveillance cameras in a nearby parking lot that revealed that there was no plane at all. Even later footage and photos capturing the work of the rescue teams did not show any fuselage or parts. This was not explained by the government either.

This scenario could not be more convenient. And who were the beneficiaries of this “aggression against America”? That's right, you got it right. The mafia of neoconservatives who were already entrenched in the power structure in Washington and who, capitalizing on the anger of the American people, would push forward the policy of “perpetual war” under the excuse of the “fight against terrorism”.

That procedure became a standard and today we see it reproduced with brazen continuity in Ukraine and by a desperate ultranationalist regime that -supported by the CIA and MI6 among others- invents false Russian attacks against neighboring countries to try to involve NATO.

As for the clues that could not have been available to the public opinion and that refer to the intergovernmental contretemps and suspicious coincidences of that day, explanations are still pending. Just to name a few are those involving, among others, the owner of the Towers, Larry Silverstein, who, coincidentally, benefited from the insurance claim for this unusual “incident”; the denunciation and arrest of a group of young Israelis who, from an apartment in New Jersey, were caught celebrating the collapse of the towers; or the inexplicable disconnection of the anti-aircraft system -which could only have been from inside- surrounding the Pentagon, which would not have allowed any plane or missile to approach without the risk of being shot down; or the strange lack of air security at the Pentagon, which would not have allowed any plane or missile to get close without the risk of being shot down; or the strange lack of air security that morning due to military exercises; the identity and nationality (Saudi nationals) of the alleged attackers who were still alive in their country; the meetings held by members of the US intelligence with the Taliban in August 2001; and finally, the very curious meeting at a breakfast on Capitol Hill between Senator Bob Graham and the representative of the House of Representatives of the U.S. House of Representatives in August 2001 and finally, the very curious breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill between Senator Bob Graham and House Representative Porter Goss with Pakistan's chief spymaster general (ISI), Mahmoud Ahmad (Osama Bin Laden's alleged supporter), a CIA collaborator who for years has been syndicated as the operational support of “Al Qaeda” in Afghanistan.

It is clear that this string of indications extends beyond those presented here. The question that remains to be answered is: Will there be a serious and impartial investigation of this?

Undoubtedly, the U.S. government and the corporate media that went along with the incredible official story owe an explanation not only to the victims of that morning and to the American people, but also to all those affected by the subsequent consequences of this very dark page in the history of mankind.


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