sábado, 18 de marzo de 2023





How are the White House and the State Department trying to build a criminal case against Vladimir Putin and all of Russia?

By Sidney Hey


There is no doubt that the advance of technology and the sophistication of communications has been a great advance in life and has narrowed the distances and relationships between human beings no matter where they are. In conclusion, today, although certain countries still have a monopoly on the audiovisual media through which they project a reality that suits the interests of their governments, they can no longer massively mislead public opinion.

Creating a rumour or inventing an incident is no longer so easy to swallow with so many electronic eyes on a mobile phone watching. The mainstream media in charge of spreading such hoaxes are no longer credible and governments like their conspiratorial sects no longer have that valuable resource of tricksters.

In this context, the war in Ukraine is militarily unsustainable and despite NATO's arms supplies and strategic support, the Kiev regime simply no longer has the manpower to fight. This is neither an exaggeration nor a minor detail. In recent months, it has become clear that Ukrainian government groups have been searching homes or literally hunting down men on the streets of Kiev to enlist them in the militia.

As we also know, many of these men were immediately sent to the Artemivsk (Bakhmut) front where they were mercilessly eliminated.

Although the Western media continue to support and make up the face of the Zelensky regime, the critical situation on the ground and the desperation of his commanders in the face of the untenable situation of their men in the east, the comedian, clearly angry at a situation he does not know how to improve, cried out with a straight face that if necessary it will be the sons of Americans who will have to die for Ukraine. Threat or prediction?

At the same time, one can see the failure of the hybrid warfare tactics that the US has been using against Russia. Everything that Washington through the CIA could deploy covertly and quietly has not yielded the expected results in destabilising the political, commercial and financial life of the Russian Federation. From supporting and encouraging terrorist actions inside Russian territory and against Russian interests abroad (Nord Stream pipelines) through financial and commercial terror measures to the multi-billion dollars financial support of the Biden administration (more than 75 billion US$) to sustain a regime that is not only corrupt, but also totally undemocratic.

But the show must go on, as the saying goes, and Washington is looking for a formula by means of which to argue an excuse with which it can (before the United Nations) openly enter Ukraine. The incident of 14 March with the MQ-9 Reaper drone over the Black Sea is undoubtedly an attempt to do just that. The alleged shoot-down, which -curiously- was recorded with the UAV's camera and released by the Pentagon, did not convince many, even within the US. For these sceptics there are certain inconsistencies in the footage that would reveal staging, most notably the lack of geolocation data and the failure to identify the “SU-27” interceptor aircraft that supposedly sprayed fuel (the red star is not visible on the rudder).

For these suspicious observers, there are several unanswered questions, such as why perform such a reckless manoeuvre and not shoot it down from a distance without being noticed? Or, if it is fuel that was sprayed, why is the camera not splashed by this element? That is why the allegedly recorded video over the Black Sea does not appear very credible when compared to other inventions of military intelligence and their civilian colleagues in the CIA (editing specialists) such as the alleged assassination of ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and the executions in Bucha or Mariupol (https://www.veteranstoday.com/2023/03/16/us-drone-fallen-in-black-sea-suspicious-video-from-pentagon/  ).

If the analysis of these observers is correct, we would be witnessing symptoms of acute desperation in the White House trying to give some sustenance to the financial squandering of its ultra-nationalist pawn in Kiev. This desperation can be seen in the insufficiency of these manipulations to achieve the expected impact on public opinion and, obviously, on bodies such as the European Council and the United Nations. As could not be otherwise, the loudmouth is back on the attack once again and focusing his daggers on the figure of Russian President Vladimir Putin himself, accusing him of alleged and aberrant crimes.

This time, it is the International Criminal Court which, under the Rome Statute, has opened a case against the Russian president and the Russian children's official Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, accusing them of systematically “relocating” at least 6,000 Ukrainian children, interpreting it as kidnapping for subsequent "pro-Russian" indoctrination. These are the grounds on which they are calling for their arrest. Beyond the programmatic measure and the dubious legitimacy of countries such as the US to support this instance of which they disown (for their countless and aberrant crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan), the accusation is clearly adulterated in terms of the description of the facts and, therefore, the framing of the crimes that they intend to present (https://news.antiwar.com/2023/03/17/international-criminal-court-issues-arrest-warrants-for-putin-and-other-russian-officials/ ).

Unlike Volodymyr Zelensky's forces using their population as a shield, as has been amply documented, Russian troops have evacuated all civilians, including children, from the territories they control and taken them out of the area of hostilities, one of them being the Crimean peninsula.


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