jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023



Why is the aid offered to you by the Anglo-American powers a real pain in the neck for those who receive it?


By Sir Charlattam

I have often said that the term democracy, with which the Anglo-Saxon West paints itself in the eyes of others, is only a paper and cardboard bag. Contemporary history documents this very well. The precedents for how governments in Washington and London conduct themselves speak for themselves to other countries about how and what methods they use to suggest to others what they should do "for their own good".

First of all, when Washington makes such suggestions, it is not for the benefit of others, but only for its own interests. The methods to achieve this do not skimp on putting third parties at risk, even if they are mere American “nobodies”. The system of government that runs the US is an oclocracy of mafia who, as their actions have shown, can commit genocide if necessary to achieve their plans.

Like any mafia, their methods are outside the law and their enforcers are no different from the organised criminals of East and South London. All help comes in exchange for something. Need money? They will lend it to you. They will give them to you but later you will pay for them too and at the current value. The democracy of American lobbies and lobbyists, that's the business.  Just like the Lend-Lease Act for Ukraine signed by Joe Biden on May 9, 2022, which under the label of “defending Ukraine's democracy”, besides indebting Ukrainians for four generations, will allow Washington to step in when no one else calls on them.

Nothing good can come of this. What is presented as disinterested aid ends up being a costly calamity. In what is happening in Ukraine their efforts are focused on keeping the war going and that - according to their discourse - they are doing so “to help the Ukrainians”. But as I said here, what appears to be help ends up being a double-edged dagger. Just look at what happened with the depleted uranium shells delivered to Kiev by the irreplaceable Ben Wallace and his MoD boys. In the last few hours the Russians have blown up some of the depots in the town of "Khmelnitsky" where these shells were piled up and after exploding they have released large quantities of gamma rays and radiation that will poison the whole region and its inhabitants. What have Kiev and London said publicly?

For the White House, for the European Union's obsequious and for the NATO Secretary in Brussels, this is not an inconvenience, let alone a concern. Nor, of course, for our Prime Minister Rishi Sunak who looks the other way while London's streets are ablaze with protests. Look at what is happening in the Finland of the beautiful "star of the European left" Sanna Marin, after joining NATO and its policies the citizens are suffering the same calamities as the Germans, the French and obviously the British, in short all the rest of the Europeans. Even when Zelensky and his regime are no longer useful to Joe "Globalist" Biden they will simply be discarded.

But this policy also applies to his established "friends". No one's head is safe. Last month's alleged leaks actually reported nothing new. That the US was spying on its allies is old news as former NSA Eduard Snowden back in 2013 had already exposed the extent of these embarrassing activities forcing him to flee and take refuge in Russia.

When Biden in the middle of the meeting with his German colleague Olaf Scholz promised that there would be no more Nord Stream pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine, by fulfilling his promise with the September 2022 attack he did a disservice to the Germans and all Europeans. Although Washington tried to damage the Russian economy, it actually ruined the EU. Despite the evidence, European governments, not to mention EU officials, tried to turn a blind eye, even though the citizens know very well what happened and are today shaken by a crisis with no end in sight.

But behind it all were huge commercial interests linked to US LNG companies. As can be seen, the logic is none other than to extract customers from Russia. Going to Kiev for democracy, freedom and other such nonsense that says nothing is just that, nothing.

The Taiwanese are having something similar for breakfast today with their silicon industry. The island is a powerhouse in the development and manufacture of components for computer systems and anything else that requires chips, so that is where the strategic manufacturing facilities are located. To this end, it relies on the collaboration of mainland China, from which it obtains the raw materials for this industry. That is where Washington's interest lies, not what system of government the island has or the supposed threats from the mainland.

There are two sides to Washington's intentions. The first is that China does not manage to overcome and control the market for these components and the second is to take over the companies definitively and, if possible, transfer them to the US. 

For Joe Biden's administration, these manufacturing centres are in danger of falling into the hands of China, which is why the Pentagon is preparing a scorched-earth measure to deprive Beijing of this benefit. According to leaks, Washington would not hesitate to bomb the island's technology hubs in order to deprive the Chinese of the semiconductor business. This would be in case of an imminent risk of PRCh troops landing on the island. Once all Taiwan's facilities, personnel and industrial secrets are in the hands of Uncle Sam, what happens to the island and its “democratic progressive” government of Tsai Ing-wen will become secondary.

It is quite clear that the Taiwanese had no idea of this and would be wondering who is worse, our enemies in Beijing or our friends in Washington?

The Pentagon seems to have programmed pre-emptive action as described above in case these plans do not come to fruition, based on destruction by bombing or perhaps “mystery bombings” of all Taiwanese industry and, of course, the elimination of engineers who resist relocating to the US.



martes, 16 de mayo de 2023


The blurred lines between fact and fiction of Washington's favourite far-right populist


By Sidney Hey

How did a clown become the first president of a country? Well, although this was the subject of a lighthearted film called “Bananas” released in 1971 by the American filmmaker Woody Allen, his screenplay about the delirious adventure of a foolish and unlucky in love who becomes the leader of a revolution in a Caribbean country, it seems that someone in Eastern Europe has plagiarised the plot.

Yes, you guessed it. That someone is none other than the comic actor Volodymyr Zelensky, now president of a country like Ukraine, which was already fractured by a coup in 2014 that forced Russia to counter-coup in Crimea and is now plunged into war. Is there anything funny in all this? Not at all. Tragedy is the main protagonist and the simple Ukrainian inhabitants (Westerners and those of the Donbass) are the most affected.

As for the backlash in Crimea, I mean that when the CIA succeeded in getting hooligans and Nazi cells -assisted by marksmen on nearby rooftops- to overthrow Yarnukovych, the next (and probably most important) step was that NATO would land on the peninsula and force the Russian naval base in Sevastopol to be deactivated. But Vladimir Putin manoeuvred more quickly than expected (surprisingly) and so Washington and those in Brussels froze when they saw Russian troops intervene and disarm Ukrainian regiments. The Americans were left with blood in their eyes.

For the media and the paid pens of the collective West, the need to embellish with false epics the regime that worships Stepan Bandera Banderism, the Ukrainian branch of Nazism whose symbology adorns all its battalions, has become a titanic task, leading even to blatant attempts to change history, especially about who crushed the Nazis in 1945. This is where the figure of Zelensky, an Ashkenazi Jew, became central to counterbalance this opaque political reality as the media would try to avoid such inconvenient questions as "Can a Jew lead a pro-Nazi regime?

Through a false discourse adulterated by a dialectic imposed by Anglo-American propagandists, the meaning of words is ridiculously changed and thus, a covert operation to create a coup d'état is called "revolution" by the media and neo-Nazi battalions like “Azov” and “Aidar”, “patriotic militias”. This is a Slavic re-enactment of the shenanigans we saw with the jihadists in the Arab world used to foul the resistance in Iraq, assisting NATO to overthrow Mohammad al-Gaddafi in Libya and failing miserably in Syria. So it is that the Maidan Square Coup of February 2014 is called the “Revolution of Dignity” by the US Establishment media. 

But it is not only these contradictions that doom the aspirations of Washington and its Atlanticist partners to failure. Indirectly speaking of good Ukrainians who are subordinate to the regime and bad Ukrainians, the Russian-speakers who, despite having been part of the national population, were persecuted after the coup instigated by Kerry, Nuland and Brennan for not wanting to bow down to the imposed regime.

For a year now, in the course of the Russian Special Military Operation, Ukraine's comedian-turned-president has been extolled and aggrandised by the media of the collective West, proving that he is a product, the new product of the Anglo-Saxon powers that will discard him when his usefulness expires. The examples are many: Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua, Banzer Suarez in Bolivia, Pinochet in Chile, Videla in Argentina, Noriega in Panama, Shah Reza Palevi in Iran, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and so many others are a reflection of what happens with the temporary and dispensable products of the US State Department. Why would Zelensky believe that he will not suffer the same fate?

Apart from his personal vices, which are quite bizarre (and, let's just say, in line with those of his sponsors), this comedian who plays a tragic sequel to “Bananas” and, like Woody Allen's character, is a distracted man whose Washington-driven events put him where he is today and who, beyond his performances for the cameras, doesn't know where he stands.

In terms of his political leadership skills, but especially as a military commander, his role is more akin to that of the pusillanimous and cowardly Boris Grushenko, also played by Woody Allen, than to that of a leader committed to reality.

His personality has been turned into a major asset in Washington and Brussels political merchandising aimed at convincing the public that we are dealing with a pro-democracy hero in a country ruled by outright corruption and far-right militarism. But despite the fact that the actor continues to act and, in his role as a comedian, to go on tours such as the one to the Vatican, there is no way he can explain (apart from the money) where all the donated war material is and when he intends to launch his much-heralded counter-offensive.


domingo, 14 de mayo de 2023



¿Cuánto vale la vida y los derechos de los árabes palestinos?

Por Pepe Beru

La continuidad en las arbitrariedades cotidianas israelíes sobre los palestinos de Jerusalen, Cizjordania y que se condensan en las inhumanidades que en estos últimos días se han llevado a cabo sobre la Franja de Gaza no pueden dar otro resultado que el enfrentamiento y la determinación de los palestinos a luchar por la subsistencia ante un enemigo brutal.

No se puede dejar de hacer esta aclaración ante el acostumbrado batiburrillo y torcidas especulaciones que los medios y los simpatizantes pro israelíes de la intelectualidad argentina salen a mencionar para tapar lo que el estado de Israel, en su ambición mesiánica por apropiarse de toda la Palestina histórica ya no puede justificar. Las demoliciones punitivas de casas de familias palestinas como castigo por que uno de sus familiares o vecino formaba parte de la resistencia o simplemente por oponerse a Israel, es algo que se viene viendo en Jerusalen y toda Cizjordania ¿Cuál es el argumento para estas medidas medievales?

Tampoco hay argumento posible de articular para explicar cómo bombas y misiles barren casas y edificios con civiles, es por eso que para los sionistas y sus partidarios el silencio es la regla y cuando nos posible esconder hechos tan repulsivos, intoxicar la información y salir a clamar victimismo antisemita es la gastada táctica.

No hay ninguna afrenta y mucho menos, una persecución anti semita por condenar las bestialidades que se han visto a lo largo de 70 años y mucho menos las que en estos últimos días vimos con los asesinatos de niños palestinos en Gaza. Los dirigentes políticos y militares sionistas han aprovechado las ventajas de vivir a la sombra del poder imperial estadounidense y solo por ello han creado la aureola de impunidad de la que gozan sus crímenes, profundamente antisemitas.

Un estado que practica la tortura, las detenciones administrativas (sin cargos ni autorización judicial), las profanaciones contra los lugares santos (tratando de erradicar especialmente las prácticas islámicas) y las apropiaciones inmobiliarias no puede tener otro calificativo que aberrante y nada democrático como contraposición a los propagandistas en este continente que siguen pintando a este como “la democracia de Medio Oriente”.

Igualmente y si lo vemos desde el punto de vista de la realpolitik, esa calificación (de democracia) no es desacertada dado que es solo una apariencia, un espejismo que está en la línea de la argumentación política meramente declarativa y decorativa con la de sus benefactores angloestadounidenses se presentan ante el mundo.

Nadie se tendría que sorprender cuando se pone en evidencia donde geopolíticamente se ubica Israel y su papel en los conflictos contemporáneos. La argucia de su condición y el holocausto han sido los argumentos cansinos para excusar y acallar estos crímenes y ni hablar de sus agresiones constantes a los vecinos. La aviación y la artillería israelí bombardea las ciudades, casas y edificios sin importar las bajas inocentes y los palestinos el único recurso de fuerza con el que cuentan es la resistencia con cohetes y morteros. Entonces ¿Por qué la resistencia palestina no va a devolver los golpes?

Pero también existen otras aberraciones que silenciosamente lleva adelante este pequeño monstruo de creación y sostenido por el poder angloestadounidense. Las cárceles israelíes son verdaderos “Dungeons” y patíbulos dedicados a comprimir a los palestinos sin importar que sean hombres, mujeres o niños. Sobre esto, Naciones Unidas sigue demostrando una escandalosa impotencia. Cuando tratan de escudarse detrás de la moralidad y el victimismo, ello suena cuando menos un discurso altisonante. 

Bajo este estado opresor la única libertad de la que puede gozar el árabe-palestino es la de morir, incluso en variadas formas. Pueden morir asesinados por militares, policías o a manos de los eficientes torturadores israelíes hasta en los patíbulos en interminables huelgas de hambre que les consume la vida. Así fue la suerte del mártir Kadher Adnan de Jenin quien a los 45 años murió de inanición en uno de los patíbulos israelíes.

Adnan fue otro de los tantos palestinos que bajo la figura de la “detención administrativa”, fue privado de su libertad al arbitrio de las más que tenebrosas fuerzas policiales del estado judío, el mismo que asesina a los periodistas y activistas humanitarios. Como militante de la “Yihad Islámica” Adnan tenía su suerte echada y fue por eso que lo dejaron morir sin prestarle asistencia alguna.

Estos son los grotescos recovecos que los medios, los políticos (que son varios) y los alcahuetes filosionistas que trabajan para ellos se guardan de decir. Igualmente hoy se puede saber y como era de esperar, crispa de odio a sus partidarios.  

Sacar la chapa de judío no debiera ser un salvoconducto para ofenderse y mucho menos pretender silenciar la injusticia que viven los palestinos. Esos mismos judíos que militan el sionismo son los que hacen un flaco favor al judaísmo al tratar de mezclar creencia, origen y victimismo por un pasado en el que los palestinos no tuvieron nada que ver. Si defenderse lo consideran una afrenta, ello refleja el grado de supremacismo colonialista que les afiebra, que bajo el influjo de una notable concupiscencia, creen que pueden arrebatar los bienes y las vidas de los palestinos sin consecuencias.

No sobra volver a reiterar que los árabes palestinos son semitas y sin dudas mucho más que los sionistas askenazis europeos (polacos, lituanos, ucranianos etc) que llegaron a en la década de los cuarenta Palestina para insertar el actual estado de cosas mediante el terrorismo. 

Estos sectores son los mismos que mantienen un contubernio agazapado con los poderes de occidente, en particular con Washington y Bruselas con quienes cooperan en todo lo que sirva para llevar la inestabilidad y el caos a las sociedades árabes-islámicas. No por casualidad ni admiración es que los neoconservadores estadounidenses tienen tan buenas migas con los sionistas que van desde el criminal Benjamín “Bibi” Netanyahu y su gabinete de racistas hasta las asociaciones como AIPAC y ZOA quienes han sido importantes e influyentes instigadores de las intervenciones belicistas de EEUU en los países árabes (en especial en Irak y Siria). 

Los israelíes tratando de domesticar a los árabes siguen implementando una política de la zanahoria y el garrote, asestando sus golpes sin discriminar entre combatientes y pobladores por el simple motivo de que no les importa y la justicia penal internacional no parece ser competente. Con esto en vista ¿Cómo se puede hablar de paz?

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023



Ha quedado claro que la administración de Biden y sus colegas de la OTAN apuestan a tratar de destruir a Rusia más que asistir a Ucrania. Teniendo en cuenta esta agenda ¿Cómo puede terminar esto?

Por Dany Smith


El 9 de mayo pasado y como todos los años desde la victoria sobre el Tercer Reich, la Plaza Roja de Moscú fue testigo de otra celebración con el usual desfile militar en el marco de un momento muy especial y crítico en el que se entremezclan el pasado glorioso, un presente muy complejo y un posible futuro que amenaza a la paz, la soberanía y la libertad de los pueblos.

El presidente Vladimir Putin fue claro en su discurso al señalar que una guerra real se ha desatado contra Rusia detrás de la cual están los intereses globalistas que están claramente encabezados por la elite político-financiera angloestadounidense que hoy -sin argumentos creíbles- apoyan al extremismo de las reminiscencias nazis eslavas.  

Ni el futurólogo más avezado ni el politólogo más brillante pudo prever lo que hoy está viviendo el mundo. Ni Francis Fukuyama ni Samuel Huntington ni el historiador británico Eric Hobsbawm se habrían atrevido a predecir que Rusia y EEUU se volverían a trenzar en una nueva era de desconfianzas con la amenaza cada día más real de un choque nuclear.

Aquí no hay juegos bajo la mesa ni dobles raseros ni teléfonos rojos como los que en algún momento antes del colapso de la URSS, los políticos en Washington y sus socios de la OTAN utilizaban para tratar que esa caída no se llevara consigo el gran negocio de la administración de la guerra. Para las todas administraciones de La Casa Blanca el Status Quo nuclear era un negocio no negociable y eso significaba que la paz, no era parte de las políticas de la guerra fría.

Ahora Washington y sus socios, en especial los británicos, tratan de desbancar el consumo del gas y petróleo ruso con el claro intento (además de tratar de colapsar la economía y las finanzas rusas) de acaparar el lucrativo negocio de la energía que necesita Europa. Un simple y puro atraco a mano armada (tal como lo hicieron contra Iraq, Libia y Siria), solo que en este caso el ladrón puede terminar lleno de plomo.

Mientras se mantenga la guerra perdurara el caos y como sabemos, mediante este, Washington y la oclocracia que se beneficia de todo esto, podrán obtener ganancias siderales con la muerte, la demolición de las ciudades y obviamente, la venta de toda clase de armamento a granel y el ensayo de novedosos sistemas de armas para matar más y mejor. En estos últimos se apuntan la investigación y desarrollo de las peligrosas armas bacteriológicas dirigidas por programas del Pentágono que los avances rusos en el territorio ucraniano han logrado comprobar.

El hallazgo de estos laboratorios donde se elaboraban estas pestilencias, suma otro punto a favor de la Operación Militar Especial. Así se pudo hallar abundante material documental que incluso involucra al Hunter Biden, como parte en las inversiones para el desarrollo en estas empresas sucias y los negociados con personeros de Kiev. Si esta no se llevaba adelante ¿Cuánto tiempo habría pasado hasta que las células extremistas filonazis de Kiev coordinados por la CIA y el MI6 comenzaran a dispersar esos experimentos dentro de la población rusa?

Todavía seguimos preguntándonos ¿De dónde provino ese Covid-19 que sirvió para violar todos los derechos y garantías que las democracias tanto decían defender? Cuando ya sabemos que el SarS-CoV era un agente modificado y patentado por los laboratorios norteamericanos allá temprano en el tiempo en 2003, no quedan muchas dudas sobre quienes estaban detrás. No olvidar también que en esos hallazgos, se pudo comprobar que no solo el Pentágono se hallaba involucrado en estas investigaciones “científicas” sino las beneméritas y desinteresadas farmacéuticas que tanto les preocupa la salud pública como Pfzier y Moderna, a las que en occidente se les rinde pleitecía por sus vacunas.

Detrás de toda esta calamidad inhumana, se esconde ese progreso que el capitalismo de Wall Street y La City londinense aplaude de pie y que como tales, son los autores o más bien los instigadores junto a la elite política de la multiplicación de las guerras alrededor del globo.

Para estos sectarios de la corriente neoconservadora, que se creen (además de estar por encima del Congreso) puritanos en sus conductas y elegidos por algún designio divino, quienes junto a sus aliados sionistas, hacen de la guerra y la muerte un culto que persigue beneficios, sucios, pero beneficios económicos al fin que en última instancia terminan siendo la ruina para propios y extraños.

Así la guerra tras sus daños colaterales y el sufrimiento que pagan otros y es allí donde radica la importancia de que se peleen en otros territorios. Así la carnicería que se esta llevando a cabo en “Artemovsk” poco interesa a los occidentales quienes están cómodos y con un plato de comida caliente en sus mesas. Por supuesto que nada de esto le importa a Biden y Cia. Los estadounidenses pueden ver lejos y apáticos estas consecuencias, aunque en el actual cuadro de situación eso puede cambiar instantáneamente y los mismos EEUU convertirse en un pandemónium. Pero hasta tanto eso no pase, la guerra seguirá siendo un negocio redondo.

Lo mismo y más de cerca para los británicos quienes por estar en una isla no hoy no les garantiza estar seguros. El envío de misiles de largo alcance “Storm-Shadow” al régimen filonazi de Kiev solo alimenta las ínfulas de Zelensky y legitima a Moscú una devolución de gentilezas que bien puede cobrarse con los buques de la Royal Navy que merodean el Mar Negro.

En lo que hace a la inflación y aumento de los costos de energía para los europeos por la voladura de los gasoductos rusos, los ganadores y perdedores están bien diferenciados. Las industrias europeas ahora pagan más caro y tienen menor volumen de acceso al gas. Esta subalternidad radica en creerse a la fuerza que con ello cooperan en los esfuerzos para apoyar a Ucrania ¿Y los esfuerzos de los estadounidenses dónde están?

Es ahí donde radica el interés de los estadounidenses de que la guerra no se detenga. Mientras esto se traduce en un monumental negocio para Washington, es proporcionalmente costoso y desventajoso para la Unión Europea. El gas y el petróleo ruso que los ciudadanos europeos han dejado de consumir, hoy es adquirido por la India quien a su vez lo revende a los gobiernos europeos que lo pagan ocho veces más caro que lo que pagaban a GAZPROM y su facturación se lo trasmiten al simple ciudadano de a pie quienes deben seguir soportando a charlatanes como Von Der Leyen, Borrell o los obsecuentes como el ministro de Países Bajos Mark Rutte que se tiran a los pies de la OTAN con tal que le presten atención ¿Quién gana en esta siniestra ecuación? Esta muy claro quienes son.




martes, 9 de mayo de 2023



Contempt or stupidity What are the Americans' rationales for bringing Europe and the rest of the globe to the brink of nuclear catastrophe?


By Sidney Hey

For many of the Western slanderers of the launch of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, that view has begun to change, thanks to the very actions of the segregationist regime they have been supporting. In Washington and in EU political structures, criticism is beginning to rumble through the corridors of government agencies over the slippery slope being taken by Ukrainian intelligence operations, which, incidentally, are largely supported by the CIA and MI6.

Perhaps for the gullible innocents who believe in the slogan of the US as the leader of the free world, democracy and other such nonsense, they may not quite understand what this is all about. But for the old jackals who have spent more than two decades in the shadows, in charge of covert and dirty operations, this is just another chapter in their profession.

Unlike what they orchestrated against the Iraqis and the wider Arab Islamic world they must tread carefully today if they are not to lose their heads in the process.  On that occasion they fabricated a casus belli tailored to the interests of the neocon Bush and Cheney[1] administration and on the basis of that, with the cooperation of the media, they got a war. Here it is the other way around. What they have been trying to do is to provoke Russia into making a wrong move and justifying a whitewash of its interference in Ukraine. Using the tactic of terrorism executed by proxy hoaxes, they have been trying to create that sense of insecurity and terror that during the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan those henchmen knew how to create in order to dissociate the inhabitants. During that dark period, they made an orgy of bloodshed with the Arabs and Afghans but paid the ultimate price in defeat and at best a Pyrrhic victory.

For the Foreign Office bureaucrats, it is just a new agenda to put the Vauxhall boys in charge who as part of the establishment's foul sewer of power are grateful to get to work with shit. They have long been operating around the Russian Federation especially moving assets in the Caucasus to use against Moscow.

At the core of these operations are simple acts of terrorism in Russian cities against the Russian civilian population. Infiltrations by Ukrainian armed groups to mercilessly shoot at ordinary residents of Russian border towns, bomb attacks and sabotage against public buildings inside Russian territory have crossed all lines of tolerance. But this took on a darker colour when the head of Ukrainian military intelligence Kiril Budanov[2] threatened to extend his terror campaigns against all Russian citizens around the globe. The official's remarks confirmed that the regime in Kiev poses a real threat to Russia's security and in that plan they are responding to a campaign of terrorist attacks that have been targeting Russian intellectuals and informants who support Vladimir Putin's government.

Apart from the brazen drone attack on the Kremlin palace, the latest terrorist actions include the attempted assassination of Russian novelist and activist Zakhar Prilepin[3] and the death of his driver who was driving the car in which they were travelling on a street in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod, 425 kilometres from Moscow. It is not only the work of Ukrainian intelligence but also the shadow of their American and British advisors, who have extensive experience in setting up such plots. Precedents such as the blowing up of the Kerch bridge, the Nord Stream I and II pipelines, the assassination of Darya Dugina (whose murderer was silenced) and the murder of Russian blogger Maxim Fomin are perhaps the most salient bloody events to account for the actions of the “democratic” Anglo-Americans.

Although in the past it was very easy for the sponsors of these acts to hide behind religious masks by manipulating local extremism (cooperation of Arab agencies), this is no longer possible. Despite the scandalous attempt to censor information coming from Russia or to distort it through intoxication, news is still circulating and episodes such as the one in question highlight the responsibilities of the instigators and collaborators of this Slavic terrorism. It seems to be bad news for the creators of these monsters of the Western Intelligence Community who, like “Al Qaeda”, “Al Nusra” and “ISIS”, seem to be losing control of these philo-Nazi monsters.

Once again, we must remember the differences between then and today's international framework. Here, neither Western governments nor even less credible media will be able to disguise this complicity, so if the SBU and its neo-Nazi cells continue their criminal operations against Russia, Washington and London will be held accountable for their actions.

Undoubtedly, for Joe Biden and his inner circle (including his son Hunter), the war is the best business he has ever been able to conduct in his entire political life. Yes, for him and his mafia associates, not for the simple American citizens, and much less for the European lackeys who, with guys like Joseph Borrell, can only aspire to be nothing more than a scouring pad for cleaning latrines. Equally, Europeans are gradually laying the foundations for a change that will put an end to their leaders' subservience to Washington's policies.  Perhaps French President Macron's latest moves with China, which so annoyed British bureaucrats, are a sign of such changes.

If Europeans come to their senses, Washington's eagerness to perpetuate war by any means, including terrorist provocations against Russia, peace will be possible.

Perhaps this deployment and encouragement of such acts has a far more sinister, and potentially more profitable, covert objective for Washington's interests. Perhaps the Americans hope that Moscow will engage in a covert war with Europe and the Americas as its sphere of action. And while Putin may be aware of this trap, it would not be surprising if the CIA and MI6 fabricate a convenient event to pin it on Russia.