martes, 16 de julio de 2024



Why are Anglo-Saxon democracies primarily responsible for the insecurity and disloyalty that climbs to the top?


By Sir Charlattam

With characteristic British sobriety Prime Minister Keir Stamer said he was appalled by the attack on presidential candidate and former president Donald Trump. No one could disagree with this judgement if we were not talking about the US.

It has long been known that the so-called ‘land of opportunity’ has become a horrific amusement park where, in the name of democracy, anyone can kill their neighbour just because they are of a different colour, believe in something else or simply feel like it.

But this dystopia that the media sells as a political idyll to be copied has always been for public consumption and that is something that politicians use for their own convenience. Obviously, as long as this violence remains in the lower strata of society, there is nothing to worry about. But that violence is a reflection of the violence at the top.

Just as in Britain from the dawn of the monarchy with King Edward there was already intrigue and outright violence at his court, so it was with the rogues in the slums of what is now Covent Garden just outside the castle walls.

Our sewers bear the mark of our idiosyncrasy, which is what we are and what our institutions represent. The Americans were to be no different. Their system of governance was born of a revolution and although it was carried out against our empire, they carry our Anglo-Saxon gene intrinsically.

With what happened last Saturday with Donald Trump there is no doubt that this is part of the same chain of consequences born of the causes that the various administrations have woven over the decades to implement both outside and inside their borders. Just as MI5 and MI6 recruit lumpen and underworld criminals and fabricate bespoke situations for political ends -including terrorist attacks and targeted assassinations- that serve their employers, the CIA and FBI are not much different, on the contrary, they are far more sophisticated for the unfathomable funds at their disposal.

For politicians left and right the sewers of the system are fundamental to sustaining real power and that means there is no limit to the means by which they can achieve it. Just ask yourself what Tony Blair did when the leader of the House of Commons John Reid denounced British intelligence as full of rascals, referring to the misrepresentation of WMD in Iraq. Or what would Maggie Thatcher have done without MI5's dirty tricks to control the IRA? All she did was give the orders and the boys did not hesitate to follow them. If it was necessary for Irish convicts to starve to death to show the IRA that she would not give in, she would do it, and if they could justify it better by fabricating an attack in the middle of Belfast or Brighton with a few hooded men, so much the better.

These assets are protected for as long as they are useful and it is MI5 and MI6 who provide them with shelter and resources regardless of whether they are criminals of the lowest order, traffickers or Chechen terrorists. But no one should lose sight of the fact that this can only happen if the political establishment tolerates it.

These agencies are nothing more than the executing arms of dirty tasks that have been previously designed by other brains. Thinking is not their task. That is where the so-called freedom and democracy thinkers come in, generating concepts to create convenient political arguments, alibis and ideas on how to discredit or simply get rid of those who do not think like their governments. I must confess that I would not sit down for a cup of tea with any of these guys.

Thus, the agencies and their supposedly altruistic research institutes such as “Tavistock” in London and the “National Endowment for Democracy” (NED) in Washington are nothing more than facades of modern-day Frankensteins, brainwashers, creators of clandestine monsters who, after using them, discard or abandon them. The best examples of these diabolical creations are ‘Al Qaeda’ and ‘Islamic State’, which are nothing more than shells covering the targets of the agencies that employ them.

The problem with these schemes is that they are sometimes very difficult to control. In other times it was relatively easier to hide these devices and with the help of the media any suspicions that they might arouse in the curious were easily distracted by an official story and that was the end of the story. That did not happen with the phantom Caliph Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, a fictitious entity created by US military intelligence and their CIA colleagues when, during the occupation, they controlled the abominable “Abu Graib” prison in Baghdad and later acted upon by an alleged Israeli agent who would play a leading role in the re-emergence of ‘Daesh’. 

As far as the attempt to kill Trump is concerned, it would be just another desperate move by the sewers of his country to get him out of the way.  The false allegations about ‘Russia-Gate’ and all the fables woven to discredit him were not enough and even who can be sure that the assault on the Capitol in January 2021 was not organised to finish off his political career? 

Now we are seeing how the American media are trying to create a new Lee Harvey Oswald, that is to say a scapegoat with the disgraced young Thomas Crooks, whose house was conveniently raided and explosives found, so that the FBI (the current federal government) can now argue that this young man was a ‘terrorist’ and if they want to go further they can label him as an agent of the Russian FSB.

In spite of the fact that Joe Biden himself called not to make hasty conjectures (because they leave him in a very bad place), today the Americans are not swallowing the federal pill, and so everything is before the eyes of those who want to see the horrible reality in which they find themselves, and they can do so. 



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