lunes, 19 de agosto de 2024



What is NATO's objective for the Kursk incursion and what will be the consequences? The gallows that will hang Atlanticist ambitions


By Sidney Hey 

The 6 August Ukrainian incursion into Russia's Kursk Oblast was more than just a plan by Zelensky's neo-Nazi junta. Leaving aside the ministerial failures and responsibilities that are still being investigated in Moscow, it served to expose the undeniable interference of the US, its British and French colleagues in the violation of Russian sovereignty.

The Atlanticist cooperation in this raid represents a strong political gamble, no longer to prop up a devalued Volodymyr Zelensky in de facto power, but to enhance the Biden administration's position with a view to raising the electoral hopes of its Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, in the run-up to the November elections.

It is clear that it is neither the senile Joe Biden nor his deputy Kamala Harris who have signed up to commit American men and resources to this suicidal adventure. This is clearly a desperate move by the US Establishment, which is determined not to let go of its ambitions to corner Russia in its plan to conquer the Heartland and, once it has done so, to go after China (encircling it from the Indo-Pacific).

But despite the spectacular way in which the media in the West presented this action in the first few hours and the euphoria of the neo-Nazi junta in Kiev in the first few days, suddenly and as if it did not matter, all the reports from the ground were silenced.

First of all, there is no doubt that this is another Atlanticist provocation to involve Russia in a regional escalation to complicate Moscow's rule and no doubt Vladimir Putin has taken note of that. It is definitely the US that is leading these plans and Brussels is only pushing its vassals in the EU to see them through. From this perspective, Washington plans to hold the Kursk nuclear plants and pipelines hostage as a bargaining chip for an immediate ceasefire.

On the military side, the incursion from Sumy of some 12,000 men and a few hundred combat vehicles of all classes (including ‘aussie’ Bushmasters) supported by artillery fire from multiple systems, may have been like plunging a hot knife into butter in the first few hours, but as the days went by they stalled. The explanation for this is still unfolding and corresponds to a response by Russian forces already degrading the invading forces in their vanguard and closing off rear exits.

In this sense, it can be said that the ground forces are already doing their job. But there is a very important problem to solve and it has been detected as a central objective of Kiev, namely to try to attack the Kursk nuclear power plant and cause a catastrophe on a scale not seen since Chernobyl in 1986 or Fukushima, Japan in 2011. Drone strikes and the positioning of US HIMARS and M270-MLRS artillery systems targeting that sector could be one of the causes of the Anglo-American media silence.

It is known that for the precise launching of these projectiles, their operators are guided by satellite information provided by the Americans, i.e. NATO, which means that the presence of NATO personnel on the ground is undeniable.

So far, according to information from the Russian Defence Ministry, tactical missile strikes against these US systems have been successful. But while the intruders in Kursk are being fought, the Ukrainians and their NATO advisers are positioning long-range weapons systems on the border with Sumy, including British Storm Shadow missiles, opening up the possibility of a similar attack.

At the same time, Ukrainian attacks on the Zaporiya nuclear power plant continue, endangering not only nuclear safety but also the electricity supply to much of Europe.

These situations were denounced on Saturday 17 August by the Kremlin's foreign affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, urging international bodies such as the UN and the IAEA to take action, even though we know of their disgusting bias.

This is also exposing the lack of scruples and desperation in Washington DC, given that the neo-Nazi military junta won't lift a finger without their consent and approval. It appears that the November election is a high stakes Establishment election and as much as we know that Donald Trump is as much of a phony as any of the candidates for the presidency, he is too fickle to obey the guidelines that this underbelly of American politics wants.

There is no doubt that the reasoning and considerations of those in Washington DC and in particular of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken are based on a question of geographical distances and that we could assume that some advisor questioned the consequences of allowing an attack on nuclear facilities, saying ‘What problem would the explosion of nuclear power plants in Eurasia represent for us, if we are very far away from there?

Stupid, isn't it, but very real.

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