jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2022



Why the sudden flare-up of trouble spots around Eurasia are neither coincidental nor unconnected to NATO's plans in Ukraine?

By Sidney Hey

For many, for the past month, madness seems to have been spreading capriciously over the Balkans, on the Korean Peninsula and in the South Sea adjacencies. In each of these places, strange and worrying things have begun to happen. In Serbia, Kosovars have been harassing and discriminating against Serb citizens, which is causing an escalation of mistrust between the two communities. On the Korean peninsula a rare movement of South Korean troops towards the border set off alarm bells in North Korea, which responded with a heavy artillery display that deterred the incursion. In the South Sea, US frigates have been manoeuvring provocatively in a familiar attempt to unnerve the Chinese. All this in the same space of time.

But are these mere coincidences or are they coordinated actions? They are certainly not coincidental, and Washington is behind all of them. Although this involvement can be deduced, it is NATO that is operationally in charge of moving these pieces on the ground and its purpose is highlighting the fact that the war in Ukraine is not going as expected.

It is well known that the mafia that runs Kosovo responds politically to NATO and since Hashim Thaci (a great friend of Madeleine Albright) and his people (linked to “Al Qaeda”) took control, the CIA has a sanctuary from which it operates with great intensity over Belgrade. Indeed, its independence in 2008 was achieved by the political support of Atlanticist members, providing NATO with a strategic base in the Balkans as a platform for operations over the Caucasus and the Russian Federation. In the current circumstances, it is not surprising that the CIA is fomenting friction between the parties as part of a plan to widen the map against Russia.

Even before the start of Special Operation Z in February 2022, the Kremlin was aware of the possible covert manoeuvres that NATO and especially the US could implement to try to psychologically undermine Russian public opinion, and one of them is terrorism. The attacks inside Russian territory are the best evidence of this. But even before this planning was set in motion, the Russian intelligence service was working on monitoring the movements and activities of elements that for the last twenty years have been embedded as “sleepers” in Russian society under contract to the CIA.

When the US designed how it was going to conduct its campaign on the Arab Islamic world, particularly against Iraq and Syria, the CIA planned years in advance how it would weaken these Arab states. For this the "Agency" received the invaluable and enthusiastic cooperation of the Arab Mukhabarat (especially Saudi Arabia and Jordan) to penetrate their societies and once there, start using sabotage and terrorism under the masks of “Al Qaeda” and “Daesh”.

What we are seeing today inside the Russian Federation was not thought out after 24 February 2022 and replicates this dirty strategy only adapted to the Slavic scenario and thus using Slavic human resources.

This shows that the Cold War logic has never been abandoned by Washington.  It even goes beyond what the West previously dared to carry out in Eurasia. It is one thing to spy on and intercept radio, electronic and digital information channels that are carried over the internet, but it is another to attack, sabotage and assassinate on Russian soil. And although some anonymous intelligence sources in the US confirm these activities, while assuring that Russian civilians will not be harmed, it is clear that the opposite is true, and that the political justification for the inevitable international questioning is evident. This makes it clear how the West (Washington, London and Brussels) operates under cover at various levels and degrees of intensity.

This is in itself authorised by Congress and the White House, which exposes the international responsibilities of the US very clearly.

To this end, the CIA and its British partners in MI6 never put their own faces, let alone their own personnel, on the ground, using third parties to carry out their riskiest planning. Recruitment for such activities has never been a problem as dirty money -from all kinds of crime- flows freely to finance whatever operations they need to execute. Added to this, the large supply of manpower in countries with weak economies (much more so with rising inflation) and highly corrupt economies where buying off officials is commonplace, makes the choice for the CIA a prime one.

Undoubtedly, Kiev has been one of the main recruiting centres but perhaps more importantly, the ground for the training and coordination with other allied agencies not only of Ukrainians but also of Poles, Romanians and other aspirants from the region. In addition, the report by investigative journalist Jack Murphy that the CIA is directing sabotage operations inside Russia only confirms this strategy. This makes it very clear that for a long time (since 2014) CIA Special Operations Centres have been operating in Ukraine, which are responsible for all these tasks.

The FSB has managed to shoot down and capture several teams of Ukrainians armed with Western equipment trying to infiltrate across the borders with the aim of carrying out sabotage and terrorist attacks in Russia. But inside Russia, agents of various nationalities (including Latinos) had already been detected operating to intoxicate and misinform the Russian public via social media. Many were also reportedly caught implementing textbook acts of sabotage ranging from loosening railway rails, setting fires in utility buildings, cutting power lines to hacking networks and using explosives against weapons infrastructure, such as the one in April in which 20 people were killed. Many of them were captured and their operational tactics uncovered.

This gives rise to Russia also launching (if it has not already done so) its covert counteroffensive on US and EU territory, and this is certainly not unreasonable. By doing so, Moscow will send a message loud and clear to those involved that they too can be hit regardless of the distance.


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