How US policy aims to teach moral when the self does not fit anywhere
By Charles H. Slim & Braulio Vergamo
While the world is shaken by growing signs
of a severe economic and financial crisis global reach that is part of a
supposed war against terrorism that actually serves to justify all restrictions
on civil liberties and especially to stigmatize Islam, within the same circle
of power in Washington beans are cooked as demonstrating that spewed democracy
among other things, it does not extend to the administration of justice.
In recent years, the issue of justice has
been climbing as exciting in all societies in the hemisphere. We can see it
clearly as in Argentina the ordinary people have begun to lose the fear of the
"lords judges" who used to identify your manners idiosyncrasies, as
widespread as is the bitter mate. In Argentina have been showing signs of a profound
change in this area it has been deepened by the advent of the administration of
Mauricio Macri who has not been spared by judicial observations. Thus former
ministers, judges and officials of the former government seems to fall like
flies before which look like a "revisionist wave" that promises not
leave except to those who have enriched at the expense of illicit.
Apparently the habit of concealment in
politics that pollute the Argentina justice, seems to have reached if so what
would certainly be an example to take even the United States itself that these
hours paddling in upcoming elections with candidates as suspects as dirty.
But although the US has been spewing
representation of the attributes that make an ideal democratic state, the truth
is that, leaving aside the aberration that has committed and continues to
commit around the world, within their own country justice is proving that is so
conditioned as any "banana republic".
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Stupid or acting? |
This has been noticed in the fight there
for the presidency in which everything seems to be defined between the bad and
the worst of American society. Thus we have a billionaire Donald Trump like it
or not, it represents the average American populism and which despite its
bravado, has a broad spectrum within their country that supports it (
"RT.com." A true demagogue: Know the true secrets of Donald Trump to
win popular support " https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/194620-trump-demagogo-popularidad-retorica
But if anyone hates Trump for what it
represents and its remarkable magnetism that has shown a large part of the
American electorate, are the political elite both Democrats and Republicans,
who as Argentine political parties behave like secular sects where only allowed
to receive communion with its doctrine that that long ago, are unheeded.
Although subservient to the interests that
control the media and commune with policies that drive the reality we live
paint Donald Trump as a "madman or a fool" press the truth is that
the problem with Trump is neither one thing nor the another is just a guy who
says raw and hard that displease the White House and the neo-conservatives and
progressives alike assumptions bother your ears truths. For them a Trump is a
looming danger; is a "Chavez" within their own entrails -saving the
differences that formidable leader-that can ruin the game you have mounted and
as we have seen, there is nothing democratic, humane and respectful of the sovereign
rights of other peoples.
But remember, when Trump I send a message
to Obama and his cabinet saying that "we must end the invasions of foreign
countries, to bring a system they do not accept"; that clearer and
threatening it may be that message for a US political class that fat at the
expense of tips sectarian Lobbies which in turn, are linked by their interest
in funds in multinational, corporations and private companies that will the
pair of foreign military interventions. Fuck all that !!, rants Trump contorted
one that previously caused laughter among the adversaries, but now in the light
of the continuing failure of Barak Obama's policies have left serious faces and
concern. A guy like that could shoot down all the good deals that US political
and military elite were raised over the last 25 years.
That is why those who are trying to discredit
Trump as "Bush" of the moment, certainly no comparison. That if it
was a real stupid in the whole dimension of its meaning. Only he could become
president, and even only could be governor of a state by the name he carried
nothing less than the sanguinary George W. Bush, former CIA chief and Mason
exclusive Lodge "Skull and Bones" suspected of all types of
aberrations and ritual crimes. These comparisons resemble the dialectical trick
aimed at saving the political image of Washington, putting on the backs of guys
like George W. Bush, all the evils that the US has caused its foreign policies.
Did you forget to Richard Nixon in the sixties that was so cheered at first and
then the same ones who came to power they left aside for the case
"WaterGate" in the early seventies. Or do not forget the smiling
Jimmy Carter, a Democrat promising change from the grassroots, ended up being
ridiculed to the core by the hostage crisis with Iran.
Or if, should not stop forget these
episodes of American politics that many ideologues, academics and presidents
who are trained in universities as Parsons, Dartmounth, Columbia (where he
attended Barak Obama), Johns Hopkins among other more expensive in the United
States North America, trying to sell something to a worldwide audience as a
sort of "American Science" that makes only understandable to an
American and then to insert it in other places, direct intervention is
But in the case of Donald Trump, there is
academic excellence that both serves the photographic motif and empty adulation
of other governments, which like Argentina has undoubtedly already prepared in
their drawers, towels with the name "Donald" and towels with the name
"Hillary" with which to dry his back after having wet both its wet kisses.
It is money and only money that pays the best place to reach the Oval Office at
the White House and of course, the best political contacts that each candidate
receives. Trump undoubtedly fills the first requirement without pettiness
though, has not fallen into favor in some circles of the powerful American
Jewish Lobbies who do not see their plans ideal.
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Hillarys libyan mercenaries |
But we have the other side; there is a New
York lawyer and former first lady Hillary Clinton as a former official who
undoubtedly has demonstrated its tenebrous intelligence in action. Although the
media propaganda has popularized by the media as the Democrats are soft on
American politics, those who care about human rights and ensure that wherever
there are outrages against the life of the people, there would be the Democratic
disinterested, it has been shown that it is as false as the innocence of the
aspirant to the White House.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton is as or more harmful
than the fool Trump, which is beside that, a simple and fool a novice in the
art of playing dirty. Despite trailing for several years the suspicion of
ordering the killing of a potential witness who had negotiated her husband Bill
in the governorate of Arkansas that were linked to very dirty business. It has
been a continuous fawning state of Israel and the Zionist movement, pulling his
supporters juicy financial support for his election campaign. As often say that,
just wait for the time to see what lies
beneath the surface. And that's what you can see Hillary, who after occupying
the Secretary of State for designation of its peer Obama between 2009-2013,
left an extensive criminal record that if the justice acts should be lowered
candidacy with his hands cuffed .
No doubt that his mask fell after its foray
into the issue of Libya in which black issues on contacts with elements of the
CIA which in turn organized groups of "Al Qaeda" against the Libyan
authorities and the murder of US ambassador Benghazi in 2012 that have been
linked to the black ops that she was aware.
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Whay Happen to me? |
After messages from your email that
showed these dirty implications dotting the same government of Barak Obama have
been intercepted, Mrs. senator from the state of New York has been dodging good
luck, obstacles to the administration of justice that, in view of the serious
charges hanging over her ( "Red Voltaire.org." who protects Hillary
Clinton? " http://www.voltairenet.org/article192237.html
) long should be behind bars.
Just to illustrate the seriousness of the
charges hanging over Mrs. Senator, we name just a few as obstruction of justice
in violation of Section 1410 and the obstruction to the development of criminal
investigations which violates Section 1511, which clearly are operated by the
improper exercise of pressures and political influences in the darkest circles
of American power. Other charges such as negligence with classified information
and documents that violate Section 1924 and after having declared falsely
Perjury before a federal judge having fulfilled obligations had not actually
met, which violates Section 798 of the US Code.
Many in the US are suspecting that Hillary
are giving a very good hand to avoid the long arm of the law but there are
several honest politicians and civil organizations that oversee the
transparency of government acts behind to that friends covered in the darkness
of power, impunity not get a white-collar criminal.
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