sábado, 11 de mayo de 2024



Why should the parade on 9 May be a commemoration of a double victory for the Russian Federation?


By Sir Charlattam

The traditional and renewed victory parade that Russia has held since 1945 to commemorate what it was like to fight, suffer and defeat Nazi Germany now takes on a new meaning as the homeland finds itself in the midst of a struggle against the pro-Nazi Ukrainian remnants sponsored by the supposedly Anglo-American democracies.

President Vladimir Putin, unlike his Western colleagues and especially US President Joe ‘Sleepy’ Biden, knows very well how to deal with the most complex and intricate issues that a state faces when faced with dilemmas posed by external enemies. This particular experience gleaned from his years of service as a KGB (USSR intelligence) officer is invaluable and gives him a broader and very different view from that of Western bureaucrats.

This 9 May was undoubtedly a special day. The troops and equipment of the army of the Russian Federation paraded under a light snowfall and yet they did so in a special spirit, with their exultant morale and professionalism that they pass on to their comrades fighting in Ukraine to preserve and protect the Ukrainian-Russian-speaking population of Novorossiya.

Vladimir Putin as on every occasion to commemorate ‘Victory Day’, but especially on this one demonstrated his statesmanship and commitment to the circumstances that arose from the tough but necessary decision taken two years earlier to launch the Special Military Operation (SMO). Putin does not need to imposture in his speeches, his voice is matched by the power of his words and that was very clear on this occasion. He has made it clear that he will not allow threats against his nation from the arrogance of certain Western leaders, which is why he reiterated that his strategic forces are ready for any challenge.

The potentiality of Putin's words translates into his military forces parading in the snow demonstrating to Western observers and their snitches in the vicinity that there is no chance for what is left of the Ukrainian armed forces and the neo-Nazi gangs served by the corrupt kleptocrat Volodymyr Zelensky. Even with the British sending more “Storm-Shadow” missile parts and “ATACMS” long-range missiles and other equipment worth some 50 billion dollars from Washington, the assembled men of the decimated brigades and divisions have no way of turning the score on the chessboard.

Putin has also shown that he will not allow the Anglo-Americans to do what they did inside the Arab-Islamic world, creating animosity, conflict and chaos by infiltrating the spawn designed and financed by their intelligence agencies (and Arab partners) such as ‘Al Qaeda’, the ‘Islamic State’ in Iraq, as they tried to do in Afghanistan and finally Syria. They tried it during the 1990s with the progressive disintegration of the USSR by encouraging and supporting the pro-independence claims of the Chechen rebels who, thanks to MI6, could rest comfortably in flats in the centre of London itself.

This logic of creating a dogfight (fierce and blind) between Slavs, as instigated by Washington since before the USSR imploded in 1991, began to show its first signs in 2006 with the failed colour revolutions, which later came to fruition with the 2014 coup in Maidan and ended with NATO's plan to launch an offensive on the Donbass in March 2022, aborted by the Russian intervention.

With just a little reasoning, anyone who watched the parade realised that there is plenty of firepower available in the Federation to persuade the Western instigators that if they persisted in their ambitious plans, they would pay a heavy price. Precisely the parade of the portentous ‘RS 24-YARS’ intercontinental missiles is a reminder to the plotters in Washington, London and Brussels that, while they may be rolling into Red Square, others are ready and waiting for immediate service at the slightest threat to Russia.

With that, Macron, Scholz and the ineffable Sunak will be having second thoughts if they continue with their crazy ideas of putting their armies on the battlefield, even if those ideas are just mental masturbations of these subjects of a collapsing empire. The German, Swedish, Polish and, of course, British (Bradley tanks) scrap metal now rotting in Ukrainian fields is proof of this.

The latter is not a speculation or a hypothesis coming from a sector of anti-Western propaganda. The Anglo-American empire with the failure of NATO is sinking into the swamp they created and their own people are experiencing it.

Over the years since the US became the political and military leader of the West and since the existence of NATO, the wars have not ceased and, far from their piffle arguments, war for their political elites has become a big, billion-dollar business with which they maintain the entire infrastructure they represent.

If Biden is as old as the rusting infrastructure of NATO, it is clear that both could collapse in unison, which would be ironic, wouldn't it? And it is also quite possible that the coup that will bring all this down will be the Russian power that has so far held back in the face of the various provocations of hybrid warfare.



miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024



¿Por qué las pretensiones del presidente Milei por meter al país en la OTAN no representará ninguna ventaja estratégica para la Argentina? Solo se trata de un cambio de grilletes y la soberanía seguirá siendo una ilusión.


Por Charles H. Slim

La Argentina claramente ha entrado en una nueva dimensión geopolítica que con el tiempo veremos cuáles serán sus resultados, pero ante todo aclaremos, el gobierno actual solo es un reflejo y el resultado de décadas de desidia de su clase representativa y la abulia de una buena parte de su población meramente apática y quejosa.

Quienes han votado por los Milei ya están sintiendo en carne propia (especialmente en la economía) los efectos de sus políticas neoliberales que son solo una parte de los cambios que sus patrocinadores han inspirado y esperan ver concretadas para insuflar las ansiadas inversiones (que solo les beneficiarán a ellos). Pero esto recién comienza.

Esta claro que los pro-estadoundenses y los sionistas (militantes pro-Israel) conforman el núcleo duro del actual gobierno y como tales, atlantistas de convicción y por ende abiertamente islamófobos y rusófobos de corazón. Fue por ello que lo primero que hizo Milei al entrar en la Casa Rosada fue rechazar el ingreso a los BRICS+.

En sintonía con esto, a Milei y su cercanos poco les importa el genocidio que Israel lleva a cabo en la Franja de Gaza (entre las que se cuentan más de 16.000 mujeres palestinas asesinadas) y mucho menos ese pequeño detalle que hay en Ucrania como es el régimen filonazi de Kiev (que arresta y asesina periodistas como Gonzalo Lira) dirigido por un judío askenazi como Volodymyr Zelensky. En la trastornada mente del mandatario argentino, Zelensky es un héroe y eso, es música para los oídos de los neoconservadores en Washington.  Igualmente, hablar de eso es imposible sin caer en las contradicciones que esas relaciones develan y es por ello que la principal táctica para evitarla es simplemente, ignorarlas aún a sabiendas de que la mayor parte de la opinión pública sabe la verdad.

Igualmente, y aplicando las enseñanzas de Goebbels (adoptada por la Hasbará israelí), la narrativa de Milei con tintes mesiánicos, continua. Con algunas diferencias, se respiran aires similares a la pasada “era menemista” lo que suena muy promisorio para esta casta de pro-angloestadounidense (especialmente los financistas y empresarios) que poco les importa quién sea el ocupante de La Casa Blanca siempre y cuando les arroje unas migajas. Este gobierno a diferencia de Menem y Cía ha ido mucho más lejos en su postración para agradar, e incluso con su posicionamiento geopolítico, colocando al país en una peligrosa y delgada línea entre la neutralidad consciente y la parcialidad rabiosa.

Hoy y por este posicionamiento, Argentina toma partido por la OTAN en la guerra de Eurasia y se pone al lado del estado de Israel en la calamitosa limpieza étnica que sigue practicando sobre la Franja de Gaza.  

Al mismo tiempo vemos como hoy tras desembarcar, los “US marines” (que se unen a los ya desplegados en Neuquén por 2017) controlan las estratégicas vías fluviales del norte, preparan la instalación de un puerto militar en Ushuaia y como guinda de esto, se ha permitido que una lancha rápida estadounidense “patrulle” los mares argentinos bajo el cómico pretexto de ayudar a combatir la pesca furtiva cuando es obvio que el objetivo principal es monitorear la presencia china.

Esta claro que todo esto, pone al país dentro del juego geopolítico como una ficha más de la OTAN.

Bajo este marco, los Milei y sus partidarios creen que lograran la ayuda financiera que el país necesita para reactivar un estado quebrado y a su vez revitalizar una economía doméstica recesiva y controlar un dólar atrasado que por efecto del severo ajuste, está comprimiendo (por los descomunales aumentos en alimentos, combustibles, impuestos y servicios) de forma brutal a las bases de la sociedad argentina. De no obtener prontas señales de esa reactivación, las cosas se pondrán muy difíciles.

Ahora más que nunca se comienza a visualizar una grieta geopolítica muy clara entre los anglófilos-sionistas del gobierno y una dispersa, pero muy presente simpatía por un posicionamiento con el sur global junto a los BRICS. Justamente fue la posibilidad que la anterior gestión de gobierno desaprovecho sin una clara visión estratégica y mucho menos, la necesaria decisión política para vencer la corrosiva (y notoriamente discriminatoria) oposición a construir puentes sólidos con Rusia, China y el mundo islámico.

Pero si hay algo que definitivamente va contra la lógica de los intereses estratégicos de la nación, es la intensión de los Milei de ingresar al país a la OTAN sin considerar (entre otras cuestiones) que Gran Bretaña es un enemigo histórico (y por ende con intereses contrapuestos) que además de haber estado desarrollando inteligencia sobre el país, aún mantiene la ocupación de facto sobre las islas y aguas del Atlántico sur.

Sobre esto último, dejemos de lado los sentimentalismos que la guerra de 1982 sigue despertando entre los argentinos. Aquí los principales puntos de interés que deben tenerse en cuenta para el estado pasan por cuestiones geoestratégicas que conforme a cómo y con quiénes se desarrollen, influirán en los destinos del país. Teniendo en consideración la latente disputa del Atlántico sur y el notable atraso del estado -que coincide con el final de la guerra de 1982- en el abordaje y atención de sus intereses estratégicos, pretender ingresar a la Argentina a una organización político-militar-inteligencia en la cual el enemigo tiene una influencia destacable, es un error que pagarán las generaciones venideras.

Así mismo si fuera aceptado en la OTAN ¿Cuáles son los recursos militares que la Argentina puede ofrecer en la alianza? La situación material de su defensa no es la mejor ni mejorará con los rezagos que les ha financiado Washington. Entonces, ¿Será acaso, la ubicación del territorio lo único que interesa?

Es por eso, que los simplones argumentos que por estos días se difunden desde ciertos periodistas al servicio de medios pro-atlantistas hablando de los beneficios de esta intervención estadounidense en los mares argentinos además de ridículos son simplemente insultantes para la inteligencia de los ciudadanos y al mismo tiempo, una advertencia de a dónde los Milei están llevando a su país. 



sábado, 4 de mayo de 2024



The horrific discoveries of mass graves at several sites in the Strip in addition to those seen by the brutal and indiscriminate Israeli bombardment show that the impunity of Zionism and its project has gone too far


By Sidney Hey 

Even if the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague on Israel's crimes in the Gaza Strip sounds rather ambiguous, it is a sign that something is changing and that the influences that Zionism has used to save every single abuse and crime committed since before and even more so after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 are diminishing.

The case was brought by South Africa and has been joined by Colombia and Brazil, highlighting the complicity that exists in other governments in the region as seen in Argentina today under an openly pro-Israeli government.

The case, based on the genocide that Israel has been committing against the Gazan civilian population and which Tel Aviv tries to justify as a ‘right of defence’, has a much broader and deeper framework of factors (involving interests in gas fields and complicity between intelligence agencies) that go far beyond 7 October 2023, as Zionist intellectuals and, obviously, the Western media adept at this vision, try to cut it down to size.

It is no secret that this international body is biased and has been particularly affected by Washington's influence, especially on one of its members. It is precisely the former judge Joan Donoghue who, as president of this Court, called into question its impartiality after the weak precautionary measures ordered in January and her point of view on the ‘plausibility’ of the crimes committed by Israel. It seems redundant to recall that in order to administer justice one should be impartial and uninfluenced, but this ‘abc’ of common sense has always been kept in a drawer.

Surely, if the complaint had been made in the 1960s or even the 1980s, Washington and the pressure of Zionist organisations at the international level would have closed the file in no time. But today, in this new millennium where communications fly and facts are known instantaneously, it is impossible for these sectors to apply the cover-up they have been practising with the complicity of the American Establishment and the media.

Let us take a brief reminder of how the genocide and war crimes case against the state of Israel was initiated. It was the South African government that set this mechanism in motion, knowing that it would have to tolerate all kinds of pressure and even threats from Tel Aviv. Even so, under the cover of their own history of apartheid, they asserted not only moral legitimacy but also true human solidarity, so absent in international forums.

The evidence is decisive when it comes to making a complaint and in the case we are dealing with and due to the sensitivity of the crimes being perpetrated (foreseen in the Rome Statute), the plexus of evidence presented before this court is extremely graphic, detailed and overwhelming, and even more so, it grows day by day, as Israel does not stop its ‘operations’. Despite the filing of this lawsuit, the political leadership in Israel with Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm (with Washington's support) has ignored calls for a ceasefire and with it, respect for the rights and lives of Palestinian civilians. This is the clearest and simplest case of de facto action against international law and, in this case, international humanitarian law.

Considering these elements (of which there are many) that emerge from the complaint, there are more than enough grounds to order the immediate arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu and his most immediate political and military leaders. As soon as he became aware of this possibility, he did not hesitate to publicly challenge the legitimacy of the court, resorting to the trick (also used by Washington) such as the ‘non-jurisdiction’ of this instance over Israel, but ‘Bibi’ has a little confusion in his dark head and that is that the impunity he used to enjoy can no longer be exercised.

As happens in the mafia, the disgraced kingpin is no longer part of the family and everyone begins to turn their backs on him.

Even in Washington they know that Netanyahu's situation is very delicate and that despite efforts to try to justify the unjustifiable, the world is witnessing 24/7 the indiscriminate and sadistic actions of the IDF, both those committed in broad daylight and those carried out by its ‘special units’ in secret against men and women in its torture rooms.

But the aberrations go far beyond this already abominable. The findings in the funds of the hospitals attacked and occupied by the Israelis speak of the sinister behind these massacres and evidence of the complicity of Israeli doctors and hospitals involved in the business of organ trafficking of the murdered.

That is why there are many Jewish citizens around the globe who oppose what is being done, is making the state of Israel more unviable with each passing day. 

On the other hand, Joe Biden and his administration, adhering to the policies of neo-conservatives aligned with pro-Israeli lobby groups like AIPAC, have been playing good cop/bad cop with Tel Aviv, trying to portray themselves as interested in imposing a ceasefire when, in fact, they are doing the opposite. A notoriously hypocritical and outrageously cynical course of action, but it is the harsh reality.

In conclusion, one cannot expect true justice if one accepts this whole situation, let alone that the investigations into these crimes perpetrated by Israelis should be carried out by Tel Aviv, since this is clearly a contradiction in the logic of the principle of impartiality.

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2024



¿Locura o estupidez? Esa es la disyuntiva que plantea Joe Biden y que debería ser la cuestión que los estadounidenses deberían dilucidar sobre las políticas exteriores de su gobierno


Por Charles H. Slim 

¿Cuál es el objetivo militar en una panadería de Donetsk o en un edificio de apartamentos donde solo viven familias con niños y ancianos? Esta es una de las tantas preguntas que la opinión pública global pero especialmente los organismos internacionales como la ONU deberían formularle a los patrocinadores occidentales que financian y arman al régimen filonazi de Kiev.

Las cosas no van nada bien para Volodymyr Zelenski y su gente quienes ante la desesperación de un frente que se desmorona (en especial en Donetsk, Kupiansk, Advidka y Zaporiya), han optado por hacer de la táctica del terror la punta de lanza en sus acciones bélicas. A la par de esto, el occidente colectivo liderado por los angloestadounidenses es quien -y como lo vimos con el ataque a Crocus Hall- coopera con el despliegue de esta táctica sucia como una herramienta más en su guerra híbrida contra la Federación de Rusia.

Por supuesto que el gobierno británico, alemán y francés han estado prestando sus propias cosechas de mercenarios y hooligans que son entrenados en campamentos secretos amparados por los gobiernos y regenteados por ex paracaidistas, ex S.B.S., legionarios, todos supervisados por el MI-6.

Entre tanto la maquinaria de desinformación y propaganda de la OTAN sigue con sus dudosas estadísticas -de más que dudosas fuentes- hablando sobre las bajas rusas tratando de afectar la psicología del colectivo ruso en un develado (y pobre) intento por crear animadversión contra su gobierno. Viejas tretas que ya no funcionan y menos aún contra Rusia; claro que funcionaron con Iraq y Libia cuando la CNN y la BBC tenían el monopolio del espectro informativo pero eso comenzó a decaer inmediatamente a mediados de los noventas y hoy tras el largo compendio de embustes, intoxicaciones y falsificación de realidades, están enterradas.

Tampoco han funcionado las argucias por tratar de imponer un derecho internacional basado en reglas escritas a gusto y conveniencia de Washington con el cual establecer su ansiada “gobernanza global” de tinte neoliberal ¿Cuáles han sido los principales obstáculos para ello? Sin dudas, todos aquellos precedentes que hoy lo hallan con poco crédito moral para imponerlas y el surgimiento de la alternativa geopolítica como son los BRICS+.

Biden y su gente han ampliado esta brecha de desconfianza, aun cuando la maquinaria de propaganda mediática diga otra cosa y niegue esta realidad.

Pero la realidad sobre la aventura atlantista que se desarrolla en Ucrania es muy dura y difícil de explicar al público de sus respectivos países y para Washington y en particular para Biden el tiempo urge. El régimen de Kiev está dando manotazos de ahogado y el mismo Zelensky advierte a sus patrocinadores que si no reciben más ayuda (especialmente dinero) la guerra terminará pronto y no precisamente por ganar. El nivel de los diálogos entre éste régimen vintage y Washington ha descendido al de los mafiosos que buscan pactar acuerdos oscuros y en la más absoluta clandestinidad por lo irreproducible de sus objetivos.

En la última semana Biden logró que se aprobara en el Congreso (y a instancias de Mike Johnson) otro gigantesco paquete de ayuda a Kiev de unos 61.000 millones de dólares lo que viene a representar un esfuerzo denodado y muy pesado para las complicadas finanzas de la Unión (entiéndase dinero de impuestos que pagan sus ciudadanos) y también, otra vuelta al tambor de un revolver que Biden sostiene contra su cabeza para ver si esta vez y como en la ruleta rusa, la gatillada es favorable para sus planes.

Pero con esto a Washington y en particular a Biden, se les están acabando las chances de que no le toque la bala en la recamara y termine volándose la cabeza. En los últimos meses ha estado haciendo todo para que su suerte se le acabe y arrimando aún más al país al borde de una guerra global. El envío -no tan secreto para el FSB y el GRU- de los misiles balísticos de producción estadounidense MGM-140 “ATACMS” de largo alcance y que pueden amenazar al territorio de la Federación de Rusia no solo es una línea roja más que cruza La Casa Blanca sino también, es otro paso más hacia el abismo.

Lo mismo con los misiles nucleares que posiblemente se moverían a Polonia (aunque es posible que ya hayan llegado algunas ojivas a la base de Redzikowo) que sin saberlo Andrzej Duda y los políticos polacos que le secundan, los norteamericanos les han puesto una bandera roja en medio de los ojos para ser los primeros en ser barridos ante una escalada nuclear.

Al mismo tiempo en el Kremlin y en particular el mismo Vladimir Putin están al tanto de lo que representan estos movimientos. Son señales muy claras que los atentados terroristas contra la población civil en Donetsk, Kursk, Belgorod y los insensatos ataques contra la planta nuclear de Zaporiya de la desesperación de Zelensky y su banda.

Pero Zelensky también sabe que si él se hunde, Biden y su gente también se hundirán y eso es algo que los neoconservadores no van a permitir aún a riesgo de crear un holocausto nuclear. Además, son conscientes de que Trump podría llegar a ser un obstáculo si llega a La Casa Blanca, pero con los últimos problemas del millonario hay dudas de que lo logre. Saben que Josep Biden tiene serios problemas con su popularidad y ello representa un serio obstáculo para las presidenciales de noviembre próximo y es por ello que está poniendo todo lo que tiene en la política exterior para remontar esa situación. El problema que en ese plan Biden esta jugando tal como lo haría en la ruleta rusa y esta vez la bala podría estar en la recamara y sería el fin de su carrera y de los EEUU. 

martes, 30 de abril de 2024

                  SOLDIERS OF       MISFORTUNE

How much does Israel spend and why does it need to hire mercenaries and criminals for its Gaza campaign?


By Sidney Hey

It was mid-February when four heavily armed masked men in dark uniforms tried to raid one of the skeleton buildings in Khan Younis in an attempt to sneak in and surprise the Palestinian resistance men. Unfortunately, they did not realise they were walking into a booby trap and were all killed. A few minutes later the Palestinian fighters were able to confirm that they were all foreigners (two of them Argentinians).

The IDF's problems with its own regular recruits of israeli Jews who are unable to do the job entrusted to them by their political leaders, is nothing new. Beyond all the propagandist folklore woven for years around this army's professionalism and supposed invincibility (already unseated by Hezballah in 2006), the reality in the Gaza Strip has put the lie to this speculation. To address this, Israel has been recruiting thousands of mercenaries from all over the world to carry out “special operations” against the Palestinian population of the strip.

These guys are not going for religious or ideological conviction, nor are they ‘volunteers’, they are all very well paid (between 2,200 to 9000 US dollars) to do what the regular IDF cadres cannot or will not do, because beating or killing unarmed women and children in the occupied territories is not the same as confronting a well-determined and motivated armed resistance.

Netanyahu and his cabinet of religious extremists know that they cannot count on the explicit support of the Americans and their Atlanticist partners on the ground. He is aware that such involvement would raise the moderate positions in Saudi Arabia that provide expectations of a possible deal. Thus, similar to what is happening in Ukraine with his neo-Nazi colleague Volodymyr Zelensky, he will not have the military support on the front line with combat troops and armoured units from the US Army or the British or the schizophrenic French. There are not only political and diplomatic limits that prevent this involvement, but also an obvious awareness on the part of each of these governments of the danger and sensitivity of the scenario.

Thus it has come to light that Tel Aviv, through its worldwide networks and without worrying about the monetary costs, has recruited Spanish, Argentine, Kurdish, French, British, German and American mercenaries, among other nationalities, to employ them in tasks as complex as they are dangerous, which even its “Merkaba” tanks and armoured vehicles have not been able to overcome. These recruiters contacted private security companies (including Argentine ones) such as GLOBAL CST (with a long history of assassinations and human rights violations in different continents) to seduce and recruit potential candidates to join the IDF.

The highly dangerous nature of the theatre in Gaza has tested the mettle of the infantrymen and Israeli commanders have concluded that it is not possible to carry out certain operations without losses that are impossible to justify to Israeli society. The cases of suicides and psychological problems among IDF cadres is one of the issues that Bibi and his cabinet cannot hide and which he is exploiting together with the hostages' families. Likewise, he seems determined to realise the extremists' messianic plans and for that he needs capable men. That is why criminals and unscrupulous mercenaries are the ideal candidates to realise them.

Among these “operations” are the search and exploration of Palestinian resistance tunnels, weapons workshops and bunkers that have often been death traps for IDF teams and have yet to be dismantled.

Among the best qualified (and best paid) to tackle these dangerous targets are the Kurdish PKK terrorists, elements that, in addition to attacking Turkey, have for a decade been serving US plans in northern Syria.

Although Muslim, the Kurds of these factions are committed to Zionism not out of any kind of conviction, ideology or sympathy, but because of political and economic pacts (involving trafficking in arms, drugs and people) made decades ago between the Mossad and the Barzani clan.

That is why the main recruiting base for these guys is in northern Iraq, i.e. in Kurdistan controlled for decades by the Barzani Clan mafia, old allies of the Mossad since 1958 and accomplices in terrorist raids and plots against Baghdad and Tehran. It is precisely in Irbil that Israeli intelligence has its bases for operating against the Arab-Islamic world and where Iranian intelligence managed to eliminate several of its agents.

With this we see how business and political interests of the states intertwine to achieve their objectives. Nothing new under the sun, but yes, today we can know it first hand. Mercenaries have existed as long as the world has existed and I believe they will continue to exist until this world ceases to exist.

But as in all walks of life, in the mercenary universe there are good and bad mercenaries. The ones Israel has recruited are the worst and are partly responsible for the proven torture, mutilation, rape and execution of Palestinian civilians that have begun to be seen in the mass graves found in various parts of Gaza.