lunes, 26 de junio de 2023


How do Western governments and organizations participate by action or omission and benefit from reprehensible and sinister businesses?


By Danny Smith

History is written by the victors, as the saying goes, although the logic behind it may already be considered outdated. This was possible in times when poverty and illiteracy were rampant in the world and newspapers in Western metropolises were managed by a few hands. Today's interconnectivity and the rapid displacement of information made possible by digital media has put an end to the historians of power.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, certain epic narratives were consolidated to extol the supposed heroes and plunge the evildoers of that history into the swamp. Thus, simplistic narratives of “good guys and bad guys” were arbitrarily created. The Western hemisphere and in particular the Anglo-Saxon world during the last century built a political imaginary (and using the entertainment industry) where they put on golden pedestals, supposed pro-men of certain ideologies concerned about freedom and the values of humanity.

For those who did not fall for this hoax, they realized early on that those concerns were for their freedom and the values of the Anglo-American flock to which they belonged. And the rest of humanity? For them, cannon fire, ignominy and economic-financial slavery (Korea, Vietnam, Latin America, the Arab-Islamic world and Eastern Europe). With this relativistic view of human values, it was easy to demonize the stranger and thus justify discarding him.

But it is not always necessary to eliminate the stranger. Many advantages can be obtained from him and almost always linked to economic gains.

Perverting people is big business and can only be done by perverts. The drug traffic is one of the most famous and the one that intelligence agencies try to control. In the 19th century, the British Empire relied on this sinister strategy to control the opium trade in Asia by using it to subdue the Chinese. To turn them into addicts and with that, into fractious and disobedient subjects. Sounds very current, doesn't it? With this, no one can be amazed at the rulers and supposed heroes that the United Kingdom has had and still has.

One of those who belonged to that ideology was Winston Churchill, a guy who in addition to not being able to stand without a bottle of Scotch had his hands stained with the famine and death by starvation of more than 3 million Bengalis, a genocide of which no one alludes. One more contribution to His Majesty's extensive career of imperial plunder. But Churchill had been brought up in that Victorian and farcical environment of British morality which, in addition to being segregationist, was absolutely racist. 

With the fall of the empire and after becoming second to the US, the old ways running through the veins of the British political class shifted to lending the talents of the old pirates like Hawkins and Drake to their own interests (like the mercenary Mark Thatcher, son of Maggie) or to the US State Department as they have done to this day with Sunak. Yesterday the booty was gold, African slaves and opium, today not much has changed and the merchandise is already the human being himself and all that composes him.

Thatcher's successors like Antony Blair, Cameron, May and I say nothing of Johnson did not contribute anything better to humanity. Each one of them and in each one of their administrations, the arbitrariness and criminal actions protected by government agencies never stopped. The fall of the Wall in the 1990s changed nothing. Both MI5 operating in the underworld with the political mafias in Ireland and MI6 playing dirty in the Balkan war and Kosovo covering the organ trafficking in which no less than “Doctors without Borders” (involved in clandestine sterilization plans in Africa) were involved; or with the independence fighters and Islamists of “Ichkeria” in the Caucasus trying to further disintegrate the situation of the young Russian Federation, they involved the commission of all sorts of crimes Why didn't Downing Street and Parliament see it that way? Simply because the victims were not Anglo-Saxons. The value of human life is not the same when they are preferably not blue-eyed whites and above all do not belong to the Commonwealth. Any opinion of the European Court of Human Rights or the International Criminal Court on this segregationism?

This way of thinking and acting has been the one that allowed businesses such as organ trafficking and the creation of prostitution networks of Iraqi girls and women who fell into the hands of the Anglo-American liberators. Baghdad was a liberated zone where bodies were often found in the streets with their thoraxes stitched up. A sign that their organs had been removed. This would later be replicated in Libya and immediately in Syria where the web of corruption and complicity of international observers, mafias and intelligence agencies such as the CIA, MI6 and their regional colleagues (including the Turkish MIT and the Israeli Mossad) reaped all kinds of black profits at the expense of the anonymous lives of thousands of Syrian Arabs who were stranded in camps where they had no protection whatsoever.

This sinister logic in which government agencies and dirty business mingle has been seen in Ukraine for a long time and has become endemic since NATO and its intelligence agencies started operating in support of the ultra-right “Azov” and SBU groups on a massive scale against the Russian-speaking population in the east. The vans equipped for ablation of organs from living people were not a myth and the inhabitants of Donbass know it very well. The arrival of the Russian troops tightened the security of the villagers and cut off that business and even helped to collect evidence of how those teams operated. Now these same teams are operating within the areas controlled by the Kiev regime, taking advantage of the continuous flow of wounded to extract especially the kidneys (which can be preserved for a few hours to move them) which makes it clear that they are only eager to get organs no matter who they come from. Is the corrupt Zelensky regime involved in this?

It is no coincidence that those teams working for a well-oiled transnational mafia that profits from a sinister and dark business involving doctors, clinics and hospitals all over the world (especially in the USA and Israel) and that operated inside the Donbass protected by death squads at the service of Kiev, had the now undeniable support of Americans and British with a long history of turning human beings into commodities. 

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