sábado, 11 de mayo de 2024



Why should the parade on 9 May be a commemoration of a double victory for the Russian Federation?


By Sir Charlattam

The traditional and renewed victory parade that Russia has held since 1945 to commemorate what it was like to fight, suffer and defeat Nazi Germany now takes on a new meaning as the homeland finds itself in the midst of a struggle against the pro-Nazi Ukrainian remnants sponsored by the supposedly Anglo-American democracies.

President Vladimir Putin, unlike his Western colleagues and especially US President Joe ‘Sleepy’ Biden, knows very well how to deal with the most complex and intricate issues that a state faces when faced with dilemmas posed by external enemies. This particular experience gleaned from his years of service as a KGB (USSR intelligence) officer is invaluable and gives him a broader and very different view from that of Western bureaucrats.

This 9 May was undoubtedly a special day. The troops and equipment of the army of the Russian Federation paraded under a light snowfall and yet they did so in a special spirit, with their exultant morale and professionalism that they pass on to their comrades fighting in Ukraine to preserve and protect the Ukrainian-Russian-speaking population of Novorossiya.

Vladimir Putin as on every occasion to commemorate ‘Victory Day’, but especially on this one demonstrated his statesmanship and commitment to the circumstances that arose from the tough but necessary decision taken two years earlier to launch the Special Military Operation (SMO). Putin does not need to imposture in his speeches, his voice is matched by the power of his words and that was very clear on this occasion. He has made it clear that he will not allow threats against his nation from the arrogance of certain Western leaders, which is why he reiterated that his strategic forces are ready for any challenge.

The potentiality of Putin's words translates into his military forces parading in the snow demonstrating to Western observers and their snitches in the vicinity that there is no chance for what is left of the Ukrainian armed forces and the neo-Nazi gangs served by the corrupt kleptocrat Volodymyr Zelensky. Even with the British sending more “Storm-Shadow” missile parts and “ATACMS” long-range missiles and other equipment worth some 50 billion dollars from Washington, the assembled men of the decimated brigades and divisions have no way of turning the score on the chessboard.

Putin has also shown that he will not allow the Anglo-Americans to do what they did inside the Arab-Islamic world, creating animosity, conflict and chaos by infiltrating the spawn designed and financed by their intelligence agencies (and Arab partners) such as ‘Al Qaeda’, the ‘Islamic State’ in Iraq, as they tried to do in Afghanistan and finally Syria. They tried it during the 1990s with the progressive disintegration of the USSR by encouraging and supporting the pro-independence claims of the Chechen rebels who, thanks to MI6, could rest comfortably in flats in the centre of London itself.

This logic of creating a dogfight (fierce and blind) between Slavs, as instigated by Washington since before the USSR imploded in 1991, began to show its first signs in 2006 with the failed colour revolutions, which later came to fruition with the 2014 coup in Maidan and ended with NATO's plan to launch an offensive on the Donbass in March 2022, aborted by the Russian intervention.

With just a little reasoning, anyone who watched the parade realised that there is plenty of firepower available in the Federation to persuade the Western instigators that if they persisted in their ambitious plans, they would pay a heavy price. Precisely the parade of the portentous ‘RS 24-YARS’ intercontinental missiles is a reminder to the plotters in Washington, London and Brussels that, while they may be rolling into Red Square, others are ready and waiting for immediate service at the slightest threat to Russia.

With that, Macron, Scholz and the ineffable Sunak will be having second thoughts if they continue with their crazy ideas of putting their armies on the battlefield, even if those ideas are just mental masturbations of these subjects of a collapsing empire. The German, Swedish, Polish and, of course, British (Bradley tanks) scrap metal now rotting in Ukrainian fields is proof of this.

The latter is not a speculation or a hypothesis coming from a sector of anti-Western propaganda. The Anglo-American empire with the failure of NATO is sinking into the swamp they created and their own people are experiencing it.

Over the years since the US became the political and military leader of the West and since the existence of NATO, the wars have not ceased and, far from their piffle arguments, war for their political elites has become a big, billion-dollar business with which they maintain the entire infrastructure they represent.

If Biden is as old as the rusting infrastructure of NATO, it is clear that both could collapse in unison, which would be ironic, wouldn't it? And it is also quite possible that the coup that will bring all this down will be the Russian power that has so far held back in the face of the various provocations of hybrid warfare.



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