jueves, 8 de agosto de 2024



Who really is behind the attacks on immigrants across Britain and what are their aims?


By Sidney Hey 

It has been a few days since the arson attacks on mosques, schools, businesses and hostels where immigrants who have been arriving in Britain for two very clear reasons, and in which Western governments and in particular the UK have a lot to do with: war and misery, began out of nowhere.

Of course, most ordinary British citizens who do not see Muslim immigrants as a nuisance were taken by surprise by the sudden appearance of well-organised groups armed with sticks, Molotov cocktails and in some cases firearms who went straight to raid locations where Muslim families were staying.

In Australia this venomous anti-Muslim sentiment is more diluted, but it exists and has been growing in recent times thanks to biased media and veiled political interests.

My sense of smell tells me that someone is manipulating all this, especially since a Rwandan national from Cardiff with altered psychic faculties stabbed three girls in Southport. Very suggestively, the next day, messages began to circulate on the internet claiming that he was a Muslim when in fact he was a Christian.

But the peak deception and taking advantage of the indignation of British society for this crime, a critical economic-social situation that blames immigration for it, was used to unleash all this. It seems that these groups of ultra-right-wing thugs are behind all this, but they are certainly not the mastermind of these attacks.

The riots spread suspiciously quickly and were replicated in every town and village in much of Britain, so that even a child can see that unless they use telepathy, these “rioters” have coordinated their attacks with a special predilection for targeting Muslims.

To some of my contacts in London it all reeks of an MI5 internal intelligence operation using their underworld assets and their close contacts with local fascist groups like National Action (NA) and political parties of the same persuasion, but with more refined manners like “Britain First”.

Of course, a bunch of beer-drinking knuckleheads and thugs and smart guys who are on the reality sides of political life with high-level political contacts are not the same thing.

One of these is Tommy Robinson, a well-known British fascist and founder of the British National Party (BNP) and the English Defence League (EDL), which for the most part convenes hooligans and thugs from lower London with a strong affinity to militant British Zionists. Both share an overt hatred of Muslims, making the UK one of the most rabid and important centres of Islamophobic racism in Europe alongside Germany and some Scandinavian countries.

Many of these guys are also recruited by MI6 and have been sent to Ukraine to join the ranks of Zelensky's neo-Nazi brigades, some are said to still be there and many others have already been eliminated. As for Robinson's people it is not the first time they have carried out terrorist attacks against Muslim targets and when the law comes down on them they have expensive lawyers to represent them.

There is also another curiosity in the personality of this racist and that is his pro-Israeli adherence or rather, his Zionist sympathy with the genocide being carried out against the Palestinian Arabs something that makes Zionist groups (participants in Sayan's networks) in British society and prominent conservative politicians adhering to the “Friends of Israel Club” uncomfortable and leaves them exposed in the public eye at a time when pro-Palestinian demonstrations are raging throughout the UK.

Equally this fails to identify the purposes of these attacks and more importantly who has financed all this staged outrage?

The appearance of none other than the much talked about these days Elon Musk the lord and master of "X", having said nothing about the disinformation about the identity of the killer of the three girls in Southport might shed a little more light amidst all the muck. Musk is known to be another of those recalcitrant Zionists who, unlike other such specimens, have little fear of hiding the nature of what they think and support. He is the same one who has given the Nazi regime in Kiev everything he could to help his army gain access to the Link satellite network with the strategic benefits of satellite communications that could be exploited on the battlefield.

In that vein Musk does not see what has happened here as a bad thing and even encourages it to become a habit, thus demonstrating the same mentality as Robinson. So if there is so much overlap between fascists, why not make a donation to fund the cause? Of course the money and contributions to fund these thugs from the sewers of London, Manchester and wherever else don't get straight into their hands without first passing through the SIS sewers in the Vauxhall building.

With all these elements in play and seeing how certain issues are evolving in the Middle East where the Zionist regime of Jewish supremacists claim that "God gave them Judea and Samaria" (perhaps they have a title signed by him) and that they can therefore kill anyone who is not Jewish in order to take over all the land they believe belongs to them. And right now who is a very difficult obstacle for these guys to overcome? The Muslims who, unlike in the past, are today rising up in support of their brothers in Palestine and who, if they continue in this process, Tel Aviv and all those responsible for the massacres they have committed and continue to commit, will face, at the very least, a historic trial.


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