lunes, 3 de junio de 2024



The new alternative to change the US reality?


By Sidney Hey

How can credibility in the human, moral and political values of a state be re-established when supposedly religious believers like President Joe Biden and his state officials have ignited war in Eurasia, persistently and irresponsibly provoked China for hegemonic ambitions and embarrassed the US with their complicity in the Palestinian genocide?

Biden might still be that nice old man to the gullible and simpletons at campaign meetings waving little American flags, but to those who know him well, he is still the old child molester, a cover-up for his son Hunter Biden's dirty dealings and an ardent supporter of Israel who turns a blind eye to its crimes. With these situations no one should be surprised that the reputation of the US has collapsed.

At the same time, the Republicans' choice suffers a major setback for their ambitions in the upcoming elections. With the latest news about the criminal conviction against Donald Trump it is likely that MAGA will collapse like a house of cards and we will not see the blond-haired man as a White House tenant again. We don't yet know if this could benefit Trump and hasten his return to power. Still, Trump has options (that any ordinary citizen does not) and one of them is to appeal.

Both subjects are part of a dimension of power alien to the reality of the simple citizens who must work every day to pay their taxes and survive.

In short, neither Biden nor Trump are a real hope for improving the quality of life of Americans, much less for ensuring global peace, since both, at different levels, flirt with the most rancid and obscurantist of political businesses such as the war industry (doing very good business with NATO in Ukraine) that intermingle with the ever-present Zionist interests that control (for pleasure or displeasure) the foreign policy of the Union. In this sense the establishment's ardent defences of Netanyahu and his extermination campaign in the Gaza Strip (Rafah today), threatening in turn the very International Criminal Court for having requested his arrest for trial, are not surprising, but how dare they on behalf of the US operate as mere mafia thugs?

The world is watching closely all these inconsistencies that the administrations in Washington have been displaying for decades.

It has not yet taken long to forget the humanitarian aberrations in Guantanamo, Abu Graib and all those secret prisons maintained by the CIA around the world that revealed the extent of the sewers of a system that in the public eye claims to be a democracy. It is these same sewers that mingle with the Zionist interests represented by pressure groups like AIPAC which, among other activities, continues to collect money from unsuspecting taxpayers to finance massacres of Palestinians recorded by Israeli psychopaths on Tic Tock and Jewish death squads like ‘Netzah Yehuda’ engaged in perpetrating all sorts of violations and heinous crimes against the Palestinian population. 

When the activities of these ‘battalions’ of war criminals came to light, the State Department tried to put a lid on the situation by talking about sanctions against these groups, something that in reality was never done, and much worse, by supporting them underhandedly.

With situations such as these exposed to the public light and which the International Criminal Court has decided to address, characters such as Anthony Blinken (an open and confessed Zionist) or the same White House spokesman John Kirby dare to speak of ‘punishing’ the International Criminal Court for daring to formulate such criminal charges and order the capture of their much-loved ally.

It is against this backdrop of political rot allowed by a hyper-corrupt system at the disposal of an elite of kleptocrats of all stripes and politicians who abuse their privileges for their own benefit that a promise of a change in US politics appears. It is the libertarian party candidate Chase Oliver, who brings proposals that sound dissonant and even strange in the face of a thick and fetid atmosphere of corruption that has kept Americans in a state of stupor.

Chase focuses on the downsizing of a monstrous state through which taxpayers' money is siphoned off without accounting for its fate. One issue he focuses on is the administration of justice, which has become a real exception for American citizens and reserved only for the wealthy and former presidents.

Chase enters into the dynamics of the new leaders who, under the label of ‘libertarians’, seek to change the Status Quo in states that, like the United States, have abandoned their primary objectives, becoming eminently arbitrary, wasteful (with the digitalisation of the reserves) and oversized entities that end up being an unjustified and unacceptable cost on the backs of their citizens.

From these positions, American libertarians have very well marked their differences with the establishment parties (Democrats and Republicans) and that is why they will go into next November's elections with their own candidate as a tangible and credible alternative to change the administration of the state of the Union.





sábado, 1 de junio de 2024



¿Hasta dónde presionara la OTAN a Rusia? Al parecer lo hará hasta que no queden ucranianos para pelear

Por Charles H. Slim

Tras la arrolladora penetración en esta última semana de las fuerzas rusas en varios puntos del frente defensivo ucraniano, el régimen de Kiev acusa desesperación ante sus patrocinadores atlantistas quienes al mismo tiempo, están tratando de tapar los baches que las diezmadas fuerzas ucranianas no pueden atender.

Rusia ha pasado de golpear la infraestructura energética crítica de Ucrania a la estrictamente militar. Vladimir Putin está demostrando que su nuevo período de gobierno y con un gabinete renovado no estará exento de enérgicas decisiones.

El último ataque ruso con misiles hipersónicos Kinzhal a una base aérea de entrenamiento de la OTAN en Chmelnytskyi, al occidente ucraniano, cerca de la frontera con Polonia fue el siguiente escalón en las advertencias que Moscú ha venido realizando a sus “socios” occidentales para que terminen de alimentar el fuego. Los efectos del ataque fueron devastadores y según fuentes confiables, más de 300 efectivos extranjeros -entre ellos varios instructores- perecieron en el lugar y otro tanto de heridos fueron rápidamente trasladados a Polonia.

Si bien en occidente los aparatos de propaganda y desinformación han clamado haber derribado varios de estos misiles, la realidad es simplemente increíble. No hay sistema antiaéreo en manos de la OTAN y mucho menos de Ucrania que tenga esa capacidad.

Incluso las sugerencias para que la OTAN se haga cargo de las defensas aéreas del occidente ucraniano no representaría una solución realista para detener los ataques con misiles hipersónicos.

Un posterior ataque con 20 drones kamikaze “Shahed”, seguido por otra oleada de misiles balísticos y un remate con unos tres misiles hipersónicos “Kinzhal” destrozo lo que quedaba de las instalaciones del aeródromo de Chmelnytskyi.

Sumado a esto la paliza recibida por las tropas de infantería ucraniana en la localidad de Krynky y los combates que arrecian en Korsunka a orillas del río Dnieper ha desatado el pánico entre los comandantes de la cúpula militar de Volodymyr Zelensky quienes no se atreven a reconocer el número de bajas sufridas y las pérdidas materiales infringidas por las fuerzas rusas.

Como contrapartida y en una muestra de desesperación, las fuerzas ucranianas apoyadas por elementos atlantistas tratan de desestabilizar las zonas fronterizas atacando con misiles británicos “Storm Shadow” y “Himars” estadounidenses localidades rusas de Belogorod y Kursk con la única intención de causar bajas entre los civiles. Esta táctica de terror ( de la cual la ONU se desentiende) intenta distraer a las fuerzas rusas del frente, algo que no ha picado. 

Esto último es una situación que Moscú no va a tolerar en su continuidad y es por ello que ha comenzado a cortar en seco las bocas de expendio y las rutas logísticas tendidas por los atlantistas que sustentan a los grupos de mercenarios extranjeros y neonazis patológicos que gozan con los asesinatos de civiles rusos.

Esta campaña de bombardeos coincide con la asunción del nuevo gabinete de guerra del Kremlin que parece dispuesto a tomar todas las medias y emplear las estrategias necesarias para terminar de raíz con las amenazas que representan las intervenciones occidentales. Las últimas noticias que confirman el involucramiento de armamento ofensivo de largo alcance de EEUU, Alemania, Gran Bretaña y otros países atlantistas pone en otra dimensión este conflicto.

Esto sin lugar a dudas genera mayores tensiones en búsqueda de que Moscú pierda la paciencia y realice un paso en falso.

A pesar de que ese peligro aún esta latente, las consecuencias políticas-sociales y económicas ya están haciendo estragos en la UE y también en los EEUU aún cuando sus medios no lo reflejen. Por supuesto que las sanciones que occidente le ha impuesto a la Federación de Rusia repercuten en la economía rusa, pero no pasan sin acusar recibo para los ciudadanos europeos quienes son lo que sienten los altos precios en la energía, la caída de la producción y el consecuente desempleo motivado por un encarecimiento en el acceso a una energía proveniente de EEUU.

En lo que respecta a EEUU, su situación política se ve en una incertidumbre preocupante dado que es muy posible que el sistema sea desbancado por un nuevo liderazgo proveniente de los vientos libertarios.

Mientras la OTAN sigue instigando y apoyando materialmente a Ucrania para que no abandone el campo de batalla y se aniquile en el proceso, la sociedad civil ucraniana está sumida en una crisis económica en la que solo la elite corrupta liderada por Zelensky escapa a las privaciones y las restricciones que impone la situación. Al mismo tiempo, el estado ruso tras ir erradicando a las bandas neonazis y alejando la artillería ucraniana de los centros urbanos, ha ido reconstruyendo las zonas liberadas de la Novorossiya siendo la ciudad portuaria de Mariupol el ejemplo más destacado de esto.

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2024



El único camino por el cual sería posible llegar a una paz justa


Por Yossi Tevi

No sería el único que se ha desengañado de la moralidad y la justificación de lo que, en nombre de la supervivencia del estado y poniendo el holocausto por delante, se ha estado haciendo en los territorios ocupados y en lo que ya vemos hoy en la franja de Gaza. Todos los derechos humanos de los árabes palestinos literalmente se han pisoteado como lo hacen y lo han hecho por décadas las orugas de los bulldozers para derribar sus aldeas y casas, como las de los tanques “Merkava” que demuelen indiscriminadamente hogares, hospitales, mezquitas y campamentos en Gaza ¿Hay moralidad en todo eso?

Siempre ha sido un engaño el relato de que Palestina es un territorio sin pueblo, como suelen repetir los mantras de la propaganda sionista. También es un engaño hablar de la “democracia de oriente”. Que los principales líderes que maquinaron y participaron en la conquista de Palestina hayan sido judíos europeos y por ende, con costumbres y usanzas europeas no les hace democráticos ni mucho menos ¿Sabían ustedes que Josep Stalin entregó en su momento armas a los grupos sionistas?

Además, Israel no surgió de un acto democrático y mucho menos con el consentimiento de los dueños de la tierra. Nuestros padres y tíos se valieron de artilugios para comprar tierras y cuando eso comenzó no funcionó, se usaron armas, explosivos para generar el terrorismo y el chantaje como herramientas para pasar por encima a los pobladores árabes para construir lo que hoy la elite sionista trata de preservar. Entre aquellos que formaron parte de “Irgún” y las “Palmach” conocerán muy bien las palabras de Ben Gurión cuando advirtió de la reacción de los árabes reconociendo con sus propias palabras “que les estábamos robando sus tierras”.

Aunque no lo van a oír ni leer en los medios occidentales controlados por la influencia político-financiera de los sionistas estadounidenses, muchos israelíes y entre ellos altos oficiales de las fuerzas de seguridad en charlas privadas han expresado su sorpresa al preguntarse ¿Por qué los palestinos no se rinden de una buena vez? La respuesta a esta pregunta se halla en cada palestino[1].

La costumbre de hacer las cosas bajo cubierta e incluso contra los intereses de nuestros socios ha cobrado su precio. El lema de hacer la guerra por vía del engaño que ha sido “la doctrina” más sagrada en las filas de las FDI y del Mossad para llevar adelante las confrontaciones que ya ha sobrepasado todos los límites con los medios utilizados no para garantizar la seguridad común sino para concretar los fines y ambiciones personales de camarillas corruptas y criminales como la que hoy lidera “Bibi” Netanyahu y Cía.

Los sucesos de 7 de octubre pasado han ayudado para que las máscaras se caigan y dejen a la vista la cara más horrible de la bestialidad inhumana no solamente contra los civiles palestinos sino también por el desprecio a la vida de los rehenes israelíes que en su mayoría han sido asesinados por el propio fuego de las FDI. La noticia del requerimiento internacional de arresto de Benjamín Netanyahu y su ministro de defensa Yoav Gallant puede ser interpretado como una buena señal contra todo aquello, pero ciertamente no es suficiente.

La continuación de los bombardeos indiscriminados sobre Rafah y la comisión de nuevas masacres contra los civiles lo evidencia.

Sabemos que detrás de “Bibi” hay una estructura de poder que lo sustenta que incluso tiene ramificación fuera de Israel especialmente con apoyo dentro de la estructura gubernamental de los EEUU y del establecimiento británico. Ello es lo que le ha proporcionado impunidad para amenazar funcionarios y para escapar de la justicia y volver una y otra vez a la política, aunque en las actuales circunstancias estas connivencias se vuelven políticamente insostenibles ¿Por qué un funcionario de inteligencia israelí[2] puede amenazar a funcionarios de la CPI sin consecuencias legales?

Aún hay muchas preguntas sin responder sobre lo que se desato el 7 de octubre que involucran directamente a su gobierno y como ya venimos advirtiendo no hay el mínimo interés en que sean respondidas. Incluso las impostaciones ante la prensa sobre supuestas investigaciones internas referidas a las irregularidades y situaciones inexplicables de aquella mañana, solo tienen finalidades distractivas de lo que realmente ocurrió. Aquí ni el sesgado victimismo persecutorio al que suelen acudir sus partidarios en occidente -sobre antisemitismo-, ni los mejores e ingeniosos argumentos filológicos o epistemológicos al servicio de Tel Aviv pueden explicar con meridiana coherencia situaciones muy sospechosas que involucran a Netanyahu y sus lugartenientes. 

Israel no escapa a la lógica de los estados policiales-represores. No solo suprime al disidente y elimina al enemigo, sabe fabricar relatos para justificar y legitimar estas políticas. Su existencia se basa en el control, seguimiento y eliminación de posibles amenazas tanto internas como externas. A diferencia de administraciones dictatoriales de pequeños países africanos o latinoamericanos, Israel cuenta con un eficaz y costoso aparato represivo que sabe esconder sus acciones.  Para ello ha desarrollado sofisticados medios y métodos que aún hoy muchos dirían que son de ciencia ficción. Gran parte de esas tácticas sucias han sido ensayadas y siguen siendo ensayadas sobre la humanidad de los palestinos, usados como cobayos para sus experimentos en seguridad. Lo cierto es que estos desarrollos han sido posibles gracias a los insondables recursos financieros con los cuales cuenta el estado y que en una buena parte son inyectados por los multimillonarios presupuestos anuales que se giran desde EEUU.

Dentro de esa lógica siniestra, Israel ha desarrollado una muy bien aceitada política de la conspiración con la cual generar la amenaza o incluso la agresión a medida de sus necesidades políticas. El ataque de Hamas del 7 de octubre entraría dentro de esa lógica retorcida en la que se mezclan prerrogativas o si se quiere necesidades políticas de la elite israelí con elementos de la inteligencia y contrainteligencia tanto israelí (con nexos en Washington), de la resistencia palestina como de algunos países árabes aliados de EEUU.

Si hay algo que Israel ha refinado a niveles quirúrgicos, es el arte de asesinar a quienes le estorban y para ello sus agencias de inteligencia como el Mossad, Shin Bet y Aman cuentan con una amplia gama de recursos y complicidades especialmente en occidente.

Pero, asesinar a un sujeto o incluso a toda su familia puede pasar desapercibido o incluso, endilgar un atentado terrorista a sus oponentes geopolíticos, ha tenido algún éxito en el pasado para pasar desapercibido. Pero no es posible que puedan al mismo tiempo eliminar a todos los que dentro y fuera de Israel saben de estas inmundicias, salvo que una calamidad mucho más extensa se desate. Tal vez sea por eso que a Netanyahu y al círculo de extremistas que lo sustenta le importe seguir con la guerra.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2024



Will the announcement of a general election on the 4th of July be the light at the end of the tunnel or the slide towards the precipice?


By Sir Charlattam

The UK election is coming up on the 4th of July and I can't help but hear the lines of a 1980s pop band song that goes ‘Rumors or rivals yell at the strike force, Hi guys, by the way. Are you aware you're being illegal?’ No doubt the kids of that era were not prophets who saw the likes of Johnson, Truss and Sunak as unpresentable, only aesthetically visualising the ever-present corruption of the British establishment.

As in Greater Washington DC, it is only two players who monopolise the electoral supply side ensuring that, broadly speaking, the electoral business that maintains the system will remain intact. Ed Davey's Liberal Democrats like Calum Miller are as ambiguous as their progressive positions so they alone do not count and will be forced to negotiate. After almost 15 years of Conservative rule, it looks like Labour's turn has come to occupy the offices at 10 Downing Street.

For ordinary British citizens it might represent some hope of relief from high taxes, job insecurity and unemployment in a wide area of the economy, especially in agriculture and domestic production. Let us not forget that these are effects of the Conservative foreign policy partners in the US adventure against Russia that involve the provision of arms, advisors and training for the far-right Hooligans in Kiev.

This brings us back to the policies that London has been pursuing in its foreign policy, one of the most damaging and delusional being that of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his BREXIT supporters trying to revive the potential of the old and dead British empire, certainly as dead as Queen Elizabeth.

This idiotic ideology has created a real imprecation for Britain as we have entered a time of uncertainty, which is compounded by the unwitting and costly aid given to the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and at the same time, turning a blind eye to the genocide being carried out against the Palestinian population in Gaza, which is now having a new bloody chapter in Rafah.

All this has made the government unable to deal with the consequences or as the Americans say ‘collateral damage’ that these policies directly affect the security and economy of the Big Island.

With this in view it is very clear that Rishi Sunak's decision to hold a general election on July 4 is not based on improvements in the socio-economic conditions of the citizenry as some media henchmen like Bronwen Maddox or official officials like James Cleverly or Sir James Cameron himself point out.

On the contrary, the social and economic situation in Britain is neither optimal nor has it improved. Labour knows this and is surely aware that if they win they will take a state of affairs that could explode in their hands. It is also very true that the degree of manoeuvre they will have to address highly important issues such as the war in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East is very limited.

The government has been too long involved in attending to the geopolitical objectives and policies of Washington DC without regard for the issues that matter only to the public and, of course, to Britain itself.

London's participation in those policies has, among other consequences, made it part of and responsible for feeding an ultra-corrupt and fascist regime in Ukraine that swallows taxpayers' money like a sponge. At the same time, we have also been part of the huge displacement of human tides fleeing bombing, genocide and famine deliberately created by some establishment-friendly governments. This has been impacting on employment levels in the population with the growth of immigration that is being boosted by EU policies.

Politicians have certainly lost their way, but not because they are clumsy or ignorant (except in the case of Liz Truss of course). Their ambition is so severe that they seem blind to the grievances and needs of those at the bottom, those who give them legitimacy in office. Never as in these times has the gap between the common interests of popular sentiment and the interests of the elite who do not even understand the crown been so clear.

The Irish, on the other hand, despite their differences, know what they want and after a very bad history with Britain, they have shown that they are consistent with their lineage by being on the side of truth and justice and are moving in that direction.

In Britain, on the other hand, politicians are still the same autistic as ever. While universities have risen up against Israel's atrocities, people in Leicester are hanging Palestinian flags in their windows or, here in central London itself, you can see people gathering to call for a ceasefire and genocide against the Palestinians, or simple personal demonstrations visualising the same as I have seen trucks with the Palestinian flag or legends denouncing the crimes being committed there. To look the other way and do what suits the interests that hope to benefit from this genocide.

The 4th July election should not be an escape hatch from Rishi Sunak's responsibilities, it should be an opportunity for reason and humanity to triumph over the interests of shadowy political and financial interests divorced from the reality of British citizens.


domingo, 26 de mayo de 2024



Why are there grounds for suspicion in the alleged accidental crash of the helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebraim Raisi and his entourage?


By Sidney Hey

The crash of the helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebraim Raisi and his governmental entourage has not only come as a surprise blow to the Islamic Republic of Iran, but behind the grief and official condolences, a whirlwind of speculation has been unleashed as to the true cause of the event.

The restraint with which the media in the West have dealt with the event has cast suspicion on this position as an ‘accident’, to say the least. In addition, the early denials of any involvement from Tel Aviv add a further layer of opacity to the matter.

Raisi's death does not appear to be an event of chance or, if you like, predestination. There is no such thing as chance. There is a very suspicious political circumstantiality that gives this event a nuance that would reveal a customary tactic that, for some time now, has been intended to be generalised against high dignitaries. The assassination attempt against Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico five days before the death of the Iranian leader is -if you like- all too curious.

The timing and location of the attack show a degree of planning that is more elaborate than one would like to acknowledge.

Fico's great sin was to criticise the policies of the Slovak state in favour of NATO's support for Ukraine. The prime minister had been pointing out that the solution to the Ukraine issue was not a military one, something that Washington and the Western interests behind the war definitely did not like. To make matters worse, Fico made no secret of his admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who represents the ‘bête noire’ for Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and their Anglo-American backers. And as luck would have it, a 71-year-old ‘madman’ appeared and unleashed several shots at him with the clear intention of assassinating him, but with no luck. Today this alleged improvised attacker is in the hands of the justice system, but it cannot be ruled out that something could happen to him.

The alleged crash of Raisi's helicopter could be compared to the crash of the Yevgeny Prigozhin plane in August 2023 or even to the mysterious crash of the plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczyński in April 2010 (similar to the death of his counterpart Wladyskaw Sikorski in 1943). In all three cases, the aircraft passed through isolated areas of dense fog and woodland, which made it easy for the perpetrators to hide, and they would even have ascertained the outcome.

Regarding the crash of the helicopter carrying Raisi and his officials, there are several factors that should not be overlooked.  First, the downed helicopter was a rather old US-made ‘Bell 212’. Second, where the helicopter landed for Raisi's visit. Third, the return route and the area where the helicopter came down.

While the type of helicopter is of considerable age, it has been noted that it is mechanically very reliable and would not collapse from any failure. Even the weather factors present at the time such as fog and drizzle would not explain any cause for such sudden failures. Another peculiarity is that the other two helicopters that went through the same conditions reached their destination without any problems.

If we consider that it was sabotage, let's look at the possible perpetrators, their motives and the means employed. The first is the US, which does not like the intimate military-commercial relations with Russia and its strategic support against Ukraine. Another could be a NATO member as an outsourced agent for the execution of the attack, as happened with the sabotage of the Baltic gas pipelines. The one who undoubtedly takes first place is Israel since just a month ago Iran launched an unprecedented attack that left Netanyahu and his supporters with blood in their eyes. Recall that Tel Aviv had ordered a more destructive retaliation that was carried out by an F-35 that was shot down over Jordan. But in addition to revenge, the aim was to get out of the way of a leader who had shown he would have no problem attacking again.

If either of these hypotheses is correct, there is an unforgivable degree of negligence in Iranian security and intelligence that could not have foreseen it.

The wooded setting where the aircraft went down lends itself well to an ambush. A single, well-concealed shooter with a semi-automatic rifle could have been the cause, but how did that shooter identify the device Raisi was on, was it a single shooter or a team?

The visit to the inauguration of a dam on the Aras River in a province bordering Armenia and Azerbaijan (where there is a known Israeli presence) is undoubtedly the most important clue to follow in order to determine the possibility of a sabotage operation on the aircraft or even marking it to be targeted remotely from a ground location.  While this would be a possibility, (based on what the Iranians say) it would not have been carried out by conventional means such as gunfire, an explosive placed on board or the use of a portable missile.

If it was sabotage, the saboteurs used a sophisticated remote means that exploited one of the helicopter's electromagnetic vulnerabilities such as an electromagnetic brake. It is possible that the helicopter suddenly lost control due to the external induction of an electromagnetic force that simply dislocated the entire electrical system on board, making it impossible to control.

The means to cause these effects not only exist but have already been used on several occasions to achieve the appearance of a simple accident.