jueves, 16 de mayo de 2024



If the situation in Ukraine were a war movie there is no doubt that we would already be watching its epilogue, so how much time does the Zelensky regime have left?


By Sidney Hey 

Perhaps the comparison is not so exaggerated if we look at it from a cinematic point of view. What is happening on the north-central front in Ukraine is worthy of a remake of the 1977 film ‘Cross of Iron’ directed by the talented director Sam Peckinpah who (beyond his drunken delusions) would never have imagined that the scenarios where he recreated the Russian front during World War II would become a reality almost 50 years later, but this time, the ones fleeing in disarray would be the Ukrainians and their Anglo-American partners.

I am not exaggerating. The facts speak for themselves about what is happening just a few kilometres from Kharkov and further down near Sumy. So bad are things for the Ukrainians there that they could well be likened to the Nazi retreat from the Taman peninsula. The front is crumbling at an accelerating pace, and after the latest Russian advances, the prospect of a total collapse is confirmed with each passing day. That is why the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, General Kirilo Budanov, has confirmed the seriousness of the situation from a bunker, speaking of a possible collapse of the entire front

This situation in which the CIA, its British MI6 colleagues and their German, Lithuanian, Swedish and who knows how many other agencies are involved is not ignored by the White House and certainly not in Brussels where reliable sources say that nerves are getting on the nerves of top officials throughout the bureau, especially in intelligence.

Ukrainian forces are losing ground fast and lack the resources to turn the situation around. As the saying goes, ‘they are between a rock and a hard place’ and to make matters worse they are commanded by a corrupt lunatic who, like “Captain Stransky” in the Peckinpah film, thinks only of his own glory.

The material variables that have led to this situation are mainly two: lack of trained men and depletion of ammunition supplies, especially artillery. To add another factor we must mention the delay in the arrival of Western military aid, which on several occasions has been destroyed before being landed.

Volodymyr Zelensky from a warm and well-protected bunker in Kiev may shout from a telephone that no one should move from their positions (trying to emulate Stalin) but at this point will anyone listen to him? Perhaps the question should be: did anyone actually listen to him? It is at these moments that the puppets must guard against being eliminated by their Atlanticist employers and Zelensky will be no exception to the rule.

But there are also other variables that have played a role in getting us this far, and they are political. If anyone is responsible for what has happened and how Ukraine will be left, it is Zelensky himself who, knowing the risks of being swayed by Washington's siren songs, gladly decided to play his dirty games against the Russian Federation. If he thought that Moscow would remain unmoved by the offensive on the Donbas already planned for March 2022, it is clear that he was wrong.

As in the film ‘Cross of Iron’ Zelensky, playing the role of the smug and arrogant Captain Stransky, believes that support will come to stem the tide of the Russian counteroffensive. He believes that NATO will jump into the ring to save him and his neo-Nazi regime because he is convinced that Washington and London need them to realise their geostrategic plans. Moreover, to perpetuate himself he has suspended elections and since last year has been purging officials suspected of being traitors.

But the Ukrainian leader does not seem to be considering another option, one that would save the Atlanticists from a possible humiliation but would make him expendable, and that is, before he falls, to throw in the towel. And if not, let's see how the media in the West has already left him aside.

It is quite certain that the CIA and its British colleagues are setting the stage to remove Zelensky from the scene at any moment and the means to do so are several, including his physical elimination, probably by orchestrating a false flag attack to accuse Russia. It seems that on 4 May last there was a well-planned attempt -instigated by Atlanticist agencies- that was thwarted by the SBU (https://infobrics.org/post/41143 ).

It is not only the delicate situation on the front that would push for Zelenky's dismissal. There is a factual issue behind the war and that has to do with the business of corporations and investment funds that would already be interested in accelerating the fulfilment of Kiev's obligations.

This is not only a possibility arising from the analysis of developments on the ground but also from the disclosure of a series of classified documents leaked by National Guard agent Jack Texiera, including letters and conversations during 2023 between a representative of the Pentagon, the Department of Defence and Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland proposing Zelensky's replacement.




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