sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022



What will the death of Queen Elizabeth II change for Britain and the world?


By Sir Charlattam

The death of Queen Elizabeth was a chronicle of an expected event. No one was taken by surprise by the death of a long-lived 96-year-old. Everyone at Buckingham Palace down to the servitude of old homosexuals and self-consecrated paedophiles who have clambered up to serve there knew a week before that the old lady was on her way out.

Anyway, it doesn't change anything. It's just a colourful and acted out media condolence for a very expensive decoration for the UK coffers. So much money for a family of royal parasites that was never justified in the contemporary modernity of the last century, let alone the current one. What the hell does the British crown represent for a colonialist empire that does not exist? Anyway, the cost of getting from Edinburgh to Buckingham for the coronation will be no laughing matter for the country's economy.

The event undoubtedly showed several curious situations, to say the least. To see in the Argentinean media how they gave a central coverage to this was almost unrealistic or even the opening of a book of condolences in the embassy for public signature certainly caught my attention. I would have understood the MI6 nest there like the “Buenos Aires Herald” newspaper and other digital portals to treat this as a matter of state but, to see all the Argentine journalists and political representatives (forgetting the situation in the South Atlantic islands in hands of “The Crown State”) behaving like real lambent lambs pretending to be subjects was like watching in a sticky nightmare, former members of the IRA or Sinn Fein kissing the cross bars of the imperial Union Jack. 

As I always say, there is no worse politician than the one who does not want to remember and in Argentina as here, they are the same pest. All this is just another colourful smokescreen at Westminster to distract from the heavy reality and of course to mask the disorientated and still lost Truss cabinet at 10 Downing Street.

Anyway, it is a good curtain, momentary, but it serves to cover up for a few days the calamity of what is coming due to the lack of energy, the progressive increase in the prices of food and services because we have been hung up on the economic-financial war that the old man in Washington orchestrated with the bureaucrats in Brussels.

Now for the bad news: all the sanctions are coming down on our heads as if they bounced like rubber balls off Russia. And do you think the death of the queen would matter to a citizen who is suffocated by taxes and recession? The BBC's over-acting and the yellowing of the other media will not last long enough for the British to wake up from their slumber and see how Britain is doing and I don't think that with King Charles III it is going any better.

Putting the kettle on for a decent cup of tea is already a problem. What will the bureaucrats in the incoming government do to explain this? Will the new King make things better? But that is not the only problem for the British citizen. While all this parody of carriages and ceremonial mourning is going on in the East, in the Baltic states, in Poland and inside Ukraine itself we are still playing the US and NATO game. Of course, the military don't think about it, it's their game and they are happy about it, even the mercenaries who go for the good pay courtesy of the Zelensky regime which is financed by billions of pounds that the government takes from us.

Equally the Foreign Office and its spokesmen are already reworking the arguments to continue financing the warmongering adventure against Russia and for this purpose lies are the most nutritious components of the discourse. What will the new King Charles III influence? Nothing. It is just a change of scenery and, as with his mother, his opinion does not count.

It is the starting over by denying what happened from 2014 to the present, even much earlier in the early 1990s when the late Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of the USSR to whom the US and UK representatives promised not to advance an inch to the east. Rubbish. As soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, the US and NATO set out on a campaign to engulf Eastern Europe and we got to see states fracture, independence flourish and colour revolutions (partly financed by Soros and other Zionist´s) topple governments until the Kiev coup.

As for our government, have we forgotten what the smiling Anthony Blair caused in Iraq by patronising a war invented by the Bush-Cheney administration? In case you have forgotten, the Chilcot Report will refresh your memory but forget about finding it in the media. Also, when the Western media started to fabricate and broadcast the “Arab Spring”, what did our dear plump David Cameron do in the circumstances? It seems that the parliamentary rapporteurs and conservative charlatans forget how Cameron did his bit in destabilising North Africa with Nicolas Sarcozy in 2010, unleashing a humanitarian catastrophe that persists to this day and in the brutal assassination of Libyan leader Muhammar Al Ghadafy in 2011 at the hands of mercenaries brought in by the CIA. How MI6 and the French DGSE cooperated to ensure that Islamist militants were recruited and used as NATO infantry against Libya. Great contributions to stability and peace. 

Elizabeth II is dead and today Charles III reigns and nothing has changed and nothing will change, not by the will of the Crown. We shall see what Truss's steps are in the current circumstances, although I can tell that the lady has feverish dreams of being Maggy Thatcher's emulation. Perhaps we should ask her, will King Charles allow Britain to Suicide along with the European Union by following Washington?




viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2022



¿Quién es moralmente capaz de decidir cuando una opinión es o no un discurso de odio?


Por Charles H. Slim

Por estos días se habla mucho de cómo controlar los discursos de odio provenientes de personas y sectores que a los oídos de algunos solo buscan sembrar la discordia (según estos) que pueden llevar a inspirar la concreción de acciones violentas como fue el conato de atentado -bastante bizarro y dudoso- contra la vicepresidente argentina Fernández.

Pero la temática es mucho más compleja y seria que una simple hipérbole hecha a medida y conveniencia de un partido o facción política. Quienes se han arrogado el control de qué es un discurso de odio y cuál no, han caído irremisiblemente en la arbitrariedad, aún sabiendo que ello es así. Etimológicamente “odio” es una aversión, sentimiento profundo e intenso de repulsa orientado a desear un daño a otro. Si lo vemos desde este significado, el odio, presentado dentro de este contexto discursivo, parece nacido de un simple capricho del odiador pero en realidad no es así.

En esta ecuación hay un odiador y un odiado y las causas de ese odio dependerá de las circunstancias en el que nace ese sentimiento. Si la justicia funcionara deberían ser abordadas sus causas y no las consecuencias. Se trata de una cuestión de la condición humana y como tal, inherente a él que pretende ser reglada por medio de herramientas legales (desde el Estado), sin importar que se haga en Venezuela, Argentina o en Europa; simplemente es una idiotez.

Pero quienes idearon esto lo saben, solo que tienen suficiente poder (político, financiero y mediático) como para instaurarlo -gracias a sus influencias dentro del estado- de forma masiva y persistente a fin de penetrarlo en la psique del ciudadano hasta que lo asimile. En los EEUU organizaciones como ZOA (Zionist, Organization of America), el AIPAC, la “Liga Antidifamación” (ADL) creadas por intereses judíos han sido precursoras en esto y aparentando defender a las minorías y haciendo un constante trabajo de relaciones sociales, en realidad movilizan los intereses políticos del estado de Israel.

En Europa y en particular en países como Francia y Alemania, organizaciones como la Unión de Estudiantes Judíos de Francia (UEJF) o el Consejo Central de Judíos de Alemania han sido promotoras de estas iniciativas. A fuerza de un persistente activismo. se han creado piezas legales que en apariencias tienden a prevenir la disipación del odio contra las minorías pero con el paso de los meses ya se han advertido sus segundas intenciones. En Alemania la Volksverhetzung o “incitación a las masas” desde 2018 ha sido regulada con una Ley contra el odio por redes que prevé la penalización de “contenidos delictivos” que si bien pone énfasis en acallar a quienes discuten el holocausto no ha frenado, la ola de islamofobia que mucho peor del caso anterior se materializa con atentados y asesinatos contra musulmanes.

Una pieza similar puso en vigencia Francia donde se busca penalizar mediante multas, la difusión por redes sociales de contenidos “estigmatizantes”. Pero rápidamente paso a ser una herramienta para censurar expresiones que hacen alusión a situaciones puntuales que critican a situaciones y ciertos actores. El caso central es Israel y su estado de Apartheid que mantiene de hecho contra la población palestina a la cual oprime de forma sistemática y brutal con el único fin de hacerse con sus territorios y limpiarlos culturalmente. Solo mencionarlo sirve para que algunos de sus exponentes traten de descalificar las críticas alegando un supuesto antisemitismo. Lo mismo cuando es señalado de cometer crímenes (terrorismo) fuera del estado argumentando “actos preventivos”. No es difícil encontrar entre muchos sionistas (judíos y no judíos) negar la existencia de los palestinos, una verdadera alegación antisemita.

A pesar de lo reprobable de esta situación y de ese aberrante negacionismo, no se mide con la misma vara cuando alguien critica a Israel de alguien que critica al Islam o las musulmanes. Incluso cuando altos funcionarios israelíes como Avidgor Lieberman, Naftaly Bennet o el legendario Moshe Dayan cada uno en determinado momento manifestaron sus esperanzas en algún día de ver desaparecer a los palestinos, ningún medio de occidente (y mucho menos en Argentina) se espantaron por estas posturas. O podríamos citar hechos criminales como sin duda fueron los cometidos por Ariel Sharon en “Sabra y Chatila”, o los pistoleros Menajim Begin y Yizack Shamir o el tan laureado y ensalzado por los medios occidentales como ha sido Shimon Perez quien en sus épocas de pistolero del “Hagana” y luego como oficial del FDI en los territorios ocupados enterraba vivos a los palestinos como forma de escarmentar y aterrar a los demás o, fue quien ordenó los bombardeos que causaron la infame masacre del “Al Qanna”, Líbano en 1996 e impulsó la construcción de asentamientos sobre territorios árabes ¿Por qué sería difundir el odio hablar de estos hechos que han causado dolor y miseria a todo un pueblo?  

Allí es donde radica la critica a los medios occidentales (que hoy se victimizan ante el descrédito), por su parcialidad tan alevosa. Tanto que actualmente ya no es un escándalo que no nieguen ser financiados por capitales sionistas. A la sazón de esto, los influyentes lobies pro-israelies (en especial la Alianza Internacional para la Rememoración del Holocausto -IHRA-) bajo el argumento del antisemitismo por años callaron las criticas a la situación en Palestina y lo peor, encubrieron los crímenes de guerra y lesa humanidad que se cometen por sus elementos de estado y sus colonos. Es por ello que por años han sido impulsores (mediante la culpa) de la idea de equiparar cualquier critica a una persecución antisemita incluso equiparando (de forma arbitraria) al sionismo (ideología política) con judaísmo (religión). Curiosamente, la persecución, opresión y asesinato de palestinos o de árabes en general no entra en dentro de las consideraciones de esta peculiar tipificación.

Esto llego a la Argentina y en 2020 el gobierno de Alberto Fernández tras intensas presiones de las organizaciones sionistas locales y latinoamericanas adopto la arbitraria equiparación de antisemitismo a quien critique al sionismo, algo bastante curioso y contradictorio con la supuesta posición de este gobierno que se autodenomina progresista perteneciente a un frente que por años se jacto la defensa de los derechos humanos.

En conclusión, pareciera que hay odios buenos y odios malos y que unos son válidos y otros censurables con lo cual queda mucho más claro que cualquier intento de legalizar su represión, es una cuestión de conveniencias políticas que caerá dentro de una zona gris y a gusto de quien le convenga.

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2022



The brutal imposition of a corrupt political regime resulting from a bloody invasion in 2003 and modeled during the occupation never had a future. Who could lead a new Iraq when the corrupt system that imprisons it collapses?

By Ali Al Najafi

Since the fall of Baghdad to the Anglo-American invaders in 2003, security and prosperity have gone forever from Iraq. None of the puppets put up by the Provisional Administration of Paul Bremer, who was in charge of electing them, met the expectations of the Iraqis. Why? For the simple fact that this was not the objective of the invaders.

Not only Iraqis (Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and Kurds) knew that. The entire Arab world witnessed this and much more.

Although the Anglo-American troops withdrew, they left a completely destroyed country, devoid of institutions and duly competent human resources to get the country ahead. Their riches were stolen and many talents were killed, others had to flee before following the same fate. Western democracy for many has been nothing more than a source of perversion and misfortune, a tool of corruption incompatible with a straight life.

The withdrawal of August 2011 was just an act as Washington would continue to pull the strings using its Saudi allies, remnants of the bought resistance (former Baathists), criminals from the “Dawa” party and dark pacts with Tehran. The main objective is that Iraq cannot rise up and Iran and the US agree on that. The enterprise to cut the strings of these puppeteers is very dangerous but essential for the rebirth of the renewed Arab nation.

Iraq today is a dismembered and failed country. You cannot exercise any sovereign measure without the CIA and its collaborators knowing about it. The administration of justice is a fantasy manipulated by the FBI that, far from investigating, covered up the actions of the collaborating security forces. What are the investigations for the thousands of crimes committed by the occupiers and their collaborators? Compressing and drowning out calls for justice has been the task of this puppet regime.

The emergence of the “Islamic State” (Daesh) in 2014 was a consequence of this. Army without morale or firepower was destroyed by this gang of criminals trained by the CIA in camps in Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Each of the puppets that have occupied the government in Baghdad have filled their pockets, their families and their tribes. The life of honest Iraqis has become a nightmare and they are far from enjoying the so-called democracy. On the contrary, the invaders helped build a system more cruel and brutal than the previous one, led by kleptocrats and criminals who occupy government positions for one reason: They respond to the approval of Washington.

This state of affairs has led to the current state of chaos. No law or authority that is respected. The Iraqi authorities do not exist because there is no national state. The groups that earned the honor of champions in the dark hours of the struggle to dislodge the invaders are divided by loyalties outside of Iraq. It is not uncommon to see how the “Asaeb Alhe Alq” have skirmishes with units of “Al Hashd Al Sha'abi” and with the “Saraya Al Salam” (follower of the glorious “Jaysh Al Mahdi”) or some of these with regular forces of the state. The main clashes are between the Iraqi nationalist Shiites and the pro-Iranian Shiite groups that have committed all kinds of brutalities and have been tolerated by the puppets on duty.

In the month that Aberdeen is celebrated as part of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, there were clashes between pro-Iranians and national groups that tried to put limits on the arbitrariness of Iranian pilgrims against Iraqis.

Regional rulers and religious authorities in Karbalah and Najab have had little success in curbing such abuses, and security forces are weak against Iranian bribery and influence. Most politicians are profitable and corrupt for that money. Those who have put a face to this have been killed as happened in the riots around the nest of snakes in the Green Zone. The government and its security forces do not protect the people, nor do the pro-Iranian militias. So who protects the Iraqis?

It seems that His Excellency Moqtadr Al Sadr is the only one who can meet this challenge and his right-wing men from “Saraya Al Salam” can support him with their blood and martyrdom on the battlefield. It shows that there is still hope of being able to shake off the parasitized political system created and functional to the US and Iran.

Quite the contrary with wicked power traitors loyal to reprehensible ones like pro-American Mustafa Al Khadimi or shameless pro-Iran Muhammad Shia Al Sudani and a fake parliamentary regime. Opposing him meant death. Prison and torture. Its officials are happy accomplices in this. No one is willing to change course because they know they are not the owners to do so and that is where the void is.

Iraqis are tired of this situation and the young people who were born in the rubble and bombs of the 2003 invasion are rising up vehemently and without fear despite the brutality of the oppressive regime that they lead from the Green Zone, an infamous and humiliating memory of the demonic influence that continues to operate as an antenna of evil for the designs of hell in Washington.

Few are the credible referents who can or want to oppose this so as not to lose the privileges they have plundered. Less than the fingers of one hand those that are believable for young people. But it is certain that the excellent Shiite cleric Moqtadr Al Sadr is the most credible and confrontational candidate for this challenge and this was demonstrated after the irruption in Parliament located in the infamous area. Sadr is the only one who has stood up to the lawlessness, injustice and government corruption.

Sadr is more than a cleric. He is a leader with fiery credentials earned in the toughest times in the country. It has managed to remain in the identity site of the national right without ill-intentioned Safavid contamination that sought to embed itself in power to take revenge for the war of the eighties. There is no confusion in it. As in everything, there are loyal and honest Shiites and others who are corrupt and traitors who serve disunity. The Americans and British helped in this by letting the Iranians do what they compensated puppets like Nouri Al Maliki to look the other way while they did their dirty work against the Iraqis.

Sadr stood up against this and was in danger of his life for it. Despite this, he did not stop his steps and continues to be the most prominent representative of Iraqi politics to give hope to Iraqis, knowing that there is much danger in the process.


lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2022


El fallido “atentado” contra la vicepresidente argentina habla de una falla más general ¿Qué tan fallado es el estado argentino?


Por Javier B. Dal

Eran apenas las 20 horas cuando una joven de 19 años de edad que esperaba a su novio a la salida del trabajo fue baleada por un grupo de delincuentes en la localidad de General San Martín en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Ella como otros cientos de víctimas de la delincuencia en el cono urbano pasaron a ser un número más en las estadísticas de un estado que desde hace décadas no funciona ¿Acaso existe una estructura de inteligencia criminal destinada a prevenir esto? El resultado nos dice que no.

Ciertamente aquí en Argentina hay dos realidades alternas y superpuestas en las que hay una justicia para ricos y otra para pobres que se ha profundizado con el paso de los años y de la mano de gobiernos totalmente corruptos.

Las causas de los atentados de 1992 y 1994 aún están en un Stand By por la ausencia de una justicia independiente y de intereses ajenos al país. El asesinato del fiscal Nisman en enero de 2015 también es otro ejemplo de una notoria influencia tóxica de intereses y debilidad de la administración de justicia.

La desaparición del submarino “ARA San Juan” en 2017 fue sin dudas otro atentado, una agresión vergonzosamente silenciada que se cobro la vida de sus 44 tripulantes tapado por una justicia permeable a las influencias políticas de un gobierno comprometido con los intereses del enemigo histórico del país.

La novela montada en rededor de la vicepresidente Cristina Fernández entra dentro de este desdoblado sistema de corrupción, ineficacias e impunidad que aleja aún más a las personas del común de tener una justicia asequible a todo el pueblo como base de una institucionalidad medianamente creíble para sostener la convivencia social.

El supuesto “conato” de atentado visto el jueves 1 de septiembre último en la vereda de las calles Juncal y Uruguay de la capital, ha servido para visualizar un estado de cosas que confirman la situación de estado fallido de la Argentina. La calificación del evento como tal se da por varias inconsistencias. El inexplicable acercamiento de un supuesto sicario que en medio de una multitud coloca una pistola a centímetros de la vicepresidente desata muchas preguntas no solo para los expertos en inteligencia y seguridad sino para la gente de a pie.

Ante todo, hay que tomar en cuenta el contexto temporal, espacial y político para analizar este evento. Primero, la situación de la vicepresidente acorralada por un pedido de pena que podría condenarla a más de doce años de prisión por delitos cometidos durante su gestión fue un disparador de la agitación partidaria para darle su apoyo. Intentando salir del paso ante las evidencias y agotado el margen de maniobra de sus costosos abogados, la misma vice lanzó una improvisada defensa mediática tratando de sustentar una violación al derecho de defensa en juicio algo que, en su oportunidad ejercito sin responder preguntas mediante una actuación para los medios.

Obviamente los medios que la investigan desde hace años y que han sido fuente principal de las causas penales actuales, remarcaron estas incongruencias poniéndola en más aprietos. 

A partir de allí y desde el mismo gobierno (incluso del mismo presidente Alberto Fernández) se comenzaron a lanzar escandalosas e impertinentes señales de descredito al trabajo del Ministerio público y a toda la justicia federal sesgando con una muy notoria arbitrariedad la labor del poder judicial que atenta contra la independencia de los poderes del estado.

Así estaban las cosas y tras una pulseada entre manifestantes alegres por el pedido de condena (calificados de macristas) y los partidarios de la vice, éstos últimos ganaron la calle y allí permanecerían por días imponiendo su voluntad por sobre la seguridad pública de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y de la nación. Aquí es donde comienza la elaboración del escenario perfecto. Los “camporistas” levantaron las vallas y expulsaron a las fuerzas policiales de la ciudad, algo que fue apoyado desde varios funcionarios del gobierno y tolerado por una oposición política fofa.

Liberada la zona, con ausencia de policías y sin la existencia de inteligencia criminal propia (disgregada y degradada desde hace décadas) el descontrol y la muchedumbre planteaba la oportunidad para cualquier cosa. Ahora bien y considerando la importancia que reviste la seguridad de un alto funcionario como CFK ¿Cómo se permitió llegar a semejante situación?

Esta pregunta nos lleva a otra cuestión ¿Se permitió deliberadamente o fue producto de la impericia? Todas las fuerzas de seguridad dependen de ordenes políticas por lo cual son los ministros y sus secretarios quienes deben responder. Así mismo surgen otras curiosidades en el accionar del “sicario” como ser, su mano con la pistola aparece en primer cuadro y desde varios ángulos (casi como la escena de una película) y tras gatillar dos veces -que se oye en los audios- vemos a los custodios e incluso a los fanáticos totalmente ausentes de ese hecho. Obviamente y tras ser advertido intenta huir descartando el arma para ser finalmente inmovilizado por los presentes y detenido por la custodia de la vice.

Ahora bien. Si según las fuentes oficiales hablan de un arma cargada con cinco balas pero sin haberla armado para su disparo, eso nos informa una característica del atacante ¿Es un profesional o un improvisado? Los hallazgos en su domicilio hallando harían presumir una preparación pero, ¿Para qué acopiar tantas balas si iba a cometer un atentado? Si nos creemos la posibilidad de que hubiera servido el proyectil en la recamara ¿Por qué no disparó?; ¿La trajo consigo el atacante o le fue entregada en las inmediaciones o incluso en medio de la multitud? En esta última cuestión el teléfono celular del agresor reportaría una fuente informativa y probatoria importantísima entonces ¿Por qué al abrirlo se constató que había sido reseteado? A pesar de que tanto la Policía Federal como la PSA tienen SoftWare comprados a Israel (expertos en espiar la vida ajena), no lograron abrir exitosamente el aparato. Sospechosamente conveniente ¿No lo creen?

Los discursos posteriores de varios representantes cercanos al gobierno parecen estar direccionados a sembrar la culpa y el oscurantismo entre una parte del electorado crítico y un sector de la prensa local con una velada intención. Es muy probable que todo se resuma a una operación psicológica destinada a buscar la conmoción en la opinión pública. Aquí quedará a consideración de cada ciudadano valorar si esta siendo o no manipulado.

Por último, y tal vez la cuestión más preocupante (considerando la opacidad institucional existente) ¿Es la misma arma que se ve en la imagen la que hoy tiene la policía bajo custodia?        


sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2022



The UK is only just entering the storm brewing over Boris Johnson and his Tories' genius idea to join the US in its geopolitical games against Russia. Now it emerges that the billions spent were for nothing.

By Sir Charlattam

The Tory euphoria in Parliament over the benefits to Britain of Russia's invasion of Ukraine seems to have gone down like the froth on beer. Well, I guess my subconscious had betrayed me to find the perfect excuse to meet up with my travelling source, "Joe", who just two days earlier had arrived from Prague with news of how things are going in the East.

As usual we take these appointments very seriously and once we've made sure the meeting place is clean, we meet up for drinks, chat and exchange information. Everything seems to shake in a violent way, something we both agree on. In Prague, the impact of the war is felt and energy restrictions are conditioning economic growth. While the Czechs have been early collaborators with Washington and London in cooperating with Georgian units in NBC operations, today government politicians are chomping at the bit for pursuing a strategy of economic strangulation with sanctions on Russia that is hitting them.

The great secret weapon of our governments has been the financial noose, but with Russia it has not worked. Worse, it has been turned against us and, as we have seen, inflation is rising. So far the government has announced that it has sent £1.5 billion in “humanitarian aid”. Even with this advantage our boys and their NATO colleagues in Ukraine have not been able to stop the Russians. It is here that Joe gives me an update on what is happening in Ukraine, telling me: “Ukrainian conscript morale is low and the problems of covering such a large front are compounded by logistical problems and defections on several fronts”.

All the weaponry that has been sent has not provided the expected counterweight. On the contrary, it has created mafias of traffickers who are diverting the few that arrive via official routes from Poland. The only intact shipments that have arrived are the M142 HIMARS systems because it would be difficult to hide them and pass them along the rat route.

As soon as he made that revelation I could not contain my curiosity as to what our Foreign Office officials and their extensions in Prague were doing to contain this disaster and so the answer could not be more succinct and clear: “Nothing at all”. It seems that the strategists and advisers that the MoD and MI6 have working in Kiev are unable to control the operations of their task forces for the simple fact that they have either been lost to Russian fire, i.e. shot down or captured, or have fled on their own and only the good Lord knows where they are. What is certain is that the Russian special groups have been very effective and deadly. They certainly are and that is why the BBC and the tabloids have created a campaign to degrade them in the media.

This last comment interested me as I had been aware of some incidents in the vicinity of the Crimean peninsula where the Ukrainians had managed to shell Russian targets. But after tightening the screws the “Spetsnaz” 48 hours ago managed to hit several key locations. One of those hits was a location in Energodar very close to the Zaphoriye nuclear plant where they managed to disrupt a cell armed with explosives, Javelin missiles, communications equipment and other S.A.S. toys. They had up-to-date maps and satellite details of the Russian defences on the perimeter.

That's too many bad signs for Parliament but more so for the bullying Liz Truss who really does seem to have ambitions to sit her pompous hips on the Downing Street couch for sure, unless Sunak moves her seat. I honestly don't know who would be worse, Truss or Rishi Sunak as they are both stalwart airheads of the Conservative Party and the corrupt political system. They both have the same script only tweaked and they are both part of the Anglo-American Zionist Lobbie's ass-licking club and supporters (like monkey cheeks Johnson pretended to be) of war as a vehicle for recapturing the old glories of Empire.

But reality strikes mercilessly and it seems that more consequences of the sanctions rebound are to be expected. The G-7 proposal (ordered from Washington) to cap Russian crude oil prices was met with a decision by Russian companies to cut off the Nord Stream gas pipeline indefinitely. “Check!”. What are we going to do now? European citizens (including the British) are already bracing themselves for a harsh winter without gas and their governments are not only without a solution, they are also part of the problem.

hen Joe told me that there seem to be two Europes. One is the one that is going straight over the cliff following Washington and the other with countries like Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria and Serbia that are far from lending themselves to these games, have increased their business with Russia and Russia has doubled its profits at the same time.

But even within Western Europe the bickering reigns. There is strong tension between those who want to relax sanctions so as not to cut off Russian oil and gas supplies completely and those who blindly obey the US. Dissatisfaction with US-NATO, especially from key EU members, is making agreement on a new common security system disconnected from Washington more likely, and this could be an opportunity for us or a dilemma.

As things look, our officials and those of the bloc will have to content themselves with anticipating how to get through the winter as there is no prospect that the war will stop yet, let alone that the Russians will back down, let alone that Zelensky's neo-Nazi gang will win it.