sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

A president of the first world taking shortcuts of third world leaders ???

By Charles H. Slim
This will be an unforgettable year for the world and especially for all the governments of the world, but if there is one that will not be able to get it out of its head that will undoubtedly be President Donald Trump. The internal situation in the United States has been complicating with each month since the COVID-19 contagions began within the country and although Trump initially tried to downplay this, the consequences began to be seen on the most vulnerable population, reaching See dantesque scenes of mass graves in isolated places in the country.

As it may have been, out of sheer bravado or simple stupidity, Trump wanted to show that this was only an exaggeration and that this virus was nothing more than a seasonal flu, something very similar to what was raised by his Brazilian colleague, the neo-Zionist Jair Bolsonaro.

Likewise, this situation is but one of the many added together, complicating the possible reelection of the president. But the excuse of the pandemic and the peculiar way it has impacted the American reality has served Trump in recent hours to use it as an argument to try to suspend the elections in November. At first glance and from any unwary person, many might believe that the president suddenly cares about the health of his citizens. But what are the real causes for this public health concern to suddenly arise?

Of course, none, it's just an excuse and nothing else. And when the non-face-to-face vote cast at a distance and by mail was raised, the president raised his concern about the possible commission of electoral fraud -something that would be a great shame for the United States- for which reason, he had suggested better postpone them even until A vaccine for COVID-19 is found. A delirious and not democratic proposal, one more but nothing surprising coming from the president and the circle that surrounds him.

Well, it is clear that the blond president has lost the brightness that he could have had in the beginning. Even among its most recalcitrant supporters, discontent has been growing. To make matters worse, the most persistent opponents are on his heels, especially the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, who does not miss a single one of the inconsistencies and mistakes that come out of the acts of the Trump government. 

Pelosi & Schumer
Despite the fact that there are no candidates with any political solvency in sight that can surpass him with any forcefulness, in recent weeks the name of Joe Biden has been heard with greater force in several states of the Union. According to the trends in numbers, Biden would have 87% with vote intention within the Democratic sector and more than 52% among independent citizens, quite remarkable numbers for a second like Biden. But what happens among the ranks of the Republicans?

Certainly in the ranks of the Republicans there is confusion and the waters are divided. Trump is a guy who causes those confusions that do not allow him to catalog where he fits and what his next decisions may be. From a practical point of view, having nothing to do with the political elite will help their failure ensure that ordinary people regain confidence in professional politicians. On the contrary, if he manages to overcome the problems that are crushing him, those same sectors will bless him.

With regard to the COVID-19 problem, the situation has worsened over the months and currently there are 1,000 Americans who die per day, which adds to the serious contraction of the economy and the difficulties it is causing to continue giving aid of $ 600 dollars a month to the unemployed who have already expired. By mid-May, more than 40 million Americans were applying for unemployment insurance, evidencing the increase in business closings and layoffs.

People say: Wants to Work
The situation is certainly desperate and this is seen in the streets of large cities where long lines of unemployed Americans queue up in front of welfare offices and street canteens to get a plate of food. Given this, Nancy Pelosi has been very active in touching both parties to reach an agreement in the near term that allows her to continue providing unemployment benefits.

On this last issue, the debate between Democrats and Republicans has reached a point where, while some advocate continuing aid, Republicans oppose it, delaying with that intransigence the exit for this situation.
When it comes to foreign policy, Trump remains as erratic as it is ambiguous. Things get even more complicated in Iraq, there is total stagnation in Syria and the situation in Afghanistan does not seem to prosper.

Likewise, most of these sectors more linked to the interests of banking, the arms-military industry and perpetual war, prefer at the moment to have a guy like Trump than a sexual pervert like Biden who does not have the character to maintain the rhythm of conquest in the world. This does not seem to be what the citizens of the state of Florida think that in a survey, a wide swath of its citizens with support for the upcoming elections is shown.
But returning to the reality of daily politics, to the neo-conservative sectors and their Zionist colleagues within Congress, Trump has been a necessary evil, an annoying but useful toothache to maneuver in the current international context plagued with dangers and threats to US geopolitical plans to which Israel is hooked. This is not the right time to get rid of this comedian since there is a broad and complicated external front for the White House that has not yet been able to stabilize. Washington's pressure on its European allies has only deepened the anger and mistrust that ends up strengthening the positions of Russia and the People's Republic of China. For the worse there is no such a versatile and disorienting replacement to get rid of that mandatory discolo.

For now, their circle of obsequives and their rivals must continue to tolerate their occurrences, which, as seen with the suggestion of an endless suspension of the next elections, in addition to unleashing a storm in the local media and in a disjointed opposition, can unleash a once more the discomfort of the American electoral collective.

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