sábado, 23 de mayo de 2020

The State of Israel does not stop the territorial usurpations and the flagrant violations of human rights against the Palestinian population, Until when?

By Charles H. Slim and Yossi Tevi

Map 1946
The media magnification of the Pandemic has served Israel's plans to accelerate its annexations of Palestinian territories and use them to build new Jewish colonies very well. This will lead to further usurpations of Palestinian property, military repression and the permission to act of extremist settlers, arbitrary imprisonment and forced displacement of their true owners into exile. In short a new humanitarian calamity of which the Western media would say nothing.

Last February, the government of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) led by Mahmmoud Abbas had decided to terminate the peace agreements with Israel, especially with regard to security cooperation. For some this is very doubtful since the underground implications of intelligence agencies such as the CIA and Mossad within the precarious Palestinian security structure, leave no room for the PNA to foresee, much less control acts of violence that will be conveniently blamed on "Hamas" or some other Arab-Islamic entity.

For now, the announcement is not a small one and it has a broad basis based on the bloody reality that the Palestinians live and on the political positions of the supposed intermediary in the conflict, the United States.

Since the end of 2017 Donald Trump arbitrarily and illegally authorized the far-right government of Tel Aviv to constitute Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel, Netanyahu and the Zionist elite have not stopped moving forward, hiding after "administrative measures" and under the mediatic silence, its brutal appropriations using, among other resources, bands of imported Jewish settlers from around the globe.

Added to this, the implementation of a “final solution for the Palestinians” through the so-called “Agreement of the century”, a libel devised by his adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner that is nothing more than a great scam that would only benefit the Israeli interests have left no other option than to resist Israel's attempt, along with the explicit support of the United States, to annex a large part of the occupied territories (especially those with tourist value such as the Jordan Valley).

According to the proposal, the US guarantees a Palestinian State without specifying what its dimensions would be and leaving Jerusalem aside. That "vision" would be embodied in an illustrative map that clearly does not represent the expectations of the Palestinians. To tempt the impoverished Palestinian people who, in addition to having to deal with the occupation, must tolerate rampant corruption within the PNA, the US plan foresees the payment of some 50,000 million dollars in investments within a period of 10 years (not guaranteed) That is to say to pay in installments and to account drops, to be presumed destined for Gaza and the West Bank. Without a doubt, accepting such a proposal would consecrate the scam of the century.

In this way, the partiality of the supposed intermediary –USA– is exposed, once again demonstrating to silence the aberrations that Palestinians experience in frank violation of the most elementary principles of international humanitarian law.

It has been so since then, the repression, the raids, usurpations and desecrations against the holy places of Islam in Jerusalem, the destruction and falsification of cultural features, the arrests (including women and children) without a warrant and the murders committed by Israeli military and settlers (Settlers)[1] against Palestinian settlers who remain in impunity, are a statistical statistic written in blood that Tel Aviv - with the complacency of the media - tries to hide under the carpet of history.

But in Israeli society, it matters little what happens to the Palestinians. In large part, under the protection of the state, they live in the opulence of the businesses that have managed to weave both in the region and with communities on other continents, especially with the United States. But beyond how many Israeli citizens achieve their fortunes, the land to settle down and develop a family life, it is a matter that unites them inextricably with the colonial policies of their state that was born in the shadow of intrigue, war and death.

And that seems to be the logic with which Israel tries to secure the living space for its children. Destroying the old olive groves, bulldozing the Palestinian schools and villages is the way to achieve this by not distancing yourself at all in the Lebensraum argued by Adolf Hitler when he invaded his neighbors during World War II[2]. Disguising this reality or even hiding it does not mean that the problem does not exist. This colonial violence only shows the impotence in which the Israeli Zionist leadership finds itself, which has not managed to impose itself categorically in the region (after the defeat in 2006), much less managed to end the occupation.

Trump, Kushner and Netanyahu
It is also a frustration for the Zionist and pro-Zionist intellectualism that nests in Europe and Latin America who, despite the great influence they hold, have failed to colonize public opinion.

All this at the same time is a situation that embarrasses a part of Judaism that does not want to know anything with what is done in its name and even less, of a state with a schizophrenic society with the same miseries and vices that are seen in the West. This is why many fervent and very discontented Zionists ask themselves: Where has strong and vigorous Israel gone? Other Jews who detest Zionism denounce their crimes as an ethnic cleansing that has been going on since 1948[3] and that is why Zionists (Jews and non-Jews) dare to call them “bad Jews”.

Equally beyond these divergences, the state does not cease in its attempts to colonize all of Palestine. Taking advantage of their wide availability of economic resources (acquired in part from their business in the development, promotion, sale of arms and security services) and the admirable scientific and technical development (which they experiment with the Palestinians), they only take what they want and It does not matter if they must steal and kill their neighbors.

For decades this was hidden from mass knowledge thanks in part to the constant manipulation they have exerted around the Holocaust, making victimhood a recurring use political asset. In addition to this, there is a conviction in their procedures that they are "chosen" and are there for unquestionable legitimacy and killing those who oppose them has no consequences.

The past elections in Israel have shown that there is only one idea and that is to take over the Palestinian territories at any cost. And although Israel has tried to engulf the Palestinian population by pretending to integrate it as "second-class citizens" by exploiting the needs that Tel Aviv creates with its segregationist policies, its attempts have failed. The advancement of the boast and the flourishing economy they live in today is mobilized - in part - by the exploitation (rare aspect for those who boast of socialists) of the Palestinian labor force that includes minors, who they are employed for agricultural work in the colonies with low wages.

Palestinian child arrested by FDI
These arbitrariness that violate international conventions and treaties that protect the rights of the child and that have been denounced by entities such as the NGO "Human Rigths Watch" seem to be out of sight of the so-called “international community”, demonstrating that undue and crouching influence that Zionism exercises.

But these elections have also served to reveal that recalcitrant political or rather ideological uniformity, which, disguised behind alleged struggles between left and right, seek the same objectives.
It is a segregationist state that behind the democratic and pro-western mask hides that messianic theologism of religious nationalism like the one that the Zionist propagandists and their “goy” partners in the pay of the Anglo-Saxon media, for decades have spread without scrutiny and scruple against the Islamic states and the entire UMMA.

But his intrigues against the Arab-Islamic world, is not something that surprises today. The current situation in the region and especially in Syria leaves signs of that vocation. Still less is his blatant racism against the Palestinian population, exposed by several of his prominent rabbis and by poisonous school curricula that incite hatred and discrimination. His racism affects his own community, when his actions and black backgrounds reveal a customary hidden covertness like that of the assassin in satin gloves.

Behind that accustomed victimhood that the state and its para-state organizations around the world are responsible for keeping alive, they try to condition those who criticize their brutalities and criminalities, hiding their grim intentions so as not to be exposed. Palestinians are not the only ones to suffer at the hands of the racist oppression of this ideological faction called "Zionism". There are in this supposed monolithic community, several preconceptions and detestable discriminations that the media and their intellectuals can no longer hide. And if not, why does an Ashkenazi Jew think he is superior to Sephardic Jews or Ethiopians or those of Arab origin like the Yemenis?

If there is racism within your own community, what can you expect of Palestinians whom they misleadingly call "Israeli Arabs"? The answer to this question is in view of 72 years of occupation and arbitrariness that have tried to hide themselves using their growing influence that is based on money and not on prestige. What prestige can there be behind death, zacchaeus and violation of human rights? Except that they don't regard Palestinian Arabs as human.

Under the media parody of a supposed political option between Netanyahu and the opposition led by General Benny Gantz, the state of Israel tries to manipulate public opinion by making believe that there are political dissents within Zionism, especially referring to the expansionist policy of the state, but that's just an appearance. Both the left and the more acid right are administering the idea of ​​colonizing all Arab territories without caring about what United Nations resolutions, international treaties and even the same history has been told about decolonization processes[4].

Obviously, these policies have the political support of the White House and, of course, the invaluable financial support of the US government and the main pro-Israeli Lobbies who are the political screen of "philanthropists"[5], Zionist bankers and investors on Wall Street. These are important actors in the contribution of the millionaire settlement construction contracts in territories stolen from the Palestinians. At the same time and for some time now, the EU has opposed these unilateral actions, causing the head of Foreign Relations Josep Borrell to declare that "they will not recognize Israel's sovereignty over those territories.[6]"

Added to this, the requests that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been promoting to process various cases of crimes against Palestinian citizens committed by the State of Israel, in addition to annoying the Tel Aviv government and Zionist circles around the world, have demonstrated that there is no longer a place for concealment, cover-up and international impunity. This has also served to check how far Washington can go and in particular the State Department to try to maintain Israel's impunity[7]

But despite this continued and formidable support from Washington to the support of the state of Israel, every day that passes, motivated by colonial anxiety, its own existence returns, a true fight against a growing clamor for the search for justice for thousands of crimes. against humanity committed against Palestinian inhabitants who for years have been deliberately made invisible. 

[1] It means Colonial Colonialism, one of the most sinister ways of colonizing by replacing the natives. Cambridge.org. Colonialism of colonists. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/victorian-literature-and-culture/article/settler-colonialism/3BDA9AA967E171B915F4C96FA04077B7/core-reader    
[2] It was one of the foundations by which the Third Reich ordered the invasion and annexation of neighboring countries, claiming that they were part of a "vital space" for the development of their people.
[3] Federacionpalestina.Cl. “Testimonio de una activista: Con lo que me enseñaron mis padres judíos, hoy apoyo al pueblo palestino”, Mayo 19, 2020, http://www.federacionpalestina.cl/testimonio-de-una-activista-con-lo-que-me-ensenaron-mis-padres-judios-hoy-apoyo-al-pueblo-palestino/?fbclid=IwAR1bREVdPcx0F4w_2_xaKuqzOKyYaxD5UdlPtPKx2lK0oM8mz_zNr4O79Wo
[4] Resolution 1654 (XVI) The situation regarding the application of the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples ”: https://undocs.org/es/A/Res/1654(XVI)
[5] Among these are several companies and businesses that make contributions to the construction of these illegal settlements. An example is the Duty Free chain owned by the Falic family who adhere to Jewish ultra-nationalism responsible for crimes and usurpations against the Palestinians.
[6] APNEWS.com. "EU warns Israel about annexation of the West Bank"
[7] VOANEWS.Com, “Pompeo Warns ICC Against Asserting Authority Over Israel”

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