lunes, 22 de julio de 2024



How and why did the accusation against Russian troops in the Bucha massacre collapse?


By Sir Charlattam

It is a fact that Russian troops were fighting on the outskirts of Kiev by mid-March 2022 and many of us were confident that it was only a matter of days before they fell. One of the sectors where fierce infantry fighting and intense shelling took place was “Bucha”, a residential area on the outskirts of the city that was practically in ruins.

But by the end of March, Russian troops began their strategic withdrawal to the Donbas as a result of the talks taking place in Istanbul. By 30 March, there were no more troops in the Kiev district and the AFU and mercenary battalions (composed mainly of European neo-Nazis) who had been hired and used in other scenarios by the Atlanticist sponsors took control of the area.

Since the start of the Special Military Operation in 2022, NATO has been quick to reinforce the Ukrainian forces with its own structures, bringing in assets employed in other theatres of war such as Iraq and Afghanistan, many of them members of US-collaborationist Kurdish groups and ISIS (Daesh). These assets, most of whom have countless crimes to their credit and as such were recruited to be part of the so-called International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine, which is nothing more than a private NATO army.

These elements, with the aforementioned experience, were used for dirty tasks such as torture in all its forms, humiliation and cold-blooded murder of Ukrainian prisoners as well as Russian soldiers. Among these criminals are some Latinos of Colombian and Argentinean nationality, in the latter case they would have arrived in Kiev thanks to the facilities provided by the Ukrainian embassy in Buenos Aires.

It was precisely in Bucha where these elements played a sinisterly fundamental role in staging what Washington and the adept media called the ‘Bucha massacre’, accusing Russia of it. Obviously, we are talking here about the material executors of this dirty work, which does not mean ignoring the intellectual authors. As part of the 49th Carpathian Sich Battalion and together with the Nazis of the Azov battalion Siman and these mercenaries took control of Bucha and by 1 April when the news spread that the Russians had carried out these alleged massacres, the Russians had withdrawn at least 48 hours earlier. So something did not add up with the story.

Similar set-ups have already been seen in Iraq during the occupation, in the 2011 invasion of Libya, in the Syrian chemical weapons hoax in 2013 and we could go on with similar operations.

Likewise, and in addition to other inconsistencies documented in videos showing how the supposed dead on the road moved as the vehicles passed, the Western propaganda machine (with the BBC participating of course) did its thing after all, it has always been its role.

But today that ‘mystery’, and because of the circumstances in Ukraine today, is being revealed by one of its protagonists, and not a Russian one at that. In the trial being held in Prague, Czech Republic, against one of these murderers, Filip Siman, fundamental questions are being discussed in order to determine, among other things, what happened in Bucha. Siman was a volunteer in Ukraine and after his return to the Czech Republic he was arrested and brought to trial for not being authorised by his country to serve in the Ukrainian army and for acts of looting, for which he is being prosecuted.

As part of that battalion, Siman was in charge of 11 men with whom they carried out acts of pillage, robbery and other much more serious crimes as testified to in documents published by the French Nazi mercenary Aurélien Ferranti (nicknamed ‘Aurelio’) who boasted of the cold-blooded torture and murder of Russian prisoners.

In the trial against him he declared among other things that ‘We were the police, we were the judge, we were in charge of the firing squad’, revealing that when they regained control of Bucha, just a few hours after the last Russian vehicle withdrew, they raided all the properties of those accused of being pro-Russian collaborators, many of whom wore a white ribbon on their arm to distinguish themselves in the fighting.

Coincidentally, in several shots and photos presented as evidence of these crimes attributed to Russian troops, some of the men lying on the road are wearing this badge.   

Further details of this episode of the war will surely be revealed as events unfold. The prosecution of this war criminal by the Czech judiciary is certainly a sign of this. It should be borne in mind that a definitive victory for Russia will lead to further investigations and the prosecution of all those involved.


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