domingo, 30 de junio de 2024


What could be the real implications behind the military attempt against the government of Luis Arce?

By Danny Smith

The surprising and disorganized military movement in Bolivia on June 26th, beyond the press gazettes and the versions that would be installed after the arrest of the rebels, nothing was clear and there are many suspicions that both the government of Luis Arce and the rebels of General Juan Jose Zuñiga have been deceived.

As we always say, let us step back a little and look at the context to understand who from the outside could have taken advantage of the internal vicissitudes that the country has been going through. The Bolivian political elite, both on the right and on the left, are deeply divided, a regional and even global phenomenon that we also see in Argentina, making it impossible to reach a reasonable consensus. With this in consideration and taking into account the contemporary political background in La Paz, who from the outside would have an interest in weakening the chances of a return of MAS to power under the leadership of Evo Morales?

It would be a very easy answer to say that the Bolivian elite, always in tune with the US State Department, would be very interested in this, not because it is not so, but because it is simply a truism. The crux of the matter is to unveil who are the others interested in the destabilization of this region and could take advantage of the occasion to carry out their own operation.

There is a well-known aversion of some external actors to the relations that Bolivia has been deepening during the last decade. Without further ado, those sectors are the pro-Israelis who under the cover of the embassies in the region (especially in Buenos Aires) have been in charge for years of sowing false news and suspicions about La Paz's relations with Teheran, a topic much played by the Zionists in Buenos Aires to attack in particular former President Morales.

Once again, no one should be fooled that by not seeing these moves in the media, they do not happen. Washington always looks to the region.

That is why while the US will always treat the region as its backyard, it will let its little partner Israel play when it sees fit and that is an undeniable reality. And as for the military relations between the Bolivian and Iranian Armed Forces, there is no doubt that it is more than convenient and of special interest for Tel Aviv to sow discord.

During the administration of Evo Morales, when Israel carried out several massacres against the population of Gaza, both from Caracas and La Paz were hard and direct in condemning Tel Aviv and even taking strong diplomatic measures such as the expulsion of Israeli diplomats from Bolivia and even breaking relations in 2009 and 2023.

As expected, the Zionists of the region and in agreement with the embassies, especially the one in Buenos Aires, did not take long to crow about the alleged anti-Semitism of Morales, Chávez and then Maduro, a meaningless argument to use against indigenist leaders. As this argument was not enough to discredit them, the Argentinean media and journalists (and I mean those from the capital), by means of their usual meta-narratives, began to sow doubts, feed fears and suspicions about the fruitful relations that were being woven between these countries and the Islamic Republic of Iran.  As can be seen, the Islamophobia of these sectors -clearly racist- is something that the media refrains from showing.

Let us remember that the Argentine Zionists, under the insistent and never proven argument (despite the judicial drawing of the argentine Criminal Cassation) that Iran had something to do with the bombings in Buenos Aires, are trying to build a political power base to influence the political decisions of the Argentine state, just as their AIPAC partners in Washington do.

Today, with an openly Zionist government in Buenos Aires, the doors are wide open for these sectors to prosper and with them, their plans.

With this situation in the region, the options multiply and it is there where these sectors that respond to the interests of Israel, very interested for a long time in achieving penetration in the institutionality of the region not only for its own benefit but also to displace its geopolitical enemies such as Iran. Regarding the latter, the danger involved in these plans deepens with the one denounced by the leader of “Hesbollah” Hassan Nasrallah, referring to the close and secret cooperation of Saudi Arabia and Qatar with Tel Aviv.

The Bolivian armed forces would not be the first to be manipulated in order to achieve objectives outside their country. The revealed opposition of Zuñiga and other generals to the candidacy of Evo Morales for a new term of government is a fissure within the military structure that U.S. intelligence agencies and their Israeli colleagues could have been working on for months, taking advantage of the economic crisis the country is going through.

In conclusion, and beyond what the conventional media in Bolivia and their Rio de la Plata colleagues report, this attempt could not be the only one and could even be the tip of a long line of possible moves as part of a strategy planned and dictated from the North with the close Israeli cooperation.


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