miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2024



If Washington, London and NATO are the ones feeding the overweening political ambitions of the likes of Netanyahu and Zelensky, why can't the Russian Federation and China counteract these games?

By Sir Charlattam

On a typical wet London day I met up with one of my friends from the old days of intrigue for a chat about what fascinates us, politics and the undeclared war situation between NATO and the Russian Federation. On a rainy Wednesday like in the old Cold War days, scotch in the middle when reports had to be passed to our bases, that's what this meeting resembled.

When he told me that European Commission Vice-President Borrell had pointed out that Ukraine would not have lasted 15 days against Russia, it is not his statement that surprises, but why he is saying it now. Actually, these useless bureaucrats with Der Von Leyen at the helm knew this and so did our rulers in the islands. Even the dimwitted Johnson, Fallon and of course the loudmouth Ben Wallace knew that provoking Moscow by stinging Zelensky's neo-Nazis to make them fight was a high risk for the West.

What is happening in Ukraine is similar to what they are provoking in the Middle East and it is no accident. Have you ever wondered how long Israel would last without the help of the US and NATO? Since Netanyahu betrayed the willingness of Washington and Paris to negotiate a ceasefire by assassinating Nasrallah, Lebanon has become a tasty delicacy that he thinks he can devour. In this situation, ask yourself Who is defending Lebanon at this time of day? You dismiss the Lebanese army which is as light and fluffy as my grandmother's carrot cake Didn't you see how they fled the border when they saw the IDF coming? Even it is no secret that that army is riddled with spies paid by the Mossad and the CIA What can you expect from an infected organism? I think Hezbollah already knew about this, saw it in 1982 when it was born and then every time Israel felt like bombing or raiding Lebanon. But when Hezbollah appeared, the Israelis began to have problems and all their plans to try to degrade the political situation in the country were thwarted not by the Lebanese intelligence and security services, but by Hezbollah's networks.

This gave every administrator in Tel Aviv and the Zionist lobbies in America and, of course, in Britain sleepless nights. It is from there that policies are created and sustained that are ultimately aimed at fulfilling Washington's agenda.

The same dynamics are seen in both scenarios, Israel and Ukraine are two pawns of the same player and that is none other than the US.

This is producing cascading consequences like dominoes. Look now at how the price of oil has skyrocketed with the escalation in the Middle East and Tel Aviv's threat to Tehran. Can you imagine Bandas Abbas burning and the Strait of Hormuz closed to oil tanker traffic? This will affect everyone and it will affect the Americans and us too.

Certainly Ukraine has lasted so long against Russia but the price it has already paid is very high and worse, it still has a lot more to pay. Israel would not yet be looking at the same price and is confident that with all the help it is receiving it can wipe out its neighbours, but didn't the Arabs, Palestinians and Iranians know that and have already prepared for the occasion?

Ukraine and Israel are two platforms, two strategic outposts for NATO. Netanyahu and Zelensky are two specimens from the same pot and play the same role only in different scenarios. In fact, they have been of such importance for decades, but since China and Russia consolidated their positions as regional powers, the bureaucrats who laughed at this have ended up grabbing their own asses without foreseeing that some people learn from their mistakes.

There is one thing that will certainly not change about this, and that is the plan that has been put in place by the Establishment in Washington that will be carried out with either Donald Trump or the vapid Kamala Harris. And whatever Starmer and his gang say there will be followed to the letter, simple as that.

The way things look, and with the high-flown vocabulary adopted by candidate Harris to win over the warmongers, the more certain I am of what I am saying. There is no difference between Harris, Biden or Trump, in fact there is no difference between any of the possible aspirants to rule a mafia system. Every day I am more and more convinced that the bullets for Trump were not because he is anti-establishment or a traitor to American values, but because he is too unpalatable to a part of the Establishment and they simply wanted to dispatch him, do you see what I mean?

The war against Russia will continue and so will Netanyahu and Co's campaign in the Middle East unless Russia and China take a more present and leading role in the region. Don't forget that Netanyahu is a son of a bitch, but he is not an idiot and he knows when a shoe pinches. Why do you think he flew off to Moscow when the Yemenis of Ansar Allah managed to hit Tel Aviv with a hypersonic missile, where do you think that missile came from? The arrogance of Netanyahu and his colleagues in Washington reaches to the sky and that is why they believe that Moscow does not know how to play the game better than they do. That is why he went to Putin to beg him to stop supplying the Yemenis with missiles of this kind because his ‘Arrow’ systems are useless against them.

And I would hate to imagine if the Chinese were to lend the Yemenis a hand and provide them with the new surface-to-sea ballistic missile they have been testing for further testing. 

Equally, all this has served to pull back the curtain and show the reality of what each of these situations represents on the international stage. Neither Ukraine nor Israel would last a day without the support of the US and the entire NATO infrastructure if they had to face up to the responsibilities of the causes they have unleashed. Today, after two years of war, the Ukrainian army has all but disappeared and is only sustained by the not-so-secret involvement of NATO resources. In the case of Israel, its IDF has only demonstrated that it can flatten cities and massacre civilians but after a year of fighting against Hamas in Gaza and today in Lebanon against Hezbollah, the military results do not match Tel Aviv's claims.

This, in each case, represents the failure not only of guys like Zelensky and Netanyahu but of the US machinations coming from its institutional sewers where Biden is just another stinking turd that has already been flushed down the system's toilet and Starmer is on his way to becoming something similar.

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