sábado, 14 de octubre de 2023



The Biden administration has made dangerous moves that could commit the US to another war front. Are these risks calculated?


By Sidney Hey

There are two issues behind what happened in Palestine that have already become clear: Netanyahu was looking for a reaction from the Palestinians and at the same time, he needed to open the door to the US.

Following the events in the Argentinean media is simply impossible without falling into absolute reductionism and pro-Israeli propaganda. The air channels and the most important radio stations in the capital more than news media seem to be an extension of Radio Tel Aviv since they broadcast the course of events with a staggering partiality and where there is (as there never was) no voice of the Palestinians, making it very clear, the pro-Israeli influence that exists within this country.

With such a picture tainted by emotional manipulation and deliberately ignoring the context of the conflict and its origins, there is little to analyse.

This is nothing new. In war the first casualty is the truth, and as we know, the truth is not exactly in the media corporation on this side of the hemisphere.

The surprise Israeli attack on Syria in the early hours of Thursday should come as no surprise. Let's remember that Israel has been harassing the Arab country since 2011 when the US and its partners in the Arab monarchies launched a hybrid war against the government of Bashar Al Assad by recruiting and using hordes of mercenaries under the mask of "Wahhabi" and "Takfir" jihadism which they would later use in Iraq with the hoax (designed by the CIA) called "Islamic State".

But the war now raging in the Middle East has caused a real setback for the Ukrainian neo-Nazis who are under unbearable pressure which is materialised in a powerful Russian offensive in the direction of “Avdiivka” (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-pummels-east-ukrainian-town-avdiivka-heavy-fighting-2023-10-13/  ). Biden is beholden to Zionist interests rather than those of the Union. To add to the problems in Washington, the dismissal of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Miley seems to show that tensions within the Democratic administration are running high, largely because of the bad news coming out of Ukraine.

At the same time, much of the US war materiel that was destined for Kiev was diverted to Israel. This has become a real pain in the ass for Zelensky and his extremist leadership as they see the money and aid they need to contain the Russians slipping through their fingers.

To further cloud the situation, the inexplicable circumstances surrounding the Hamas attack on 7 October and the fact that some of the Western equipment and weapons destined for Ukraine were used against Israelis, the internal questioning between governments and by Israeli families who still do not know where their captured relatives are, are putting Tel Aviv and Netanyahu himself in trouble that is now being covered up by the collective vengeance they are wreaking on the people of Gaza.

The Israeli airstrikes against Syrian airports revealed a suspicious intention by Netanyahu and his military cabinet to directly involve the US and even to have US forces stationed in an area adjacent to Gaza. That possibility will be left to how many and how to allocate the resources originally earmarked to support the Zelensky regime's efforts.

At the same time, the USA, from the task force led by the aircraft carrier "USS Gerald Ford" anchored in the Mediterranean, is collaborating with Israel in a real ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip which is unprecedented (https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-gaza-war-live ). For the Zionists in Washington it is the opportunity to erase the Palestinians from Gaza for good and in that sense they applaud what is being committed. The visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Tel Aviv on 12 October promising "endless aid" rubber-stamps these plans, making it even clearer that the US is not and never has been a mediator.

At the same time there is an inherent risk for the US of being drawn into a regional war provoked by a False Flag attack (https://strategic-culture.su/news/2023/10/13/biden-move-send-warships-to-gaza-coast-more-dangerous-than-we-thought/  ). In light of these events and given the geopolitical interests with which Washington has been moving to try to destroy the Russian Federation and the sheer inconsistency of it all, it certainly further exposes the nature of its foreign policy.

The massacre that the Israeli air force and army is carrying out on the entire Palestinian population of Gaza is overwhelmingly inhuman and clearly in addition to taking collective revenge (as expressed by the Israelis themselves) it seeks to expel the population that they openly consider as "human animals". Let us not forget that since the beginning of the actions they have been deprived of water, electricity and food as part of a sinister plan -called the Final Solution- aimed at the final elimination of the Palestinian population in Gaza and subsequent Israeli occupation.

Among those killed by this collective revenge, in addition to hundreds of Palestinian children and women, have been eleven UNRWA aid workers, several Red Crescent paramedics and more than ten Palestinian journalists plus six others from Reuters and AFP in southern Lebanon (https://apnews.com/article/israel-lebanon-shelling-border-journalist-killed-87fef20431c31b29ac56e51e14a22000 ). So serious is what is happening that even the United Nations, which does not usually go against this favourite US ally, has called for immediate access to the Strip to ascertain the humanitarian situation, as it is highly likely that Israeli commandos are indiscriminately killing every Gazan in their path.

All of this goes beyond a lousy US Middle East policy, for those who make this diagnosis are leaving out the implications that Washington has had in collaborating with the development of the current Palestinian-Israeli situation and the instability of the entire region. In this sense, it is more than clear that the US was never a mediator but, rather, a representative of the Zionist lobby that undoubtedly controls Washington's foreign policy.



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