jueves, 18 de julio de 2024



The attack last July 13 had a counterproductive effect for its instigators and today Trump is more confident and defiant to reach the White House, so is he still threatened?


By Danny Smith

After the attack on Saturday, July 13 that former President Trump suffered at his rally in Butler County, many expected him to have retreated from his bombastic character and histrionic reactions and become much more subdued and even fearful, but no. He was so defiant that many were quick to suggest that it was a fiasco staged by his supporters. From the moment he picked himself up off the ground and bleeding from his ear, he was so defiant that many were quick to suggest that the attack had been a fiasco staged by his supporters.

Far from those speculations Trump today with a patch on his right ear is already in the race again and that undoubtedly stirs up a sector of the establishment.

It is quite possible that those who were behind Thomas Crooks (because no one can believe that he acted alone) are already evaluating how to proceed with their plans under this new scenario. Of course, you may ask who would those conspirators be? Or can there be conspirators in American democracy? The first answer is, those who stand to lose a lot if Trump makes good on his threats and the second answers itself.

Those who only swallow the news that is fed to them by the corporate media that is paid by the system, may believe that this was an isolated and unrepeatable act.

Trump's latest statements on the huge defense expenditures and, in particular, those that are being sent abroad to support structures such as NATO in Brussels and those destined to arm Taiwan give an idea of what his first decisions would be if he reaches the White House.

Of particular concern was his point of view on the military and financial aid that the Biden administration has been sending to the island of Taiwan under the rather inflated arguments of an alleged imminent military threat from the People's Republic of China. In reality we know that the efforts aimed at financing greater naval presence in the South China Sea are aimed at trying to abort Chinese cooperative relations with the Indo-Pacific neighbors with the certain danger of opening a war front. For Trump “Taiwan should pay for the aid” reediting his economistic position of political relations on a cost-benefit basis. From this practical point of view, Trump concludes, what is Taiwan giving us for us to spend all that money?

In other circumstances the comments of a former president tainted by judicial scandals who is long overdue to be in prison would not be heeded. They would just be taken as mere bluster from a loudmouth. But after the failed assassination attempt against him, which Trump himself knew how to capitalize on the very moment it happened, and the undeniable psycho-physical unfeasibility of a Democratic candidate that some describe as a “crash-dummie”, there are reasons to be concerned. Why? Many fabulous businesses would be at risk.

Let us clarify that these businesses, such as the continuity of the billionaire arms delivery to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, the reconstruction of Ukraine -with or without Zelensky- with the speculative investment funds “Vanguard-Black Rock” and the plans to continue the expansion towards the Far East relying on South Korea, Japan and Australia, the neoconservative elite to which the Democrats who support Biden and his team run the certain risk of being cancelled until further notice.

Within these fears is the possible U.S. withdrawal from the EU leaving it to its own devices to organize and finance its own defense system and thereby learn to walk on its own. This could be music to the ears of the centrist “Pâté de foie” Emmanuel Macron who has been flirting with putting France in the big leagues -to the displeasure of the Pentagon and London hierarchs- by proposing the creation of a European army to replace NATO. All the bullshit about the US, after the usurious Marshall Plan, being the guarantee of democracy and freedom for Europeans and blah, blah, blah, would be flushed down the toilet in an instant. Can you imagine how the bureaucrats in Brussels and the thousands of employees -lovers and friends- with large salaries without justification would be left without their monthly allowances?

To top off this possible political autonomy of European governments, we cannot fail to mention the courageous -for Von Der Leyen and Borrell opprobrious- mediation to end the conflict in Ukraine carried out by Viktor Orban in the framework of his presidency of the Council of the EU. Despite the fact that this could mean a definitive cease-fire, Europe's political elite went ballistic. This shows that European politicians are subordinate to US guidelines, which can be summed up as: continue with the war. Such was the displeasure caused among the pro-American lackeys of the Union that there was reportedly no shortage of angry scenes from the head of the European Commission.

As can be seen, the stakes are high and the very idea of all that going down the drain because of an isolationist and unpredictable administration, is a source of great concern to the Plutocracy in Washington and, of course, to its European subjects who live off the crumbs of the former. The establishment takes Trump's victory in November for granted, so it would not be surprising if the vice-selected J.D. Vance is part -involuntarily perhaps, who know- of the countermeasures to overturn him. Just in case, before Trump has a cup of coffee, gets on the presidential helicopter (Marine One) or sits in his chair in the Oval Office, he should have them tested.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2024



¿Cuánto puede durar un estado gobernado por el personalismo de un hombre a cargo de un régimen supremacista que practica el genocidio antisemita a cielo abierto y a plena luz del día? La paciencia de los israelíes en este contexto ¿es una virtud?


Por Yossi Tevi

Las ambiciones del primer ministro israelí están costando un altísimo precio a todos los niveles para el estado de Israel y ese precio se incrementa de forma alarmante con el agregado del componente mesiánico de su gabinete de supremacistas que lo secunda. Sumado a esto, el actual contexto regional no puede ser más preocupante ya que contra toda perspectiva, las monarquías del Golfo y en especial Arabia Saudita ven reforzado su interrelación y avance en el campo de la cooperación con la república Islámica de Irán tras el triunfo del nuevo mandatario Masoud Pezeshkian. Las desconfianzas y la cizaña que Washington y Tel Aviv supieron sembrar -en especial la lucha sectaria- ya son inocuas. Esto claramente es parte de un cambio de era y no hay dudas que dentro de este cambio, caerá Netanyahu y su oscura mentalidad.

Ahora bien, con este panorama los israelíes deberán optar entre la supervivencia política de Netanyahu y su gentuza o la del estado de Israel.

Quienes conocen a Benjamín “Bibi” Netanyahu saben que su terquedad es tan equiparable a su ambición personal por el poder y en la campaña de exterminio antisemita sobre la Franja de Gaza que ya lleva diez meses, hay mucho en juego no tanto para ganar para el estado sino, para no perder lo único que le queda a él, su libertad.

Netanyahu es el representante por excelencia del sionismo y como tal, para lograr sus objetivos su lema es “el fin justifica los medios” sin importarle quienes paguen por aquello sin dejar de mencionar que en meses que va de guerra las FDI han asesinado a más de 160 periodistas.

Desde su gabinete de extremistas racistas (apoyado por la administración demócrata de Josep Biden) se asegura que la misión es destruir a “Hamas” y que en ese plan ya habrían eliminado el 60% de sus combatientes. Pero lo que en realidad busca Netanyahu y el establishment sionista es erradicar de habitantes árabes-palestinos de toda la franja que luchen por su estado independiente y así poder concretar los ampulosos y lucrativos negocios (Proyecto del Canal Ben Gurión y asentamientos para colonos) que esperan desplegarse una vez finalizadas las operaciones militares.

Más que destruir la infraestructura de la resistencia árabe-palestina, las FDI y sus grupos de tarea especiales se han abocado a masacrar de forma arbitraria, imperdonable y sin la menor impudicia a cualquier habitante hombre, mujer y niño que sean palestinos -como sucedió solo unos días atrás en Rafah, Al Mawasi en Khan Yunis y en la escuela Abu Orieban en Nuseirat[1]-. Si de estos hechos Netanyahu y sus acólitos sacan sus porcentuales de progreso en las operaciones militares, vemos que miente.

Mientras los combatientes palestinos atacan tanques y vehículos acorazados, tropas y puestos fortificados, las FDI (pese a la alta tecnología disponible) no hacen distinciones entre combatientes y familias. La lista de bestialidades contra civiles es tan larga como variada en las formas de causar sufrimiento y eso es algo que los cerebros de relaciones públicas de la inteligencia y la diplomacia advierten como imposible de explicar de cara a la opinión pública.

Algunos han señalado que Bibi ha olvidado la importancia de recuperar a los rehenes y eso se advierte con las tácticas de bombardeos indiscriminados que en varios casos terminaron matando a muchos de ellos. En realidad, nunca le interesó su suerte y eso se vio en las primeras horas del 7 de octubre y de manera más evidente con la aplicación del aberrante “Protocolo Aníbal”, situaciones para las cuales los entusiastas sionistas no dicen una sola palabra.

Muchos políticos de la Knesset y también militares retirados ven que Netanyahu está hundiendo al estado para salvar su propio cuello dado que sabe muy bien que tarde o temprano será interpelado ante una comisión investigativa. La población israelí también esta dividida y no precisamente por la inmoralidad del genocidio que su gobierno viene cometiendo contra los árabes, sino por la crítica situación en que se está empantanando el estado y las consecuencias sobre la economía que hace que muchos de sus negocios naufraguen.

Al mismo tiempo mientras trata de mostrar avances en la lucha de la Franja, la situación con el Líbano y el continuo bloqueo de los yemeníes por el Mar Rojo es algo que complica y mucho la situación interna del estado. Al desplazamiento de decena de miles de colonos de los asentamientos del norte hasta el abandono de muchos israelíes que se están yendo al exterior plantea muchas interrogantes de cuál puede ser el desenlace de todo esto.

La guerra no solo está en la Franja, también toda Cizjordania es una zona de operaciones militares en la cual los colonos están aprovechando para zaquear y tomar viviendas palestinas y expulsar a sus moradores. Como nunca y de manera descarada los “progromos palestinos” (existentes desde antes de la incrustación del estado sionista) son parte de la cotidianeidad en los territorios bajo ocupación.

Con respecto a la situación en toda la Franja, a las intermitentes acciones militares de los bandos que se ven en la superficie, hay otra lucha mucho muy silenciosa y bien encubierta en la cual Israel, aprovechando la calamitosa situación humanitaria de la población palestina -privándole de agua y comida- está tratando de cooptar a las organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria, impidiendo la llegada de ayuda de Naciones Unidas infiltrando a ciertas ONG islámicas especialmente de origen kurdo que en realidad sirven al Mossad y si eso es así, no hay nada bueno en ello. 

No es una novedad que los kurdos estén colaborando con Tel Aviv. Son parte de los activos que Israel suele usar para sus operaciones dentro de las sociedades árabes-islámicas. Desde hace tiempo hay muchos negocios sucios entre ambos que surgieron de las relaciones entre el Mossad y los traficantes kurdos en especial los del norte de Iraq con los cuales, operaban y siguen operando contra los árabes y los iraníes.

A pesar de lo siniestro y revulsivo de esta táctica, no es nada nueva para el Mossad. Expertos en novedosas torturas psicológicas y en especial las aplicadas en masa mediante la privación de medicamentos, agua y alimentos por largos períodos, esperan borrarles la idea de luchar por su independencia.

Igualmente y a pesar de todos los trucos sucios de los que Netanyahu trate de valerse, los israelíes tomaran consciencia que no pueden suicidarse en masa dejando que el estado caiga por el abismo por seguir a un lunático que lidera a una banda de criminales que dejan muy mal parado al judaísmo como cultura y religión.   



[1] Imágenes gentileza del medio libanés Al Manar: https://spanish.almanar.com.lb/1017238

martes, 16 de julio de 2024



Why are Anglo-Saxon democracies primarily responsible for the insecurity and disloyalty that climbs to the top?


By Sir Charlattam

With characteristic British sobriety Prime Minister Keir Stamer said he was appalled by the attack on presidential candidate and former president Donald Trump. No one could disagree with this judgement if we were not talking about the US.

It has long been known that the so-called ‘land of opportunity’ has become a horrific amusement park where, in the name of democracy, anyone can kill their neighbour just because they are of a different colour, believe in something else or simply feel like it.

But this dystopia that the media sells as a political idyll to be copied has always been for public consumption and that is something that politicians use for their own convenience. Obviously, as long as this violence remains in the lower strata of society, there is nothing to worry about. But that violence is a reflection of the violence at the top.

Just as in Britain from the dawn of the monarchy with King Edward there was already intrigue and outright violence at his court, so it was with the rogues in the slums of what is now Covent Garden just outside the castle walls.

Our sewers bear the mark of our idiosyncrasy, which is what we are and what our institutions represent. The Americans were to be no different. Their system of governance was born of a revolution and although it was carried out against our empire, they carry our Anglo-Saxon gene intrinsically.

With what happened last Saturday with Donald Trump there is no doubt that this is part of the same chain of consequences born of the causes that the various administrations have woven over the decades to implement both outside and inside their borders. Just as MI5 and MI6 recruit lumpen and underworld criminals and fabricate bespoke situations for political ends -including terrorist attacks and targeted assassinations- that serve their employers, the CIA and FBI are not much different, on the contrary, they are far more sophisticated for the unfathomable funds at their disposal.

For politicians left and right the sewers of the system are fundamental to sustaining real power and that means there is no limit to the means by which they can achieve it. Just ask yourself what Tony Blair did when the leader of the House of Commons John Reid denounced British intelligence as full of rascals, referring to the misrepresentation of WMD in Iraq. Or what would Maggie Thatcher have done without MI5's dirty tricks to control the IRA? All she did was give the orders and the boys did not hesitate to follow them. If it was necessary for Irish convicts to starve to death to show the IRA that she would not give in, she would do it, and if they could justify it better by fabricating an attack in the middle of Belfast or Brighton with a few hooded men, so much the better.

These assets are protected for as long as they are useful and it is MI5 and MI6 who provide them with shelter and resources regardless of whether they are criminals of the lowest order, traffickers or Chechen terrorists. But no one should lose sight of the fact that this can only happen if the political establishment tolerates it.

These agencies are nothing more than the executing arms of dirty tasks that have been previously designed by other brains. Thinking is not their task. That is where the so-called freedom and democracy thinkers come in, generating concepts to create convenient political arguments, alibis and ideas on how to discredit or simply get rid of those who do not think like their governments. I must confess that I would not sit down for a cup of tea with any of these guys.

Thus, the agencies and their supposedly altruistic research institutes such as “Tavistock” in London and the “National Endowment for Democracy” (NED) in Washington are nothing more than facades of modern-day Frankensteins, brainwashers, creators of clandestine monsters who, after using them, discard or abandon them. The best examples of these diabolical creations are ‘Al Qaeda’ and ‘Islamic State’, which are nothing more than shells covering the targets of the agencies that employ them.

The problem with these schemes is that they are sometimes very difficult to control. In other times it was relatively easier to hide these devices and with the help of the media any suspicions that they might arouse in the curious were easily distracted by an official story and that was the end of the story. That did not happen with the phantom Caliph Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, a fictitious entity created by US military intelligence and their CIA colleagues when, during the occupation, they controlled the abominable “Abu Graib” prison in Baghdad and later acted upon by an alleged Israeli agent who would play a leading role in the re-emergence of ‘Daesh’. 

As far as the attempt to kill Trump is concerned, it would be just another desperate move by the sewers of his country to get him out of the way.  The false allegations about ‘Russia-Gate’ and all the fables woven to discredit him were not enough and even who can be sure that the assault on the Capitol in January 2021 was not organised to finish off his political career? 

Now we are seeing how the American media are trying to create a new Lee Harvey Oswald, that is to say a scapegoat with the disgraced young Thomas Crooks, whose house was conveniently raided and explosives found, so that the FBI (the current federal government) can now argue that this young man was a ‘terrorist’ and if they want to go further they can label him as an agent of the Russian FSB.

In spite of the fact that Joe Biden himself called not to make hasty conjectures (because they leave him in a very bad place), today the Americans are not swallowing the federal pill, and so everything is before the eyes of those who want to see the horrible reality in which they find themselves, and they can do so. 



lunes, 15 de julio de 2024



¿Cómo puede interpretarse el intento de magnicidio contra el candidato Donald Trump del sábado 13 de julio pasado?


Por Charles H. Slim

Se suponía que la inseguridad y el caos político reinaba en sociedades más allá del occidente anglosajón ya que, desde su perspectiva, estaba protegido por la tan proclamada democracia. Lo ocurrido en Pensilvania el 13 de julio, a pleno día y en medio de miles de personas en el mitin en el cual el candidato Donald Trump se presentaba, expone una realidad política doméstica altamente polarizada que desde hace tiempo los medios han tratado de tapar.

El intento de asesinato contra Donald Trump es un síntoma de claro deterioro de la institucionalidad, de una lucha intestina por el poder y el oscurantismo que reina en la pretendida democracia estadounidense. Pensilvania, uno de los estados donde se asentaron los colonos puritanos como lugar donde se produjo este intento criminal es una señal que no hay que obviar. La andanada de disparos con un fúsil semiautomático “AR-15” provenientes desde un cobertizo a unos 130 metros del palco pudo haberle arrancado la cabeza a Trump, con lo cual el tirador falló por causas que se determinaran en las investigaciones.

Inmediatamente y tras el ataque se supo que el tirador fue abatido por el servicio secreto siendo identificado a las pocas horas como Thomas Crooks, un joven de apenas 20 años de edad, sin antecedentes penales y con muy buenas calificaciones en Ciencias y Matemáticas. Si aceptamos la identidad de este atacante ¿Qué pudo llevarlo a semejante acción?, ¿Tal vez por el supuesto interés de Trump por detener la guerra en Ucrania?

Descartando que se haya tratado de un desequilibrado mental o de ser un drogadicto, pudo haber obrado por convicción propia o instigado a realizarlo y de ser éste último el caso ¿Quiénes y cómo lo manipularon?

Sobre cómo pudo posicionarse en ese cobertizo, las posibles respuestas pueden molestar a muchos.

En una mirada rápida sobre el desarrollo de los hechos podemos ver algunas cuestiones muy sugestivas. Primero no se entiende como el servicio secreto no haya tomado el control de todo el predio y revisado meticulosamente todas las estructuras circundantes. Tampoco porque sus agentes no ubicaron guardias ni tiradores en la parte superior del cobertizo en donde se aposto Crooks. Tampoco porque no se usaron drones para vigilar desde lo alto y tener un panorama más completo y en tiempo real del mitin. O el jefe de la custodia es un aficionado, o alguien sabía muy bien de antemano cuales eran los puntos ciegos en la seguridad. Lo cierto (y esto también es muy sugestivo), fue el mismo servicio secreto que tuvo eficacia para eliminar rápidamente a Crooks.

En cuanto a lo que hace al tirador, un joven brillante en matemáticas, sin aparentes antecedentes de violencia ni uso de armas pero adherente al Partido Republicano, son señas muy peculiares y hasta desconcertantes para que se trate de un asesino motivado políticamente. Mucho menos en la de un asesino profesional. Aún si le quitamos el halo de misterio y lo ponemos como un caso de un simple sujeto indignado con la personalidad de Trump que se levantó de su cama y tomo un fúsil “AR” como si fuera a cazar patos, tampoco se explica.

Es seguro que Trump y sus cercanos descartan la acción errática e impulsiva de un joven perturbado y mucho menos que haya sido planificado en el exterior como ya se ha tratado de argumentar por algunos periodistas y analistas lameculos de medios del hemisferio y particularmente en Argentina.

Trump no solo no nació ayer, él es estadounidense y como tal conoce muy bien la historia política de su país. Incluso fue su mordaz oposición a la elite oscurantista y sus negocios a costa de los simples ciudadanos lo que lo llevó a saltar a la arena de la vida pública. El asesinato del entonces presidente John F. Kennedy, luego su hermano RFK y la intentona de hacer lo mismo Ronald Reagan en 1980 son más que suficientes precedentes para saber que algo muy malo y siniestro se mueve por debajo del suelo de la política en Washington y que hoy le apuntan a él.

Sepamos que, si el tirador hubiera tenido éxito, las reacciones y el desarrollo de los acontecimientos posteriores hubieran sido muy diferentes. Trump estaría muerto, los políticos demócratas con Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama y los Clinton a la cabeza habrían montado una gran charada demostrando sus condolencias y un supuesto repudio e indignación dándole al occiso una cobertura mediática espectacular, pero en el fondo todos ellos estarían muy aliviados por este hecho ¿Por qué? Porque Trump no habría podido hablar más, finde la historia.

Quien más ganaría con esta súbita partida no solo serían los demócratas ya que Biden es un caballo viejo que para peor, ya no coordina en la realidad en la que se halla sino el llamado “estado profundo”, un estrato del poder real en los EEUU (dentro del cual se ubican la CIA y otra docena de agencias similares que seguramente a su vez están infiltradas) que no está para nada feliz con un tipo como Trump.

Es por ello que todo el gimoteo y la actuación de estos sectores para Trump son una farsa. Y en realidad no se equivoca ya que él mismo había dicho unos días atrás que Biden lo habría mandado a matar. Como sea que haya sido la trama para este intento, lo cierto es que ello ha engrandecido su épica personal con lo cual los demócratas y sus rivales dentro del partido republicano que se habrían sentido aliviados con otro final hoy se muerden la lengua para no quedar expuestos.

Igualmente Trump no debiera perder de vista que el bajo fondo que lo detesta y se haya incrustado en las estructuras del estado podría intentarlo otra vez aunque, con otra modalidad.

Para concluir no hay dudas que el asunto apesta y si hay libertad para investigar no habrá problemas para dilucidar las responsabilidades intelectuales ya que, como me dijo un viejo camarada “no hay misterios, solo encubrimientos”.

domingo, 14 de julio de 2024


With the increase of red signals in the South Sea, how is cooperation between Russia and China progressing?


By Sidney Hey

Those who can anticipate their enemy's next move have a good chance of winning a war. This is what China is suggesting with its strategic cooperation with its Slavic neighbour, which was ratified after the last meeting between their leaders at the Shanghai summit.

While the press of the "collective West", which is the same as saying "Atlanticist", continues to distract (in a discretionary manner) from what is happening in Eurasia and particularly in Ukraine, NATO naval forces under the command of the Americans -AUKUS in particular- stealthily advance in the waters of the South Sea while at the same time their intelligence agencies try to soften up and influence the governments of the riverine countries with the sole intention of sowing mistrust towards China.

These manoeuvres are a prelude to a very likely aggression that is now being urged by the volatility and political uncertainty in the US in the run-up to next November's presidential election. While it can be taken for granted that Biden will participate and that Donald Trump will emerge victorious, names matter little since it is the "deep state" that decides how and what will be done, and let us not forget that the Pentagon and the arms industry are part of it.

China is, for this underbelly of Anglo-American power, the most feared and resented danger, even more so than Russia. Not only has Biden failed to re-establish hegemony over the East -especially China - but he no longer knows where he stands. On top of that, Biden and his administration are tainted by his complicity in the Palestinian genocide, making him deeply unpopular with much of America's youth. From this perspective, a president like Trump would be a good fit to pursue a more aggressive and unfettered approach not only to Chinese interests throughout the hemisphere but also to the People's Republic itself. That is why Trump's promises to stop the war in Ukraine may well be a ploy to get Moscow and Beijing to lower their guard.

At the same time, Beijing is well aware of this and will not sit back and wait for war (in whatever form), as happened to Russia with the Ukraine trap, to come knocking at its door. They also know that the US will not strike head-on, let alone in a way that will embarrass it. Deception through covert operations mounted by the CIA and their British colleagues in MI6 -and all the assets they maintain in the region- is the method par excellence to be expected. History is familiar with it and the Chinese know it well. They know that there is strength in numbers and that is why they are going down the path of cooperation (in all areas of life for both states) and greater engagement with the Russian Federation. 

This of course has sparked the ire of US officials, especially neo-conservatives (pro-war) who have gone so far as to say that China is delivering weapons to support Russian efforts in Ukraine. Despite denials from Beijing's foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian, Beijing should not have to explain its policy to Washington or any other state.

For some time now, the armed forces of both countries have been engaged in joint actions to focus on specific objectives such as combating terrorism and insurgent movements, which, let's remember, are black holes through which Western intelligence agencies penetrate. But since Russia intervened in Ukraine in 2022 and especially in the current geopolitical circumstances, defence and intelligence cooperation has been enhanced to work on common strategic objectives, one of them being the protection of Chinese territorial waters constantly threatened by marauding NATO naval forces, which by 2030 will be augmented by Aussie nuclear submarines.

Although the People's Republic, as part of the People's Liberation Army, has a navy comprising three fleets, one in the North, one in the South and one in the East, which makes it as large as that of the United States, the quality aspect remains an area for improvement. It is known that since the mid-1990s and more precisely by 1998 China began a gradual improvement and modernisation of its fleets including, among other ships, the construction of an all-Chinese aircraft carrier. Thus it was that in 2017 the aircraft carrier "CNS Shandong" was officially launched, bringing to the present three something that makes the bureaucrats of the US Department of Defence and the Pentagon very nervous.

On the other hand, the Russian Navy has been intensively engaged in real warfare in the Black Sea theatre of operations, which gives it valuable experience to share with the Chinese, who know that they will have to deal with similar threats in their vast southern waters at any time.

It is clear that the strengthening of these relations has to do with Russia's announced project to implement a multilateral defence system that goes beyond Asia.

The arrival of two Russian corvettes in the Chinese port of Zhanjiang for joint naval exercises called "Maritime Interaction 2024", in which they will work on naval and anti-submarine tactics, can be seen in this context. 

This deployment is within a strategic geographical space between Vietnam, Hong Kong and halfway to Taiwan in the waters of the South Sea, sending a loud and clear message to the West.