lunes, 7 de octubre de 2024



Where does the power of the state of Israel come from and who are the main perpetrators of the current escalation in the region?


By Sir Charlattam

A month ago we had previewed Tel Aviv's plans to unleash war against Lebanon with the ambitious expectations of destroying the Islamic resistance movement Hezbollah and establishing a buffer zone. We also warned that Washington's alleged mediations by its envoy Amos Hochstein in Beirut and the apparent withdrawal of the task force led by the aircraft carrier ‘USS Theodor Roosevelt’ were a smokescreen.

But this smokescreen was not devised by Netanyahu and his junta of Zionist supremacists but by their allies in Washington and London. From this it can already be established that both the detonation of the beepers and radio communicators and the subsequent bombings in the course of which Hassan Nasrallah and other Hezbollah officials were assassinated were backed by the US and the entire Atlanticist apparatus.

Once again, the mask of the impartial third party or good faith negotiator that Washington has tried to make the world believe has fallen forever. The Anglo-American Zionist wing has undoubtedly been the instigator of this escalation and they will not stop until they try to destroy Iran.

While this statement could be seen as apocalyptic, the term could not be better employed as we are a sect of subjects (democrats, republicans, independents) who believe they are above the life of anyone who is not Jewish. And this is not an exaggeration. What Israel has already committed and continues to commit in the Gaza Strip and what it is doing against the civilian population in Lebanon can only be described as ethnic cleansing and genocide which the United Nations, despite having also been assaulted with hundreds of its aid workers killed by the IDF, has not even managed to admonish Tel Aviv for such criminality. Because Washington still owns the house (UN headquarters building) and protects Israel from any consequences.

One year after the ‘Al Aqsa flood’ operation that emerged from an unbearable siege since 2007, the situation has not stabilised. This action was not an evil or unjustified terrorist attack, let alone against innocents. Although the Western media either say nothing or distort the causes, the territories adjacent to the Strip reclaimed on 7 October 2023 were previously inhabited by Palestinian villages only that they were expelled at gunpoint and their territories annexed by the occupation since 1967.

Both politically and militarily, the war against Lebanon was already planned in advance. Let us not forget that since 8 October 2023 the IDF has been supplied without interruption with tons, guided bombs and ammunition of all kinds to be used indiscriminately against Gaza. It was in this brutal framework that the Islamic resistance with Hezbollah at the forefront began to harass Israel as a way of putting pressure on Tel Aviv to force it to stop the genocide that was underway.

This made Netanyahu and his extremists hesitate and they rushed to Washington for assistance, but instead of putting a stop to the escalation, Biden and Co. have only fuelled it. Likewise, Hezbollah made life miserable for IDF detachments and settlers were forced to flee the north of occupied Palestine. This marked another milestone in the conflict and from that moment on, Lebanon (rather than Hezbollah) became a prime target to try to divide support among the Lebanese for the Palestinian cause. With the invaluable hand they receive from CENTCOM and electronic intelligence to mark targets in Lebanon are factors without which the IDF could not have -among others- executed the political assassinations we have seen.

The aim is not to protect the Jewish people or anything like that, it is to protect the state and its infrastructure, a spearhead of Anglo-American imperialism that allows this little monster that uses Judaism as an argument to shield itself from the state crimes it commits and the reprisals for them.

Precisely in the wake of Israeli crimes, Iran launched a bombing raid on October 2 last year, causing damage that Tel Aviv will never acknowledge. This has infuriated the Zionist elite and in retaliation, with the support of Joe Biden and Keir Starmer for Israel to launch a revenge attack, they are already preparing for an attack that will surely target Iran's critical infrastructure or even assassinate senior political and religious leaders.

There are perhaps no more enthusiastic Zionists than those grouped in associations such as AIPAC who have been and are the driving force behind US interventions on behalf of Israel. They are often more extreme in their plans and proposals than Netanyahu and that is no small thing. This is at the heart of the US cancer and it is spreading throughout the world that wants legality and an equitable peace.

How can there be peace and justice with these sectors controlling Anglo-American politics?

The same with Britain. The British political class is infected with hypocrisy and a double standard that has been seen for decades on this issue. We have already seen how the influence of Zionist groups and millionaires have been instrumental in getting PMs into office and Keir Starmer was no exception. It is true that unlike the American political system, the British have a greater participation of Arab and Islamic sectors in political-institutional life, a reminder of the colonialism of the empire, but this has not prevented Zionist co-optation. The latter has not prevented some of these sectors from colluding for business with Zionism and turning a blind eye to situations such as those we see in Gaza and Lebanon.

Both Washington and London work closely with Tel Aviv and that means unconditional support. Netanyahu and his cohorts know this and are used to the fact that whatever they ask for will be given to them, that is where the power of the Israeli state lies. Weapons, funding, media intoxication and political-diplomatic support are guaranteed but even though that is enough, it is not enough today.

Thanks to mass social media platforms and networks around the world, Israel has not been able to hide its true face and that is where the big dilemmas and whips against platforms that cannot be controlled by their sponsors such as ‘Telegram’, ‘Tik Tok’ or whatever will come in the near future.

For the time being, and already a year after the Palestinian operation to recover what was stolen, the collective unconscious in the West has not gone to sleep and today it is once again taking to the streets in the main capitals (including London and Dublin) to denounce the criminality of this colonial state and its rulers.

If Netanyahu and the religious ultra-rightists have perpetrated one of the most infamous massacres of this century, it was undoubtedly thanks to Joe Biden and the American Establishment. But also complicit in all this have been the British government of both Rishi Sunak and the current faux-moderate Keir Starmer who are nothing more than the loud-mouthed puppets of the British establishment, as old and certainly more stinking than the American one.

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