jueves, 18 de julio de 2024



The attack last July 13 had a counterproductive effect for its instigators and today Trump is more confident and defiant to reach the White House, so is he still threatened?


By Danny Smith

After the attack on Saturday, July 13 that former President Trump suffered at his rally in Butler County, many expected him to have retreated from his bombastic character and histrionic reactions and become much more subdued and even fearful, but no. He was so defiant that many were quick to suggest that it was a fiasco staged by his supporters. From the moment he picked himself up off the ground and bleeding from his ear, he was so defiant that many were quick to suggest that the attack had been a fiasco staged by his supporters.

Far from those speculations Trump today with a patch on his right ear is already in the race again and that undoubtedly stirs up a sector of the establishment.

It is quite possible that those who were behind Thomas Crooks (because no one can believe that he acted alone) are already evaluating how to proceed with their plans under this new scenario. Of course, you may ask who would those conspirators be? Or can there be conspirators in American democracy? The first answer is, those who stand to lose a lot if Trump makes good on his threats and the second answers itself.

Those who only swallow the news that is fed to them by the corporate media that is paid by the system, may believe that this was an isolated and unrepeatable act.

Trump's latest statements on the huge defense expenditures and, in particular, those that are being sent abroad to support structures such as NATO in Brussels and those destined to arm Taiwan give an idea of what his first decisions would be if he reaches the White House.

Of particular concern was his point of view on the military and financial aid that the Biden administration has been sending to the island of Taiwan under the rather inflated arguments of an alleged imminent military threat from the People's Republic of China. In reality we know that the efforts aimed at financing greater naval presence in the South China Sea are aimed at trying to abort Chinese cooperative relations with the Indo-Pacific neighbors with the certain danger of opening a war front. For Trump “Taiwan should pay for the aid” reediting his economistic position of political relations on a cost-benefit basis. From this practical point of view, Trump concludes, what is Taiwan giving us for us to spend all that money?

In other circumstances the comments of a former president tainted by judicial scandals who is long overdue to be in prison would not be heeded. They would just be taken as mere bluster from a loudmouth. But after the failed assassination attempt against him, which Trump himself knew how to capitalize on the very moment it happened, and the undeniable psycho-physical unfeasibility of a Democratic candidate that some describe as a “crash-dummie”, there are reasons to be concerned. Why? Many fabulous businesses would be at risk.

Let us clarify that these businesses, such as the continuity of the billionaire arms delivery to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, the reconstruction of Ukraine -with or without Zelensky- with the speculative investment funds “Vanguard-Black Rock” and the plans to continue the expansion towards the Far East relying on South Korea, Japan and Australia, the neoconservative elite to which the Democrats who support Biden and his team run the certain risk of being cancelled until further notice.

Within these fears is the possible U.S. withdrawal from the EU leaving it to its own devices to organize and finance its own defense system and thereby learn to walk on its own. This could be music to the ears of the centrist “Pâté de foie” Emmanuel Macron who has been flirting with putting France in the big leagues -to the displeasure of the Pentagon and London hierarchs- by proposing the creation of a European army to replace NATO. All the bullshit about the US, after the usurious Marshall Plan, being the guarantee of democracy and freedom for Europeans and blah, blah, blah, would be flushed down the toilet in an instant. Can you imagine how the bureaucrats in Brussels and the thousands of employees -lovers and friends- with large salaries without justification would be left without their monthly allowances?

To top off this possible political autonomy of European governments, we cannot fail to mention the courageous -for Von Der Leyen and Borrell opprobrious- mediation to end the conflict in Ukraine carried out by Viktor Orban in the framework of his presidency of the Council of the EU. Despite the fact that this could mean a definitive cease-fire, Europe's political elite went ballistic. This shows that European politicians are subordinate to US guidelines, which can be summed up as: continue with the war. Such was the displeasure caused among the pro-American lackeys of the Union that there was reportedly no shortage of angry scenes from the head of the European Commission.

As can be seen, the stakes are high and the very idea of all that going down the drain because of an isolationist and unpredictable administration, is a source of great concern to the Plutocracy in Washington and, of course, to its European subjects who live off the crumbs of the former. The establishment takes Trump's victory in November for granted, so it would not be surprising if the vice-selected J.D. Vance is part -involuntarily perhaps, who know- of the countermeasures to overturn him. Just in case, before Trump has a cup of coffee, gets on the presidential helicopter (Marine One) or sits in his chair in the Oval Office, he should have them tested.

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