sábado, 22 de julio de 2023



What might be the consequences of widening the sources of instability against Russia? Is Turkey's repositioning an advantage or a disadvantage?


By Sidney Hey

The events of the past week in Ukraine have prompted the White House and NATO to launch moves outside the Ukrainian theatre with the clear objective of complicating the situation for Russia. Once again, military and intelligence advisers commissioned in Kiev realised the mistake of provoking Russia with the attack on the Kerch Bridge.

Beyond the parsimonious Western news reports and the Biden administration's comments peppered with propaganda that is not credible at this point, the reports on the ground are overwhelming. This was experienced firsthand by mercenary groups working with British ex-SAS advisors in preparing special operations involving the waterborne drone attack on the Crimean bridge.

According to confidential sources, these task forces operating alongside the SBU in Odessa and Nikolayev could feel the “Kalbir” and “Kinzal” missiles falling on their heads destroying important supply and fuel depots in the docks on the Black Sea shore. “Sirens blared and anti-aircraft batteries fired into nothingness and a second later the ground shook from the impact of one of those damn missiles”, said a British mercenary who escaped the attack.

Another major absentee was the US Patriot anti-aircraft system which, had it been operational, could have done little to intercept the hypersonic missiles. 

The Russian attacks were replicated and occurred at the same time on the entire Ukrainian port infrastructure, as evidenced by the explosions in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd, Nikolayev, Odessa, Poltava and Cherkasy, which, in addition to the damage, left the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defences exhausted.

These strikes were not only in retaliation for the Kerch bridge, but also for having been using the agreed grain corridor as an access route for smuggling Western weaponry. Russian intelligence was aware of this perfidy and kept the executive informed of these shipments and their destinations, demonstrating that Zelensky and his backers (led by the US) care little about food supplies to poorer countries and the impact on global costs. It was for this reason that Russia terminated an agreement that the US and its partners once again ended up violating.

At the same time, the Americans with the help of their partners (mainly British) were already preparing to reactivate other theatres. Syria is one of them, and so the US forces still occupying the north of the country with the cooperation of Kurdish armed gangs and jihadists fortified in Idlib (where, among others, MI6 assets are sheltering), have tried to trouble the Damascus government and the Russian contingent. This could not be happening without the agreement of Ankara which, let us remember, was the central partner in NATO's ploy to use jihadists (Jabbat Al Nusra, ISIS, among others) to try to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic and reshape the region.

We witnessed Erdogan welcoming Sweden and claiming that “Ukraine deserved to be a member of NATO” while shaking hands with an enraged Zelensky in a supreme effort to feign disappointment. The bizarre display was a bad sign for Russia.

As we saw, Erdogan not only turned a blind eye to the Islamophobia on display in Sweden with the burning of copies of “The Koran” and the constant attacks on Muslims living there, but having been conformed at the Vilnius summit (omitting the principle of indivisible security), there will surely be no problem for the Kurdish collaborators of the Americans to operate unhindered against Damascus. All this fits with the Turkish leader's treacherous nature, a quality that is well known in Moscow. The problem for Erdogan is that his Judeo-Christian partners do not guarantee that they will not operate against Turkey.

For Washington and especially for military advisers in the Pentagon, embarrassing Russian logistics is a priority objective to try to disempower him in actions over Ukraine. At the same time, Moscow is aware of this move, and Vladimir Putin in particular knows that it is not a question of exerting more force, but of knowing how to wait.

In the meantime, and to oil this strategy, the Americans and NATO are counting on the collaboration of Israel which, obviously denying this link and no doubt taking advantage of the pragmatism of the Turkish leader, is launching its air attacks with drones, surface-to-surface missiles and from the Golan Heights on Damascus, without the United Nations attending to these repeated (hundreds of attacks recognised by Netanyahu) cases of aggression as foreseen in Chapter VII of the Charter.

But this move may bring more complications than benefits, and Tel Aviv knows that the risks are high. What if Russian troops are killed again as they have been? The current circumstances are too different and dangerous to risk Moscow legitimately retaliating for further such actions.

In the meantime, Erdogan's sudden but expected U-turn suggests that Turkey will not be neutral in the current conflict and may allow the MIT (in cooperation with the CIA) to deploy protected ISIS assets after the fall of Mosul in 2017. If this is possible, Moscow will have already foreseen it and if it is proven that there are plans to act within Russia, Erdogan will no doubt not have a second chance to apologise with crocodile tears like those he shed to Vladimir Putin after the November 2015 downing of the SU-24 aircraft.

jueves, 20 de julio de 2023



Las elecciones presidenciales se acercan en Argentina y la pregunta recurrente para algunos es ¿Cuál será el camino y la orientación geopolítica del nuevo gobierno?, ¿Será un nuevo gobierno?


Por Javier B. Dal

Tal vez el título de este artículo suene incomprensible y hasta de alguna manera fantástica, pero en la vida política de la Argentina estos son conceptos que no asombran a nadie. Aquí a pesar de que los años y las décadas pasan, los políticos siguen siendo los mismos y sus prosélitos siguen en un continuo regreso en la vida política del estado dándole al título un sentido bien certero.

Desde el regreso a la democracia no hubo un solo gobierno (sin distinción de partidos) que no haya hecho de sus funcionarios y de los partidos que pertenecen, permanentes y omnipresentes sujetos dependientes de las cajas del estado, un vicio que por una desvergonzada venalidad extienden sin tapujos a sus parientes y amigos.

Para estos profesionales de la charlatanería la “democracia” se convirtió en el negocio redondo para perpetrarse en el circuito de la política gubernamental y así sostener sus ampulosos medios de vida. Hasta en eso han sido obsecuentes imitadores del sistema estadounidense, un verdadero sistema negocial y corrupto que está muy lejos de sus representados pero a su vez, tan íntimamente cerca de los poderes económicos y financieros que les sustentan.

Tampoco es una novedad decir que el país está fuera de la realidad mundial. Su cíclica crisis socio-económico y financiera que lo atestigua no es por el azar. Una catarata de problemas sin resolver, una inversión de valores éticos y desinteligencias explican cómo un país tan vasto y con tantos recursos explotables pueda estar tan mal administrado y a la deriva en el concierto internacional. En momentos que el abastecimiento de granos y carne es uno de los problemas más acuciantes para el una importante parte del mundo, y atendiendo a la neutralidad que debería mantener en el conflicto europeo, la Argentina no dispone de una flota mercante ni de una planificación logística desarrollada para explotar estas necesidades ¿Quiénes son los responsables por esto?

Hasta un país asediado por sanciones de todo tipo y continuas acciones subversivas por potencias externas logran salir adelante sin perder de vista sus intereses estratégicos ni renunciar a la dignidad de su propia existencia. Lo han hecho los iraníes, los iraquíes, los venezolanos, los yemeníes, los palestinos y tantos otros. Obviamente que eso creará bolsones de descontentos y oportunistas dentro de la sociedad dispuestos a extender sus manos (para recibir dinero) a los intereses externos que se benefician de eso, pero serán combatidos por aquellos que se mantienen fieles al interés nacional. Así es como obran y terminan los traidores y los advenedizos en otras latitudes.

Pero en Argentina ¿Qué clase de asedio o cuál es su poderoso enemigo que le ha postrado en el estado en que se encuentra? Lamentablemente a los enemigos del país (que son históricos y siguen vigentes) no les hace falta ninguna de estas tácticas, esfuerzo ni alguna que otra estrategia extraordinaria o subterránea para mantener arrodillada la voluntad de su población. Los mismos políticos se han encargado de dinamitar la infraestructura crítica y las áreas estratégicas de un estado afuncional. Son los saboteadores por unas cuantas monedas. Como en las películas de zombies, son los mismos políticos verdaderos muertos-vivos de la corrupta institucionalidad quienes se devoran por dentro los recursos del país.

Como en esas películas, esos zombies reproducen su infección de corrupción y ya hace tiempo que su peste está diseminada sobre los tres poderes en los tres niveles de la distribución territorial del poder es decir, tanto en lo nacional, provincial como el municipal. Pero ¿Dónde vienen estos engendros que devoran a sus propios conciudadanos? Son el producto de su propia idiosincrasia y como tal, no hay más responsables que ellos mismos. El dilema de quién fue primero, el huevo o la gallina aquí esta bien resuelto.

Con este diagnóstico es muy poco probable que un estado bajo semejantes condiciones pueda tener políticas de estado y mucho menos, proyectos o planificaciones estratégicas de largo alcance ya que, todo cuanto importa a los políticos de todas las extracciones es además de beneficiarse con los dineros del erario público, será hacer y deshacer a su antojo sin interesarles que es lo que pueda suceder después.

Como no podía ser de otra manera, esto afecta las relaciones internacionales las cuales son tan diletantes como los políticos que ocupan transitoriamente La Casa Rosada. Si hacemos un poco de retrospectiva vemos como el gobierno de Fernández &Fernández y su aparato partidario coqueteaban con China y Rusia en lo que pudo ser el inicio de relaciones estratégicas de alto nivel. La posibilidad de integrar el BRICS se dejó pasar y hoy por presiones de Washington y sus socios británicos, el gobierno de Fernández & Fernández ya renunció a su membrecía.

Para eso, además de saber qué es lo que se quiere, se requiere de compromiso y ser tomados en serio por el otro lado y no olvidemos que Alberto Fernández empezó con el pie izquierdo con el papelón en Moscú ofreciendo al presidente Vladimir Putin, una puerta de entrada que sabía que no podía brindar.

Tanto los kirchneristas de ayer, los que hoy ocupan el gobierno y toda la oposición, están lejos de querer comprometerse en ser parte del cambio de paradigma de la geopolítica que hoy se ve enfrascada en una guerra en Europa del este. Sin dudas que eso asusta, pero debieron haberlo previsto con anticipación y no paralizarse.

Hoy una vez más, el realismo se impone y deja caer las máscaras de estos supuestos promotores del cambio dejando bien claro que quienes mandan y marcan la agenda política de este país son los empresarios que monopolizan el mercado inmobiliario, la energía y el agro que no tienen la menor intención de cambiar sus clientes y los mercados a los que surten desde que la Argentina se constituyó como estado. De este modo, no soltaran la mano a la hegemonía angloestadounidense por el simple hecho de que como dice el dicho “más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer”, aun cuando saben que son quienes le ponen zanjadillas a su existencia.

Es por ello, el actual ministro y candidato presidencial Sergio Massa (en una muestra más de su panquequismo) giro en el aire y -por presión de ese círculo rojo- decidió patear los acuerdos que Buenos Aires tenía con Moscú sobre el abastecimiento de GNL bloqueando el ingreso de un buque ruso que iba al puerto de Buenos Aires ¿Y qué dijo CFK?

Más allá de las críticas que se le hagan a Massa por esto y por su desvergonzada opacidad y caradurez, él representa -en todos los niveles- la media de la dirigencia argentina que ha manejado al estado con este tipo de criterios. Sea del lado de los liberales anglófilos como de los “progresistas” o los mutantes “kirchnoperonistas”, la idea de objetivos estratégicos para el estado siempre se halla sujeta al más poderoso del hemisferio. Si hay algo que no existe en la personalidad de un político argentino (sea de cualquiera de estos sectores) es la resistencia al poder y no es de extrañar que tras la advertencia de Washington al gobierno de Fernández que si quería ayuda con el FMI, abandonara a Rusia. Ante una ausente presidente y una CFK enmudecida, Massa aprovecho su momento con la esperanza de ser recompensado por esta señal.

Hasta tanto no nazca una nueva camada de dirigentes, ajena a este sistema corroído de la partidocracia no habrá salida para lo que quede del país.

martes, 18 de julio de 2023



Why Washington and its Atlanticist partners have passed all the limits of legality and do not mind doing so?

By Danny Smith 

Definitely, the fall of the USSR in 1991 was not the breakthrough towards a lasting peace that candid intellectuals and other malicious ones assured. Perhaps some disguised themselves as the former and, like psychopaths who know how to simulate their true intentions, quietly enjoyed what was about to happen.

Let us revive our memory a little. The loss of the geopolitical counterweight that was the USSR led the US and NATO to rise as the unilateral power over all the nations of the world and that immediately translated into the naked and crude application of military power. That explains why NATO was not dissolved. The invasions of Panama in 1989 and the war against Iraq in 1991 were the prolegomena of a decade of brutal actions against international law.

To cover up this aberration, the Anglo-American Think Tanks fabricated all kinds of argumentative monikers and narratives that sought to separate and in most of these cases, justify the criminality of the deaths that their governments would begin to cause as soon as they began to put their plans into operation (PNAC). The star puppet for this charade was Islam, very clever, don't you think?

Throughout this process, international organizations such as the United Nations, not to mention its Security Council, were like decorations without the slightest weight in their functions. All it took was a private phone call from the US State Department to the Secretary General for no one to lift a finger against the actions that Washington was putting into practice.

The return of a geopolitical counterweight to the international scene gives a chance to put an end to this Anglo-American unilateralism in pursuit of global control.

Precisely this return with the new Russia came about gradually, beginning with its intervention in Syria in 2015 to combat bands of “proxy jihadists” at the service of the West, and since February 2022 it has become a frontal fight with those who had promoted all that chaos. Prior to this and long before Joe Biden occupied the White House, he himself as a senator and his neoconservative colleagues in the mid-1990s outlined a reactivation agenda to expand US influence with the help of NATO and that implied cooperating with Islamist subversive elements in pro-independence countries.

The planned expectations were not fulfilled and although they managed to make Russia react to enter Ukraine, Vladimir Putin's potentiality and governance is still intact.

It is undoubtedly a frustration that the Anglo-Americans have tried to palliate with the most varied tactics. One of them is the use of terrorism in various forms. The use of terror is one of the most widely used strategies to try to defeat an enemy and has been used since man began to organize himself into communities.

For years it has been said that terrorism was only a source of irregular organizations and with certain affiliations. But in reality as a tactic, it has been and continues to be used by governments, especially so-called “democratic” ones.

In the current Ukrainian scenario, intelligence agencies have been visibly acting in the execution of attacks within the Russian territory with the aim of instilling terror among the population as they did on other occasions.

From what we have been able to see so far, the execution of this type of operations, especially those involving bombs, has been counting on the participation of expert hands that have clearly executed countless attacks of this kind in Iraq and Syria and that if we were to go back to 2014 the Western media would attribute to that pseudo-Arab-Islamic pantomime called “Islamic State”. The attack of October 8, 2022 with that truck bomb that was detonated on the bridge connecting the Kerch Strait reminded by its similarities a “martyrdom” operation of those impostors drugged with “Captagon” Or are the unemployed of that bloody comedy working for Zelensky, or are they part of the CIA advisors or both at the same time? Whatever it is, the media and its communicators have their mouths very well shut.

Since the bombing that killed the daughter of Russian political scientist Alexander Dugin, it became clear who was the favorite target of this terror campaign. Although the Ukrainian agent identified as Natalya Pavlovna Vovk was involved and managed to escape to Lithuania, it was recently reported that she was found hanged. This makes it clear how her employers paid her for her services. Of course, as with the Nord Stream pipelines and the Nova Kharkova dam, Washington claimed to be unaware of her involvement, but several U.S. sources confirmed that it was the CIA that was directing SBU cells and other Nordic agencies to carry out this type of action. It was not long before Russian author and novelist Zakhar Prilepin was the target of a similar attack that failed to kill him.

Another such event was the April 2023 assassination of Russian blogger Maxim Fomin, who was in a café in St. Petersburg when an explosive charge was detonated in a gift given to him by a young woman named Darya Trepova, who had been recruited by the SBU, and the list of attacks against facilities inside Russia goes on, but where is the outrage in the Western press about these terrorist tactics?

The discovery of an extensive plan to assassinate Russian journalists with RT director Margarita Simonian at the head, has put in black and white who the real orchestrators of international terrorism have been and are, and the degree of impunity they have to dare to consider such criminal plans. If it were not a power like Russia that can prevent and counteract these dirty operations, the citizens of another state without these capabilities would be exposed to the dirty games of these agencies. Just remember what they did in the Middle East to get an idea.

It is worth repeating that if in the past they succeeded in creating and feeding a supposed war against a method that has no ideology or religion, it was thanks to the complicity of the big media companies and the silence of the international forums that let them do it.

domingo, 16 de julio de 2023



How close to the precipice are the sponsors of the war in Ukraine walking? If the White House continues with its warmongering ambition, how much could the Anglo-American obsession with destroying Russia cost the world?

By Sidney Hey


A month after the start of the UAF's counteroffensive, the assessments of the military results achieved are resoundingly negative and something similar can be said of the political efforts of Volodymyr Zelensky and Co. to obtain the long-awaited NATO membership.

If the Manichean version of the collective Western media is anything to go by, things are not going so badly and may even be going better than expected as President Biden is reported to have said that “Putin has already lost the war”. This has undoubtedly been the reaction of the same officials and bureaucrats in Washington who view with concern a president who, at times, loses track of where he is, so it matters little what he says.

But if we go by what sources on the ground report, we see that while Zelensky and NATO officials were sipping champagne in Vilnius, Lithuania, Ukrainian troops (including mercenaries) were being cut to pieces at various points along the line of contact.

It always seems a truism to have to clarify that if these events are not reported by CNN and the BBC (and therefore by their South American repeaters) it does not mean that they did not happen. A fortnight ago these same media outlets were making all sorts of fantastic speculations about what happened with the Wagner PMC and its colourful leader Yevgeny Prigozhiny, today we see how they have been called to silence about what happened. From claiming a rebellion to a coup d'état due to an alleged weakness of Vladimir Putin, Western governments claimed a supposed revolt was in progress that would overthrow the Russian government. But was it a revolt?

In reality, Anglo-American intelligence could hardly know what actually happened, but the media working on the same side as these agencies fabricated shocking stories to intoxicate reality. In short, according to these intrigue experts, a seditious movement had arisen, demonstrating an internal antagonism that even involved high-ranking Russian generals.

But beyond these fictionalised intoxications, it is reality that prevails. While Biden was meeting with NATO partners, in the Kremlin Vladimir Putin was meeting with PMC Wagner commanders in a lengthy and convivial relaxed chat that, according to anonymous sources, lasted three hours and which the media had no interest in reporting.

But the most significant thing that can be said about what happened there is the expected flexibility of Recep Tayyip Erdogan who, after being satisfied with the commitment to deliver F-16 aircraft and the modernisation of his Armed Forces, no longer objected to Sweden's NATO membership. The Turkish leader is thus turning his back on Moscow and undoubtedly further muddying the situation regarding Ankara's position on what is happening in Ukraine. Putin was predictably expecting this, so it comes as no surprise to the Kremlin.

Beyond the misleading dialectics and false arguments scattered by the media conglomerate to try to give some epic to a real disaster, realism hits not only the ill-prepared Ukrainian conscripts but also the foreign mercenary groups (especially the unsuspecting Latinos) and their Anglo-American advisors head-on.

The battle groups and their commanders have had to contend with very serious problems with Western equipment that does not compare (in armour and firepower) with the systems they themselves used from the Soviet era, let alone those currently used by the Russians. Added to this is the increasingly lethal and accurate Russian artillery against Ukrainian positions as well as the accurate drone strikes against selective targets in Kiev.

As far as the covert activities of the Atlanticist intelligence agencies are concerned, they have not achieved the expected effects either. The campaign of destabilisation through terrorism, sabotage of critical infrastructure and assassinations, which is part of a dirty strategy used by the US and NATO because it cannot be disguised, has worsened the political position of these actors.  It should not be forgotten that it was the CIA who early in the early 1980s set up hoaxes such as “Al Qaeda” which it used until 2001, later diversifying into other hoaxes such as “Jabbat Al Nusra” in Syria and the infamous “ISIS” for Iraq, using the latter with the invaluable collaboration of the Mukhabarat of the Petromonarchies, the Turkish MIT and the Mossad to deploy the latter. Washington has undoubtedly tried to recreate a similar dynamic by recruiting active Slavic supporters of the neo-Nazism that has always been latent not only in Ukraine but throughout Eastern Europe.

Today the SBU (Ukrainian intelligence) is an empty shell under the control of the Atlanticist agencies, especially the CIA and MI6, with which they have tried to create more terrorist actions inside Russian territory than they have been able to execute.

These actions that worked in other theatres and against smaller, weakened countries after extensive economic suffocation and fomenting of internal subversion have certainly not had the same result against the Russian Federation. As far as can be learned, FSB intelligence has captured inside Russia an unspecified number of individuals who were planning all sorts of violent actions against the country and others who were already carrying them out, all of them recruited and paid by foreign intelligence agencies.

It is clear that the Ukrainians are not at the forefront of these actions, but they are using them, and that is why Russia is repaying the kindnesses it has been showing in the last week with high-precision missile attacks on regime posts and offices in the centre of Kiev. As seen at the NATO summit in Lithuania, Biden is far from stopping the aggressions (afflicted by Louis XV syndrome) and is only betting on fueling the fire without considering the consequences; his Ashkenazi disciple's veiled plans to create a false flag to blow up the nuclear plant in Zaporizhya is proof of this. But if the US continues to sponsor such actions, why should it not expect retaliation on its own soil?

viernes, 14 de julio de 2023




¿Cuánta tolerancia internacional puede haber con un estado de arbitrariedad?


Por Charles H. Slim

La pequeña Ninawa de solo 6 años busca sollozando a su mascota bajo los escombros de su casa en Jenin, destruida por los colonos israelíes con la esperanza de poder hallarla. Su madre y sus hermanos juntan lo que puedan salvar para huir de una turba inmisericorde que apalea a quienes se encuentran a su paso e incendian los automóviles palestinos. En medio de los gritos y la agitación se oyen palabras inteligibles que salen de las bocas de los agresores sionistas y que solo son bramidos para los pequeños palestinos.

¿Por qué la vida de los árabes palestinos no vale igual que la vida de otro ser humano? Es lo que cualquier ciudadano de cualquier país se cuestiona. Escenas como estas que se repiten sin fin desde hace setenta años demuestran que no son considerados como humanos ¿A quiénes recuerda estas aborrecibles prácticas?

Bienvenidos a los PROGROMOS palestinos que sin un mínimo de vergüenza ni memoria llevan adelante los israelíes ¿Qué es un progromo? Son saqueos, palizas y matanzas contra pobladores indefensos eso es. Cizjordania es la muestra más clara de este repugnante y desvergonzado Apartheid que oprime a la población palestina hasta hundirles en la miseria mientras al mismo tiempo crecen los ampulosos y caros asentamientos judíos. 

Allí es donde se produce uno de los más odiosos y contradictorios microclimas de corrupción y entuerto entre la ANP de Abbas que debería proteger a sus ciudadanos y el régimen sionista de Tel Aviv. Con estos continuos ataques que llevan a cabo los colonos de los asentamientos que están disimuladamente coordinados por agentes del Shin Bet y ante vista pasiva de la policía israelí y la inmovilidad de las fuerzas de ABBAS Israel va cumpliendo con sus objetivos de lanzar a más familias palestinas de sus tierras para entregárselas a judíos importados de América y Europa.

Los palestinos detrás del muro de Cizjordania están atrapados por controles, cercas y corredores que los hace parecer ganado siendo llevados a un matadero. Sumado a esto, las constantes, gratuitas y diarias agresiones de los colonos judíos (que muchos de ellos no nacieron allí) contra sus propiedades, contra sus bienes y sus vidas hace invivible la cotidianidad de los palestinos.

Durante décadas los aviones, helicópteros y obuses israelíes han bombardeado de forma indiscriminada zonas urbanas sin importarles las escuelas, los hospitales y menos aún las familias. Quienes no morían por las explosiones sobrevivían a una dura realidad marcada por la tragedia de ver morir a sus familiares, quedar ellos mismos lesionados física y/o mentalmente por el trauma que significa ser sometido a bombardeos infernales y terminar en campamentos de refugiados donde campa toda clase de inseguridades.

La universalidad de los derechos humanos implica un respeto sin consideraciones de etnias, religión ni nacionalidad, tampoco de géneros ni condiciones sociales o ideologías. Pero eso en Israel no importa y sus lobbies que operan principalmente tampoco en EEUU, salvo que sean sus ciudadanos de ascendencia judía o con domicilio de radicación en dicho estado.

El acostumbrado argumento de los jerarcas políticos radica en señalar su derecho a defenderse y a la subsistencia, acusando a los palestinos de ser una amenaza a su vida. En ese razonamiento maniqueo los palestinos no tienen ese derecho y al parecer, deben tolerar que se les robe, les torture, secuestren y asesinen sin esperar reaccionar ¿Puede tener esto algún justificativo?

Así como los derechos humanos tienen ese alcance universal, también lo es el derecho a resistir a las agresiones y la amenazas contra los derechos de los pueblos y de sus ciudadanos. Es una cuestión de lógica. Si los palestinos son seres humanos, tienen el mismo derecho a defenderse de un enemigo que pretende arrancarlos de sus tierras. Y esto no es ninguna guerra religiosa como le conviene argumentar a la elite sionista y a sus medios de comunicación que pretenden encumbrarse en una superioridad moral que se cae al piso con todo lo antedicho. Esto no es más que una causa política con fin claros y bien definidos de un ente que pretende hacerse con territorios ajenos sin importar los medios para conseguirlo. Si como se ha harto comprobado que a las autoridades políticas y militares israelíes no les interesa en lo más mínimo los derechos de los árabes palestinos y que desde ya hace un tiempo hasta el presente deben soportar los progromos de los colonos ultraderechistas ¿Por qué los árabes palestinos deberían cruzarse de brazos mientras son avasallados de semejante manera?

No estamos en el siglo XX cuando bajo el amparo de la noche y por el encubrimiento de los medios occidentales, los israelíes podían desplazar miles de palestinos como si fueran asnos.

Hoy Netanyahu y su gabinete de extrema derecha religiosa supremacista están llevando las cosas más lejos y valiéndose de los colonos como fuerzas de choque tal como los hicieron los fascistas italianos o los nazis en Alemania de la década de los treintas, atacan, asaltan y atropellan a los palestinos sabiendo que nadie los defenderá ya que Abbas y la banda de 100.000 pistoleros están comprados por el dinero israelí. Es por ello que Washington y los rastreros de la UE aman a la ANP.

Todos los límites de la tolerancia han sido sobrepasados y de ello dan cuenta no solo las condenas del mundo árabe-islámico, los informes de organismos internacionales de derechos humanos, las estériles resoluciones de Naciones Unidas o de la insípida y revuelta Liga Árabe ¿Qué ha hecho el Papa Francisco con los atropellos que se han cometido y que se cometen contra las instituciones cristianas en Jerusalen? Tan alevoso es lo que Israel está llevando adelante que hay fuertes presiones provenientes del mismo EEUU ¿Qué ha hecho la denominada instancia judicial internacional con las denuncias de crímenes de lesa humanidad impetrados contra este estado impune?

Israel sobrevive no porque una divinidad le ampare. La explicación es más terrenal y no tiene nada de celestial. Estar bajo el ala del poder anglosajón es el ticket de una impunidad lacerante para miles de familias palestinas que han sido víctimas en uno u otro sentido de las vilezas de una ocupación con pretensiones expansionistas. Su elite política gobernante y de extremistas religiosos no por casualidad están interrelacionados con la banca internacional y logran con ello obtener las ventajas de poder direccionar sabotajes financieros y económicos contra los países árabes-islámicos que no renuncian a seguir apoyando la causa palestina e incluso también contra países que denuncian sus atropellos.

Un cambio de paradigma geopolítico sería promisorio para terminar con este triángulo de impunidad del que goza un estado brutal y colonial.