martes, 27 de agosto de 2024



Who ordered the arrest and confinement in France of the young French-Russian businessman Pavel Durov and why?


By Sidney Hey

As someone once told me, in politics ‘there is no black and white, only greys’ as a way of explaining to me why some situations in life are not what they seem, let alone what they say. The best example of this came this week with the sudden arrest of the successful entrepreneur Pavel Durov, creator of the Telegram social network that causes so much pain in the ass to the powers in the West, including Israel.

After arriving in his private plane at Paris's Le Bourget airfield in France, he no doubt did not expect what would happen when he opened the escort door. As soon as he was about to leave the airport he was intercepted by a police escort, who without further ado and with total disdain arrested him. Quite rightly Durov must have thought, ‘What the hell is going on here?

Apparently, desperation is driving the hierarchs of the political elite of the collective West, i.e. the Atlanticists, crazy, since Telegram is the only digital channel through which information can be exchanged (especially in situations that are not at all convenient for Washington) without the NATO intelligence agencies, led by the CIA and the NSA, sticking their noses in to check what you are thinking and identify its users.

Seeing this, one can intuit that Telegram is really a democratic digital medium, differentiating itself from its competitors from Elon Musk's X (openly supportive of Trump and the neocons and of course pro-Israel) or Marc Zuckerberg's Whatsapp and Facebook, the latter already known for cooperating with the CIA and other federal agencies to generate collective manipulation operations (such as those orchestrated in the ‘Arab Spring’, allowing jihadist pages in Syria and Iraq) and the collection of data from its users of this platform, among other clandestine actions. Perhaps this is why its network has gone unnoticed by the paedophile and child pornography groups that operate unchallenged.

If we were to swallow all this talk of ‘democracy’, ‘the free world’ and France as part of it, anyone would be shocked by the bizarre situation represented by the arrest of Durov whose only fault is... not spying, not censoring sensitive information for the US and its partners, defending the privacy of its users. Or do you believe the accusations of alleged crimes committed by Durov have appeared out of nowhere? With this, anyone who makes their thoughts public on the networks and especially on Telegram should seriously consider whether it is safe to have a coffee in a public place in Paris, let alone in Washington or London.

Of course, just in case, I will take every precaution before I sit down to read my networks in one of the cafes opposite Burley Griffin in Canberra.

This reveals how Western intelligence agencies (including ASIS) snoop and pry into the social networks of all citizens of the globe and if you're too annoying, you're flagged. But as Telegram (similar to the Chinese case of Huawei) has not revealed a backdoor through which the CIA and its colleagues often enter to spy on the rest of the digital platforms.

There is no doubt that this is a symptom of panic in NATO and even more so in Washington DC that stems from the unfortunate and not very encouraging development of the current circumstances both in the war in Ukraine and in what is happening in the Middle East with its ally Israel. On the latter, let us recall that Benjamin Netanyahu, the butcher of Tel Aviv, claiming that secret information had been trafficked through his network, had unsuccessfully called on Durov to retrieve it, so surely the Mossad is also involved in this theatrical opera.

The whole thing stinks. No one with a brain could explain the competence of the French Municipal Police to arrest a citizen without a credible warrant for a pending case, unless of course it is fabricated. And who have, or rather, use these dirty methods to intimidate and put pressure? The DGSI, internal intelligence guys are the dirty methods of their colleagues in the foreign service who, in turn, have the CIA as their superiors.

But was it Macron who ordered the DGSI to proceed with Durov's arrest? Or rather, was it his idea?

Even my 92-year-old grandmother, who has her picture of De Gaulle on her kitchen wall, realises that this is a fascist course of action. And precisely as an admirer of the ‘asparagus’ (as I used to call him), she knows very clearly who the intellectual authors of all this are. You don't have to be very clever to know that it is the Americans who have been whipping up Macron, and that Macron, a mere pawn of Washington DC's foreign policy, is not going to argue with what is being imposed on him.

What has been done with Durov is very similar to the case of Julian Assange who, after his courageous leaks in 2007 (provided by US military personnel) about the atrocious US crimes in Iraq, was accused of false charges, persecuted and after risking his life, managed to gain asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London until he was taken out of there and arrested as a simple criminal spending the last years in a dirty and damp cell in Great Britain.

It seems that the script is very similar and Washington's aim is to get Telegram to shut down its platform or, alternatively, to hand over hidden access so that it can intervene in conversations.

With this, Macron has put his foot in his mouth and put himself at the centre of the discussion, for if he is subordinate to the agendas of other powers, how secure can his own citizens be in the face of arbitrariness such as that committed against Pavel Durov?

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